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Pityriasis Rosea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Some immunologic studies were carried out for 31 patients with pityriasis rosea. Normal levels of serum IgG and IgA but higher levels of IgM were obtained. Serum C3 values were decreased while C4 values were normal. B lymphocytes showed no difference from the controls, whereas T-cell counts were significantly lower in the patients. The migration inhibition indices were higher in the patients than the controls. Direct immunofluorescence tests were negative in the studied three cases. The possible implication of a viral infection in the production of the reported changes was discussed.  相似文献   

Pityriasis Rosea     
The disease or syndrome of pityriasis rosea presents an epidemiological challenge and two studies have been performed attempting to link this condition with infectious diseases endemic in the community. No correlation was found in times of incidence of pityriasis rosea and of infectious diseases, and no evidence of mycoplasma infection was found in patients with pityriasis rosea.  相似文献   

Pityriasis Rosea in Lagos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A recent 5-year period study of the incidence of pityriasis rosea among dermatologic outpatients was conducted at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital. Three hundred fifty-two patients with pityriasis rosea were seen. The average annual incidence was 4.8 per 100 dermatologic patients. Women predominated by a margin of 1.2:1.0. More than 91% of the patients were between the ages of 5 and 35 years, with a peak at ages 10-14. The incidence of the disease was significantly higher in the early part of the rainy season. No declining incidence was observed over the years. A blood picture of a leukopenia with relative lymphocytosis was observed early in the disease. Ampicillin, when consumed after the onset of the eruption, made the patient with pityriasis rosea clinically worse.  相似文献   

Pityriasis Rosea in Nigerians   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT: One hundred thirty-eight Nigerian patients with pityriasis rosea were studied. Patients with the condition constituting 2.4% of all patients seen in two skin clinics in Northern Nigeria in a period of over three years. The proportional rate of pityriasis rosea parallels figures from other African studies, and is higher than values obtained in European series. Pityriasis rosea in Nigerians appears to be more florid and has a greater tendency to overstep the classic boundaries of distribution on the body, to affect the face and involve the oral cavity. The sex and age distribution was similar to European series, although some lowering of the age of onset of the condition was observed. No relationship between the frequency of pityriasis rosea and season was found.  相似文献   

Pityriasis Rosea in the Sudan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

累及掌跖的玫瑰糠疹较少报道。现报告确诊的2例,并予以讨论。例1,女,21岁。躯干、四肢皮肤淡红斑,双手掌丘疱疹与红斑26天。例2,女,26岁。胸、背、四肢散发淡红斑疹及斑片伴轻度瘙痒1月。2例均经临床表现结合组织病理检查确诊。  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic studies of biopsy specimens taken from five patients with pityriasis rosea revealed the most conspicuous finding to be the presence of dyskeratotic cells within the epidermis. Ultrastructurally, these cells contained an aggregation of tonofilaments, intracytoplasmic desmosomes, many vacuoles, and viral-like particles. It is assumed that pityriasis rosea is caused by a virus to which these changes are related.  相似文献   

Background:Pityriasis rosea (PR) is usually an asymptomatic and self-limiting papulosquamous skin disease with acute onset. The etiology has not been clarified yet. Recently, increased oxidative stress was found to play a role in etiopathogenesis of multiple cutaneous diseases with T cell-mediated immune response. However, there are no studies demonstrating the oxidative stress status in PR.Aim:The aim of the study is to determine the status of oxidative stress (OS) and paraoxonase (PON) 1/arylesterase enzyme activities in PR.Results:TAS levels and ARES activities in the patient group were significantly lower than the control group. On the other hand, TOS and OSI levels were significantly higher in patients compared with controls. There was no significant correlation between the duration of disease and TAS, TOS, OSI levels, and ARES activities.Conclusion:A systemic oxidative stress exists in PR, which suggests that OS may be involved in the etiopathogenesis of disease.  相似文献   

累及掌跖的玫瑰糠疹较少报道。现报告确诊的2例,并予以讨论。例1,女,21岁。躯干、四肢皮肤淡红斑,双手掌丘疱疹与红斑26天。例2,女,26岁。胸、背、四肢散发淡红斑疹及斑片伴轻度瘙痒1月。2例均经临床表现结合组织病理检查确诊。  相似文献   

目的 观察祛玫合剂治疗玫瑰糠疹的疗效并探讨其作用机理。方法 ①治疗组口服祛玫合剂 ,对照组口服盐酸西替利嗪片同时外用氢化考的松霜。②将小鼠随机分为 3组 ,1组和 2组在小鼠腹部、耳部涂搽DNFB溶液 ;3组涂搽生理盐水作对照。涂搽后 ,1、3组用祛玫合剂、2组用生理盐水灌胃 ,连续 7天。处死小鼠称耳重 ,并计算脾、胸腺指数。结果 ①治疗组与对照组治愈天数比较差异有高度显著性 (t =17.0 7,P <0 .0 1)。②祛玫合剂可以拮抗由DNFB诱发的小鼠变态反应。结论 祛玫合剂治疗玫瑰糠疹有满意的疗效 ,其机理可能是通过抗病毒、抗变态反应等作用共同完成的。  相似文献   

玫瑰糠疹与人类疱疹病毒-7型关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨玫瑰糠疹(PR)与人类疱疹病毒-7型(HHV-7)的关系。方法采用巢式PCR检测了22例PR急性期患者的血浆、外周血单核细胞(PBMC)、皮损、唾液、尿液,14例恢复期患者的唾液、血浆、外周血单核细胞,14例正常人的唾液、血浆、外周血单核细胞中的HHV-7特异性序列。结果急性期唾液与单核细胞中HHV-7DNA检出率(95.5%,45.4%)明显高于正常人(64.3%,21.4%),唾液中HHV-7DNA检出率亦明显高于恢复期(57.1%),但单核细胞中HHV-7DNA检出率与恢复期(28.6%)无明显差异。8例皮损组织(36.4%)检测到HHV-7DNA。1例血浆中检测到HHV-7DNA(4.54%),其外周血单核细胞、皮损、唾液中亦均检测到HHV-7DNA,其恢复期唾液、单核细胞中HHV-7DNA仍可检测到。恢复期HHV-7DNA在唾液和单核细胞中的检出率与正常人无明显差别。结论有一部分玫瑰糠疹的发生可能与潜伏的HHV-7活化感染有关。  相似文献   

A patient with clinical and histologic features of epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica-recessive (EBD-R) developed superimposed clinical lesions of pityriasis rosea (PR). Electron microscopy showed distinct "blebbing" of basal cells at the basement membrane zone in clinically normal skin of a non-predilected area, as well as in scarred skin from a predilected area and a lesion of PR. An increased susceptibility of the basement membrane zone to proteolytic enzymes is suggested as a possible hypothesis to explain these observations.  相似文献   

玫瑰糠疹患者外周血淋巴细胞亚群的检测及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的检测玫瑰糠疹(PR)患者外周血淋巴细胞亚群,探讨其在PR发病中的作用。方法应用流式细胞仪检测27例PR患者外周血淋巴细胞上CD3,CD4,CD8,CD28,HLA-DR的表达水平,并以20例健康体检者作为正常对照。结果HLA-DR在PR组的表达明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);PR组与对照组相比,CD3+HR+,CD8+,CD8+CD28+显著升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);CD4+,CD3+HR-及CD4+/CD8+比值降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01,P<0.05);CD3+,CD8+CD28-,CD3-HR+,CD3-HR-等在两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论玫瑰糠疹患者T淋巴细胞亚群间的正常比例发生变化;细胞免疫失调可能在玫瑰糠疹的发展过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

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