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ABSTRACT: Human sperm, erythrocytes, and seminal plasma from the blood and semen of 20 men of known ABH, Lewis, and secretor phenotypes were assayed for ABH blood group antigens. A 1:1 correlation was found between the presence of ABH antigens in seminal plasma and on sperm and if the man had a secretor phenotype. Sperm from nonsecretors or from men of dissimilar ABO blood type could adsorb A antigen when incubated with A antigen-containing seminal plasma. The level of ABH antigens in seminal plasma correlated with the level of ABH antigens on the sperm surface. ABH antigens in semen were present only on a minority of spermatozoa as detected by flow cytometry, and the majority of these sperm were not in the swimup fraction. ABH antigens were not present on sperm within the seminiferous tubules of human testicular material. It was hypothesized that ABH antigens found on human sperm were adsorbed from seminal plasma on a minority of the sperm in an ejaculate.  相似文献   

The rabbit antibody response to the human blood group P glycolipid antigen, globoside, GalNAc (β1-3)Gal(α1-4)Gal(β1-4)Glc-Cer, has been examined with respect to cross-reactions with the structurally related Forssman glycolipid GalNAc(α1-3)GalNAc(β1-3)Gal(α1-4)Gal(β1-4)Glc-Cer. Immunoadsorbent columns were used to isolate three purified antibody populations from the anti-globoside sera: (1) fraction A, antibodies that cross-react with both glycolipids; (2) fraction B, antibodies that react with Forssman antigen but not with globoside; and (3) fraction C, antibodies that are specific for globoside. The proportion of each fraction in the total antibody response to globoside appears to be related to preexisting immunity to these antigens. A rabbit with a high preimmune titer to Forssman antigen produced a large amount of Forssman-specific antibody, whereas a rabbit with a low or nonexistent preimmune titer of anti-Forssman antibody produced large amounts of globoside-specific antibody. The presence of Forssman-specific antibody in an immune response to globoside is an example of a heteroclitic type of immune response.  相似文献   

Cancer has currently overtaken heart disease as the major cause of mortality in the United States. The Human Genome Project, advances in informatics, miniaturization of sample collection, and increased knowledge of cell signaling pathways has revolutionized the study of disease. Genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics are currently being used to develop molecular signatures for disease diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic efficacy. Tumor-associated antigens discovered by these methods are being used to develop passive (humoral) as well as active immunotherapy strategies to stimulate the immune system. Development and validation of biomarkers on a parallel track with therapeutics can speed development times by accurate screening of patient populations and substituting surrogate markers that correlate well with clinical outcomes.  相似文献   

Blood Group Antigens on HeLa Cells shown by Mixed Agglutination   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The mixed agglutination reaction has been used for investigating the presence of blood group antigens on the surface of human cervical carcinoma cells (HeLa) cultured for eight years in vitro.

The H antigen was demonstrated in the absence of A and B. The MN-type antigen has been found as well as Tja.

Treatment of HeLa cells with ficin greatly enhanced the reaction of anti-H and anti-Tja with the corresponding antigens on HeLa cells. The authors failed to show the following antigens: Rh(D) and Rh(c), S, P, Lea, Leb, Lua and Lub.


To investigate cytoplasmic alterations in cancers of the endometrium, monoclonal antibodies against H, A and B blood group substances and related lectins such as Ulex europaeus agglutinin 1 (UEA-l), Lotus fefragonolobus agglutinin (LTA), and Griffonia simplicifolia 1 (GS1-A4, -B4) were applied to 42 cases of endometrial adenocarcinoma (EAC) and 11 adenomyoses. The control specimens consisted of normal endometria with leiomyoma or adenomyosis from patients of known blood group type. The brightest and most consistent staining was obtained with GS1- A4, showing 98% positivity in EAC in contrast to 18% in normal endometria. In contrast, expression of A antigen was seen in only 24% of EAC and in 13% of normal endometria, UEA-1 binding was seen in 81% of EAC and in 10% of normal endometria, whereas H antigen was seen in 60% of EAC and 0% of normal endometria. In adenocar. cinomas, staining was seen not only along the luminal border of glands but also in the cytoplasm and the lateral or basal cell membranes, whereas in the normal endometrium staining was mostly along the luminal border. Thus, a difference in the positivity and localization of glycoconjugates was observed in neoplastic and non neoplastic endometrium.  相似文献   

红细胞输注是输血医学的主体,化学材料甲氧基聚乙二醇(mPEG)与红细胞膜共价结合后,可遮蔽红细胞表面血型抗原,使红细胞血型抗原呈阴性,即形成通用型红细胞,对临床输血具有重要意义。研究了mPEG修饰对红细胞血型抗原、膜流动性的影响;红细胞被修饰程度;mPEG与红细胞结合的稳定性;mPEG在体内的代谢情况。结果表明,mPEG能遮蔽红细胞上的血型抗原;mPEG与红细胞结合稳定;mPEG修饰红细胞的比率随浓度增高而增大;mPEG在小鼠体内24h后基本被代谢,且在体内无蓄积。mPEG修饰的红细胞为解决临床急用稀有血型和配型困难(如自身溶血性贫血,AIHA)等问题提供了有意义的参考。  相似文献   

应用ABC法对62例乳腺病变组织进行抗乳腺癌McAbs及ER免疫组化染色,并对其中5例乳腺癌用免疫电镜进行抗原超微结构水平的定位观察。结果发现:①McAbs相应抗原在癌旁乳腺组织及乳腺增生症中表达微弱,而在乳腺癌中表达较强,其相应抗原位于细胞膜上;②抗原的表达与患者的月经状况、TNM分期、肿瘤大小、组织学类型、组织学分级、腋窝淋巴结转移情况均无关系。提示该组McAbs可以作为放免显像及导向治疗较为理想的载体。  相似文献   

Pemphigus is a clinically important autoimmune skin disease characterised by intercellular substance antibodies, detected by indirect immunofluorescence on monkey oesphagus tissue. It has been observed that anti-A and anti-B blood group antibodies can produce staining patterns similar to that seen in pemphigus, yet this potential problem is not well recognised. We have demonstrated false positive pemphigus staining with blood group O sera and describe features by fluorescence and confocal microscopy, which may be useful in distinguishing true from false positive pemphigus staining.  相似文献   

Extracts of stromata of human adult and newborn (cord) erythrocytes were prepared with n-butanol. The aqueous phase and butanol phase extracts were examined for the presence of blood group I, i, HI and H substances in inhibition of agglutination experiments. The recovery of HI activity in both the aqueous and butanol phase extracts of adult red cells but only in the aqueous phase of cord cells is reported here for the first time. The i specificity was present in the aqueous phase but not in the butanol phase of cord erythrocytes, also not previously reported. Although the recovery of I but not i substance in aqueous phase extracts of adult cells had been shown by other workers, examination of the butanol phase extracts for I and i substances had not been documented. In the present study, Ii substances were not demonstrable in any of the butanol phase extracts of adult and cord erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Extracts of stromata of human adult and newborn (cord) erythrocytes were prepared with n-butanol. The aqueous phase and butanol phase extracts were examined for the presence of blood group I, i, HI and H substances in inhibition of agglutination experiments. The recovery of HI activity in both the aqueous and butanol phase extracts of adult red cells but only in the aqueous phase of cord cells is reported here for the first time. The i specificity was present in the aqueous phase but not in the butanol phase of cord erythrocytes, also not previously reported. Although the recovery of I but not i substance in aqueous phase extracts of adult cells had been shown by other workers, examination of the butanol phase extracts for I and i substances had not been documented. In the present study, Ii substances were not demonstrable in any of the butanol phase extracts of adult and cord erythrocytes.  相似文献   

In the serum of a healthy blood donor, Mar, antibodies were identified that agglutinate blood group M erythrocytes only after their preincubation in glucose-containing solution. This agglutination was inhibited by blood group M glycoprotein preincubated in glucose solution but not by untreated M and N glycoproteins or N glycoprotein pretreated with glucose. A similar 'activating' effect on M erythrocytes or M glycoprotein was achieved when glucose was replaced by mannose or N-acetylglucosamine, whereas several other sugars were ineffective. The 'activating' effect of glucose on M antigen was time-, temperature-, pH-, and concentration-dependent. The binding of glucose to M glycoprotein was demonstrated under the preincubation conditions used in the above mentioned agglutinations. The results obtained suggest that the antibodies of serum, Mar, react with blood group M determinants modified by formation of a gly-cosylamine linkage between amino groups of the glycoprotein and glucose of other hexoses with the same configuration at asymmetric carbons 3, 4 and 5 as glucose.  相似文献   

Tumors aberrantly express tumor-associated antigens that can be specifically recognized by T-cells, thereby providing a scientific rationale for the design and clinical testing of immunotherapeutic strategies targeting these antigens. Multiple myeloma is a fatal hematologic malignancy. Here, we review techniques to discover new tumor-associated antigens in multiple myeloma and the latest immunotherapeutic strategies employed in this disease.  相似文献   

The presence of HL—A antigens on various blood cells was determined by absorption techniques with the absorbed antisera being tested in the lymphocyte cytotoxicity test for loss of antibody activity.
To overcome the risk of contamination by lymphocytes, methods for the preparation of pure cell suspensions of platelets, granulocytes and erythrocytes were evolved, giving high yields of cells.
The following antigens were detected on platelets and granulocytes, but not on erythrocytes either fresh or papainized: HL—A1, HL—A2, HL—A3, HL—A9, HL—A10 and HL—A11 of the first series, and HL—A5, HL—A7, HL—A8, HL—A12, HL—A13, W5, W14, W15, W17, W18, W22, W27 and possibly W10 of the second series.
The distribution of antigens on the various blood cells using cells from the same donor was also investigated, and it was found that the same HL—A antigens were present on platelets, granulocytes and lymphocytes.  相似文献   

An anti-idiotypic antibody has been raised which recognizes human immunoglobulins with cold agglutinin activity of anti-I/i specificity. The pattern of reactivity of the antibody indicates that the structural basis for the epitope is located in the VH4-21 gene segment of the VHIV family, which is preferentially utilized by these cold reactive antibodies. Using this antibody, epitope expression was investigated in a panel of 72 human monoclonal allo-antibodies specific for human blood group antigens, as compared with a control panel of 39 randomly selected human monoclonal IgM antibodies of unknown specificities. The anti-blood group panel included 44 IgM and 28 IgG monoclonal antibodies against a variety of blood group antigens including the A antigen, Rh C, c, D, E, e, G antigens, and the Kidd antigens Jka and Jkb. The epitope was expressed by 64% (28/44) of the IgM anti-blood group antibodies and by 21% (6/28) of the IgG antibodies, but by only 7.7% (3/39) of the control IgM antibodies. These data indicate that the human alloimmune response to blood group antigens is biased in the use of VH gene families, with a preference for the VH4-21 gene segment of the VHIV family, or closely related gene segments. The fact that this mirrors the findings for the autoimmune cold agglutinins suggests a link in immunoglobulin gene usage between antibodies against structurally diverse antigens on the red cell surface.  相似文献   

Type-Specific Antigens of Group B Type Ic Streptococci   总被引:23,自引:22,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
The type-specific antigens of group B type Ic (old designation type Ii) streptococci were extracted, purified, and characterized by serological and chemical methods. The Ia antigen, shared by types Ia and Ic, is a polysaccharide composed of 69% galactose and 25% glucosamine (i.e., 31% N-acetyl-glucosamine). However, these monosaccharides failed to inhibit significantly the quantitative precipitin reactions between purified antigen and type Ia antiserum. Indications are that the immunodominant group of this antigen consists of more than a simple monosaccharide. The Ic antigen, shared by types Ib and Ic, is a protein unrelated to the X and R protein antigens. Ic antigen consists of two serologically active determinants, one of which is susceptible to both trypsin and pepsin digestion and the other to pepsin but not to trypsin digestion. Acrylamide gel electrophoresis of the partially purified Ic antigen resulted in the occurrence of both determinants throughout the length of the gel, as shown by double gel diffusion slides.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood leukocytes, isolated by continuous flow leukapheresis and purification, are an excellent source of HL-A antigen. 3M KCI extraction releases the HL-A antigenic mosaic with good yield and specificity. This technique will allow a selective choice of HL-A representation in source material for studies of biochemical characteristics of the HL-A antigens. The technique would allow preparation of antigen from a proposed allograft donor and the pretreatment of the recipient in attempts to induce specific immunoIogic unresponsiveness.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood leukocytes, isolated by continuous flow leukapheresis and purification, are an excellent source of HL-A antigen. 3M KCI extraction releases the HL-A antigenic mosaic with good yield and specificity. This technique will allow a selective choice of HL-A representation in source material for studies of biochemical characteristics of the HL-A antigens. The technique would allow preparation of antigen from a proposed allograft donor and the pretreatment of the recipient in attempts to induce specific immunoIogic unresponsiveness.  相似文献   

Three serologically distinct antigens were identified in homogenates of Saint Louis encephalitis (SLE) virus-infected cells after Brij-58 solubilization and diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-cellulose chromatography. These antigens were designated as antigen I, II, and III. Immunodiffusion analyses showed that all antigen peaks which eluted from the DEAE-cellulose column contained the intracellular major envelope protein, antigen I. This protein was the only viral antigen which eluted at 0.125 M KCl in DEAE-cellulose column peak C. Optical density peak D, which eluted at 0.2 M KCl, contained both antigens I and III. Antigen III was purified from this column fraction approximately 200-fold by organic solvent extraction and chromatography on hydroxylapatite and Sepharose 6B. Purified antigen III had a molecular weight of 80,000 to 85,000 and contained only one antigenic determinant as judged by immunodiffusion analysis.  相似文献   

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