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The cell cycle regulator p21 mediates the ability of the tumor suppressor p53 to arrest cellular proliferation. We have examined the involvement of p21 in tumor suppression by following a large cohort of p21-deficient mice for an extended period of time. We report that p21-deficient mice develop spontaneous tumors at an average age of 16 months, whereas wild-type mice are tumor-free beyond 2 years of age. The tumors arising in p21-null mice derive from a variety of cell types and include hematopoietic ( approximately 65% of the tumors), endothelial ( approximately 20%), and epithelial ( approximately 10%) tumors. We have also studied radiation-induced carcinogenesis to test whether, in this setting, p53 exerts its tumor suppressor activity mainly through apoptosis, rather than through p21-mediated cell-cycle arrest. Concurring with this, p21-deficient mice did not show increased susceptibility to radiation-induced carcinogenesis. On the contrary, they were protected relative to wild-type mice. We conclude that p21, by mediating p53-dependent cell-cycle arrest, plays a significant role in tumor suppression.  相似文献   

The cell cycle inhibitor p21Waf1/Cip1 is among the most important mediators of the tumor suppressor p53. However, there is increasing evidence indicating that p21 could favor tumorigenesis in specific cell types. In particular, the absence of p21 delays the development of thymic lymphomas induced either by ataxia-telangiectasia mutated deficiency or by ionizing irradiation. Here, we extend these observations to the context of p53-deficient mice. The absence of p21 results in a significant extension of the lifespan of p53-null and p53-haploinsufficient mice, and this effect can be attributed exclusively to a decrease in the incidence of spontaneous thymic lymphomas. Specifically, despite the occurrence of a variety of tumor types in the context of p53 deficiency, the only tumors that were significantly impaired by the absence of p21 were thymic lymphomas. Moreover, the absence of p21 also delays the incidence of radiation-induced thymic lymphomas in p53-deficient mice. Interestingly, p21-deficient lymphomas have a higher apoptotic rate than p21-proficient lymphomas, and this could be on the basis of the delayed incidence of thymic lymphomas in the absence of p21. Together, our results indicate that p21 plays an oncogenic role restricted to thymic lymphomas that is mechanistically independent of p53 and associated to a lower tumor apoptotic rate.  相似文献   

L Fang  M Igarashi  J Leung  M M Sugrue  S W Lee  S A Aaronson 《Oncogene》1999,18(18):2789-2797
We have shown previously that wild type p53 can rapidly induce replicative senescence in EJ human bladder carcinoma cells lacking functional p53. A major effector of p53 functions is p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1, a potent cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor. p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 has been shown to be involved in both p53 dependent and independent control of cell proliferation, differentiation and death. To directly investigate the effects of p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 in the p53 response observed in EJ tumor cells, we established p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 inducible lines using the tetracycline-regulatable vector system. p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 induction caused irreversible cell cycle arrest in both G1 and G2/M, and diminished Cdk2 kinase activity. In addition, p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 induction led to morphological alterations characteristic of cells undergoing replicative senescence with morphological, biochemical and ultrastructural markers of the senescent phenotype. Furthermore, sustained p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 induction sensitized EJ cells to apoptotic cell death induced by mitomycin C, a cross-linking DNA damaging agent. These findings support the function of p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 as an inducer of replicative senescence and a major mediator of this phenomenon in response to p53. Moreover, our results imply that therapeutic intervention in human cancers might be aimed at sustained elevation of p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 expression.  相似文献   

The transformation suppressor gene, programmed cell death gene 4 (Pdcd4), inhibits tumor-promoter-mediated transformation of mouse keratinocytes and has been implicated as a tumor suppressor gene in the development of human cancer. The Pdcd4 protein interacts with translation initiation factors eIF4A and eIF4G and binds to RNA, suggesting that it might be involved in regulating protein translation or other aspects of RNA metabolism. To study the function of Pdcd4 in more detail, we have downregulated Pdcd4 expression in HeLa cells by stable expression of shRNA. We have found that diminished Pdcd4 expression leads to increased expression of p21(Waf1/Cip1) and several other p53-regulated genes. Reporter gene studies demonstrate that Pdcd4 interferes with the activation of p53-responsive promoters genes by p53. Pdcd4 knockdown cells show decreased apoptosis and increased survival after UV irradiation. Taken together, our observations suggest a model in which low Pdcd4 expression after DNA damage favors the survival of cells, which would be eliminated by apoptosis under normal levels of Pdcd4 expression. Our results provide the first evidence that Pdcd4 is important role in the DNA-damage response and suggest that low levels of Pdcd4 expression observed in certain tumor cells contribute to tumorigenesis by affecting the fate of DNA-damaged cells.  相似文献   

Control of E2F activity by p21Waf1/Cip1.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
L Delavaine  N B La Thangue 《Oncogene》1999,18(39):5381-5392

Human PRL-1, PRL-2, and PRL-3 tyrosine phosphatases induce the malignant transformation of epithelial cells. We tested the hypothesis that the oncogenic effects of PRL occur by increasing cellular proliferation. Cells stably transfected with PRL-1 or PRL-2 exhibited 2.7-3.3-fold increases over control cells in the rate of DNA synthesis and the proportion of cells in S-phase, and they progressed more rapidly from G1 into S. In addition, cells overexpressing either PRL-1 or PRL-2 exhibited enhanced cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) activity and significantly lower p21(Cip1/Waf1) protein levels, and PRL-1 overexpressing cells had higher cyclin A protein levels than control cells. We conclude that PRL phosphatases increase cell proliferation by stimulating progression from G1 into S phase, and this process may be dependent on the down regulation of the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p21(Cip1/Waf1).  相似文献   

Of patients radically operated on for breast cancer in our department, 46 patients who had recurrent breast cancer were clinicopathologically evaluated to clarify the prognostic factors of recurrent breast cancer. Furthermore, p53, p21 and cyclin D1 protein expression were studied immunohistochemically and their prognostic value was evaluated. The relapse-free interval was highly related to the survival rate after the recurrence. p53 overexpression was correlated with the progression of clinical stage and lymph node metastasis and negatively correlated with the expression of estrogen receptor. The p21 positive and p53 negative cases had a significantly better prognosis than the p21 negative and p53 positive cases. The combination of p53 and p21 protein expression seemed to have prognostic value in recurrent breast cancer.  相似文献   

p21Waf1/Cip1 as a therapeutic target in breast and other cancers   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Weiss RH 《Cancer cell》2003,4(6):425-429
The cyclin kinase inhibitor p21, originally described as a universal inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases, has since been shown to have additional functions other than CDK inhibition. It is likely that a key role of p21 is to keep cells alive after DNA damage and subsequent p53 induction, in order for the cell to effect repairs. Thus, the increase in p21 seen in some cancers may impart these cells with a survival advantage. Here we discuss how this antiapoptotic aspect of p21 makes it an attractive target for cancer therapy; attenuation of p21 in malignant cells may subvert the normal repair process induced by DNA-damaging chemotherapeutic agents and thus make such drugs more effective.  相似文献   

Under some conditions, p21(Waf1/Cip1) plays an assembly factor role for the cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases, and recent reports demonstrate that p21 can act as an anti-apoptotic protein. Thus, it is logical to exploit this function of p21 as an anti-cancer target. We have performed a pilot study showing that daily subcutaneous injection of a phosphorothioate antisense p21 oligodeoxynucleotide, which we have previously shown to attenuate p21 levels in vitro, into nude mice who have been implanted with highly metastatic breast cancer cells results in inhibition of tumor growth and angiogenesis. Inhibition of in vitro endothelial capillary formation confirms that these oligodeoxynucleotides have a direct effect upon tumor angiogenesis. The attractiveness of our novel approach to breast cancer therapy, which capitalizes on the anti-apoptotic function of p21, derives from the ease of transfection of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides as well as the observations that p21(-/-) mice do not develop spontaneous tumors, making techniques exploiting the assembly factor and anti-apoptotic role of p21 worthy of further study against breast cancer.  相似文献   

H Schepers  M Geugien  B J L Eggen  E Vellenga 《Leukemia》2003,17(11):2113-2121
In the present study, we analysed the expression and localization of p21(Waf1/Cip1) in normal and malignant haematopoietic cells. We demonstrate that in normal monocytic cells, protein kinase C (PKC)-induced p21 gene activation, which is nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) independent, results in predominantly cytoplasmic localized p21 protein. In acute monocytic leukaemia (M4, M5), monocytic blasts (N=12) show constitutive cytoplasmic p21 expression in 75% of the cases, while in myeloid leukaemic blasts (N=10), low nuclear and cytoplasmic localization of p21 could be detected, which is also PKC dependent. Constitutive p21 expression in monocytic leukaemia might have important antiapoptotic functions. This is supported by the finding that in U937 cells overexpressing p21, VP16-induced apoptosis is significantly reduced (20.0+/-0.9 vs 55.8+/-3.8%, P<0.01, N=5), reflected by a reduced phosphorylation of p38 and JNK. Similarly, AML blasts with high cytoplasmic p21 were less sensitive to VP16-induced apoptosis as compared to AML cases with low or undetectable p21 expression (42.25 vs 12.3%, P<0.01). Moreover, complex formation between p21 and ASK1 could be demonstrated in AML cells, by means of coimmunoprecipitation. In summary, these results indicate that p21 has an antiapoptotic role in monocytic leukaemia, and that p21 expression is regulated in a PKC-dependent and NF-kappaB-independent manner.  相似文献   

Induction of a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21Waf1/ Cip1/Sdi1 is an integral part of cell growth arrest associated with senescence and damage response. p21 overexpression from an inducible promoter resulted in senescence-like growth arrest in a human fibrosarcoma cell line. After release from p21-induced growth arrest, cells re-entered the cell cycle but displayed growth retardation, cell death and decreased clonogenicity. The failure to form colonies was associated with abnormal mitosis and endoreduplication in the recovering cells and was correlated with the induced level of p21 and the duration of p21 induction. p21 induction was found to inhibit the expression of multiple proteins involved in the execution and control of mitosis. p21-induced depletion of the cellular pools of mitosis-control proteins was followed by asynchronous resynthesis of such proteins after release from p21, which explains the observed mitotic abnormalities. Genetic destabilization in cells recovering from p21-induced growth arrest may conceivably play a role in carcinogenesis and tumor progression.  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor gene p21(Waf1/Cip1) plays a central role in inducing cellular growth arrest, terminal differentiation, and apoptosis. Alterations in this gene may adversely affect regulation of these processes and increase susceptibility for cancer. We have recently reported a novel polymorphism in the p21(Waf1/Cip1) gene in the Indian population and its association with esophageal cancer. An A-->G transition at codon 149 resulted in amino acid substitution from aspartate to glycine in the proliferating cell nuclear antigen binding COOH-terminal domain of p21(Waf1/Cip1) that may affect PCNA-p21(Waf1/Cip1) interactions, thereby affecting regulation of cellular proliferation, and may increase susceptibility for development of cancer. In a parallel study in our laboratory, we searched for putative p21(Waf1/Cip1) mutations in oral premalignant and malignant lesions. No somatic mutation was detected in exon 2 of p21(Waf1/Cip1). Interestingly, a codon 149 polymorphism variant (A-->G) was identified in 11 of 30 (37%) premalignant lesions (7 of 19 hyperplastic lesions and 4 of 11 dysplastic lesions) and 11 of 30 (37%) squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). This codon 149 variant was also identified in paired lymphocytes of all of the patients with premalignant lesions and SCCs harboring the variant allele, suggesting the occurrence of a polymorphism. Lymphocyte DNA isolated from 50 unrelated age- and gender-matched healthy subjects was screened for this polymorphism. Seven of 50 (14%) normal controls harbored the A-->G codon 149 variant allele. Immunohistochemical analysis of p21(Waf1/Cip1) protein expression showed immunoreactivity in 19 of these 30 (63%) oral premalignant lesions and 16 of 30 (53%) SCCs. The most intriguing features of the study were: (a) the significant increase in frequency of this polymorphism not only in patients with oral SCCs (P = 0.038), but also in patients with premalignant lesions (P = 0.038), compared with normal controls; and (b) the significantly higher frequency of p21(Waf1/Cip1) variants (codon 149) in oral premalignant lesions (10 of 11 cases) and SCCs (11 of 11 cases) with wild-type p53 (P = 0.045) than in lesions with p53 mutations, suggesting that this polymorphism affects the p53 pathway and may play a vital role in oral tumorigenesis. Furthermore, overexpression of p21 protein in oral lesions harboring missense mutations in the p53 gene suggest a p53-independent role for p21 in the pathogenesis of oral cancer.  相似文献   

Expression of cell cycle-regulating genes was studied in human myeloid leukemia cell lines ML-1, ML-2 and ML-3 during induction of differentiation in vitro. Myelomonocytic differentiation was induced by phorbol ester (12-o-Tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate, TPA), tumor necrosis factor (TNF) or interferon γ (INFγ), or their combination. Differentiation (with the exception of TNF alone) was accompanied by inhibition of DNA synthesis and cell cycle arrest. Inhibition of proliferation was associated with a decrease in the expression of cdc25A and cdc25B, cdk6 and Ki-67 genes, and with increased p21Waf1/Cip1 gene expression, as measured by comparative RT-PCR. Expression of the following genes was not changed after induction of differentiation: cyclin A1, cyclin D3, cyclin E1 and p27Kip1. Surprisingly, cyclin D1 expression was upregulated after induction by TPA, TNF with IFNγ or BA. Cyclin D2 was upregulated only after induction by BA. The results of the expression of the tested genes obtained by comparative RT-PCR were confirmed by quantitative real-time (RQ) RT-PCR and Western blotting. Quantitative RT-PCR showed as much as a 288-fold increase of cyclin D1 specific mRNA after a 24 h induction by TPA. The upregulation of cyclin D1 in differentiating cells seems to be compensated by the upregulation of p21Waf1/Cip1.

These results, besides others, point to a strong correlation between the expression of cyclin D1 and p21Waf1/Cip1 on the one hand and differentiation on the other hand in human myeloid leukemic cells and reflect a rather complicated network regulating proliferation and differentiation of leukemic cells.  相似文献   

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