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目的 通过比较直肠扩张后脑诱发电位(CEP)的改变,探讨肠易激综合征(IBS)患者内脏高敏感性的发生机制,旨在进一步获得IBS感觉传入通路异常的客观依据。方法 根据罗马Ⅱ标准选择女性IBS患者10例,其中腹泻型6例,便秘型2例,腹泻-便秘交替型2例,另设7例女性健康志愿者为对照组,对其进行直肠气囊扩张,首先测出每例受试者感觉阈值,用1.5倍该阈值空气体积作为刺激(频率1Hz,连续100次,休息10分钟,重复一次),启动并记录两组受试者CEP的变化。结果 直肠节律性机械扩张引出可识别、可复制的CEP。与健康对照者相比,IBS患者N_1,P_1,N_2潜伏期明显缩短(P<0.05),同时,峰间波幅有增大趋势,但无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 IBS患者经直肠扩张后产生的CEP的改变证实了其内脏高敏感性及内脏传入通路的异常。  相似文献   

腹部冷刺激对肠易激综合征患者内脏感觉阈值的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
目的 探讨腹部冷刺激对肠易激综合征(IBS)患者内脏褡珠影响。方法 通过脐部放置冰袋加直肠球囊内充气(时相性)和直肠球囊内注入冰水,观察46例IBS患者症状变化及直肠初始感觉阈值和排便阈值,并与13例健康人对照。结果 (1)脐部放置冰袋加直肠球囊内充气可诱发部分患者症状的产生,如腹痛、腹部不适等,但对初始感觉阈值和排便阈值无明显影响。(2)直肠球囊内注入冰水后,除便秘型IBS的排便阈值稍有所增加但差异不显著外,其余患者初始感觉阈值及排便阈值均明显低于对照组,以腹泻型变化最明显。结论 腹部冷刺激对IBS患者内脏感觉阈值无明显影响,而直肠内冷刺激可明显降低初始感觉阈值,说明IBS患者感觉过敏并非整体痛阈降低所致,而仅指内脏感觉过敏。  相似文献   

Background Visceral hypersensitivity has been shown to be present in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This study sought to investigate rectal sensitivity and abdominal symptoms in IBS patients before and after 220 ml cold water intake. Methods A total of 60 IBS patients and 18 healthy controls participated in this study. Both the perception thresholds and defecation thresholds to rectal balloon distension were measured. Then, all subjects were asked to drink 220 ml 37°C warm water or 4°C cold water, and these steps were repeated 20 min later. Symptoms including abdominal pain/discomfort, bloating, and diarrhea were recorded during the study. Results Compared with the controls, the thresholds of initial sensation to rectal balloon distention in IBS patients were significantly lower while the defecation thresholds were higher in constipation-predominant IBS patients. After drinking cold water, the perception thresholds in IBS patients and the defecation thresholds in diarrhea-predominant IBS patients were further decreased. However, warm water intake did not change the perception thresholds significantly in either IBS patients or controls. A negative linear correlation was found between the symptoms and the visceral perception thresholds in diarrhea-predominant IBS patients who showed significant symptoms after cold water intake. Conclusion The results indicated that cold water intake leads to lowered visceral perception thresholds in IBS patients that were inversely relevant to the abdominal symptoms in symptomatic diarrhea-predominant IBS patients. The alteration of rectal sensitivity and abdominal symptoms following cold water stimulation provided further objective evidence for visceral hypersensitivity in IBS patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Gut hypersensitivity has been shown to be present in irritable bowel syndrome. The current study sought to determine the involvement or hypersensitivity of the gut afferents, objectively, by recording cerebral evoked potential after rectal stimulation. METHODS: In 13 patients with irritable bowel syndrome and nine healthy controls, rectal perception thresholds to electrical stimulation were measured, and cerebral evoked potentials were recorded from 2 cm behind vertex (Cz') after rectal stimulation electrically (frequency 1 Hz, duration 0.5 ms) at an intensity 50% above perception threshold and with filter setting 1-250 Hz. RESULTS: Perception thresholds to rectal electrical stimuli in patients with irritable bowel syndrome were lower than controls (p < 0.05). Rectal stimulation led to recognizable and reproducible cerebral evoked potentials. P1, N1, P2 latencies in patients with irritable bowel syndrome were shorter than that in controls (p < 0.05). P1/N1 amplitude was greater in patients with irritable bowel syndrome than in controls (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The shorter latency and increased amplitude of cerebral evoked potential after rectal stimulation in patients with irritable bowel syndrome compared to controls provide objective evidence supporting visceral afferent hypersensitivity as the underlying mechanism in irritable bowel syndrome.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIM: Visceral hypersensitivity has been shown to be present in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The current study sought to compare the characteristics of visceral perception thresholds after rectal thermal and pressure stimuli between IBS patients and healthy subjects. METHODS: A total of 46 patients with IBS were diagnosed using Rome II criteria. Thirteen healthy individuals participated in the study. Rectal visceral perception thresholds were examined in patients with IBS and in normal controls after thermal and pressure stimuli. Subjects were asked to report the sensation type, location, and spread. RESULTS: Compared with healthy subjects, IBS patients demonstrated significantly initially lower perception thresholds and defecation thresholds to rectal thermal and pressure stimuli, particularly in patients with diarrhea-predominant IBS. Ice stimuli on the abdominal wall had varied effects on symptoms in patients with IBS and did not affect perception thresholds. CONCLUSIONS: Visceral perception thresholds were decreased significantly after rectal thermal and pressure stimuli in patients with IBS. Visceral hypersensitivity may be one of the important pathogenic mechanisms in IBS.  相似文献   

直肠内温度变化影响肠易激综合征患者内脏感觉阈值   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的 探讨直肠内温度及压力变化对肠易激综合征(IBS)患者内脏感觉阈值的影响,进一步研究IBS的发病机制。方法 通过直肠球囊内注入空气(压力刺激)、38℃温水、4℃冰水(温度刺激)及脐部放置冰袋加直肠球囊内充气,研究直肠温度和压力变化刺激对初始感觉阈值和排便阈值的影响。结果 (1)直肠球囊内注气后,IBS组患者的初始感觉阈值明显低于对照组,排便阈值差异不明显。IBS组中腹泻型与交替型患者的初始感觉阈值及排便阈值均明显降低;便秘型患者的初始感觉阈值稍低于对照组,排便阈值明显增高。(2)直肠球囊内注入4℃冰水后,除便秘型IBS的排便阈值稍有所增加外,其余患者初始感觉阈值及排便阈值均显著降低,以腹泻型变化最明显。(3)脐部放置冰袋可诱发部分患者产生症状,但对初始感觉阈值和排便阈值无明显影响。结论 直肠温度和压力刺激可明显降低IBS患者的初始感觉阈值和排便阈值,以腹泻型患者最显著。内脏对压力和温度的敏感性增高可能是IBS发病的重要机制之一。  相似文献   

Zou DW  Yang M  Li ZS  Xu GM  Xu XR  Tu ZX  Fang DC  Sun ZX 《中华内科杂志》2005,44(9):684-686
目的通过比较食管扩张刺激-脑诱发电位(OD-CEP)的改变,探讨非糜烂性胃食管反流病(NERD)患者食管内脏高敏感性的发生机制,旨在进一步获得NERD患者食管-中枢内脏感觉传导通路失调的客观依据。方法10例正常健康自愿者和21例NERD患者参与试验;采用Synectics内脏刺激器/电子气压泵和带有低顺应性气囊的导管给食管以时相性扩张刺激;利用食管气囊扩张术检测受试者食管最大耐受痛阈,用75%最大疼痛耐受容积作为诱发刺激的强度(刺激频率为12次/分,连续64次);采用OD-CEP系列技术记录并分析NERD患者和正常人CEP的变化。结果食管气囊扩张刺激能诱发出可识别、可重复的、多峰的CEP波形,以NP型为主。与正常对照者比较,NERD患者CEP波形变异性大,其N1、P1、N2波潜伏期明显缩短(P值分别为0·016,0·003,0·031),且NERD患者CEP的P1-N2峰间波幅明显增加(P=0·03)。结论NERD患者经食管时相性扩张后产生的特征性CEP改变证实其食管内脏高敏感性及食管-中枢内脏感觉传导通路的失调。  相似文献   

Background A reduced rectal perceptual threshold has been reported in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), but this phenomenon may be induced by a comorbid psychological state. We evaluated the rectal pain threshold at baseline and after conditioning (repetitive rectal painful distention: RRD) in patients with IBS or functional abdominal pain syndrome (FAPS), which is an abdominal pain disorder, and in healthy controls, and determined whether rectal hypersensitivity is a reliable marker for IBS. Methods The rectal sensory threshold was assessed by a barostat. First, a ramp distention of 40 ml/min was induced, and the threshold of pain and the maximum tolerable pressure (mmHg) were measured. Next, RRD (phasic distentions of 60-s duration separated by 30-s intervals) was given with a tracking method until the subjects had complained of pain six times. Finally, ramp distention was induced again, and the same parameters were measured. The normal value was defined by calculating the 95% confidence intervals of controls. Results Five or six of the seven IBS patients showed a reduced rectal pain threshold or maximum tolerable pressure, respectively, at baseline. In all patients with IBS, both thresholds were reduced after RRD load, but they were reduced in none of the patients with FAPS. RRD significantly reduced both thresholds in the IBS group (P < 0.05), but it had no effect in the control or FAPS groups. Conclusions Rectal hypersensitivity induced by RRD may be a reliable marker for IBS. Conditioning-induced visceral hypersensitivity may play a pathophysiologic role in IBS.  相似文献   

Altered central processing, abnormal gastrointestinal motility and visceral hypersensitivity may be possible major pathophysiology of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). These factors affect each other and are probably associated with development of IBS symptoms. It has been confirmed that lower pain threshold to colonic distention was observed in most of patients with IBS than healthy subjects. We have investigated pain perception of the descending colon among different subtypes of IBS. There was no difference in pain threshold to colonic distention between IBS with diarrhea and constipation. Some brain regions such as the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) may play a major role for generating pain and/or pain-related emotion in humans. IBS patients showed greater activation in the perigenual ACC during painful rectal distention compared with healthy subjects. Inflammation, stress and the combination of both stimuli can induce significant increase in visceral sensitivity in animal models. Serotonin (5-HT) can modulate visceral perception. It has been thought that 5-HT(3) receptors may play an important role for conveying visceral sensation from the gut. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) may also modulate visceral pain hypersensitivity in IBS. CRH receptor-1 antagonist significantly prevented an increase in gut sensitivity in rats. It has been demonstrated that non-specific CRH receptor antagonist α-helical CRH significantly reduced abdominal pain score during gut stimulus in patients with IBS. In conclusion, visceral hypersensitivity is common in IBS patients and probably plays a major role in development of the symptoms and both central and peripheral factors may enhance the pain sensitivity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Rectal motor hyperreactivity to distention may be involved in the pathophysiological course of defecatory symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), but results of patient studies are conflicting, possibly because of differences in the applied distention rate. Because a fast rate of distention increases the rectal motor response in healthy subjects, it also may show hyperreactivity in patients with IBS. The aim of this study is to compare the effects of 2 distention rates on rectal motor responses and sensations in 16 patients with IBS and 12 healthy subjects. METHODS: Rectal distensibility and the frequency of rectal contractions and sensations were recorded during volume-controlled rectal distentions at 2 distention rates (10 and 100 mL/min). RESULTS: Recta of patients with IBS were significantly less distensible than those of healthy subjects during fast distention (P = 0.0006), but this difference was not statistically significant during slow distention (P = 0.07). The frequency of rectal contractions and sensations, the majority of which were sensations of gas and a desire to defecate, were significantly greater in patients with IBS during both slow and fast distentions (both P < 0.025). CONCLUSIONS: Recta of patients with IBS are hyperreactive to distention, and fast distention magnifies this abnormal motor response. A greater frequency of sensations during a fixed-time distention period may help to characterize the patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Visceral hypersensitivity was detected in patients with functional gastrointestinal disorders and has been proposed as a biological marker of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The purpose of this study was to assess the sensitivity, specificity, and the predictive values of pain thresholds evaluated by rectal distention using an electronic barostat in patients with or without IBS and in control subjects. METHODS: Patients were diagnosed according to Rome II criteria. Rectal sensory thresholds were determined in 164 patients (86 IBS patients, 26 painless constipation, 21 functional dyspepsia, and 31 miscellaneous conditions) and in 25 normal controls. All subjects underwent a series of rectal isobaric distentions using an electronic barostat. The bag was progressively distended from 0 to 48 mm Hg and, in response to distention, subjects reported on discomfort or pain. RESULTS: Pain thresholds were lower in IBS patients (30.4 +/- 6.7 mm Hg) compared with controls (44.5 +/- 5), painless constipated (45.4 +/- 5.3), functional dyspepsia (39.4 +/- 7.8), and miscellaneous patients (43.2 +/- 5.5). At the level of 40 mm Hg, the sensitivity of the rectal barostat to identify IBS patients from normal subjects and non-IBS patients was 95.5% and its specificity was 71.8%. The positive predictive value was 85.4%. The negative predictive value was 90.2%. CONCLUSIONS: Lowered rectal pain threshold is a hallmark of IBS patients. Rectal barostat testing is useful to confirm the diagnosis of IBS and to discriminate IBS from other causes of abdominal pain.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rectal sensory thresholds are lowered in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), reflecting visceral hyperlagesia, which might be related to subclinical inflammation. AIM: To evaluate the effects of an intraluminal injection of glycerol, a mucosal irritant, on rectal tone and perception of distension in 12 healthy subjects. METHODS: Rectal tone was evaluated with a barostat. First sensation, need to defecate and pain thresholds were evaluated during isobaric phasic distensions, before and 20 and 120 min after injection of 10 ml glycerol in the rectum. RESULTS: Baseline bag volume (97.9 +/- 56.2 ml) significantly decreased 20 min (49.7 +/- 42.2 ml; P= 0.026) and 120 min (66.5 +/- 38.3 ml; P= 0.050) after injection of glycerol, indicating its hypertonic effect. The pressure defining sensory thresholds was decreased significantly 20 min after glycerol injection: first sensation, 14.6 +/- 2.9 versus 18.3 +/- 7.2 mm Hg (P = 0.01); need to defecate, 19.6 +/- 3.7 versus 26.0 +/- 6.9 mm Hg; pain, 23.8 +/- 4.5 versus 35.6 +/- 9.5 mm Hg (P = 0.001). This effect was maintained for 120 min after injection of glycerol. Slopes of the compliance curves did not differ before and after injection of glycerol. CONCLUSIONS: Intraluminal injection of glycerol significantly increases rectal tone and sensitizes healthy volunteers to rectal distension, since they show significantly lower thresholds after glycerol. This could constitute a model of visceral hypersensitivity in healthy volunteers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although visceral hypersensitivity is a common feature among patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), studies on somatic sensitivity have given controversial results. AIM: To assess visceral sensitivity in response to isotonic rectal distensions and somatic sensitivity at different layers of the body wall (skin, subcutis, and muscle) in patients with IBS and fibromyalgia (FM), within and outside the area of abdominal pain referral. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 10 patients with IBS, 5 patients with FM, 9 patients with IBS+FM, and 9 healthy controls. Rectal distensions were performed by increasing tension at 4 g steps up to 64 g or discomfort. Pain thresholds to electrical stimulation were measured within and outside the areas of abdominal pain referral. RESULTS: Patients with IBS and IBS+FM demonstrated rectal hypersensitivity in comparison to controls. The threshold of discomfort was 44 +/- 5 g in IBS and 36 +/- 5 in IBS+FM patients, while patients with FM and healthy controls tolerated all distensions without discomfort. In the areas of pain referral, pain thresholds of all three tissues of the body wall were lower than normal in all patients groups (p < 0.001). In control areas, the pain thresholds were normal in skin, and lower than normal in subcutis and muscle in IBS (p < 0.001). FM and IBS+FM demonstrated somatic hypersensitivity at all sites (p < 0.001 vs healthy). CONCLUSION: Our observations seem to indicate that, although sharing a common hypersensitivity background, multiple mechanisms may modulate perceptual somatic and visceral responses in patients with IBS and FM.  相似文献   

Visceral hypersensitivity has emerged as a key hypothesis in explaining the painful symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and it has been proposed as a “biologic marker” for the condition. Visceral hypersensitivity can be influenced by peripheral and central mechanisms affecting pain perception. The optimal method for its assessment in humans has not been determined. Current techniques include stimulation via the computerized barostat and electrical stimulation, response measures including the lower limb reflex, and brain imaging modalities such as functional MRI and positron emission tomography. It has been shown that IBS patients have decreased sensory thresholds to colonic and rectal balloon distention by barostat. Studies using electrical stimulation and the RIII lower limb reflex have further confirmed enhanced visceral perception in IBS. Evidence from more recent neuroimaging studies suggests that IBS patients have abnormal activation of brain circuits involved in emotional and cognitive modulation of sensory information, resulting in ineffective pain modulation; these circuits may have a pathophysiologic role in enhancing visceral perception. There are few effective pharmacologic treatments that relieve IBS symptoms, and improved understanding of brain-gut interactions and factors relating to enhanced visceral perception may guide us in developing more efficacious treatments.  相似文献   

AIM: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is characterized by abdominal pain and changes in stool habits. Visceral hypersensitivity is a key factor in the pathophysiology of IBS. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of rectal balloon-distention stimulus by blood oxygenation level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-fMRI) in visceral pain center and to compare the distribution, extent, and intensity of activated areas between IBS patients and normal controls. METHODS: Twenty-six patients with IBS and eleven normal controls were tested for rectal sensation, and the subjective pain intensity at 90 ml and 120 ml rectal balloon-distention was reported by using Visual Analogue Scale. Then, BOLD-fMRI was performed at 30 ml, 60 ml, 90 ml, and 120 ml rectal balloon-distention in all subjects. RESULTS: Rectal distention stimulation increased the activity of anterior cingulate cortex (35/37), insular cortex (37/37), prefrontal cortex (37/37), and thalamus (35/37) in most cases. At 120 ml of rectal balloon-distention, the activation area and percentage change in MR signal intensity of the regions of interest (ROI) at IC, PFC, and THAL were significantly greater in patients with IBS than that in controls. Score of pain sensation at 90 ml and 120 ml rectal balloon-distention was significantly higher in patients with IBS than that in controls. CONCLUSION: Using fMRI, some patients with IBS can be detected having visceral hypersensitivity in response to painful rectal balloon-distention. fMRI is an objective brain imaging technique to measure the change in regional cerebral activation more precisely. In this study, IC and PFC of the IBS patients were the major loci of the CNS processing of visceral perception.  相似文献   

非糜烂性反流病内脏高敏感的外周与中枢机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究非糜烂性反流病(NERD)患者食管腔内气囊扩张刺激-脑诱发电位(ED-CEP)的特征及其食管黏膜中降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)、P物质(SP)表达的改变,探讨NERD内脏高敏的机制。方法收集第二军医大学长海医院消化内科2004-10—2005-03NERD患者26例和健康对照者12名,采用ED-CEP技术记录分析CEP的变化,并观察远端食管黏膜组织中CGRP、SP免疫反应阳性产物的分布和表达。结果NERD患者CEP波形变异性大,其N1、P1、N2波潜伏期明显缩短(P<0·05),CEP的P1-N2峰间波幅也明显增加[(7·8±3·2)μV对(6·2±1·9)μV,P=0·03]。其远端食管黏膜的CGRP、SP阳性产物OD值分别较对照组升高[(0·46±0·16)对(0·23±0·10),(0·42±0·12)对(0·29±0·05)](P<0·05)。结论NERD患者ED-CEP和食管黏膜中CGRP、SP的表达与对照组存在差异,提示NERD患者的食管-中枢内脏感觉传导通路存在一定的异常改变。  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the role of endogenous pain modulatory mechanisms in the central sensitization implicated by the visceral hypersensitivity demonstrated in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Dysfunction of modulatory mechanisms would be expected to also result in changes of somatic sensory function.
METHODS: Endogenous pain modulatory mechanisms were assessed using heterotopic stimulation and somatic and visceral sensory testing in IBS. Pain intensities (visual analogue scale, VAS 0-100) during suprathreshold rectal distension with a barostat, cold pressor stimulation of the foot and during both stimuli simultaneously (heterotopic stimulation) were recorded in 40 female patients with IBS and 20 female healthy controls.
RESULTS: Rectal hypersensitivity (defined by 95% Cl of controls) was seen in 21 (53%), somatic hypersensitivity in 22 (55%) and both rectal and somatic hypersensitivity in 14 of these IBS patients. Heterotopic stimulation decreased rectal pain intensity by 6 (-11 to -1) in controls, but increased rectal pain by 2 (-3 to +6) in all IBS patients (P 〈 0.05) and by 8 (-2 to +19) in IBS patients with somatic and visceral hypersensitivity (P 〈 0.02).
CONCLUSION: A majority of IBS patients had abnormal endogenous pain modulation and somatic hypersensitivity as evidence of central sensitization.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is characterized by visceral hypersensitivity, possibly related to abnormal brain-gut communication. Positron emission tomography imaging has suggested specific central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities in visceral pain processing in IBS. This study aimed to determine (1) if functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) detects CNS activity during painful and nonpainful visceral stimulation; and (2) if CNS pain centers in IBS respond abnormally. METHODS: fMRI was performed during nonpainful and painful rectal distention in 18 patients with IBS and 16 controls. RESULTS: Rectal stimulation increased the activity of anterior cingulate (33/34), prefrontal (32/34), insular cortices (33/34), and thalamus (32/34) in most subjects. In IBS subjects, but not controls, pain led to greater activation of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) than did nonpainful stimuli. IBS patients had a greater number of pixels activated in the ACC and reported greater intensity of pain at 55-mm Hg distention than controls. CONCLUSIONS: IBS patients activate the ACC, a critical CNS pain center, to a greater extent than controls in response to a painful rectal stimulus. Contrary to previous reports, these data suggest heightened pain sensitivity of the brain-gut axis in IBS, with a normal pattern of activation.  相似文献   

目的 探讨一氧化氮 (NO)在肠易激综合征 (IBS)发病机制中的作用 ,并从基因水平揭示NO含量改变的原因。方法  (1)应用电子气压泵及灌注导管测压仪研究 2 5例腹泻型IBS患者及 15例正常志愿者的肛门、直肠压力、直肠顺应性、乙状结肠和直肠运动指数以及直肠对容量刺激的感觉阈值 ;(2 )应用硝酸还原酶法测定两组肠黏膜NO的含量 ;(3)NADPH黄递酶组化法和计算机图像分析系统对两组肠黏膜肌层一氧化氮合酶 (NOS)阳性神经纤维作定量分析 ;(4)采用荧光定量PCR(FQ PCR)方法对神经型一氧化氮合酶 (nNOS)的基因表达进行定量分析。结果  (1)肠道测压 :IBS患者的直肠静息压、肛管上部静息压、收缩压、松弛压、肛管下部静息压、收缩压、松弛压和直肠顺应性与正常人比较 ,差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;患者乙状结肠和直肠运动指数明显高于正常人 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;(2 )直肠内脏感觉阈值 :最低感觉阈值、排便阈值和疼痛阈值明显低于正常人 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;(3)肠黏膜NO含量 :患者结肠黏膜NO含量显著低于正常人 ,并且患者的NO含量与运动指数成负相关 ,与感觉阈值、排便阈值、疼痛阈值呈正相关 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;(4)NADPH组化染色 :IBS患者黏膜肌层NOS阳性神经纤维的面积和平均吸光度较正常人显著减少 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;(5 )NOS mRNA  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is more common in female subjects, and IBS patients generally exhibit reduced pain thresholds to rectal distension. The aim of the present paper was to determine gender-related differences in rectal perception in both healthy controls and IBS patients. METHODS: Fifty-nine IBS patients (age 20-65 years; mean, 39.2 years; 31 women, 28 men) with symptoms that fulfilled Rome-II criteria and 21 healthy controls (age 25-58 years; mean, 37.8 years; 11 women, 10 men) were recruited. Participants completed a questionnaire regarding bowel symptoms and psychological distress, and maximal tolerable pressures were evaluated via barostat tests. RESULTS: Although healthy women appear to have lower perception thresholds than men, significant gender differences in pain sensitivity were not detected (P > 0.05). In addition, female patients with IBS also exhibited no enhanced colorectal perception, as compared with male IBS patients (P > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: No gender differences in visceral perception were determined to exist between the healthy controls and the IBS patients. Therefore, the increased prevalence of IBS in women may be related to another set of pathophysiological factors, and not to gender-related differences in visceroperception.  相似文献   

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