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Recent studies have suggested that the complement (C) system is involved in the development of tissue injury of myocardial infarction. As it is not known why the strictly controlled C system starts to react against autologous heart tissue, we have analyzed the expression of various membrane regulators of C (CR1, DAF, MCP, CD59, C8 binding protein) and the pattern of deposition of C components and plasma C regulators (C4b binding protein and vitronectin) in normal (n = 7) and infarcted (n = 13) human myocardium. In the infarcted myocardium deposits of the C membrane attack complex (MAC) were observed by immunofluorescence microscopy, and lesions resembling the transmembrane channels of MAC were detected by transmission electron microscopy. CD59 and C8 binding protein were strongly expressed by muscle cells of normal myocardial tissue. Little or no CR1, MCP, and DAF was observed on these cells. The assembly of MAC was accompanied by the deposition of vitronectin (S-protein) and C4b binding protein in the infarcted areas of myocardium. In accordance with our earlier results the expression of CD59 but not of C8 binding protein was clearly diminished in the lesions. The results show that C8 binding protein, vitronectin, and C4b binding protein do not prevent complement attack against the infarcted myocardium but rather become codeposited with the MAC. Ischemia-induced transformation of nonviable cells into complement activators, acquired loss of resistance to the MAC by shedding of CD59, and recruitment of multifunctional serum proteins by MAC could thus constitute a general process aimed at the clearance of injured tissue.  相似文献   

A Vkev  P Laurila    S Meri 《Immunology》1993,80(2):177-182
Clusterin is a multi-functional plasma glycoprotein that has been shown to inhibit formation of the complement membrane attack complex (MAC) by preventing the association of terminal complement complexes with target cell membranes. Recent studies have suggested that complement activation is involved in the development of tissue injury of myocardial infarction. In this study we observed that clusterin is selectively deposited in the infarcted areas of human myocardium. Clusterin deposits were observed in the heart tissue of 10 patients whose infarcted lesions were 8 hr to 14 days old, but not in patients who died from other causes. Clusterin co-localized with the MAC on the surface of damaged cardiomyocytes. In normal myocardium only endothelial lining of blood vessels occasionally stained positive for clusterin. The 80,000 MW clusterin was also detected by Western blot analysis in extracts of myocardial infarction lesions, but only faintly in extracts of normal heart. As clusterin has apparently failed in protecting myocardium against complement-mediated cell injury its main role might be to participate in the clearance of damaged and necrotic tissue together with the MAC.  相似文献   

Activation of the complement system has been documented in both experimental and clinical studies of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Our earlier immunohistochemical studies have shown that the deposition of the membrane attack complex (MAC) of complement is associated with the loss of protectin (CD59), a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored sarcolemmal regulator of MAC, from the human and rat infarcted myocardium. In this study we detected, using an enzyme immunoassay (EIA), CD59 in the plasma of AMI patients at a concentration of 23.0+/-8.4 ng/ml (mean +/- SD; n = 17) at 4 h and 27.3+/-11.8 ng/ml (n = 24) at 24 h after AMI. Both values were significantly higher than in healthy controls (7.8+/-6.4 ng/ml; n = 20; P<0.001). The amount of CD59 correlated with the level of soluble terminal complement complexes (SC5b-9; r = 0.84; P<0.01) in the plasmas of AMI patients. Our results suggest that myocardial damage leads to release of CD59 from the sarcolemmal cell membranes during AMI.  相似文献   

The bactericidal activity of serum complement and particularly of the membrane attack complex (MAC-C5b-C9) was studied on E. coli C600 with a simple functional test. The test evaluates the in vitro kinetics of the bactericidal effect and the subsequent counting of surviving germs. Homozygous deficiency of a particular membrane attack complex protein was easily detected from a total loss of bactericidal activity. These results were confirmed on Neisseriae meningitidis A and C, but in this case a more complex protocol was required. Deficits of proteins of the membrane attack complex sequence of complement are often found in sera of patients suffering from recurrent Neisseriae infections. This simple test, adapted to family studies, appears, thus, as a valuable basis for a detection of relatives at risk.  相似文献   

We examined the role of the complement system in the pathogenesis of dermatomyositis. Using an antibody against the neoantigens of the terminal C5b-9 membrane attack complex, we performed immunocytochemical studies that localized this complex to the intramuscular microvasculature (arterioles and capillaries) of muscle biopsy specimens from 10 of 12 patients (83 percent) with childhood dermatomyositis and 5 of 19 patients (26 percent) with adult dermatomyositis. Fifty-two control specimens, including 14 from patients with polymyositis and 12 from patients with denervation atrophy (a condition known to be associated with necrotic capillaries), showed no deposition of membrane attack complex in the microvasculature. These findings indicate that the complement system is deposited, bound, and activated to completion within the intramuscular microvasculature of patients with dermatomyositis. In addition to providing further evidence for the presence of vasculopathy in dermatomyositis, these findings suggest a primary role for complement in mediating vessel injury in the disease, particularly in its childhood form.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Protectin (CD59) is a recently discovered inhibitor of the complement membrane attack complex (MAC). In the present study we investigated expression of protectin in human heart and examined the relationship between MAC deposition and protectin in myocardial infarction. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Myocardial tissue specimens were obtained at autopsy from patients who had died of myocardial infarction (n = 10) or other causes (n = 5). MAC and protectin were detected by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy analysis in the heart sections by using antibodies against individual components of MAC, MAC neoantigens and protectin. Myocardial protectin was purified by affinity chromatography and compared with the previously characterized erythrocyte and urinary protectins by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis, N-terminal amino acid sequencing, and testing its ability to bind to the terminal complement complex. The possible glycophosphoinositol-type anchorage of protectin in the heart was examined by treating myocardial sections with glycophosphoinositol-specific phospholipase C. RESULTS: Immunoblotting and immunofluorescence analysis showed expression of protectin in the sarcolemmal membranes of normal myocardium. Protectin purified from normal human heart tissue had the same molecular weight and N-terminal amino acid sequence as CD59 purified from urine. In sucrose density ultracentrifugation analysis it was observed to bind efficiently to the SC5b-8 complex. In normal myocardium the expression of CD59 was sensitive to treatment with glycophosphoinositol-specific phospholipase C. The expression of CD59 was lost or clearly diminished in infarcted lesions aged 1-14 days. Loss of CD59 expression was accompanied by concomitant deposition of the MAC within the CD59-negative lesions. In border areas between an infarcted lesion and normal tissue, CD59 often appeared in small vesicles, suggesting shedding as a possible mechanism for its removal. CONCLUSIONS: Glycophosphoinositol-anchored CD59 is expressed in the sarcolemmal membranes of normal heart but lost from infarcted myocardium. Acquired loss of resistance to autologous complement and subsequent complement attack may thus be involved in the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of the membrane attack complex of complement (MAC) was examined in the normal human kidneys and in biopsy specimens from patients with primary IgA nephropathy by immunofluorescent and immunoelectron microscopies. Immunofluorescent staining for MAC was significantly more intense than in the normal kidneys, and was observed in the mesangium and occasionally along the glomerular capillary walls of 22 of 30 patients with IgA nephropathy. By dualstaining, the MAC deposits were generally concordant with the deposits of IgA, C3, C5 and C9, or of IgG, when present. C1q or C4 was infrequently observed in the glomeruli. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed various staining patterns of glomerular MAC deposition; homogeneous fine-granular staining beneath the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) in the paramesangial zone, patchy staining within the mesangial electron dense deposits (EDD), and ring-shaped or ribbon-like staining, associated with the striated membrane structures (SMS), in the matrix of the mesangium, GBM and tubular basement membrane (TBM). This study suggests that the terminal complement system is activated, mainly by an alternative complement pathway mechanism, in the mesangium of IgA nephropathy, and is associated with the paramesangial lesion and EDD. MAC deposition in glomerular SMS may also result from in situ activation rather than trapping from the circulation. There was little correlation between glomerular MAC deposition and proteinuria or renal histology of patients with IgA nephropathy.  相似文献   

A sensitive assay of complement (C) activation via either the classical or alternative pathway was developed by evaluating assembly of the terminal complexes (C5b-9)2 or SC5b-9. Activation of serum containing [125I]C7 resulted in the formation of a stable, radiolabeled complex which was separable from its precursors by sedimentation in an air-driven ultracentrifuge. The radioactivity in the sediment was directly proportional to the amount of complex formed and assembly of the complex could be detected after C activation by aggregated IgG in concentrations as low as 10 micrograms/ml. Mild detergents such as Triton X-100 could be included in the reaction mixture, because they affected neither the assembly nor the integrity of the complexes. The assay, which detects both assembly of the membrane attack complex (MAC or (C5b-9)2) on target membranes and formation of SC5b-9 in fluid phase, measures the potential of certain substances to trigger the cytolytic phase of C regardless of whether the classical or alternative pathway was activated. However, by using serum depleted of either factor B or C1q, activation of either pathway can be assessed individually.  相似文献   

Larvae and adults of the parasitic blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni are resistant to killing by human complement. An earlier search by Parizade et al. for a schistosome complement inhibitor identified a 94-kDa surface protein which was named SCIP-1 (M. Parizade, R. Arnon, P. J. Lachmann, and Z. Fishelson, J. Exp. Med. 179:1625-1636, 1994). Following partial purification and analysis by mass spectrometry, we have determined SCIP-1 to be a surface-exposed form of the muscle protein paramyosin. As shown by immunofluorescence, anti-paramyosin antibodies label the surface of live schistosomula and adult worms. Like SCIP-1, purified native paramyosin reacts with a polyclonal rabbit anti-human CD59 antiserum, as shown by Western blot analysis. Also, the human complement components C8 and C9 bind to recombinant and native paramyosin. Analysis of paramyosin binding to fragments of C9 generated by thrombin or trypsin has demonstrated that paramyosin binds to C9 at a position located between Gly245 and Arg391. Paramyosin inhibited Zn(2+)-induced C9 polymerization and poly-C9 deposition onto rabbit erythrocytes (E(R)). In addition, paramyosin inhibited lysis of E(R) and of sensitized sheep erythrocytes by human complement. Finally, anti-paramyosin antibodies enhanced in vitro killing of schistosomula by normal and C4-depleted human complement. Taken together, these findings suggest that an exogenous form of S. mansoni paramyosin inhibits activation of the terminal pathway of complement and thus has an important immunomodulatory role in schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Several products of the activated complement system are known to modulate endothelial cell function in vitro. It has been shown that the membrane attack complex (MAC) (C5b-C9) can enhance tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)-induced expression of P- and E-selectin and intercellular adhesion molecule type 1 in cell cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. In the present study the potential role of this synegism for lung injury during endotoxin-mediated septic shock in vivo was examined using a model of C6-deficient PVG (C-) (RT1(C)) rats and the congenic PVG (C+) (RT1(C)) strain. Following administration of a high (5 mg/kg) or low (0.5 mg/kg) dose of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (Escherichia coli O55:B5), we determined the expression of cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules as well as the recruitment of leukocytes in the lung. Challenge with intraperitoneal i.p. injections of LPS resulted in a strong induction of TNF-alpha, interleukin-1alpha/beta, cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant, interferon-inducible protein 10, macrophage inflammatory proteins 1alpha and 2, macrophage chemotactic protein 1, and P-selectin. However, there were no significant differences between PVG (C-) and PVG (C+) rats. Immunoperoxidase staining showed a similar increase of lung infiltration by CD11b/c(+) leukocytes in both rat strains. We therefore conclude that the described synergism between TNF-alpha and the MAC of the complement system on the induction of endothelial adhesion molecules is dispensable for inflammatory processes during endotoxin-mediated septic shock in vivo.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the mechanism of deposition of the complement membrane attack complex (MAC) in cardiomyocytes in areas of human myocardial infarction, the 20 kDA homologous restriction factor of complement (HRF20; CD59) and complement components (C1q, C3d and MAC) were analysed immunohistochemically using specific antibodies. Myocardial tissues obtained at autopsy from nine patients who died of acute myocardial infarction were fixed in acetone and embedded in paraffin. The ages of the infarcts ranged from about 3.5 h to 12 days. In cases of myocardial infarction of 20 h or less, MAC deposition was shown in the infarcted cardiomyocytes without loss of HRF20. Where the duration was 4 days or more, the cardiomyocytes with MAC deposition in the infarcted areas also showed complete loss of HRF20. Outside the infarcts, HRF20 in the cardiomyocytes was well preserved without MAC deposition. The present study suggests that the initial MAC deposition in dead cardiomyocytes can occur as a result of degradation of plasma-membrane by a mechanism independent of complement-mediated injury to the membrane. Loss of HRF20 from dead cardiomyocytes may not be the initial cause of MAC deposition, but may accelerate the deposition process of MAC in later stages of infarction.  相似文献   

Activation of the terminal pathway of the complement system leads to insertion of terminal complement complexes (C5b-9) into the cell membrane, which may induce cytolysis. Recent data indicate that the terminal complement pathway can also result in apoptosis in vivo. To further define the cell death pathway induced by complement, we examined induction of apoptosis by complement in vitro. Rat mesangial cells opsonized with a complement-activating antibody and exposed to rat serum as a complement source underwent apoptotic cell death in a time- and dose-dependent fashion, as demonstrated by membrane exposure of phosphatidylserine and fragmentation of nuclei. No significant apoptosis was detected in either cultures treated with C6-deficient serum or in control cultures. The pan-caspase-inhibitor zVAD-fmk inhibited complement-induced apoptosis completely. In line with this observation, complement induced cleavage and activation of caspase 3. Importantly, cellular exposure to purified cytolytically inactive C5b-9, in the absence of antibody and early complement components, also resulted into caspase activation and apoptosis. Together, these results indicate that C5b-9 is involved in induction of apoptosis via a caspase-dependent pathway. Apoptosis as a consequence of complement-mediated cell damage may provide an explanation for the presence of apoptosis in inflammatory processes, for instance in hyperacute xenograft rejection.  相似文献   

Rabbit erythrocytes are lysed by cobra plasma. The membranes of the lysed rabbit erythrocytes exhibited typical ultrastructural complement lesions with an inner diameter of 72 A. Structures similar to human C5b-8 complexes were also visualized. The proteins found in membranes lysed by cobra plasma resembled closely the proteins of the human membrane attack complex in number and molecular weight. Cobra poly C9 that is resistant to reduction and boiling in SDS could also be demonstrated. These results indicate that the membrane attack complex of cobra complement is very similar to its mammalian counterpart.  相似文献   

The terminal complement complexes C5b-7, C5b-8 and C5b-9 are able to generate nonlethal cell signals. One universal consequence of a cell being targeted by C5b-8 or C5b-9 is an influx of Ca2+. In addition, other second messengers, including cAMP, inositol phosphate intermediates and arachidonate metabolites, are generated by the terminal complement complexes in specific cell types. In vivo, terminal complement complexes have been found in a wide variety of inflammatory processes in humans and in experimental animal models. Some of these models of inflammation putatively induced by terminal complement complexes have been tested in complement-deficient animals, and indeed no inflammation results, which supports the critical role of the terminal complement complexes in the pathogenesis of the lesion.  相似文献   

Incubation of cultured rat glomerular epithelial cells (GEC) with sublytic amounts of the purified complement components C5b6, C7, C8 and C9 greatly stimulated the release of the prostanoids prostaglandin E (PGE) and thromboxane B2. Incubation of GEC with C5b-8 was also stimulatory, whereas omission of C7 abolished the enhanced prostanoid production. These effects were dose-dependent. The increased release of PGE was biphasic with peaks at 5 min and 24 h of incubation. The second peak could be prevented by treatment with cycloheximide, suggesting its dependence on protein synthesis. The observations on cultured GEC provide evidence that terminal complement components alter the metabolism of glomerular cells, resulting in increased production of prostanoids. The results are consistent with the concept that deposition of nonlytic amounts of complement in the glomerular capillary wall may affect the GEC in vivo and may indirectly contribute to abnormalities of the glomerular filter as it is seen in glomerular disease.  相似文献   

The membrane attack complex of human complement and its highly purified precursor proteins have been analyzed for phospholipase activity. Using three different sensitive assays, phospholipase a1, A2, C or D activity could not be detected. Based on the sensitivity of the assays employed, these results indicate the complement-mediated membrane damage is not enhanced by covalent breakdown of membrane phospholipids, but is entirely caused by physical action of the membrane attack complex. The results also imply that the putative serine esterase sites of C6 and C7 are not acting on phospholipids.  相似文献   

补体攻膜复合物细胞非致死性效应及其信号转导机制   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
有核细胞能通过自身机制抵抗同源补体溶破,同时亚溶破MAC在细胞膜上沉积后,能刺激多种细胞的多种生物学活性改变,包括产生活性氧、释放花生四烯酸及其代谢产物、产生多种细胞因子、诱导膜蛋白表达和诱导细胞进入细胞周期等,此称MAC的细胞非致死效应。这些效应是由MAC活化细胞跨膜信号转导机制介导的。  相似文献   

目的 研制针对人补体膜攻击复合物 (MAC)新抗原的特异性单克隆抗体。方法 在兔红细胞表面组装人MAC ,分离纯化RBC膜蛋白。以初步纯化的MAC免疫Balb c小鼠 ,取免疫小鼠脾细胞与SP2 0骨髓瘤细胞融合 ,采用免疫斑点杂交的方法分别以纯化的单一补体成分C5、C6、C7、C8、C9和MAC同时进行阴性和阳性筛选。结果 获得了 2株仅与MAC反应而不与各单体成分反应的单克隆抗体。进一步以体外组装的补体终末复合物进行鉴定 ,证实所获单克隆抗体可特异性识别MAC复合物中C9分子暴露出的新抗原。经ELISA法测定 ,2株杂交瘤细胞的培养上清液和腹水效价分别为 1× 1 0 -3 ,1× 1 0 -3和 1× 1 0 -6,1× 1 0 -7;单克隆抗体的重链均属小鼠IgG1亚类 ,轻链均为κ型。结论 获得了 2株特异性识别MAC新抗原的单克隆抗体。  相似文献   

A K Patel  A K Campbell 《Immunology》1987,60(1):135-140
Flow cytometry was used to quantify the fluorescence of propidium iodide in rat polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN) attacked by the membrane attack complex (MAC) in order to establish the existence of permeability and lytic thresholds in individual cells, a 'threshold' being defined as a cellular event involving the rapid transition of cells from one state to another under physiological conditions. Activation of the complement pathway resulted in PMN being attacked by MAC within 5 min. Approximately 30-40% of the cell population subsequently became permeable to small molecules and macromolecules. Individual PMN passed through 'thresholds' of cell permeability and cell lysis, or recovered from complement attack at different times. In the flow cytometer, three distinct populations of PMN were identified: cells that had recovered before the permeability 'threshold', cells that had recovered after the permeability 'threshold' but before the lytic 'threshold', and cells that failed to recover from complement attack. Individual PMN attacked by MAC passed through permeability and lytic thresholds at different times after an initial lag of 7.5 +/- 2.5 min and 11.5 +/- 1.0 min, respectively. Adenosine, an activator of adenylate cyclase, inhibited removal of MAC from the cell surface. Consequently, more cells passed through the permeability and lytic 'thresholds', resulting in an increased percentage of lysed cells.  相似文献   

The effects of decomplementation by cobra venom factor (CVF) on the pathogenesis of inflammation and demyelination in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) and acute antibody-mediated demyelinating EAE (ADEAE) have been quantified histologically and immunocytochemically. In rats immunized with 50 micrograms of myelin basic protein in Freund's complete adjuvant containing 100 micrograms heat-killed Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra, clinical signs of EAE were completely suppressed by two injections of CVF given 9 and 12 days post-immunization. Suppression of clinical disease was associated with a dramatic reduction in peri-vascular inflammation in the CNS, although immunohistochemical staining identified small numbers of infiltrating T cells and macrophages. In contrast, CVF treatment had no significant effect on the clinical severity of ADEAE and although C9 deposition within the CNS was virtually abolished, there was no statistically significant decrease in the extent of demyelination or inflammation. These observations indicate that in the absence of complement components C3 and C5 an antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxic response plays an important role in the pathogenesis of antibody-mediated demyelination. The major role of the complement cascade in EAE appears to be the generation of pro-inflammatory factors that enhance the inflammatory response within the CNS in animals facing a mild encephalitogenic challenge.  相似文献   

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