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Surgical techniques of hepatic artery reconstitution in orthotopic liver transplantation, Impact of core hypothermia during reperfusion on acute pulmonary edema after liver transplantation in patients with chrome severe hepatitis,Risk factors for development of early acute renal failure after liver transplantation in patients with normal renal function  相似文献   

Auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplanta. tion for acute hepatic failure: establishment of a new model; Hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm after orthotopic liver transplantation: report of 4 cases;Detection of HBV reinfection post-transplantion in liver transplant recipients with HBV hepatitis; Parameters monitoring of mechanics of respiration during perioperative period in patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation; Application of simulect in liver transplantation patients;  相似文献   

Relationship between intra-abdominal hypertension and acute renal failure after liver transplantation; Liver transplantation in the presence of portal vein thrombosis: report of 21 cases;Application of MR imaging in the diagnosis of complications following liver transplantation;Blood-conservation techniques during ortho. topic liver transplantation; Effect of regulative CD4 T-cell on spontaneous immune tolerance of liver transplantation in rats; Acute rejection after orthotopic liver transplantation in recipients with hepatitis B related liver diseases;Observation on three dimensional reconstruction of peribiliary blood plexus in rat' s hepatohilar bile duct after losing liver artery supply entirely;  相似文献   

Effect of progtaglandin E1 on renal blood flow and serum endothelin in early stage after liver transplantation;Diagnosis and treatment of biliary stricture after orthotopic liver transplantation; Clinical application of interventional therapy liver in orthotopic hepatic venous outflow obstruction following liver transplantation  相似文献   

Mutation of X region nucleotide sequence of hepatitis B virus DNA in patients with HBV reinfection after liver transplantation; Clinical manifestation and patho-typing of biliary cast syndrome in patients after othotopic liver transplantation; Interventional therapy of portal vein occlusion after liver transplantation.  相似文献   

208373月Ieviation of抽由e而a-re详讨运ion坷Uryin rat llver dOll0花by如lduCtion of exq笋nouSU压卫T gene/ JinBin(靳斌,Liver Transplant袅nter,印u}IOSp,乳朋-由ng Univ,Jinan250012)…// QlillJHepatobdSUrg一2008,14(2)一112一114 0讨ective To dete~if the isch~  相似文献   

206492Prevention and treatment of artery complica-tion after liver transplantation by HBO/Pan Shuyi(潘树义,Dept HBO,Navy Gener Hosp,Beijing 100037)…∥Chin J Organ Transplant .-2006 ,27 (6) .-359 ~360ObjectiveTo observe the effect of HBO in thetreatment of artery complications after liver transplanta-tion.MethodsFive cases were treat by HBO (202 .65kPa,once every day,oxygeninhalation60 min) and othertherapies after operation.ResultsAfter HBO,the whole-body situations were obviously…  相似文献   

Migration of dendritic cells in orthotopic rat liver transplantation;The protective effect of superoxide dismutase on non heart beating donor livers during ischemia and reperfusion in vitro; Management of portal vein organized thrombosis during liver transplantation; Diagnostic value of perforin, granzyme B and TIA-1 detection in acute rejection of liver allograft; Combined liver transplantation and radical resection for primary digestive tract malignancies and liver metastases.  相似文献   

8.1 Liver207535 Clinical experience of liver retransplantation in 14 patients/Fan Hua(樊华,Dept Hepatobil Surg,Beijing Chao Yang Hosp, Cap Univ Med Sci,Beijing Organ Transplant Center,Beijing 100020)…∥  相似文献   

Interventional therapy for biliary stricture after orthotopic liver transplantation, The relationship of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase gene expression and acute immume rejection after rat liver transplantation, Application of IL-15 mRNA determination in the early diagnosis and differential diagnosis of early acute rejection following fiver transplantation  相似文献   

①目的探讨肝性脊髓病有效的治疗方法。②方法对6例肝性脊髓病临床资料进行回顾性分析,并结合献对其发病机制、病理和治疗进展进行探讨。③结果发病年龄为中老年,男性多于女性,绝大多数为肝硬变基础上发病,偶发于急慢性肝炎、脂肪肝或重症肝炎。表现为双下肢进行性对称性截瘫,一般无感觉障碍.无括约肌功能障碍。④结论肝性脊髓病病因未明,现无特效疗法.中药治疗有广阔的发展空间.早期肝移植是晚期肝硬变并发肝性脊髓病的有效治疗手段。  相似文献   

<正> 1 病例资料 患者张某,女性,39岁,癫痫反复发作1年。体格检查:神志清楚、合作,心肺正常,腹平软,肝脾不肿大,肠鸣音正常,双下肢不肿,CT显示:脑内广泛分布的圆形低密度灶,内有结节状钙化,肝内均匀性分布直径约5mm的低密度区,双肺广泛分布的圆形高密度影,大小均匀,直径约5mm,以两下  相似文献   

王宇田  赵灿熙 《海南医学》1994,5(3):142-143
脑囊虫病以西北、东北、华北地区发病率较高,越往南方越稀少,偶见微发[1]。1991年我们收治2例脑室内猪囊虫病,患者均为本省原住居民,无外地生活史。现报告如下。病例1:男性,14岁,以反复发作性头部胀痛、喷射性呕吐1年余,加重伴双眼视力下降8天入院。查体:双眼底视乳头轻度水肿,左侧肢体肌力Ⅳ级,余(-)。CT示:右基底节区囊性病灶,中心小结节影,疑为胶质瘤。入院第8天行右颞顶开颅探查,切开右侧室体部见侧室内灰白色囊肿,大约3cm3,襄壁半透明,可见囊内白色结节。冲洗室胜后囊肿漂出,见脑室轻度扩大。囊肿送检确诊为猪…  相似文献   

肝移植对肝性脊髓病1例的临床疗效   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
千年松  窦科峰 《医学争鸣》2007,28(6):533-533
1 临床资料 患者,男,45岁,间歇性右上腹痛伴眼黄、尿黄5 a,双下肢活动障碍1 a入院. 5 a前无明显诱因出现间歇性右上腹痛伴眼黄、尿黄,确诊为"肝炎、肝硬化",给予保肝治疗. 1 a前不明原因出现下肢行动不便,遂拄拐助行,逐渐加重,内科治疗效果不佳.  相似文献   

彭乃宝 《右江医学》1998,26(1):32-33
大剂量吡喹酮治疗脑囊虫病28例疗效观察广西百色地区人民医院内科(533000)彭乃宝囊虫病是当前流行较广的常见寄生虫病。CT问世后囊虫病诊断率明显提高,有报告脑囊虫病占全身囊虫病的比例已由20%上升至87%(1),因此积极防治本病是当前的重要课题。我...  相似文献   

Liver retransplantation: a single-centre experience   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Background The curative effect of liver transplantation for patients with end-stage liver disease was encouraging in recent years and the 5-year patient survival rate can reach up to 70%. However, some patients might lose grafts due to a variety of reasons, including bile duct complications, vascular complications, primary non-function, graft rejection and disease recurrence etc. Liver retransplantation (re-LT) was the only available means for those patients whose initial grafts had failed, but the inferior outcomes of re-LT compared to primary liver transplantation (PLT) continue to be a major concern. This study aimed to analyze the indications for re-LT, optimal timing of re-LT, and strategies to improve the survival rate after re-LT.
Methods From January 2001 to December 2006, we performed 738 liver transplants and 39 re-LT (5.3%) at our center. A retrospective analysis was performed to identify factors (indication for re-LT, preoperative score of model for end-stage liver disease (MELD), interval to re-LT from primary liver transplantation, methods of vascular and biliary reconstruction and common causes of death) associated with survival.
Results Mean follow-up period was 1.8 years (1 to 5 years). Patients with MELD score less than 20 were better than those whose MELD score was 〉20 and MELD score〉30 (1-year survival, 80.0% versus 50.0% and 3/5). The perioperative survival rate of patients who received re-LT at an interval of more than 30 days and less than 8 days after the initial transplantation was higher than those who received retransplantation between 8 to 30 days following the first operation (88.5% and 74.3% versus 50.0%). The main causes of death were infection (60.0%), multiple organ failure (20.0%), vascular complications (10.0%) and biliary fistula (10.0%) in perioperative period. The overall patient survival rate of 1-month, 6-month and 1-year was 80.0%, 76.7% and 66.7%, respectively.
Conclusions Our study suggested the favorable results aft  相似文献   

目的了解脑囊虫病治疗过程中出现的并发症及针对并发症采取的相关对策。方法对32例住院诊断为脑囊虫病的病例,住院期间均给予阿苯达唑或吡喹酮或两者联合应用驱虫治疗,治疗过程中患者出现头痛、抽搐、精神障碍、肝功能损害等并发症,针对并发症分析原因,针对不同原因采取不同的治疗方法。结果并发症症状大部分均消失,并能继续驱虫治疗,取得良好疗效。结论脑囊虫病能否治愈的关键是驱虫治疗过程中是否能有效预防及处理并发症。  相似文献   

脑囊虫病治疗期的护理体会右江民族医学院附院神经科覃美兰(百色533000)脑囊虫病为猪绦虫的囊尾蚴寄生于人脑所致。临床表现多种多样,主要有癫痫、颅内压增高、炎症性症状或某些局灶体征。部分病例十分复杂而难治,甚至发生脑疝而死亡。因此如何护理好脑囊虫病是...  相似文献   

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