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A magnetic resonance (MR) imaging strategy, SLIP (spatially separated lipid presaturation), which can be incorporated into existing MR imaging and MR angiographic techniques, has been developed to suppress lipid signal. The authors report the clinical application of this technique, with a triple comparison of two-dimensional inflow MR angiography, with and without SLIP, and x-ray angiography in patients with aortoiliac disease. SLIP improved visualization of arterial segments, with 50 of 63 (79%) arterial segments visualized versus 41 of 63 (65%) for non-SLIP MR angiography. The SLIP strategy aids in the depiction of slow or turbulent flow, because the lipid signal is suppressed while the intravascular signal is left undisturbed. Image quality improves because of the combination of decreased background lipid signal intensity and use of the maximum-intensity-projection algorithm. Compared with x-ray arteriography, non-SLIP MR angiography had a sensitivity and specificity of 60% and 56%, respectively, for detection of lesions with 50%–100% diameter reduction, while SLIP MR angiography had a sensitivity and specificity, respectively, of 53% and 67%.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of two-dimensional (2D) MR subtraction angiography of lower extremities in patients with symptomatic peripheral arterial occlusive disease with conventional angiography as the standard of reference. Twenty patients were prospectively included. 2D subtraction MR angiography (MRA) consisted of multisection gradient-recalled echo (GRE) acquisitions with the shortest TE available on our machine (4 msec), obtained in the coronal plane before and after intravenous bolus administration of gadolinium chelate. MR images were reconstructed after subtraction with a maximum-pixel-intensity-projection (MIP) algorithm. MRA was performed in all cases 1–4 days before diagnostic angiography. In a prospective blinded analysis, the number and location of significant (ie, >50%) stenoses and occlusions were evaluated for each vascular segment. Sensitivity and specificity were used to evaluate MRA data. Significant stenoses (38 of 46, 83%) and occlusions (66 of 67, 99%) seen at conventional angiography were identified with MRA. The sensitivity and specificity of MRA for determination of stenoses >50% or occlusions was 100% and 97%, respectively. The location and extent of stenoses and/or occlusions on MRA and angiograms were well correlated (kappa values, r = .73, P < .05). Contrast 2D MR subtraction angiography, by providing comparable information to that of conventional angiography, is well suited to evaluate the presence and severity of atherosclerotic lesions of the lower limbs.  相似文献   

To better understand the use of magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) in evaluating peripheral vascular disease, the authors studied arteries in the foot and ankle. Twenty patients with arterial occlusive disease of the lower extremity were studied with two-dimensional time-of-flight MRA, and the results were compared with those of 10 conventional x-ray arteriograms, four digital subtraction arteriograms, and three intraoperative arteriograms. The studies were reviewed and rated by three radiologists blinded to the patients' clinical history. Also, the first 16 patients were examined with MRA before and after intravenous injection of gadopentetate dimeglumine. The mean confidence levels for the reviewers' interpretations of the MRA studies were significantly higher than those for the conventional arteriograms for the medial plantar, lateral plantar, and plantar arch arteries of the feet (P ≦ 0.005). Postcontrast MRA images were inferior to precontrast images because of overlapping of veins and arteries. Time-of-flight MRA without gadolinium can serve as a useful complementary study for evaluating patients with peripheral vascular disease in the foot and ankle.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) flow measurements were obtained in six healthy volunteers and 30 patients with arteriosclerotic disease with a 1.5-T imager and a pulse sequence for flow quantification based on flow-induced phase shifts. The iliac arteries were investigated in eight and the femoral arteries in 28 subjects. A trigger pulse, followed by the acquisition of 30 evenly distributed data sets, was applied every second heartbeat, thus eliminating any acquisition gap in a full heart cycle. For quantitative analysis, flow velocity was plotted as a function of time. Systolic acceleration, postsystolic deceleration, and pulsatility of flow were calculated and compared with stenosis grades determined from recent intraarterial digital subtraction angiograms. The flattening of the temporal flow patterns correlated with local severity of vascular occlusive disease.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of gadolinium chelate dilution on vascular enhancement in contrast-enhanced two-dimensional (2D) MR subtraction angiography of aorta and renal arteries. Twenty patients were prospectively included. 2D subtraction MR angiography consisted of successive multisection breathhold GRE acquisitions of 16 s (2D FLASH, TR/TE 72/4, flip angle 60 degrees) obtained in the coronal plane before and after intravenous bolus administration of 0.1 mmol/kg BW gadolinium chelate. Patients underwent both diluted and undiluted gadolinium chelate administration in a random order. The data were studied both qualitatively and quantitatively on source and maximum intensity projection images. The length of renal arteries opacified was found not to differ significantly according to contrast dilution. The contrast enhancement percentage was not significantly modified according to the dilution used, but the time to peak enhancement was observed to be longer with the diluted contrast. Qualitatively, the best MR images were those obtained when undiluted contrast was injected first (chi2, P = 0.01). At a dosage of gadolinium chelate 0.1 mmol/kg BW, undiluted contrast 2D MR subtraction angiography seems to be more appropriate for studying diseases of the aorta and renal arteries than a similar diluted dose.  相似文献   

Renal artery MR angiography has now emerged as a safe, accurate approach to renal arteriography. A comprehensive examination, including both three-dimensional (3D) dynamic gadolinium-enhanced and 3D phase contrast MRA techniques, allows evaluation of both the aorta-renal and splanchnic arterial anatomy as well as the hemodynamic significance of any stenoses identified. The 3D gadolinium-enhanced MRA technique produces a contrast arteriogram but without risks of iodinated contrast or ionizing radiation. The 3D phase contrast technique is a flow-based technique, which may show dephasing in the presence of hemodynamically significant stenoses. A comprehensive examination should also include T1- and T2-weighted imaging for the assessment of potential neoplastic masses and the ubiquitous renal cysts. Through trial and error over the course of over a thousand examinations, this comprehensive approach to the MR evaluation of renal vascular pathology has emerged.  相似文献   

The accurate assessment of carotid artery disease is an important challenge for magnetic resonance (MR) angiography. Studies indicate that the detection and grading of stenosis and the evaluation of plaque morphology are all important steps in the clinical assessment of atherosclerosis. The prevalence of significant carotid artery stenosis in the elderly population and even in patients with symptoms of carotid artery disease is low; clinical risk seems to correlate more closely with plaque morphology and surface characterization than with the degree of stenosis. This highlights the importance of MR angiography and ultrasound, which can help characterize plaque morphology in addition to showing the degree of stenosis. The authors review the present understanding of plaque formation, comparisons of plaque imaging with conventional angiography, ultrasound, and MR angiography, and recent progress in MR angiography techniques. Several studies, including the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial and the European Carotid Surgery Trial, are discussed regarding the current objectives of carotid artery imaging. The sensitivity and specificity of plaque detection and morphologic evaluation continue to improve.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to include the pedal vasculature into the coverage of peripheral multistation magnetic resonance angiography (3DceMRA). A total of 216 patients suffering from peripheral vascular disease were examined with a modified hybrid dual-bolus technique. The cruropedal arteries were acquired first with two sagittal slabs and time-resolved 3D sequences. Then the aortofemoral vessels were visualized using the bolus-chase technique and a second contrast injection. Interventional procedures were performed in 104 patients, and in 69 of those, the cruropedal vessels were also examined with digital subtraction angiography (iaDSA). Using 3DceMRA, the cruropedal arteries were displayed with both excellent and good quality in 95% (205/216 cases), and without any venous overlay in 94% (203/216 cases). The aortofemoral vessels were not jeopardized by the first contrast injection. With iaDSA as the standard of reference, observed sensitivity of 3DceMRA was found in ranges from 80% (29%, 99%) to 100% (86%, 100%) for assessing significant stenoses, and observed specificity ranged between 93% [80%, 98%] and 100% (82%, 100%). In conclusion, hybrid dual-bolus 3DceMRA significantly reduces the limitations of standard single-bolus 3DceMRA in anatomic coverage and temporal resolution of the cruropedal arteries, thus providing high-quality images of the entire peripheral vasculature.  相似文献   

The contrast of flow-encoded magnetic resonance (MR) images obtained in vivo and the accuracy of velocity measurements are complicated by the presence of complex flow states. The effects of complex flow states on MR flow-encoded images were studied and quantitative flow information was obtained with an MR phase-subtraction technique. Regions of complex flow, including flow stagnation and separation and laminar flow, could be clearly identified on the phase images. The MR imaging velocity measurements were validated by comparison with numerical simulation results for three-dimensional velocity distributions. The velocity MR images and the profiles obtained from the simulation generally agreed well for flow rates of 660 and 1,680 mL/min. This agreement lends support to both the fluid dynamic model and the physical basis of the phase imaging technique and establishes the validity of flow-encoded phase imaging as an in vivo flow quantitation method, especially under low Reynolds number flow conditions.  相似文献   

Volume steady-state black-blood magnetic resonance imaging was evaluated as a method for depicting lower extremity vasculature. In steady-state imaging, flow has low signal intensity because motion destroys the coherence of transverse magnetization. To optimize image contrast, computations and measurements were obtained for the three-dimensional (3D) GRASS (gradient-recalled acquisition in the steady state) and 3D SSFP (steady-state free precession) sequences and a range of TRs and flip angles to determine optimal vessel-muscle contrast. The best results were achieved with a 3D GRASS sequence with a TR msec/TE msec of 25/5 and a flip angle of 30°. Coronal images of the femoral and popliteal vessels were obtained in healthy volunteers with various fields of view and voxel sizes. Inflow of unsaturated spins from outside the image region, yielding high signal intensity, could be a potential drawback in steady-state black-blood imaging; however, problems can be avoided by using coronal acquisitions and large fields of view. Steady-state black-blood imaging depicts vessels with high accuracy and is faster and free of flow artifacts.  相似文献   

The abdominal aorta and renal, visceral, and iliac arteries were evaluated in 16 patients with three-dimensional Fourier transform imaging enhanced with gadopentetate dimeglumine. By imaging dynamically during the arterial phase of a 5-minute injection (0.2 mmol/kg), highly significant (P < .0001) preferential arterial enhancement (signal-to-noise ratio ± standard deviation, 10 ± 0.9), with minimal enhancement of the inferior vena cava (5.1 ± 1.4) or background tissues (fat, 4.3 ± 0.7; muscle, 2.4 ± 0.5), was achieved in every patient. In six patients with angiographic and/or surgical correlation, 10 of 10 stenoses and two of two occlusions were correctly identified. No inplane saturation or pulsatility artifact was identified in any of the 16 patients. In conclusion, dynamic imaging during the injection of gadopentetate dimeglumine is a promising technique for evaluation of the abdominal aorta and branch vessels.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to apply time-of-flight MR angiography to renal transplant arteries with comparison of two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) sequences and to correlate the findings with colour flow sonography (CFS) and digital subtraction angiography (DSA). A total of 102 MR studies were performed in 101 patients: 87 with the 2D-FLASH sequence (18 repeated after Gd-DOTA administration), 49 with the 3D-FISP (both in 34). All patients were also studied with CFS and 15 with intra-arterial DSA. The 3D sequence produced good-quality MR angiograms in 94% of cases (82% in 2D). Gd-DOTA infusion improved the quality of the 2D angiograms in 7 of 18 cases. Only these patients were included in the remainder of the evaluation (90 patients with 103 arteries). CFS showed 72 normal and 10 abnormal arteries. In this group, the 2D sequence led to 7 (12%) false positives of stenosis and the 3D sequence yielded 1 (3%). Correlation between MR angiography and DSA was obtained for 21 arteries (15 patients) with suspicion of arterial complications. The 2D-FLASH (n = 13) and the 3D-FISP (n = 12) MR sequences allowed the correct diagnosis of all main artery complications (14 stenoses and 4 thromboses) without any false negatives and without discordance when both sequences were performed (n = 4). In the 3 other cases with a normal main artery, 2 segmental thromboses were correctly identified by both sequences and 1 stenosis of a segmental branch was correctly identified by the 2D sequence only but misdiagnosed as a thrombosis with the 3D sequence. Grading of the severity of stenoses was inaccurate with both sequences. It is concluded that the 3D time-of-flight MR sequence provides better MR angiograms than the 2D, with fewer false positives for stenosis. No false-negative arterial complications were noted. Correspondence to: N. Grenier  相似文献   

Over a 23-month period, 172 successful peripheral angioplasties were performed. Life-table analysis gave a two-year patency rate for the total series of 80%. The patency rate for aorto-iliac and femoral-popliteal lesions was 86% and 70%, respectively. Only one late failure occurred in the group of 44 arteries follwed for longer than eight months.  相似文献   

A major consideration in the reduction of early stent thrombosis and in-stent restenosis is the improvement of biocompatibility of the devices. Diamond-like carbon is a novel material for coating stent surfaces in order to increase biocompatibility. The authors report on the endovascular treatment of two individuals with superficial femoral artery occlusions, using stents coated with diamond-like carbon. Technical and clinical success was achieved in both cases, with primary patency rates of 100% 12 months after intervention.  相似文献   

Purpose To examine the effect of an ultrasound contrast medium (UCM), Infoson, on Doppler examination of stenotic arteries. Methods Stenoses were created in the common carotid artery of six piglets, and examined with spectral Doppler and color Doppler imaging during UCM infusion in the left ventricle. Results UCM caused a mean increase in recorded maximal systolic and end-diastolic velocities of 5% and 6%, respectively, while blood flow remained constant. Increased spectral intensity with UCM was accompanied by spectral broadening. Reduction of spectral intensity by adjustment of Doppler gain counteracted the velocity effects and the spectral broadening. With color Doppler, UCM caused dose-dependent color artifacts outside the artery. Flow in narrow stenoses could be visualized with UCM. Conclusion The effects of UCM on velocity measurements were slight, and were related to changes in spectral intensity. With color Doppler, UCM may facilitate flow detection, but color artifacts may interfere.  相似文献   

Reports of aneurysms of the subclavian artery in both normal and anomalous aortic arches have been rare. The authors describe a patient with a right-side aortic arch and an aneurysm of the aberrant left subclavian artery, which, to the authors' knowledge, is a previously unreported association. At presentation, the aneurysm appeared as a calcified left superior mediastinal mass. Magnetic resonance imaging enabled preoperative diagnosis and guided surgical planning.  相似文献   

This article reviews the general characteristics of several vascular imaging modalities with the purpose of identifying the distinguishing features of magnetic resonance (MR) angiography. Brief discussions of conventional x-ray film angiography, intravenous and intraarterial digital subtraction angiography (DSA), duplex and color Doppler flow ultrasound (US), computed tomographic (CT) angiography, transesophageal and intravascular US, angioscopy, and MR angiography are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of each are discussed. The general attributes and image quality features of MR angiography, intraarterial DSA, CT angiography, and US are compared. It is concluded that no single imaging modality will presently suffice for all purposes. Because of its noninvasiveness, rapidly improving image quality, and ability to directly provide velocity information, MR angiography is likely to play a role in an increasing number of clinical applications.  相似文献   

Focal necrosis of the ureter was observed in our patient 7 days after CT-guided chemical sympathectomy. The injection of phenol was apparently rendered remote from the ureter and still caused ureteric necrosis. Ureteric injury may thus result following chemical sympathectomy, not from direct puncture of the ureter, but from unpredictable individual diffusion pathways.  相似文献   

A method for cardiac-phase-specific magnetic resonance (MR) angiography is presented. An electronics module permits incrementing of phase-encoding gradients and storage of incoming data only during a chosen portion of the cardiac cycle. Suppression of stationary material is maintained by delivering radio-frequency pulses at constant TR throughout the cycle. Imaging of a pulsatile flow phantom demonstrates that acquiring data only during systole substantially increases the signal intensity of flowing material. In addition, phase-encoding ghost artifacts are eliminated from the neighborhood of the vessel. Image acquisition time is minimized by acquiring only the low-frequency phase-encoding lines in the cardiac-phase-specific mode. In healthy volunteers, greatly improved MR angiograms of the lower extremities are obtained. Fat saturation and magnetization transfer further enhance vessel/background contrast. Acquiring data only during systole ensures rapid inflow for all phase-encoding lines, permitting a near-longitudinal section orientation without in-plane saturation. This substantially reduces total acquisition time relative to axial acquisition.  相似文献   

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