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There is now evidence for alterations in the neuroendocrine control of the reproductive axis with aging, but its sensitivity to gonadal steroid negative feedback remains controversial. To examine the independent effect of age and gonadal steroid negative feedback, younger (45-55 yr; n = 7) and older (70-80 yr; n = 6) postmenopausal women (PMW) were studied at baseline on no HRT, after 1 month of transdermal estrogen (50 microg/d; E) and again after a further month of E and 7 d of transvaginal progesterone (P) (100 mg bid; E + P). At each admission, blood was sampled every 5 min for 8 h for measurement of gonadotropin free alpha-subunit (FAS), which was used as a marker of GnRH pulse frequency. LH and FSH were measured in pooled samples. Midfollicular and midluteal phase levels of E2 and P were achieved during the E and E + P treatments and were not different between younger and older PMW. There was a negative feedback effect of E and E + P on mean LH (P < 0.0001) and an additional effect of age (P < 0.003), with older women having lower values throughout. Mean FSH was also decreased with E and E + P (P < 0.0001) and was consistently lower in the older women (P < 0.05). Mean FAS levels decreased with hormonal treatment (P < 0.0001) and age (P < 0.001), but the effect of hormonal treatment was attenuated in the older group (P < 0.005). FAS pulse frequency was unchanged with addition of E, but dramatically decreased with E + P (P < 0.002). Both hormonal replacement (P < 0.05) and age (P < 0.005) decreased FAS pulse amplitude, an effect that was attributable entirely to E as there was no additional change with E + P. These studies indicate that: 1) both age and gonadal steroids independently decrease mean LH, FSH, and FAS in PMW; 2) responsiveness to steroid negative feedback on FAS is attenuated with aging in absolute but not relative terms, whereas the effect on mean levels of LH and FSH is clearly preserved; and 3) FAS pulse frequency is unchanged with E2 administration but decreases dramatically with addition of P in both old and young PMW.  相似文献   

Steroid-tipped hypothalamic probes containing either cholesterol, aldosterone, corticosterone, or betamethazone were found to significantly suppress plasma corticosterone levels in adult male Rana pipiens 24–48 hr postimplantation. Stress significantly elevated plasma corticosterone, and the stress response was inhibited by hypothalamic implants of both corticosterone and aldosterone.  相似文献   

To clarify the possible intervention of gonadal steroids on the secretion of bioactive LH from the pituitary, the levels of plasma LH were measured by in vitro bioassay as well as radioimmunoassay, and their changes in specific endocrine conditions were investigated. The ratio of bioactivity to immunoactivity (B/I ratio) of LH in patients with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism and in postmenopausal women was significantly greater than that in women during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, and estradiol levels in the former groups were significantly lower than those of the latter group. In cases of gonadotropin-secreting pituitary tumor with high LH and normal estradiol levels, B/I ratio was found at a level similar to that during the follicular phase. The administration of combined pills decreased the high B/I ratio of oophorectomized women to levels comparable to those in the normal follicular phase. Although bioactive LH responded in all groups to LH-RH with a similar pattern to that observed with immunoactive LH with a peak value 15 approximately 30 min. after the stimulation, followed by a gradual decrease thereafter, the B/I ratio of women during the follicular phase was the lowest at 15 min. and returned up to the initial value within 60 min. after the injection of LH-RH. In contrast, this drop of the B/I ratio did not occur in 7 out of 15 cases composed either of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism or postmenopausal women. The peak values of LH in patients without decrease in B/I ratios were higher than those of women showing decreased B/I ratios. In addition, circulating levels of gonadotropin alpha-subunit did not affect the B/I ratio. These results suggest that circulating levels of gonadal steroids regulate the secretion and synthesis of LH quantitatively as well as qualitatively.  相似文献   

Bilateral injections of tri-iodothyronine (T3, 2 ng in 2 microliter artificial cerebrospinal fluid, CSF) were made into the hypothalami of 15 hypothyroid rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) prepared with chronically implanted intrahypothalamic cannulae. In 29 out of 96 such injections, the concentration of thyrotrophin (TSH) in the plasma fell rapidly by more than 30% and returned to the basal value over the succeeding 48 h, in 13 experiments the fall was 20-30% and in the remaining 54 experiments the level of TSH was unaltered. With [125I]T3, the extent of diffusion of T3 through the hypothalamus in these experiments was shown to be very limited. The hypothalamic injection sites were subsequently identified histologically and it was found that in those experiments in which the level of TSH in the plasma had fallen, T3 had been injected into either the dorsomedial nucleus or the lateral hypothalamic area extending into the preoptic region. Injection of artificial CSF alone into these areas of the hypothalamus did not affect the concentration of TSH. Direct intrapituitary injections of T3 (4 ng) resulted in small and inconstant changes in the concentration of TSH in the plasma and injections of T3 (400 ng) into the third ventricle were without any effect. These experiments demonstrate that T3 can rapidly inhibit the secretion of TSH by a direct action upon defined parts of the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

The influence of continuous stimulation of opiate receptors with morphine (M) on the negative feedback effects of testosterone (T), 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and 17 beta-estradiol (E2) on LH and FSH secretion was studied in rats that had been castrated 2 weeks previously. In the absence of gonadal steroids, 4 days of continuous M exposure did not alter LH or FSH levels. Similarly, Silastic capsules containing crystalline T (5 mm) or E2 [5 mm long (75 micrograms E2/ml) to 7.5 mm long (300 micrograms E2/ml)] alone had little effect on LH or FSH release. However, in M-exposed rats, T reduced serum LH by greater than 90%, and E2 reduced LH by more than 75%. Among the doses of DHT evaluated, only the highest dose (7.5-mm Silastic capsules packed with crystalline DHT) reduced LH secretion, and M exposure only slightly enhanced this suppression. M or gonadal steroids alone produced little change in FSH levels in castrated rats. However, the combination of M plus E2 or DHT further reduced FSH levels. Evaluation of pituitary responses to LHRH revealed that when administered alone, T did not alter, DHT reduced, and E2 enhanced the LH response to the decapeptide. Neither M treatment alone nor M plus T or DHT altered the pituitary LH response to LHRH. On the other hand, M appeared to enhance the stimulatory effects of E2 on pituitary responsiveness to LHRH. These findings suggest that the interaction of M and gonadal steroids at the level of the pituitary could not explain the observed marked suppression of gonadotropin secretion by suboptimal T or E2 during opiate receptor stimulation with M. Collectively, these observations are in accord with the view that endogenous opioid peptides may play a role in modulating the sensitivity of the hypothalamus to the negative feedback effects of gonadal steroids.  相似文献   

B lymphopoiesis is selectively suppressed in normal pregnant mice, suggesting that fluctuations in systemic hormone levels might influence local events within bone marrow. This has now been tested by sustained experimental elevation of sex steroids by hormone-containing pellet implants. We found that while numbers of total nucleated cells declined after treatment with estrone, beta-estradiol, or estriol, there was preferential suppression of B-lymphocyte lineage precursors. Progesterone pellets had no effect when used alone, but mice exposed to progesterone were sensitive to several-logarithm lower concentrations of estrogen. Changes in subpopulations of B-lymphocyte lineage cells with hormone pellets were similar to those previously recorded in pregnancy. B-lymphocyte lineage precursors in male and female mice were sensitive to these sex hormones. Acute treatment with single injections of water-soluble beta-estradiol allowed temporal effects on B-lineage cells to be documented. With this protocol, total numbers of nucleated cells and myeloid progenitor cells remained unchanged. Interleukin 7-responsive precursors dramatically declined within 1 day of injection, suggesting that estrogen influences that stage in the B-lymphocyte lineage. There was a subsequent sharp drop in small pre-B cells 4 days after this transient elevation in estrogen. These experiments demonstrate that B lymphopoiesis is sensitive to negative regulation by sex steroids. They extend findings made with pregnant animals and parallel previous studies of the thymus. Sex steroids might contribute to control of steady-state lymphopoiesis, and fluctuations in their levels could have implications for human disease.  相似文献   

The effects of urethane or sodium pentobarbitone anaesthesia on the feedback effects of oestradiol or progesterone on gonadotrophin secretion in the ovariectomized guinea-pig have been investigated. In the control experiments in which no steroids or vehicles were given the concentration of LH and FSH in samples of peripheral blood collected at intervals of 15 min varied in a random episodic manner. The mean level of LH was significantly greater in sodium pentobarbitone- and urethane-anaesthetized animals when compared with conscious animals, and in the conscious animals there was a progressive fall in mean LH level during the course of serial sampling. This effect was not observed in anaesthetized animals. Oestradiol benzoate (2 microgram s.c.) inhibited LH secretion in conscious animals and in those anaesthetized with sodium pentobarbitone, but not in urethane-anaesthetized guinea-pigs. Progesterone (200 microgram s.c.) progressively depressed plasma LH levels in conscious and urethane-anaesthetized animals, but not in guinea-pigs anaesthetized with sodium pentobarbitone. The effect of anaesthesia was the converse of that observed with oestradiol treatment. Significant changes in FSH secretion were not observed under any experimental conditions. These findings point to the existence of a mechanism in spayed guinea-pigs that restrains LH secretion, the action of which is reduced by anaesthesia and modified by oestradiol and progesterone.  相似文献   

In Fundulus heteroclitus, an annual cycle in the response of the thyroid to ovine thyroid-stimulating hormone (oTSH) is characterized by maximal thyroxin (T4) secretion in mid-winter and minimal T4 secretion in summer. Four daily injections of oTSH, given in winter caused serum T4 to plateau at elevated levels for several days, while in summer fish similar treatment resulted in far more fluctuating titers of serum T4; maximum levels were similar in both groups. The difference in sustenance rather than magnitude of Peak T4 led to an examination of the negative feedback effects of thyroid hormones as they might relate to these seasonal changes. Radioiodine uptake by thyroid follicles served as a simple, but effective bioassay for endogenous TSH. Fish collected in summer were more sensitive to negative feedback of T3 than those collected in winter; feedback effects of T4 in the two groups were not significantly different. The effects of specific photoperiods on negative feedback sensitivity to T3 and T4 were also tested. Exposure of winter fish for one month to long days (LD 14:10) enhanced the degree of reduction of iodine uptake caused by T4 in the aquarium water (10 micrograms/100 ml). Negative feedback in short-day (LD 8:16) winter fish was not demonstrated. It is concluded that long days increase and short days diminish the negative feedback sensitivity of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis to thyroid hormones in F. heteroclitus. Such photoperiodically induced changes may act to aid in the year-round maintenance of T4 levels necessary for seasonal adaptation and survival.  相似文献   

The serum gonadotropin response to castration was assessed in 8 foetal, 2 neonatal, 30 juvenile, and 2 adult rhesus monkeys (M. mulatta). In the 30 castrated juvenile monkeys and 8 sham-operated controls, concentrations of oestrone, oestradiol, androstenedione, dihydrotestosterone, testosterone and 17OH-progesterone were measured in 10 ml serum pools before, one month after, and one year after the surgical procedure. Castration during foetal life (83-137 days gestation) was followed within 48-72 h by a significant rise in serum FSH levels in males, but had no effect on the already high levels in females. Similarly, castration of males during the first post-natal month raised serum FSH and LH into the adult castrate range; however, after 3 months of age serum gonadotropin levels again declined to the normal juvenile range in spite of the open feedback loop. Orchiectomy of prepubertal juvenile monkeys (age 3 month-2 8/12 years) had no immediate effect on serum gonadotropins, but was followed by a delayed rise in FSH (at age 2 3/12-4 3/12 years) and LH (at age 2 7/12-4 4/12 years) to adult castrate levels. Orchiectomy of older prepubertal (by serum testosterone) or adult males resulted within a few days in a progressive and sustained rise in serum FSH and a more gradual rise in LH. Prepubertal gonadotropin regulation appeared to be sexually dimorphic, since ovariectomy in juvenile females (age 3 months-1 5/12 years) was followed by generally elevated, if somewhat erratic, serum FSH values, with a secondary rise in both FSH and LH levels at 2-2 1/12 years. In both sexes, prepubertal castration caused a significant and sustained decline in serum concentrations of oestradiol; castrated males also showed a decline in serum testosterone levels. Although prepubertal castration also caused in both sexes a slight decline in serum oestrone, and ovariectomy a decline in serum androstenedione and dihydrotestosterone, these effects were not sustained one year later, and values were not significantly different from sham-operated controls. Taken together, these data lend support to a model of primate sexual maturation in which the primary regulator of gonadotropin secretion in both sexes during the prolonged juvenile phase is central inhibition of the hypothalamic GnRH regulator. However, during foetal and neonatal life, and again following the onset of puberty, the major modulator of gonadotropin secretion becomes sex steroid-mediated feedback inhibition.  相似文献   

Corticosteroid feedback mechanisms were investigated at the hypothalamic level using the rat hypothalamus in vitro and the pituitary level using basal hypthalamic-lesioned rats. Both fast and delayed corticosteroid feedback effects were demonstrated at the level of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland with doses of corticosteroids within or near the physiological range. These two phases of feedback were separated temporally by a 'silent period' during which no feedback was apparent. Studies on the mechanism of action of corticosteroids at the hypothalamic level showed that the fast feedback mechanism acts by inhibition of release whilst the delayed feedback mechanism acts by inhibition of both synthesis and release. The fast feedback action of corticosterone does not appear to act by excitation of neuroinhibitory pathways since neither picrotoxin nor phentolamine prevented the feedback action of corticosteroids in vitro. Corticosterone inhibition of corticotrophin releasing factor release was overcome by depolarization of the membrane with K+ suggesting that the mechanism of action of the fast feedback of corticosteroids is by membrane stabilization.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a common primary glomerulopathy in African Americans. Prolonged treatment with steroids is recommended for FSGS in those with nephrotic-range proteinuria, but strong evidence for this recommendation, especially in African-American adults, is lacking. We reviewed our experience with steroids in FSGS in a predominantly African-American cohort. METHODS: Patients with primary FSGS were identified and their charts were retrospectively reviewed for demographic data, characteristics of renal biopsy, blood pressure, and use of steroids. End-stage renal disease and doubling of creatinine were end-points. RESULTS: Seventy-two patients (65 African Americans) were identified with 48.3 months of follow-up. Patients receiving steroids (n=43) had higher urine protein excretion than those who did not. Seventeen patients reached end-stage renal disease and 26 doubled their creatinine concentration. Factors significant for renal survival on Cox proportional hazards model were initial creatinine level, severity of renal lesion, and blood pressure over the follow-up period. Treatment with steroids did not affect renal survival. About one third of patients receiving steroids developed complications consisting of diabetes (n=4) and greater than 5 kg weight gain (n=10). CONCLUSION: Renal function, severity of the renal lesion, and blood pressure determine renal survival in FSGS. A beneficial effect of steroids was not observed in this predominantly African-American adult cohort.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been reported that there is a differential subcellular distribution of components of the minor U12-dependent and major U2-dependent spliceosome, and further that the minor spliceosome functions in the cytoplasm. To study the subcellular localization of the snRNA components of both the major and minor spliceosomes, we performed in situ hybridizations with mouse tissues and human cells. In both cases, all spliceosomal snRNAs were nearly exclusively detected in the nucleus, and the minor U11 and U12 snRNAs were further shown to colocalize with U4 and U2, respectively, in human cells. Additionally, we examined the distribution of several spliceosomal snRNAs and proteins in nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions isolated from human cells. These studies revealed an identical subcellular distribution of components of both the U12- and U2-dependent spliceosomes. Thus, our data, combined with several earlier publications, establish that, like the major spliceosome, components of the U12-dependent spliceosome are localized predominantly in the nucleus.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Recent findings point to an increasing number of hypothalamic proteins involved in the central regulation of thyroid hormone feedback. The functional neuroanatomy of these proteins in the human hypothalamus is largely unknown at present. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to report the distribution of type II and type III deiodinase (D2 and D3) as well as the recently identified T(3) transporter, monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8), in the human hypothalamus. DESIGN: The study included enzyme activity assays, immunocytochemical studies, and mRNA in situ hybridizations in postmortem human hypothalamus (n = 9). RESULTS: D2 immunoreactivity is prominent in glial cells of the infundibular nucleus/median eminence, blood vessels, and cells lining the third ventricle. By contrast, both D3 and MCT8 are expressed by neurons of the paraventricular (PVN), supraoptic, and infundibular nucleus (IFN). In support of these immunocytochemical data, D2 and D3 enzyme activities are detectable in the mediobasal human hypothalamus. Combined D2, D3, MCT8, and thyroid hormone receptor immunohistochemistry and TRH mRNA in situ hybridization clearly showed that D3, MCT8, and thyroid hormone receptor isoforms are all expressed in TRH neurons of the PVN, whereas D2 is not. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Based on these findings, we propose three possible routes for thyroid hormone feedback on TRH neurons in the human PVN: 1) local thyroid hormone uptake from the vascular compartment within the PVN, 2) thyroid hormone uptake from the cerebrospinal fluid in the third ventricle followed by transport to TRH neurons in the PVN or IFN neurons projecting to TRH neurons in the PVN, and 3) thyroid hormone sensing in the IFN of the mediobasal hypothalamus by neurons projecting to TRH neurons in the PVN.  相似文献   

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