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Mapping human somatosensory cortex with positron emission tomography   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Positron emission tomography measurements of regional cerebral blood flow were used to detect focal neuronal activation in the first somatosensory cortex (SI) of humans induced by cutaneous vibratory stimulation. Intravenously administered water labeled with oxygen-15 (H2(15)O) was used as a blood flow tracer to obtain five stimulated-state and two resting-state blood flow images in each of eight normal volunteers. Three cutaneous surfaces were tested: lips, fingers, and toes. Intense, highly focal SI responses were seen during all 39 stimulated-state trials. The SI responses from the three stimulation sites were anatomically distinct and formed a medial-to-lateral homonculus in every subject. Response magnitudes (increase in local blood flow) and response locales (expressed as proportionately measured bicommissural stereotaxic coordinates) were highly consistent among subjects and on repeated trials for each subject. These findings suggest that eliciting cerebral blood flow responses by cutaneous vibration provides a safe, rapid, and reproducible tool for locating and assessing the functional status of somatosensory cortex, and offers potential clinical and research utility. This study has established normative values for future applications of this experimental paradigm.  相似文献   

Somatosensory representations occupy parietal postcentral gyral (S1) and lateral sulcal-opercular cortex (S2). To address the issue of possible multiple activation foci in these regions and possible differences due to stimulating skin directly or through an imposed tool, we studied changes in cerebral blood flow with positron emission tomography during passive tactile stimulation of one or two fingertips. Restrained fingers were rubbed with embossed gratings using a rotating drum stimulator in 11 subjects. For different scans, gratings touched the skin directly for optimal stimulation of cutaneous receptors (called skin mode stimulation) or indirectly through an imposed guitar plectrum snugly fitted to the same fingers (called tool mode stimulation). The latter was expected to stimulate deep receptors better. Subjects estimated roughness after each scan. Direct skin contact activated statistically validated foci in both hemispheres. On the contralateral side these foci occurred in the anterior and posterior limbs of the postcentral gyrus and on the ipsilateral side only in the posterior limb. Tool mode stimulation activated one contralateral focus that was in the posterior limb of the postcentral gyrus. These results suggest at least two maps for distal fingertips in S1 with the anterior and posterior foci corresponding, respectively, to activations in area 3b and the junction between areas 1 and 2. In contralateral S2, skin mode stimulation activated a peak that was anterior and medial to a focus associated with tool mode stimulation. The magnitude of PET counts contralateral to stimulation was greater in the anterior S1 and the S2 regions during initial scans but reversed to more activation in the posterior S1 during later scans. These short- term practice effects suggest changes in neural activity with stimulus novelty.   相似文献   

OBJECT: Accurate identification of eloquent cortex is important to ensure that resective surgery in the region surrounding the central sulcus is performed with minimum risk of permanent neurological deficit. Functional localization has traditionally been accomplished using intraoperative cortical stimulation (ICS). However, this technique suffers from several disadvantages that make the development and validation of noninvasive methods desirable. Functional localization accomplished by activation studies in which positron emission tomography (PET) scanning and the tracer [15O]H2O have been used has been shown to correlate well with the results of ICS. Another noninvasive method for functional localization is functional magnetic resonance (fMR) imaging. We compared the locations of activation peaks obtained in individual patients using fMR and [15O]H2O PET imaging. METHODS: Twenty-six combined PET activation-fMR imaging studies were performed in 11 patients who were admitted for evaluation before undergoing surgery in the region surrounding the central sulcus. The PET scans were obtained using bolus injections of the cerebral blood flow tracer [15O]H2O (10 mCi). Multislice T2*-weighted gradient-echo echoplanar images were acquired using a 1.5-tesla MR imaging system. Activation maps were aligned with anatomical MR images and transformed into stereotactic space, after which the locations of activation peaks obtained using both modalities were compared. The average distance between activation peaks obtained using fMR imaging and those obtained using PET imaging was 7.9+/-4.8 mm (p>0.05), with 96% of the peaks being located on either the same or adjacent sulci and gyri. Overlapping of voxels activated by each modality occurred in 92% of the studies. Functional MR imaging failed to activate the primary sensorimotor cortex in one study and produced results that were ambiguous in the clinical setting in three cases. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, fMR imaging produced activation that correlated well with that obtained using PET scanning. Discrepancies between the sites of activation identified using these two techniques may reflect differences in their physiological bases.  相似文献   

We report the first instance of the use of 3-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging anatomically correlated to positron emission tomography (PET) scanning to identify language areas in a patient with an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) in the posterior speech region. The patient was a 24-year-old right-handed woman with an angiographically proven AVM (3-4 cm) in the left mid-posterior second temporal convolution in whom a left intracarotid injection of sodium Amytal produced significant language disruption. A baseline PET cerebral blood flow study identified the AVM, and an activation PET scan performed during the reading and speaking of simple words showed increased activity in the left parastriate cortex (the second visual area), in the left posterior third frontal convolution (Broca's area), and in the left inferior and midtemporal gyri (Wernicke's area). Increased activity was also noted in the right and left transverse temporal (Heschl's) gyri, in the left precentral gyrus, in the left medial superior frontal gyrus (the supplementary motor area), and in the right cerebellum. We conclude that activation PET scanning is useful in the preoperative assessment of patients who harbor cerebral AVMs in classically described speech regions.  相似文献   

OBJECT: To investigate the utility of [15O]H2O positron emission tomography (PET) activation studies in the presurgical mapping of primary somatosensory cortex, the authors compared the magnitude and location of activation foci obtained using PET scanning with the results of intraoperative cortical stimulation (ICS). METHODS: The authors used PET scanning and vibrotactile stimulation (of the face, hand, or foot) to localize the primary somatosensory cortex before surgical resection of mass lesions or epileptogenic foci affecting the central area in 20 patients. With the aid of image-guided surgical systems, the locations of significant activation foci on PET scanning were compared with those of positive ICS performed at craniotomy after the patient had received a local anesthetic agent. In addition, the relationship between the magnitude and statistical significance of blood flow changes and the presence of positive ICS was examined. In 22 (95.6%) of 23 statistically significant (p < 0.05) PET activation foci, spatially concordant sites on ICS were also observed. Intraoperative cortical stimulation was positive in 40% of the PET activation studies that did not result in statistically significant activation. In the patients showing these results, there was a clearly identifiable t-statistic peak that was spatially concordant with the site of positive ICS in the sensorimotor area. All PET activation foci with a t statistic greater than 4.75 were associated with spatially concordant sites of positive ICS. All PET activation foci with a t statistic less than 3.2 were associated with negative ICS. CONCLUSIONS: Positron emission tomography is an accurate method for mapping the primary somatosensory cortex before surgery. The need for ICS, which requires local anesthesia, may be eliminated when PET foci with high (> 4.75) or low (< 3.20) t-statistic peaks are elicited by vibrotactile stimulation.  相似文献   

OBJECT: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the sensory thalamus has been used to treat chronic, intractable pain. The goal of this study was to investigate the thalamocortical pathways activated during thalamic DBS. METHODS: The authors compared positron emission tomography (PET) images obtained before, during, and after DBS in five patients with chronic pain. Two of the five patients reported significant DBS-induced pain relief during PET scanning, and the remaining three patients did not report any analgesic effect of DBS during scanning. The most robust effect associated with DBS was activation of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). An anterior ACC activation was sustained throughout the 40 minutes of DBS, whereas a more posteriorly located ACC activation occurred at a delay after onset of DBS, although these activations were not dependent on the degree of pain relief reported during DBS. However, implications specific to the analgesic effect of DBS require further study of a larger, more homogeneous patient population. Additional effects of thalamic DBS were detected in motor-related regions (the globus pallidus, cortical area 4, and the cerebellum) and visual and association cortical areas. CONCLUSIONS: The authors demonstrate that the ACC is activated during thalamic DBS in patients with chronic pain.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous imaging studies have demonstrated a number of cortical and subcortical brain structures to be activated during noxious stimulation and infusion of narcotic analgesics. This study used O-water and positron emission tomography to investigate dose-dependent effects of the short-acting mu-selective opioid agonist remifentanil on regional cerebral blood flow during experimentally induced painful heat stimulation in healthy male volunteers. METHODS: Positron emission tomography measurements were performed with injection of 7 mCi O-water during nonpainful heat and painful heat stimulation of the volar forearm. Three experimental conditions were used during both sensory stimuli: saline, 0.05 microg x kg x min remifentanil, and 0.15 microg x kg x min remifentanil. Cardiovascular and respiratory parameters were monitored noninvasively. Across the three conditions, dose-dependent effects of remifentanil on regional cerebral blood flow were analyzed on a pixel-wise basis using a statistical parametric mapping approach. RESULTS: During saline infusion, regional cerebral blood flow increased in response to noxious thermal stimulation in a number of brain regions as previously reported. There was a reduction in pain-related activations with increasing doses of remifentanil in the thalamus, insula, and anterior and posterior cingulate cortex. Increasing activation occurred in the cingulofrontal cortex (including the perigenual anterior cingulate cortex) and the periaqueductal gray. CONCLUSIONS: Remifentanil induced regional cerebral blood flow increases in the cingulofrontal cortex and periaqueductal gray during pain stimulation, indicating that mu-opioidergic activation modulates activity in pain inhibitory circuitries. This provides direct evidence that opioidergic analgesia is mediated by activation of established descending antinociceptive pathways.  相似文献   



To provide insight into the use and staging information on lymph-node involvement added by fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) in patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC), based on a nationwide population-based cohort study.

Patients and methods

We analysed a nationwide cohort of patients with MIBC without signs of distant metastases, newly diagnosed in the Netherlands between November 2017 and October 2019. From this cohort, we selected patients who underwent pre-treatment staging with CT only or CT and FDG-PET/CT. The distribution of patients, disease characteristics, imaging findings, nodal status (clinical nodal stage cN0 vs cN+) and treatment were described for each imaging modality group (CT only vs CT and FDG-PET/CT).


We identified 2731 patients with MIBC: 1888 (69.1%) underwent CT only; 606 (22.2%) underwent CT and FDG-PET/CT, 237 (8.6%) underwent no CT. Of the patients who underwent CT only, 200/1888 (10.6%) were staged as cN+, vs 217/606 (35.8%) who underwent CT and FDG-PET/CT. Stratified analysis showed that this difference was found in patients with clinical tumour stage (cT)2 as well as cT3/4 MIBC. Of patients who underwent both imaging modalities and were staged with CT as cN0, 109/498 (21.9%) were upstaged to cN+ based on FDG-PET/CT. Radical cystectomy (RC) was the most common treatment within both imaging groups. Preoperative chemotherapy was more frequently applied in cN+ disease and in FDG-PET/CT-staged patients. Concordance of pathological N stage after upfront RC was higher among patients staged as cN+ with CT and FDG-PET/CT (50.0% pN+) than those staged as cN+ with only CT (39.3%).


Patients with MIBC who underwent pre-treatment staging with FDG-PET/CT were more often staged as lymph node positive, regardless of cT stage. In patients with MIBC who underwent CT and FDG-PET/CT, FDG-PET/CT led to clinical nodal upstaging in approximately one-fifth. Additional imaging findings may influence subsequent treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Increased sodium intake and enhanced sodium sensitivity are implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertension and in the control of a major regulator of BP, the type 1 angiotensin receptor (AT(1) receptor). An in vivo technique to study changes of renal AT(1) receptors by dietary sodium was developed that uses positron emission tomography (PET). PET revealed that renal cortical AT(1) receptor binding was increased in sodium-loaded compared with sodium-deprived dogs, which correlated with ex vivo estimations of AT(1) receptor numbers. Plasma renin activity, angiotensin II, and aldosterone were inversely related to changes in AT(1) receptor binding. These results demonstrate, for the first time in vivo, that the renal AT(1) receptor is inversely related to the activity of the renin angiotensin system, which may provide a compensatory mechanism to prevent inappropriate fluctuations in arterial BP. The ability to measure AT(1) receptor binding in vivo has potential significance for clinical studies of AT(1) receptors, because PET is a noninvasive imaging technique that is readily applicable in humans.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Animal studies have demonstrated a strong neuroprotective property of xenon. Its usefulness in patients with cerebral pathology could be compromised by deleterious effects on regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). METHODS: 15O-labeled water was used to determine rCBF in nine healthy male subjects at baseline and during 1 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of xenon (63%). Anesthesia was based solely on xenon. Absolute changes in rCBF were quantified using region-of-interest analysis and voxel-based analysis. RESULTS: Mean arterial blood pressure and arterial partial pressure for carbon dioxide remained unchanged. The mean (+/-SD) xenon concentration during anesthesia was 65.2+/-2.3%. Xenon anesthesia decreased absolute rCBF by 34.7+/-9.8% in the cerebellum (P<0.001), by 22.8+/-10.4% in the thalamus (P=0.001), and by 16.2+/-6.2% in the parietal cortex (P<0.001). On average, xenon anesthesia decreased absolute rCBF by 11.2+/-8.6% in the gray matter (P=0.008). A 22.1+/-13.6% increase in rCBF was detected in the white matter (P=0.001). Whole-brain voxel-based analysis revealed widespread cortical reductions and increases in rCBF in the precentral and postcentral gyri. CONCLUSIONS: One MAC of xenon decreased rCBF in several areas studied. The greatest decreases were detected in the cerebellum, the thalamus and the cortical areas. Increases in rCBF were observed in the white matter and in the pre- and postcentral gyri. These results are in clear contradiction with ketamine, another N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist and neuroprotectant, which induces a general increase in cerebral blood flow at anesthetic concentrations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Reduced beta adrenergic receptor density in tumours has been reported in previous in vitro studies. The aim of the present study was to assess whether this occurs in vivo. METHODS: Pulmonary beta adrenoceptors were imaged and quantified in vivo using positron emission tomography (PET) and the beta antagonist radioligand (S)-[11C]CGP-12177 in five men with lung tumours of mean age 58 years (range 42-68). The histology of the tumours was squamous cell carcinoma in two cases, adenocarcinoma in one, carcinoid tumour in one, and large cell carcinoma in one. The regional blood volume and extravascular tissue density were also measured using PET. Regions of interest were drawn for both non-tumour and tumour lung tissue. RESULTS: The mean (SD) blood volume was 0.142 (0.025) ml/ml in tumour regions and 0.108 (0.010) ml/ml in normal lung regions--a difference of 31%. Mean (SD) extravascular tissue density was 0.653 (0.133) g/ml in tumour regions, substantially higher than in normal lung regions (0.157 (0.021) g/ml). On the contrary, beta receptor density was 5.1 (1.8) pmol/g in tumour regions, lower than the value of 9.9 (1.6) pmol/g found in adjacent normal lung--a difference of 48%. CONCLUSIONS: In vivo beta adrenoceptor density is reduced in human lung tumours.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Penile erection is dependent on commands from the central nervous system. Although basic studies of animals and neuroimaging studies of humans have been conducted to identify key brain regions associated with sexual arousal, to our knowledge no reliable studies of the first excitation phase of sexual arousal leading to penile erection have been reported. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used H(2)(15)O-positron emission tomography to analyze regional cerebral blood flow just before penile erection in heterosexual volunteers. The subjects viewed 3 different types of audiovisual materials-sexually explicit clips, nonsexual neutral clips and dynamic mosaic image control clips-presented in random order, and penile rigidity was monitored in real time with a RigiScan(R) Plus device. Positron emission tomography scanning was initiated simultaneously when each clip was started, and images obtained when the subjects showed appropriate penile response were analyzed and compared. RESULTS: The advanced audiovisual cortices and cerebellar vermis in the right hemisphere were activated for sexually explicit-dynamic mosaic image control clip contrast, and only the right middle frontal gyrus was activated for sexually explicit- nonsexual neutral clip contrast. Several primary visual and audio regions were activated for dynamic mosaic image control-sexually explicit clip contrast and nonsexual neutral-sexually explicit clip contrast. CONCLUSIONS: We speculate that advanced audiovisual activity with imagination, not primary visual and audio activity, occurs when men experience sexual arousal inducing penile erection. Furthermore, the cerebellar vermis may be a key region for induction of penile erection in humans.  相似文献   

Positron emission tomography (PET) has come to play an increasingly important role in the evaluation of pulmonary lesions, which are suspicious of malignancy. As is true for other techniques, PET gives false positive and negative results. We report a case of pulmonary amyloidosis with multiple pulmonary nodules showing different uptake of 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) on PET. There are limitations of specificity of FDG-PET in characterising pulmonary nodules and it is important to confirm a suspected malignancy with histology before potentially curative treatment is undertaken.  相似文献   

A 14-year-old boy suffered from daily epileptic seizures originating from the left polymicrogyric occipital cortex. Visual activation positron emission tomography (PET) was used to map the function of the occipital cortex presurgically. Loss of visual function in the left occipital cortex was suggested by both visual activation PET and electrical cortical stimulation. Left occipital lobectomy resulted in a completely seizure-free status without deterioration in the visual function. Preoperative evaluation of the visual function in the epileptogenic occipital cortex by activation studies using PET or functional magnetic resonance imaging is the key to the successful surgical treatment of occipital lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

Functional imaging using single photon emission CT and positron emission tomography have made important contributions to the evaluation of patients with medically intractable epilepsy and cortical dysplasia by identifying patients who previously were not considered surgical candidates. This article reviews the role of functional imaging in the presurgical evaluation of this patient population.  相似文献   

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