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The regulation of polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) apoptosis can influence the duration of the inflammatory response. We have previously shown that PMN apoptosis is delayed by matrix adhesion and hypoxia; however, the mechanisms responsible for this delay are not well understood. Mcl-1, an antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family member, is present in neutrophils; therefore, we sought to characterize its localization and function as it relates to PMN apoptosis. We found that Mcl-1 localized to the nucleus and cytoplasm and that expression levels decreased as PMN were aged in culture. Reducing available Mcl-1 through the use of antisense oligonucleotides demonstrated that Mcl-1 is necessary to delay apoptosis during normal PMN aging and hypoxia but is not required for suppression of apoptosis by laminin adhesion. Our results demonstrate a distinct expression pattern of Mcl-1 and that Mcl-1 is crucial for the delay of apoptosis initiated by certain antiapoptotic factors.  相似文献   

In the presence of peritoneal dialysis effluent (PDE), human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) showed reduced production of hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorous acid (H2O2 and HOCl, respectively) when at rest and when stimulated with both soluble (formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine and phorbol myristate acetate) and particulate (Staphylococcus epidermidis) agonists. This effect occurred in a concentration-dependent manner between 0 and 70%. (vol/vol) dialysis effluent. The inhibition of H2O2 and HOCl observed in resting, formy-methionylleucyphenyalanine-stimulated, and S. epidermidis-stimulated PMN was confined to a low-molecular-mass (< 10,000-Da) fraction of PDE, whereas the inhibition of the PMA response was equally dispersed throughout both low (< 10,000-Da)- and high-molecular-mass (> 10,000-Da) fractions. Human serum albumin, a major component of PDE, also inhibited H2O2 and HOCl production by PMN; however, results from cell-free systems suggested that human serum albumin was not wholly responsible for the inhibition of PMN function seen with PDE. The solute(s) responsible did not affect myloperoxidase but very rapidly scavenged H2O2 and HOCl. These data suggest that the factors capable of affecting H2O2 and HOCl production by PMN accumulate in uremia and are removed from the circulation into dialysis effluent.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship of microtubules to the granule organization in stimulated human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs). Electron microscopic (EM) observations of critical-point-dried PMNs revealed that only a portion of the granules appeared in close association to microtubules. These closely associated granules appeared to be attached to the microtubule via smaller-diameter filaments. The remaining granules appeared either attached to microtubules at a further distance, via smaller-diameter filaments such as actin, or unassociated with microtubules. EM observations of PMNs treated with either the microtubule promoter drug taxol or the microtubule depolymerization drugs nocodozole and colchicine revealed a redistribution of granules towards the nucleus. Granule clustering at the periphery of the cell was also noted with nocodozole and colchicine. With cytochalasin B, a uniform distribution of granules was noted. However, granule clustering was noted when PMNs were coincubated with cytochalasin B and colchicine. These results indicate that microtubules may have both a direct and indirect role (through other cytoskeletal elements) in the organization of PMN granules.  相似文献   

Cytokineplasts (CKPs) are membrane-bounded, anucleate, granule-poor cytoplasmic fragments, induced from PMNs by brief heat (45°C, 9 min), which retain motile function including chemotaxis and phagocytosis. CKPs can respond to repeated chemotactic stimuli even after having been held overnight at room temperature, and hence outiive control PMNs, We now report that adherent CKPs lack significant oxidase activity, as measured by reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) dye, (1)5 min after heat, when they are often still attached to their parent PMNs (which generally do not reduce NBT either); (2) later on, when they are free; and (3) when cells have been pretreated on endotoxin-coated substrata or with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA); both pretreatments cause the large majority of adherent control PMNs to reduce NBT. Moreover, cells harvested from glass just after heat lack the normal increase in oxygen consumption seen on stimulation with PMA or with heat-killed staphylococci. PMA-stimulated respiratory burst activity was not restored to heated cells by exogenous NADPH. Thus, heat applied to normal PMNs can dissociate motile function from oxidase activity; in this respect CKPs resemble PMNs in chronic granulomatous disease. The apparent increased functional stability of CKPs may indicate that normal PMNs are not immune to their own oxidative killing mechanism.This work, part of which has appeared in abstract (26), was supported in part by the U.S. Public Health Service (AM-10493, AM-19742, AM-07107) and by the Arthritis Foundation and its Connecticut Chapter.  相似文献   

Candida albicans causes oropharyngeal candidiasis (OPC) but rarely disseminates to deep organs in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Here, we used a model of OPC in CD4C/HIV(Mut) transgenic (Tg) mice to investigate the role of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) and CD8+ T cells in limiting candidiasis to the mucosa. Numbers of circulating PMNs and their oxidative burst were both augmented in CD4C/HIV(MutA) Tg mice expressing rev, env, and nef of HIV type 1 (HIV-1), while phagocytosis and killing of C. albicans were largely unimpaired compared to those in non-Tg mice. Depletion of PMNs in these Tg mice did not alter oral or gastrointestinal burdens of C. albicans or cause systemic dissemination. However, oral burdens of C. albicans were increased in CD4C/HIV(MutG) Tg mice expressing only the nef gene of HIV-1 and bred on a CD8 gene-deficient background (CD8-/-), compared to control or heterozygous CD8+/- CD4C/HIV(MutG) Tg mice. Thus, CD8+ T cells contribute to the host defense against oral candidiasis in vivo, specifically in the context of nef expression in a subset of immune cells.  相似文献   

The response of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) to blastospores and pseudo-hyphae of the opportunistic fungus Candida albicans has been studied in vitro and in vivo. Of the fungicidal mechanisms elucidated thus far, the myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-halide system appears to be most effective against cells of this fungus. In our studies on the interaction between murine PMN and blastospores, we assayed the release of H2O2 by PMN incubated with viable or killed, unopsonized or opsonized blastospores by using two assay systems, lysis of murine erythrocytes and oxidation of scopoletin. Our results showed that PMN released increasing amounts of H2O2 when incubated with increasing numbers of opsonized or unopsonized killed blastospores, but released decreasing amounts of H2O2 when incubated with increasing numbers of opsonized or unopsonized viable blastospores. The oxidative metabolic burst by PMN in the presence of viable or killed blastospores was also measured by using reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium and chemiluminescence. Viable blastospores stimulated a stronger metabolic burst than killed blastospores, suggesting that PMN respond to live blastospores more vigorously than killed blastospores; however, live blastospores appear to alter or inhibit the release of H2O2 by PMN.  相似文献   

Detecting Candida albicans in human milk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Procedures for diagnosis of mammary candidosis, including laboratory confirmation, are not well defined. Lactoferrin present in human milk can inhibit growth of Candida albicans, thereby limiting the ability to detect yeast infections. The inhibitory effect of various lactoferrin concentrations on the growth of C. albicans in whole human milk was studied. The addition of iron to the milk led to a two- to threefold increase in cell counts when milk contained 3.0 mg of lactoferrin/ml and markedly reduced the likelihood of false-negative culture results. This method may provide the necessary objective support needed for diagnosis of mammary candidosis.  相似文献   

Peritoneal dialysis effluent from patients with end-stage renal failure contains a low-molecular-weight solute that inhibits the killing of phagocytosed Staphylococcus epidermidis by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). This observation has been investigated by using luciginen-enhanced chemiluminescence to measure PMN NADPH oxidase activity, CD11b/CD18 expression and lactoferrin release to measure secondary granule discharge, and cellular levels of beta-glucuronidase (EC to measure changes in primary granules. Peritoneal dialysis effluent had no effect on the loss of intracellular beta-glucuronidase from normal unstimulated PMN or from PMN stimulated with S. epidermidis. It did, however, cause a concentration-dependent (0 to 70%; vol/vol) increase in expression of CD11b/CD18 and NADPH oxidase activity. CD11b/CD18 expression increased over 20 min before starting to plateau. Release of lactoferrin by the same cells demonstrated a strong positive correlation with integrin expression (P < 0.001, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient). When dialysis effluent-treated PMN were stimulated with formyl-methionylleucylphenylalanine, integrin expression, release of lactoferrin, and NADPH oxidase activity were greater than in PMN treated with formyl-methionylleucylphenylalanine alone. Under these conditions, a concentration-dependent increase in CD11b/ CD18 and lactoferrin release were observed only at a concentration between 0 and 30% (vol/vol) dialysis effluent, while a concentration-dependent increase in oxidase activity was seen at a concentration between 0 and 70% (vol/vol). The results suggest that dialysis effluent does not affect PMN primary granule release but does cause increased release of secondary granules and an increase in NADPH oxidase activity in both unstimulated and stimulated PMN.  相似文献   

To analyze the function of proteoglycans (PG) in different types of leukocytes, both the relative amounts and specific types of proteoglycans produced by cultured human peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) were were determined and compared to mononuclear leukocytes (PBMC). Media from 3-day cultured PMN contained significantly less (less than 10%) 35SO2-4-labeled PG than media from PBMC cultures. Incorporation of 35SO2-4 into cell-associated material was comparable for both types of white blood cells. In contrast to PBMC, PMN could not increase their synthesis or secretion of PG after exposure to concanavalin A or phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate. Various inducers of leukocyte chemotaxis also failed to enhance PG production by PMNs. Release of prelabeled PG from PMNs could be induced by exposure to either opsonized or unopsonized zymosan (yeast) as well as the bacteria S. aureus, suggesting that particle ingestion may be accompanied by PG exocytosis. Both chondroitinase ABC and AC digested greater than 90% of PMN 35S-labeled material in media and 75% in cell lysates; HNO3 treatment removed less than 5% of N-linked 35SO4 from radiolabeled media and 25% from cells. Treatment with 0.5 N NaOH released shortened glycosaminoglycan chains from 35S-labeled PMN cell lysates. beta-D-xylosides did not stimulate an increase in polysaccharide chain production by cultured PMNs. These data suggest that PMNs can produce chondroitin 4-sulfate PG whose synthesis is not affected by treatments that alter PMN functions; in contrast to PBMCs, PMNs will actively release these molecules when exposed to micro-organisms that stimulate phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) were purified (approximately equal to 99%) from peripheral blood of normal, adult volunteers. The indirect immunofluorescence technique was used to investigate the presence and the localization of calmodulin in human PMNs. The cellular distribution of calmodulin has been evaluated using an affinity chromatography-purified sheep IgG anti-calmodulin and fluorescein-conjugated rabbit anti-sheep IgG. The anti-calmodulin immunofluorescence pattern suggests that calmodulin is evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm of human PMNs.  相似文献   

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) at concentrations from 0.39 micrograms/ml to 100 micrograms/ml did not affect chemotaxis under agarose of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs). No reduction of phagocytic or bactericidal capacity was found in PMNLs exposed to NAC at the same concentrations. At high concentrations of NAC (25-100 micrograms/ml) a distinct inhibition of the chemiluminescent response to formylmetionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP) known to be associated with mainly extracellular metabolic processes, was observed, consistent with the well known scavenger effects of the drug. The response to opsonized zymosan, which reflects mainly intracellular metabolic activity, was less marked. At a still higher concentration of NAC (500 micrograms/ml), a distinct effect on both intra- and extracellularly generated chemiluminescence could be demonstrated. The lack of inhibitory effects on phagocytosis and intracellular killing in spite of the effects on chemiluminescence indicates that NAC has no negative influence on the antimicrobial activity of PMNLs.  相似文献   

Human PMNs release prostaglandins E and F to the surrounding medium when these cells are exposed to zymosan. PGE1 is the prostaglandin compound found in highest concentration in the medium, and the PGE/PGF balance is approximately 3∶1. Release of prostaglandins is not due to platelet contamination. Agents which inhibit prostaglandin synthesis (indomethacin, aspirin) prevent release of prostaglandins from phagocytic cells. Addition to cells of dibutyryl cyclic 3′,5′-adenosine monophosphate produces striking increases in concentrations of prostaglandins released during ingestion of zymosan. Prostaglandins appear to be synthesized by human PMN during phagocytosis, and their release from cells may help regulate the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

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