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威海市急性脑梗死院前延迟的原因分析与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的研究威海市区2家医院脑梗死患者到达医院前时间(院前延迟)的影响因素及对策。方法回顾性研究了进入医院急诊就诊的急性脑梗死病人的院前延迟影响因素,并制定相应对策。对所有资料分别采用KruskalWal—lis检验方法和logistic回归进行单变量和多变量分析。统计学软件采用SPSS12.0和SAS6.0。结果患者平均到达医院急诊时间为312min,27.27%于发病2h内到达医院急诊,42.08%于发病5h内到达医院急诊。单因素分析显示:女性、非独居、有医疗保险、首发症状为传统症状、病人能识别卒中症状、病人或救助者能认识脑梗死治疗紧迫性、由120救护车或110警车进行运送有利于及早到达医院急诊。多因素回归模型显示:影响及早到达医院急诊最重要因素是运送方式和首发症状,使用120救护车或110警车运送病人而非使用其他运送方式和卒中表现为传统症状能缩短入院时间。结论57.92%急性脑梗死患者不能在发病后5h内到达医院。为了缩短到达医院急诊时间,应加强对民众急性脑梗死知识的宣传教育;提高社区医生脑梗死诊治水平;进一步完善城镇基本医疗保险制度和新型农村合作医疗制度建设,扩大参保、参合率;重视敬老院、老年公寓建设,减少独居老年人比例。  相似文献   

Each year approximately 700,000 persons in the United States have a new or recurrent stroke; of these persons, 15%-30% become permanently disabled, and 20% require institutionalization during the first 3 months after the stroke. The severity of stroke-related disability can be reduced if timely and appropriate treatment is received. Patients with ischemic stroke may be eligible for treatment with intravenous thrombolytic (i.e., tissue plasminogen activator [t-PA]) therapy within 3 hours of symptom onset. Receipt of this treatment usually requires patients to recognize stroke symptoms and receive prompt transport to a hospital emergency department (ED), where timely evaluation and brain imaging (i.e., computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging) can take place. For patients eligible for t-PA, evidence suggests that the earlier patients are treated after the onset of symptoms the greater the likelihood of a more favorable outcome. In 2001, Congress established the Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Registry to measure and track the quality of care provided to acute stroke patients. To assess prehospital delays from onset of stroke symptoms to ED arrival and hospital delays from ED arrival to receipt of brain imaging, CDC analyzed data from the four states participating in the national stroke registry. The results of that analysis indicated that fewer than half (48.0%) of stroke patients for whom onset data were available arrived at the ED within 2 hours of symptom onset, and prehospital delays were shorter for persons transported to the ED by ambulance (i.e., emergency medical services) than for persons who did not receive ambulance transport. The interval between ED arrival and brain imaging also was significantly reduced for those arriving by ambulance. More extensive public education is needed regarding early recognition of stroke and the urgency of telephoning 9-1-1 to receive ambulance transport. Shortening prehospital and hospital delays will increase the proportion of ischemic stroke patients who are eligible to receive t-PA therapy and reduce their risk for severe disability from stroke.  相似文献   

Reducing the time from symptom onset to reperfusion therapy is an important approach to minimizing myocardial damage and to preventing death from acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Previous studies suggest that certain ethnic or national groups, such as the Japanese, are more likely to delay in accessing care than other groups. The aims of this paper were the following; (1) to examine whether culture (defined as independent and interdependent construal of self) is associated with delay in accessing medical care in Japanese patients experiencing symptoms of AMI; (2) to determine if the relationship between independent and interdependent construal of self and prehospital delay time is mediated by cognitive responses and/or emotional responses; and (3) to determine if independent and interdependent construal of self independently predicts choice of treatment site (clinic vs. hospital). A cross-sectional study was conducted at hospitals in urban areas in Japan. One hundred and forty-five consecutive patients who were admitted with AMI within 72 h of the onset of symptoms were interviewed using the modified response to symptoms questionnaire and the independent and interdependent construal of self scale. The interdependent construal of self scores were significantly associated with prehospital delay time, controlling for demographics, medical history, and symptoms (p<.001). However, the relationship between independent and interdependent self and prehospital delay times was not mediated by cognitive or emotional responses. In multiple logistic regression analysis, patients with high independent construal of self were more likely to seek care at a hospital rather than a clinic compared to those with lower independent construal of self. In conclusion, cultural variation within this Japanese group was observed and was associated with prehospital delay time.  相似文献   

目的 探讨目前影响脑卒中患者人院延迟的相关因素.方法 对2008年4-9月确诊脑卒中住院患者179例进行问卷调查.根据发病至住院的时间将患者分为≤6h组(85例)和>6h组(94例),分析影响入院延迟的相关因素.结果 179例患者发病至住院的平均时间(26.2±0.1)h,中位时间为7.5 h.两组患者既往有心脏病和糖尿病病史、发病地点距医院较近、首发症状有抽搐或意识障碍、首诊地点为急诊室、选择急救120、就诊途中时间等因素比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).Logistic回归分析显示,发病地区远、门急诊处置时间长是影响入院延迟的主要因素.结论 目前脑卒中患者入院延迟现象严重,缺血性脑卒中溶栓率低.主要原因在于患者对脑卒中相关知识不了解,不能充分利用院前急救系统.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A limiting factor for immediate initiation of stroke therapy is delayed hospital arrival. We assessed general knowledge on and behavior during an acute stroke with particular emphasis on prehospital temporal delays and a focus on the high-risk group of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). METHODS: As part of the Berlin Acute Stroke Study (BASS), we interviewed patients admitted to hospital with symptoms of stroke using a standardized questionnaire. Cardiac rhythm was assessed by ECG and Holter monitor. Data analysis included additional stratification for age and gender. RESULTS: Of a total of 558 patients (66.8 +/- 13.5 years; 45% female) diagnosed with TIA or stroke 28% interpreted their own symptoms correctly as due to stroke. Female patients reporting cardiac arrhythmias and having AF more often correctly interpreted their symptoms as stroke (P = 0.03), considered their symptoms urgent (P = 0.02), considered stroke a medical emergency (P < 0.05) and had shorter prehospital delay times (P = 0.001) compared to female patients not reporting cardiac arrhythmias. Male, younger (< 65 years) and older patient groups showed no such effect, respectively. CONCLUSION: Females who know to have AF demonstrate better knowledge of stroke symptoms compared to females unaware or without this risk factor. This better knowledge translates into more appropriate behavior during an acute stroke.  相似文献   

目的研究探讨急性中风患者院前延误就诊程度及其原因,对普及卫生保健常识、中风的预防治疗有一定意义。方法综合考虑诸如社会经济地位、在出现症状时运送的方式等。统计数据从医院获得,以问卷方式掌握如下问题:人口统计、自我报告危险因素、有关去医院情况。结论大约31.6%患者在发病3h后到达医院。大约1/3的患者因为他们等待症状消失而拖延了去医院,另外1/3的患者未及时就医是因为他们不知道及时就医的重要性。在利用救护车运送和到达医院用时之间有显著相关性,在中风的危险因素和就医拖延之间无显著相关性。结论这个研究结果可能对普及教育人们的卫生保健常识、中风的预防保健有一定意义。  相似文献   

北京等15个城市脑卒中患者院前时间及影响因素研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目的 研究北京等15个城市35家医院脑卒中患者到达医院前时间(院前时间)及其影响因素。方法 通过统一的问卷,对2002年6月30日至2003年4月30日发病一周内的2270例脑卒中患者进行调查。除一般资料外,按是否在脑卒中症状发生后6h内到达医院将患者分为两组,对影响脑卒中院前时间的因素进行单因素和多因素logistic回归分析。结果 (1)患者的平均年龄为64.8岁,男性占60.2%。缺血性脑卒中为78.8%,出血性脑卒中为21.2%。(2)发病后决定马上去医院的占27,8%。使用急救电话和急救车的比例为27.2%;约1/4患者知道脑卒中后需要马上去医院诊治和溶栓治疗;1/4的患者对脑卒中基本无认识,发病后不知道求救而盲目等待。(3)发病后≤6h到达医院的患者占57.5%;首次就诊地点是急诊室的为58.6%;发病后≤6h到达医院的缺血性脑卒中溶栓率为6.7%。(4)影响脑卒中患者院前时间的多因素分析显示:到达医院的方式、首次就诊的地点、发病地点到医院的距离、是否了解疾病的相关知识是影响患者≤6h到达医院的独立因素。结论 42.5%脑卒中患者不能在发病后6h内到达医院,其院前时间延误的主要原因是对脑卒中知识了解不够、使用急救电话/急救车少、患者转运距离超过20km等。加强公众对脑卒中知识的了解是提高患者6h内到达医院的重要因素。  相似文献   

慢性前列腺炎相关的性功能障碍调查分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的了解慢性前列腺炎患者早泄(PE)和勃起功能障碍(ED)的患病情况,并分析慢性前列腺炎的症状轻重与PE、ED轻重程度的相关性。方法依据美国国立卫生研究院慢性前列腺炎症状指数评分表(NIH-CPSI)、中国早泄患者性功能-5评分表(CIPE-5)、国际勃起功能指数-5评分表(IIEF-5)作为评定标准,采用和患者面对面交谈、询问方式,分别记录1000例慢性前列腺炎患者的NIH-CPSI评分、CIPE-5评分以及IIEF-5评分。结果1000例中PE发生率为40.2%,ED发生率为15.8%。患者各年龄组PE的患病率无显著性差异(P>0.05);ED患病率差异具有显著性(P<0.01),年龄越大,患病率越高。慢性前列腺炎的症状轻重和PE、ED轻重程度均无明显相关性。结论慢性前列腺炎患者中PE和ED的发生率较高,且ED患病率随年龄增加而增大。但慢性前列腺炎的症状轻重与PE和ED的轻重程度则无明显的相关性。  相似文献   

目的调查缺血性卒中患者对卒中危险因素、预警症状及溶栓治疗认知情况,并探索影响卒中认知的相关因素。方法自2015年3月至2015年9月期间,使用结构式问卷横断面调查缺血性卒中患者对卒中的认知,分析卒中认知与可能影响卒中认知的相关因素,采用单因素及多因素回归分析探索影响缺血性卒中患者卒中认知的因素。结果共调查了138例就诊于兰州大学第一医院神经内科的缺血性卒中患者,年龄(63.53±11.41)岁,男性89例(60.1%)。认知率最高的卒中危险因素是高血压(64.5%),卒中症状是偏侧肢体无力(60.1%);知道溶栓治疗5.8%,知道溶栓治疗时间窗为1.4%。单因素回归分析显示文化程度与识别3个及以上卒中危险因素(P=0.036)和卒中症状(P=0.042)、知道溶栓治疗(P=0.045)及时间窗(P=0.017)都有关。多因素回归分析显示发病时能识别卒中症状(OR=0.252,P=0.012)是识别3个及以上卒中危险因素的独立预测因素;使用非正规降压药物(OR=1.344,P=0.024)和发病后急诊转运途径(OR=0.662,P=0.05)是识别3个及以上卒中症状的独立预测因素;发病时能识别卒中症状(OR=2 249.238,P=0.032)是知道卒中溶栓治疗的独立预测因素。结论急性缺血性脑卒中患者对卒中危险因素、症状及溶栓治疗的认知率低,更高的文化程度和卒中高认知率有关。  相似文献   

Each year more than 1 million people in the United States suffer from acute myocardial infarction (MI) with most of the deaths occurring within hours of symptom onset. Over the last 25 years, different prehospital systems have evolved throughout the world which allow early cardiac monitoring and treatment of acute MI patients. Thrombolytic therapy in acute MI has been shown to decrease mortality and preserve left ventricular function when administered early after onset of symptoms. The potential role of Emergency Medical Services or Mobile Coronary Care Units in achieving early thrombolysis is under investigation. Several studies of prehospital interventions to achieve early thrombolysis are reviewed. The use of thrombolytics by prehospital personnel has been found to be feasible, safe, and effective in reducing time delays. However, whether this translates into clinical benefit remains to be seen.  相似文献   

目的 了解我国卒中患者院前延迟的现状和社会决定因素,为制定卒中防治策略与措施提供参考.方法 采用自制问卷,对多家三级医院住院部的脑卒中患者进行调查.采用SPSS 18.0进行单因素分析和logistic回归分析.结果 共收回有效问卷778份.决定就医用时,363(47.27%)例患者少于1h,24.35%超过3h;转运用时,62.14%少于2h,21.67%超过3h.入院延迟的患者达到62.60%.logistic回归显示居住在农村的患者决定就医用时和转运用时都较长,入院延迟的发生率高.结论 卒中患者尤其是农村患者,决定就医用时和转运用时仍较长,院前延迟问题仍很严重.  相似文献   

The health benefit of thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction is greatest when patients are treated soon after onset of symptoms. One approach to reducing treatment delay is to give thrombolysis before the patient reaches hospital. When an ambulance trust proposed a prehospital thrombolysis service, local commissioners requested an estimate of its possible health impact. Clinical audit and ambulance trust data were obtained for 165 patients who received thrombolysis for acute myocardial infarction in the coronary care unit of a local hospital in one year. This information was then used to estimate the health impact of prehospital thrombolysis in the local population in a mathematical model derived from the results of trials comparing prehospital and hospital thrombolysis. The best predicted local health benefit from the proposed prehospital thrombolysis service is that, if 45 minutes can be cut off the call-to-needle time, 61 cases of acute myocardial infarction need to be treated to save one additional life at 35 days. By use of published research data, the health benefits of prehospital thrombolysis can be estimated for a local population. Variables in the treatment population and ambulance service will influence the size of the health benefit that can be achieved.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study seeks to explore gender-relevant factors of medical history, sociodemographics, symptom presentation, and delay on thrombolysis administration (or recorded contraindication) in a sample of men and women with confirmed myocardial infarction (MI). METHODS: Cross-sectional examination of self and nurse-report data collected in the coronary care unit (CCU) from 12 hospitals across south-central Ontario, Canada. A total of 482 MI patients (347 males, 135 females; 63% response rate) were recruited. MAIN FINDINGS: There was no gender difference in the report of chest pain (chi(2)(1) = 3.78, p =.052), or in prehospital delay time (median = 96.5 minutes). Thrombolysis was administered in 158 males (68.4%) and 50 females (50.0%) without reported contraindication. Females (median = 27 minutes) had a significantly longer interval between diagnostic electrocardiogram (ECG) and administration of a thrombolytic than males (median = 22, U = 3,056). No contraindication was indicated for not administering a thrombolytic (i.e., too late, risk of bleed) in approximately 40% of females. In accordance with clinical practice guidelines, thrombolysis was more often administered in participants with a shorter time interval between symptom onset and hospital arrival. For females, thrombolysis was more often administered in younger participants (Kruskal Wallis = 5.88). CONCLUSIONS: Reducing gender, age, and socioeconomic disparities in access to thrombolysis treatment is imperative. Hospital delays with female cardiac patients may be precluding thrombolysis administration.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Doctors and their older patients do not necessarily agree on what health problem ought to be treated. Discordance influences diagnostic procedures, patient satisfaction and treatment outcome negatively. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present study was to determine the psychosocial factors influencing differences in symptom reports of patients and physicians. METHODS: A cohort study was carried out in a medical out-patient clinic. A total 141 women and 213 men agreed to give symptom reports while waiting for their doctor's appointment and allowed their treating physician to evaluate symptoms afterwards. RESULTS: Disagreement between patients and physicians on which symptoms triggered the visit appeared in one-third of the cases. This was more likely the longer symptoms existed, the less intensely patients experienced their symptom and the more restricted they felt because of the symptom. Psychosocial factors did not have a significant influence. CONCLUSIONS: Independently of psychosocial variables, the different illness concepts of patients and their treating physician influence the subject of the consultation. Doctors and patients were most likely to agree when patients reported their symptoms as being of recent onset and being intense. Symptom intensity and the associated degree of restriction seem to reflect two different conceptual dimensions of symptom evaluation.  相似文献   

目的分析急诊内科不明原因昏迷患者的三间分布、病因构成及对预后的影响。 方法选择2016年9月至2018年8月进入惠州市第一人民医院急诊内科以"急性昏迷"为主诉,且无明确诊断及可以解释昏迷原因的424例患者为研究对象,进行回顾性病例分析研究。纳入患者男性:女性为1∶1.16,统计分析患者的三间分布、确诊手段、最终确诊病因及预后情况。 结果不明原因的昏迷主要发生于中老年、乡村人群,且高发于春冬季。88%的患者最终在住院期间确诊,主要是通过脑部影像学检查[23.1%(98/424)]、结合体格检查的检验结果[25.0%(106/424)]来完成确诊。最常见急诊不明原因昏迷的病因是:脑血管疾病[24.1%(102/424)]、感染[14.2%(60/424)]、中毒[9.0%(38/424)]、癫痫发作[8%(34/424)]、代谢性疾病[7.1%(30/424)]、精神性疾病[6.1%(26/424)]等。92.0%(390/424)的急诊不明原因昏迷患者在入院时的急诊严重指数(ESI)分级为1 ~ 3级,格拉斯评分(GCS)以轻度昏迷为主:13 ~ 14分[29.7%(126/424)]、15分[32.6%(138/424)]。患者死于诊室的病死率为1.4%(6/424)。出院后仍需继续治疗如康复训练占35.4%(150/424),在养老院继续治疗占11.1%(47/424)。 结论急性昏迷的病因诊断谱广且患者死亡风险高,脑血管疾病是其最常见的病因。ESI分级和GCS评分可帮助识别大多数死亡高位风险的患者。为明确诊断,神经系统检查如脑部影像学检查、体格检查和实验室检验等必不可少。跨学科协作对于提高急诊昏迷患者的病因诊断效率和准确率是有益的。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare stroke death rates among patients with and without blood pressure lowering treatment before the onset of the stroke. During two consecutive years all patients with acute stroke were recorded by 178 Belgian general practitioners of the sentinel network. In total 511 patients with acute stroke were recorded. The death rate after one month was found significantly higher among the untreated patients (33%; n = 84) compared to those receiving blood pressure lowering treatment (23%; n = 61) (p = 0.007). Blood pressure lowering treatment before the onset of stroke had a beneficial effect on survival in a backward stepwise logistic regression (OR 0.38; 95% CI 0.20-0.72). In conclusion, stroke mortality is significantly lower among patients receiving blood pressure lowering treatment before the onset of stroke compared to those without blood pressure lowering treatment.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Thrombolytics are currently the most effective treatment for stroke. However, the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke criteria for initiation of thrombolytic therapy, most notably the 3-hour time limit from symptom onset, have proven challenging for many rural hospitals to achieve. PURPOSE: To provide a snapshot of stroke care at rural hospitals in Idaho and to investigate the experiences of these hospitals in expediting stroke care. METHODS: Using a standard questionnaire, a telephone survey of hospital staff at 21 rural hospitals in Idaho was performed. The survey focused on acute stroke care practices and strategies to expedite stroke care. FINDINGS: The median number of stroke patients treated per year was 23.3. Patient delays were reported by 77.8% of hospitals, transport delays by 66.7%, in-hospital delays by 61.1%, equipment delays by 22.2%, and ancillary services delays by 61.1%. Approximately 67% of hospitals had implemented a clinical pathway for stroke and 80.0% had provided staff with stroke-specific training. No hospitals surveyed had a designated stroke team, and only 33.3% reported engaging in quality improvement efforts to expedite stroke care. Thrombolytics (tPA) were available and indicated for stroke at 55.6% of the hospitals surveyed. CONCLUSIONS: Rural hospitals in Idaho face many difficult challenges as they endeavor to meet the 3-hour deadline for thrombolytic therapy, including limited resources and experience in acute stroke care, and many different types of prehospital and in-hospital delays.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The period of time required for the diagnosis of a chronic illness depends on initial clinical symptoms and their perception by the patient and the physicians. The aim of this study was to describe the procedures of diagnosis of incident cases of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). METHODS: Patients reported by the Registry of inflammatory bowel disease of northern France (EPIMAD) in 1994 were included. Standardized questionnaires describing clinical history, patient behavior, medical consultations and examinations were collected by an interviewer practitioner from three sources: patients, general practitioners (GP) and gastroenterologists (GE). Patients were divided in 2 groups according to the time between symptom onset and diagnosis: more than 9 months or less than 9 months (D > 9 and D < or = 9). RESULTS: 258 patients were included: 144 Crohn's disease (CD) (56%), 106 ulcerative colitis (UC) (41%) and 8 chronic unclassifiable colitis (CUC). Median time between symptom onset and diagnosis was 3 months, 196 (76%) patients belonged to the group D < or = 9 and 62 (24%) to the group D > 9. There was no difference between the 2 groups for initial clinical symptoms. The delay between symptom onset and the consultation to the GP and the GE was longer in the group D > 9: respectively 1 month vs 0 and 7.6 vs 2. Thirty-five percent of patients in the group D > 9 had consulted more than one GP vs 14% (p < 0.05). Diagnosis management by the GE was the same in both groups. Patients of group D < or = 9 had more often perceived their symptoms as serious (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Delay to diagnosis in a quarter of patients with IBD was more than 9 months. This later diagnosis was not due to patient management by the GE but rather to a longer delay to consulting the GP and between GP and GE referral. Patient interpretation of the symptoms could also explain the variability of this delay.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the effect of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) illness duration and onset type on the likelihood of reporting a symptom during successive follow-up periods.METHODS: In 1997, a two-phase RDD survey in Wichita, Kansas, was conducted to estimate the prevalence of CFS. Phase I identified 56,154 respondents 18-69 years of age and screened for severe fatigue, extreme tiredness or exhaustion lasting for 1 month or longer. In phase II an equal number of fatigued (n = 7,176) and randomly selected non-fatigued subjects were asked about 8 CFS and 13 non-CFS symptoms, as well as the presence of specific medical and psychiatric conditions. Eligible respondents were clinically evaluated to establish CFS diagnosis. Phase II respondents were re-contacted at 12- (n = 4,331) and 24-months (n = 4,266) for additional follow-up and diagnosis. In this study we considered symptoms reported as being present most of the time during each successive observation period. Generalized estimating equations were used to model symptoms over time and to address study questions. Such a model accounts for correlations among repeated symptoms for each subject. We used an auto-regressive structure for the correlation matrix, assuming the correlations between each pair of repeated symptoms should decrease as the time between symptoms increased.RESULTS: There were 74 CFS patients who had been ill for 1 to 20 years (median = 6.3 years). Among these, 46 reported gradual and 28 reported sudden onset. Symptoms fluctuated over the course of illness. However, only stomach pain (non-CFS symptom) was more likely to be reported as duration of illness increased (p < 0.05). There was no association between onset type and the likelihood of reporting a symptom during an interview, except that chills and severe headaches were more likely to be reported by sudden cases.CONCLUSIONS: The likelihood of expressing CFS and non-CFS symptom "most of the time" is the same across years of illness. More analyses are warranted to consider expression of symptoms for >/=6 months and severe symptoms.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study aimed to estimate prehospital delay and to identify the factors associated with the late arrival of patients with ischemic stroke at the Souss Massa Regional Hospital Center in Morocco.Patients and methodsAn observational, prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted from March 2019 to September 2019 in the Souss Massa regional hospital center, which is a public hospital structure. A questionnaire was administered to patients with ischemic stroke and to bystanders (family or others), while clinical and paraclinical data were collected from medical records. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to identify the factors associated with delayed arrival at emergency department.ResultsA total of 197 patients and 197 bystanders who fulfilled the criteria for the study were included. The median time from symptom onset to hospital arrival was 6 hours (IQR, 4–16). Multiple regression analysis showed that illiteracy (OR 38.58; CI95%: 3.40–437.27), waiting for symptoms to disappear (patient behavior) (OR 11.24; CI95%: 1.57–80.45), deciding to go directly to the hospital (patient behavior) (OR 0.07; CI95%: 0.01–0.57), bystander's knowledge that stroke is a disease requiring urgent care within a limited therapeutic window (OR 0.005; CI95%: 0.00–0.36), and direct admission without reference (OR 0.005; CI95%: 0.00–0.07), were independently associated with late arrival (> 4.5 hours) of patients with acute ischemic stroke. In addition, illiteracy (OR 24.62; CI95%: 4.37–138.69), vertigo and disturbance of balance or coordination (OR 0.14; CI95%: 0.03–0.73), the relative's knowledge that stroke is a disease requiring urgent care and within a limited therapeutic window (OR 0.03; CI95%: 0.00–0.22), calling for an ambulance (relative's behavior) (OR 0.16; CI95%: 0.03–0.80), distance between 50 and 100 km (OR 10.16; CI95%: 1.16–89.33), and direct admission without reference (OR 0.03; CI95%: 0.00–0.14), were independently associated with late arrival (> 6 hours) of patients with acute ischemic stroke.ConclusionPatient behavior, bystander knowledge and direct admission to the competent hospital for stroke care are modifiable factors potentially useful for reducing onset-to-door time, and thereby increasing the implementation rates of acute stroke therapies.  相似文献   

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