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Valić, F., and Žuškin, E. (1972).Brit. J. industr. Med.,29, 293-297. Effects of different vegetable dust exposures. In order to establish the rank of biological activity of vegetable dusts, five groups of non-smoking female workers exposed to similar concentrations of hemp, flax, cotton, sisal, and jute airborne dust, respectively, were compared as to the prevalence of byssinosis, chronic respiratory symptoms, and one-second expiratory volume changes over the Monday shift. The groups were selected in such a way as to differ in the distribution of age and length of exposure to the respective dust as little as possible. The prevalence of byssinosis in hemp and flax workers was approximately equal (44% and 43% respectively), in cotton workers it was considerably lower (27%), while no byssinosis was caused by either sisal or jute dust. The highest prevalence of other chronic respiratory symptoms was recorded in hemp workers (39%), followed by flax (36%) and cotton workers (27%), while in sisal (13%) and jute workers (13%) it was the lowest. Significant mean FEV1·0 reductions over the shift were recorded in all the groups of textile workers with the largest reductions in hemp workers (19%) followed by flax (11%), cotton (8%), sisal (7%), and jute workers (5%). The application of orciprenaline before the shift diminished the mean acute FEV1·0 falls over the work shift in all the groups studied. 相似文献
The characteristics of the effects of exposure to cotton dust were adequately described more than 50 years ago. Symptoms of airway irritation, cough with or without phlegm, and Monday morning chest tightness are typical. The symptoms caused by exposure to cotton dust are similar to those induced by other organic dusts. A common pathology is acute or chronic inflammation, and bacterial endotoxins seem to be the causative agents for the acute and some chronic reactions. 相似文献
This study characterized exposure for dust-producing construction tasks. Eight common construction tasks were evaluated for quartz and respirable dust exposure by collecting 113 personal task period samples for cleanup; demolition with handheld tools; concrete cutting; concrete mixing; tuck-point grinding; surface grinding; sacking and patching concrete; and concrete floor sanding using both time-integrating filter samples and direct-reading respirable dust monitors. The geometric mean quartz concentration was 0.10 mg/m(3) (geometric standard deviation [GSD]=4.88) for all run time samples, with 71% exceeding the threshold limit value. Activities with the highest exposures were surface grinding, tuck-point grinding, and concrete demolition (GM[GSD] of 0.63[4.12], 0.22[1.94], and 0.10[2.60], respectively). Factors recorded each minute were task, tool, work area, respiratory protection and controls used, estimated cross draft, and whether anyone nearby was making dust. Factors important to exposure included tool used, work area configuration, controls employed, cross draft, and in some cases nearby dust. More protective respirators were employed as quartz concentration increased, although respiratory protection was found to be inadequate for 42% of exposures. Controls were employed for only 12% of samples. Exposures were reduced with three controls: box fan for surface grinding and floor sanding, and vacuum/shroud for surface grinding, with reductions of 57, 50, and 71%, respectively. Exposures were higher for sweeping compound, box fan for cleanup, ducted fan dilution, and wetted substrate. Construction masons and laborers are frequently overexposed to silica. The usual protection method, respirators, was not always adequate, and engineering control use was infrequent and often ineffective. 相似文献
Grain dust has a long history of association with disease, and its effects on various organs have been reported for many years. Inflammatory diseases of the eyes, nose, and skin may be caused by both direct irritation and immune-based reactions. The lung and airways frequently suffer adverse effects. Asthma is well documented as being a result of exposure. Several studies show increased incidences of respiratory symptoms and of reduced pulmonary function in grain workers. Grain dust should be regarded as a dust with toxic properties, not just a nuisance dust. 相似文献
Exposure to wood dust is a common occurrence in all countries and may cause various diseases. These include extrinsic allergic alveolitis, organic dust toxic syndrome, occupational asthma, non-asthmatic chronic airflow obstruction, and simple chronic bronchitis (mucus hypersecretion). Of these conditions, the most common are simple chronic bronchitis and non-asthmatic chronic airflow obstruction. The level and pattern of occurrence of these conditions varies with the type of wood dust, climatic conditions, and the manner in which it is handled, particularly the use of fungicides. The prevalence and characteristics of the conditions associated with wood dust exposure are very similar to those due to grain dust exposure. 相似文献
Residential dust has been used as a medium for assessing human exposures to a constellation of indoor contaminants including radionuclides, persistent organic pollutants, metals, allergens, and tobacco smoke. Here, we review and comment on investigations of household dust levels of particular analytes of health significance, namely polybrominated diphenyl ethers, polychlorinated biphenyls, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In doing so, we not only describe methods for collecting and analyzing residential dust, but also describe global patterns in dust levels. Aside from geographic location, we discuss several potential determinants for dust levels of these contaminants. We also review previous estimates of the contribution of dust to overall intake of these three chemical classes and show how residential-dust measurements could be useful in either augmenting or replacing questionnaire-based assessment of human exposures in epidemiological studies. We conclude our review with a discussion of the current gaps in knowledge of worldwide dust levels and suggestions for how residential-dust measurements could be used to describe human exposures to chemicals in developing countries. 相似文献
A field study was performed to quantify personal dust exposures at a food processing facility. A review of the literature shows very little exposure information in the food processing industry. The processing area consisted of a series of four rooms, connected by a closed-loop ventilation system, housed within a larger warehouse-type facility. Workers were exposed to various fruit and vegetable dusts during the grinding, sieving, mixing and packaging of freeze-dried or air-dried products. Eight two-hour periods were monitored over two days. Personal total suspended particulate samples were collected on 37 mm PVC filters with 5 microm pore size according to National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Method 0500. The filters were analyzed gravimetrically. The two-hour task sampling personal dust exposures ranged from 0.33-103 mg/m3. For each worker, an eight-hour time weighted average (TWA) concentration was calculated, and these ranged from 3.08-59.8 mg/m3. Although there are no directly appropriate occupational exposure limits that may be used for comparison, we selected the Threshold Limit Value (TLV) for particulates not otherwise classified (PNOC) of 10 mg/m3 for inhalable particles. Neglecting the respiratory protection used, five out of eight of the worker time-weighted averages exceeded the TLV. It should be noted that the TLV is based on the inhalable fraction and in this study total suspended particulate was measured; additionally, the TLV is applicable for dusts that are insoluble or poorly soluble, and have low toxicity, which may have limited protective ability in this case due to the irritant nature of certain dusts (e.g., jalapeno peppers, aloe vera). Sieving resulted in significantly higher exposure than grinding and blending. Measuring area concentrations alone in this environment is not a sufficient method of estimating personal exposures due to work practices for some operations. 相似文献
Defense mechanisms protect the lung very well from inhaled organic dusts. With sufficient exposure to certain dusts, however, susceptible individuals develop hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), the organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS), or asthma. Mucous membrane irritation (MMI) bothers some individuals inhaling grain dust. Allergic asthma is caused by IgE-mediated immunologic responses to allergenic dust contaminants. ODTS can be explained by a nonimmunologic release of interleukin 1 (IL-1) and perhaps other endogenous pyrogens from alveolar macrophages by endotoxin or other ingredients of dusts. The pathogenesis of HP may involve IL-1 release combined with a specific immunological response by effector T-lymphocytes. MMI may be the result of an irritant effect not involving immune responses or mediators. 相似文献
Estimation and Assessment of Substance Exposure (EASE) is a rule-based computer expert system used by regulatory authorities within the European Union to assist in assessing exposure for both new and existing substances. It can provide estimates of both inhalation exposure levels and dermal exposure levels to the hands and forearms. This article describes the results of a study in which measurements of workplace dermal zinc exposures were collected for an industry-wide risk assessment and also compared with the levels predicted by EASE. Measurements were obtained from subjects in seven different workplaces that were producing or working with zinc metal or zinc compounds. The work activities were grouped a priori into one of three categories used by EASE for dermal exposure assessment: 'non-dispersive use with intermittent direct handling', 'wide dispersive use with intermittent direct handling' and 'wide dispersive use with extensive direct handling'. The predicted exposure ranges for these categories are 0.1-1, 1-5 and 5-15 mg cm(-2) day(-1). Although the average measured exposure levels for each of the categories increased in line with the predictions from EASE, the model overestimated dermal exposure to the hands by a factor of approximately 50 when the mid-point of the EASE range was compared with the measured mean exposure. Furthermore, a significant additional exposure was found on other parts of the workers' bodies for which EASE does not provide any estimates. Interpretation of the dermal exposure data was complicated by the use of protective gloves, which might have limited the amount of zinc dust adhering to the workers' skin. However, observation of the work activities suggested that the pattern of glove use was such that they would not provide a consistent level of protection. This study provided an opportunity to collect a large amount of dermal zinc exposure data for risk assessment purposes and also enabled a dermal sampling method to be developed and assessed. There is no standard method for dermal dust exposure measurement, and the choice of method was a key factor in the exposure estimation process. With regard to comparison with the EASE predictions, it is possible that EASE could appear to perform more accurately if its predictions were compared with measurements obtained using surrogate skin sampling methods. However, we believe that such sampling can provide a gross overestimate of the dust on the skin surface. We suggest that further development of the EASE system is necessary to ensure that it better reflects whole-body dermal exposures to dusts. 相似文献
Fifty-three hog confinement farmers and 43 control farmers were studied. Pulmonary function, total and respirable personal dust levels, and responses to a health status questionnaire were obtained for all farmers. The hog farmers' total and respirable personal dust exposures were significantly higher than the respective levels of the control farmers. Higher dust levels were associated with the use of floor (scatter) feeding, indoor feed grinding, and the use of high moisture corn feed. Pork producers reported respiratory symptoms significantly more often than controls. Lung function did not differ between the two groups of farmers, nor could dust exposure levels be related to lung function. 相似文献
Time-weighted average (TWA) personal total and respirable dust exposures were determined gravimetrically for 48 subjects in 4 cabinet-making plants. TWA personal formaldehyde exposures also were obtained, with the use of 3M 3750 passive monitors. Selective area sampling for formaldehyde was undertaken using two methods. The results obtained with the passive monitors were compared to the standard chromotropic acid impinger method. Considerable variation was noted in the dust exposures. Cabinet-makers exposed to softwoods were found to have a mean exposure of approximately one half of the current applicable ACGIH TWA-TLV, while hard-wood exposure was twice the applicable TWA-TLV. The highest dust exposures were recorded for those workers sanding, the mean total dust being 2.91 mg/m3 (S.E. 0.70) and respirable dust 0.63 mg/m3 (S.E. 0.20). Sanding operations also were found to produce a higher proportion of respirable dust (22%) than other woodworking operations (6%-14%). Workers in assembly areas also were found to have higher dust exposures, likely reflecting the fact that conventional dust collection devices for stationary woodworking equipment are not appropriate for hand held tools and hand sanding. The importance of making respirable dust measurements is discussed. The poor correlation between paired total and respirable dust concentrations indicates that both measurements should be made. Some potential limitations to respirable wood dust sampling using 10 mm nylon cyclones are noted, however. Area dust concentrations were found to be significantly lower than personal exposures, emphasizing the importance of personal sampling data. Formaldehyde vapor exposures were very low, with a mean of 0.06 ppm (S.E. 0.01). 相似文献
Quantitative estimates of dust exposure in a diatomaceous earth (DE) mining and milling operation have been derived based on air sampling records for the period 1948–1988. A total of 6395 records was included in the analysis. Conversion of results obtained by particle counting, expressed as millions of particles per cubic feet (mppcf) or gravimetrically from a filter cassette and expressed as mg m −3 total, were converted to mg m −3 respirable dust using a conversion factor derived from data obtained during the same periods at the plant. Conversion factors were calculated as the average difference of means on the log scale in order to provide stable and consistent conversions and as a ratio of arithmetic means so that the results could be compared with similar studies. After converting the available data to mg m −3 respirable dust, geometric mean (geometric standard deviation) concentrations were 0.37 (2.43) during the 1950s and 0.17 (2.35) during later periods. Exposures were estimated using two linear models, one estimating the changes in concentration over time, and the other providing job-specific mean exposures during the more recent period. Extrapolation of the estimates to periods prior to the availability of any data was done using a subjectively-determined scaling factor. The average estimated respirable dust concentrations for 135 jobs were 3.55 (±1.25), 1.37 (±0.48), 0.47 (±0.16) and 0.29 (±0.10) mg m −3 prior to 1949, 1949–1953, 1954–1973 and 1974–1988, respectively. Despite the limitations of the available data, the estimation procedures used are expected to provide reasonable quantitative estimates of silica-containing dust exposure for subsequent exposure-response analyses. 相似文献
Analysis of variance models were used to analyze 1153 personal samples of respirable granite dust collected in the Vermont granite sheds in 1970 and 1976. The best fitting model described dust concentrations in terms of job, shed, season, survey year, and included interaction terms between shed, season, and survey. This model explained 46% of the total variability in dust levels, and was used to estimate median annual dust concentrations for every job and shed in the industry. The analysis of variance suggested that dust levels varied more between sheds than between jobs within a shed, and that winter dust levels were significantly higher than summer levels. Dust levels in the 1970s were estimated by the average of the seasonally adjusted levels in the two surveys. Dust estimates in each job and shed were combined with personal work histories, and three procedures for estimating each worker's lifetime exposure were evaluated. The cumulative exposure index with uniform weights for each dust year of exposure was selected as the most physiologically plausible measure of total dose. 相似文献
An important source of variability of experimental results in inhalation toxicology originates from the nonuniformity of chamber concentrations. Two horizontal flow inhalation chambers were used in evaluating the effect of cage rotation within each chamber on the amount of alpha-quartz deposited in the lungs of male Fischer 344 rats. The alpha-quartz lung burden was determined by quantitative X-ray diffraction. A carefully designed animal rotation schedule significantly reduced the variability in the amount of alpha-quartz deposited in the animals, thereby minimizing effects of chamber nonuniformity due either to design or dust generator characteristics. 相似文献
Two surveys studied day-to-day variations in exposures to dust and endotoxin and those caused by different tasks and the content of fat in the feed. The exposure to "total" particulate matter (TPM) was just below and at the same level, respectively, as the Danish occupational exposure limit of 5.0 mg/m3 for organic dust. No variation with task distance from the animals was found, but the results indicated decreased exposure when fat was added to the feed. The endotoxin exposure level was lower than previously reported. High correlations were found between TPM, respirable dust, and endotoxin. 相似文献