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We present the case of a retrobulbar abscess that developed secondary to the repair of an oroantral communication. Orbital abscesses have been described in relation to odontogenic infections, facial injury, sinusitis, and after dental extractions but, to the best of our knowledge, none has been reported in these circumstances. Retrobulbar abscess is a rare complication, but early clinical and radiological diagnosis, and urgent decompression are vital because it comes with considerable risk of irreversible visual impairment.  相似文献   

This case report describes the placement of a large-diameter implant at the time of a maxillary molar extraction in conjunction with a simultaneous oroantral communication (OAC) repair and an intraosteotomy lift and the 5-year postloading follow-up. Literature exists supporting the efficacy of immediate implant placement using both conventional and modified insertion techniques. However, no reports detail the repair of an OAC concomitantly with immediate implant insertion. The OAC was repaired by first placing multiple layers of a collagen matrix through the socket, followed by grafting with a mixture of freeze-dried demineralized bone and calcium sulfate, simultaneous obliteration and reshaping of the socket using implant shape-specific osteotomes, and immediate placement of a Frialait-2 6.5-mm-diameter implant. No flap elevation was performed and no membranes were placed. A radiograph taken 5 year after loading showed a stable implant in conjunction with a new maxillary sinus bony floor.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was twofold: (1) to investigate how many diabetic patients and types of cases that are treated with dental implants in our clinic; and (2) assess the outcome of such treatment. Medical records from 782 patients were examined in patients treated by the Br?nemark method for partial or total edentulism with implant supported bridges. From these records, 25 patients (3.2%) with diabetes before implant treatment (136 implants) were identified and further studied with respect to age, gender, type of diabetes, treated jaw, degree of edentulism, bone graft, implant survival, periimplant inflammation, bleeding on probing, and radiographic bone loss. Furthermore, the patients' opinion about the outcome of the treatment was registered. The implant success rate was 96.3% during the healing period and 94.1% 1 year after surgery. Of all 38 bridges, one was lost. Few complications occurred and all patients, except for one, were satisfied with the treatment. Today, diabetic patients are being treated successfully for all types of edentulism, including bone-grafting treatment. Diabetics that undergo dental implant treatment do not encounter a higher failure rate than the normal population, if the diabetics' plasma glucose level is normal or close to normal as assessed by personal interviews.  相似文献   

目前,口腔种植已经成为临床常用的修复方式,但在有种植要求的人群中会有许多复杂情况,如伴有不同程度的咬合问题,单纯的种植修复难以达到理想治疗目的,需要正畸等专科医生的参与等。反之,正畸治疗中常遇到的磨牙早失、恒牙先天缺失等难题,也需要通过种植获得满意的治疗效果。口腔多专业联合治疗目前已成为一种发展趋势。对某些牙列缺损患者进行以后期种植修复为导向的正畸治疗正在成为共识,而正畸治疗中应用种植技术辅助完成矫治的情况也不罕见。本文将就种植-正畸联合治疗的特点和优越性等方面进行阐述,为部分复杂病例的临床治疗提供参考经验。  相似文献   

The scientific literature has demonstrated the use of the buccal fat pad (BFP) flap to cover bone grafts in the correction of maxillary osseous defects and in the closure of oroantral communications. The use of the pedicled BFP flap to provide an immediate blood supply to a recipient site is recommended to provide closure of oroantral communications. The author presents a case report of zygomatic implant surgery in which the BFP flap technique was used in the closure of an oroantral communication caused by maxillofacial surgery.  相似文献   

The literature with respect to whether or not psychiatric disorders represent a contraindication to dental implant treatment is sparse and contradictory. This paper describes three cases in which patients with psychiatric disorders were provided with dental implant retained prostheses. It is concluded that mental health disorders are not necessarily a contraindication to dental implant treatment and dental implant treatment can provide valuable psychological support. If any doubt exists about the effect of a psychiatric disorder on the prognosis of implant treatment the opinion of a psychiatrist should be obtained. The development of liaison psychiatry for dental hospitals should be seen as an ideal.  相似文献   

Complete closure of oroantral communication was achieved in 16 out of 17 patients using a single application of Tissucol. The wound healing was uneventful. The need of inserting the sealant mixture above the floor of the antrum in order to protect the clot from air flow was pointed out. Tissucol was safely applied even in cases with severely damaged buccal or palatal mucosa or after a failure of the buccal sliding flap technique.  相似文献   

A two-layer sliding flap technique to repair an oroantral communication has been described. This procedure can be performed quickly and without special instrumentation. No additional regional anesthesia is necessary. It does not require reduction of the buccal plate and therefore preserves the integrity of the alveolus. Most importantly, this technique can reduce the incidence of oroantral fistula and subsequent secondary reparative operations.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify dental students' perceptions of pre-patient care laboratory exercises (PCLEs) and clinical experiences that influence their future plans for providing implant care. One of two questionnaires was administered to dental student classes at one dental school (D2: Survey 1; D3 and D4: Survey 2). Future plans as graduates to provide implant diagnosis and treatment planning (DxTP), restoration of single-tooth implants (STIs), and implant-retained overdentures (IODs) were cross-sectionally assessed along with potential influences such as PCLE, clinical experiences, gender, and class. The majority of students planned to provide implant services after graduation (DxTP 68.9 percent; STI 61.2 percent; IOD 62.1 percent). Bivariately, males reflected more preparedness from PCLEs than females (p=.002) and the D2 students more than D3 and D4 students (p<.001). Multivariate models revealed the perceived preparedness from PCLEs generally had the strongest association with future plans for performing implant therapy. However, this varied by gender and class. These findings indicate that PCLEs are important for their influence on students' future plans to provide implant therapy. However, further studies are needed to validate actual PCLEs and clinical implant practices (both longitudinally and for other schools) and to determine educational interventions to optimize the provision of implant care.  相似文献   

A firmly established theory on occlusion, even with natural teeth, has been all but absent throughout history. it is even more difficult to find and evidence-based concept of occlusion for the relatively new field of implantology. Since i harbored doubts on initial gnathological theories of occlusion decades ago, my work in treating occlusion in patients with temporomandibular arthrosis has brought me to the realization that the diagnosis and adjustment of the alignment or misalignment of the light guide tapping position ( LGTP ) and clenching position (CLP) in the stable condylar position are important focal points for clinical occlusion. I have therefore striven for the seamless incorporation of the prosthodontic techniques of maintaining, correcting, and restoring occlusion into my day to day clinical practice, which includes periodontal treatment and orthodontics. Implantology has now been added to this context, and i feel there is no need to take a drastically different approach to creating and adjusting implant occlusion. I will present actual case reports and post operative observations of patients who received implant therapy in our clinic.  相似文献   

袁泉 《口腔疾病防治》2021,29(3):145-150
慢性肾脏病是威胁人类健康的全球公共卫生问题,影响全身多器官系统功能.随着疾病的进展,患者的口腔健康常受影响.种植牙已成为牙缺失的最佳修复方式,为慢性肾病患者提供安全可靠的牙种植治疗,是需要,也是挑战.口腔种植医师应从全局出发,综合评估患者的健康情况,充分了解患者既往及当前接受的治疗与药物使用情况;完善患者术前血液生化、...  相似文献   

Avulsion of natural teeth caused by trauma may present an unusual problem for the general practitioner. Endodontic therapy and replantation of the tooth into the socket have a relatively low long-term prognosis because of internal or external root resorption. Dental implants can provide proper support and function for missing teeth with excellent esthetic results without preparation of natural dentition. In this case report, an implant system is used to restore an anterior space created by the loss of endodontically treated central and lateral incisors.  相似文献   

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