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Drawing on research into cultural and organizational change in the Victorian Maternal and Child Health Service during the 1990s, this paper examines implications for the nursing leadership provided by service coordinators. The project included a quantitative survey of nurses and semistructured interviews with managers and coordinators. Under a strongly neo-liberal state government in Victoria, Australia, services were fundamentally restructured through tendering processes. A competitive, productivist culture was introduced that challenged the professional ethos of nurses and a primary health orientation to the care of mothers and infants. This paper focuses on the pressures that the entrepreneurial environment presented to maternal and child health nurses' identity and collegial relations and to the coordination role. It argues that coordinators emerged as a significant nursing management group at the interface of administrative change and the management of professional practice. Although many nurses skillfully negotiated tensions with peers and management, their leadership role needs further clarification and support.  相似文献   

To meet the health needs of communities today, health professionals need to be trained in working with persons from various cultural backgrounds, practicing disease prevention and health promotion in community-based settings, and working in teams with other professionals. The article focuses on interdisciplinary teaming for education and practice. In this model, medical and nursing students partner with communities to plan and deliver health promotion education programs and activities. Four service learning projects providing collaborative teaming opportunities as part of the Health Professions Schools in Service to the Nation Program are described. Interdisciplinary service learning has benefits for the community, students, and faculty and will prepare nurses and physicians to have a positive impact on care through future interdisciplinary collaboration in community-based settings.  相似文献   

Effective partnerships were established between a community health management center, a county health bureau and a university nursing program. A health fair was undertaken to heighten public health awareness through the collaboration of these various agencies. In this research, formative, process, and summative evaluations were conducted to determine the benefits of partnerships. Elements evaluated included the planning process, health fair relevancy, integration of community resources, participants satisfaction and knowledge acquisition, and partnership satisfaction. The samples of this study included (1) 529 adult participants who completed the on-site evaluation questionnaires; (2) 1,090 child participants who returned gift-reward cards; (3) 114 partners who gave written feedback on their satisfaction; and (4) 57 third-year and 16 fourth-year undergraduate nursing student participants. Data was collected from the evidence report of the Department of Health, the project proposal, activity protocols, meeting records, the project final report, students term papers, and questionnaires. The chief administrator of the County Health Bureau was very impressed with the creative exhibits in the fair and, therefore, invited a coalition to continue further workshops. Seventeen educational exhibits, two dance programs and two drama programs related to health issues were demonstrated in the fair. Resources from community organizations were successfully integrated and allocated. Community participants expressed satisfaction with the fair and anticipated similar activities in the future. Participants revealed more than 80% accuracy in health knowledge quizzes. The senior nursing students highlighted their interaction with the community, community health nurses, and health volunteers. Community-based health promotion and nursing education can be successfully connected when various disciplines and sectors form effective partnerships.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to explore factors that impact on the clinical teaching role of community nurses involved in the education of pre-registration nursing students. Respondents were community nurses working in the Western Sydney Area Health Service in New South Wales, Australia. A self-report questionnaire was developed to collect data. Results indicate that community nurses are interested in clinical teaching, that it is an important part of their role and that they perceive themselves to be effective clinical teachers, with the majority indicating motivation to continue developing their clinical teaching skills. Aspects of clinical teaching important to community nurses included facilitating the transition of education from theory to practice, sharing expertise, knowledge and skills and maintaining high standards of nursing practice. There was little support for the view that community nurses experienced difficulty in managing the dual teaching and practice role. Approximately a third of participants reported that being with a student on a one-to-one basis could be stressful. Strategies to assist community nurses in their clinical teaching role were identified.  相似文献   

Community nursing services to parents with young children have been an established part of child health services in Australia for more than a century. Although the titles vary within states, community child health nurses provide support services for parents with infants and young children and typically their scope of practice includes public health functions such as health surveillance of the developing infant and child up to the age of 5 years and early intervention. More recently state health policies have instituted universal home visiting and emphasized the primacy of psychosocial support for parents. These policies are accompanied by education programs that propose a change in nursing practice to a more egalitarian partnership model of practice. As a consequence greater attention now has to be paid to the processes used in developing a working relationship with the client in the community setting. Whilst there has been little published in the Australian nursing literature on the methods used by community child health nurses to engage their clients, the international literature offers some insights into the nurses' practice. This paper describes the practices of community child health nurses in engaging the parent and developing a complementary and therapeutic relationship that enables the nurse to promote the health of the child and family. Published accounts of community child health nursing practice in the United Kingdom, Scandinavia and northern America are described and compared to the Australian context.  相似文献   

AIM: This paper reports a study whose aim was to examine the congruence between community nurses' perceptions and the realities of changes in their work. BACKGROUND: There have been increasing challenges to the delivery of community nursing services in Australia over the past decade. Acute care sector changes and the recent focus on health promotion, prevention, early identification and intervention adds pressure and creates tensions for community nurses, which are well-documented in the literature. There is, however, a lack of empirical evidence of actual changes in community nurses' workloads and the focus of their work. Validation of nurses' perceptions would enable them to have a stronger voice in the future development of community health care. METHODS: Four sources of data were used: community health client administrative data 1995-2000; occasions of service data 1995-2000; staffing numbers 1998-2001; and interviews with 14 community nurses in late 2001. RESULTS: Documentary evidence shows that there has been a large increase in the number of adult clients, and all clients are increasingly receiving a shorter, more intensive, clinically focussed service and are then discharged from care, rather than receiving a lower intensity service over a longer period of time. Staffing numbers have not increased to match this higher acuity and intensity. These changes were echoed by the nurses, who reported that expanded acute care roles were impacting on their workload and resulting in a loss of holistic primary health care focus. There has been a lack of leadership and proactive planning by community nurses in response to these changes. CONCLUSION: Community health care in Australia is shifting from primary to short-term clinical care. Greater opportunities for community nurses to engage proactively in defining and promoting their role in the health care system are needed in order to ensure an appropriate balance of acute clinical and holistic primary health care in the community.  相似文献   

At a time of ever increasing mental health problems in Australian society, the nursing profession is beset by problems of an insufficient workforce specialising in this area. Not only is there a shortage of suitable trained specialist mental health nurses, but undergraduate nursing programs inadequately prepare students for practical mental health nursing. Fewer students are enrolling in mental health nursing, and many nurses are leaving the workforce. A particular problem in rural Australia is that there is a lack of specialist mental health services, and nurses are being increasingly relied upon to perform the role of mental health nurse despite lacking the necessary qualifications and experience.This paper aims to describe the development, implementation and evaluation of a mental health continuing education program for nurses employed in rural and remote areas of New South Wales (NSW), Australia. This was a collaborative educational initiative mounted by the NSW Health Department (who funded the project), a rural university and a number of regional health service partners. The paper includes information on how this program was conceived, developed and conducted through distance education mode. It also evaluates the efficacy of this program as perceived by 202 out of 303 participants. Overall the project was rated very favourably, and represents a cost-effective, convenient method of enabling rural and regional nurses to update and improve their skills in mental health nursing.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This study investigated the perception of influence and decision making among mid-level community-based nurses. Respondents were nurses and nurse leaders in public health nursing, home nursing, and nursing in nursing homes in the municipality. Nurses in three nursing services located within each municipality's Community Health Service in 72 municipalities were surveyed or interviewed. The results show that the leaders of the nursing service and nurses in the three services are regarded as having influence, and in fact, possess more influence on the decision process than the administrative leaders and political management. There are great differences in the perception of decision making among the leaders of the nursing service and nurses in the three services. The leader of the health visiting service has less influence on decision making than the leader of the nursing home, while the health visitor has more influence on decision making and autonomy in professional work than the nurse in the nursing home. These differences might be explained by contextual factors such as tradition, gender, and work process.  相似文献   

AIM: This study examines the feasibility of utilizing social service home carers (SSHC) to provide a collaborative approach with community nurses for the provision of leg ulcer aftercare in four National Health Service (NHS) Trusts. The purpose of this study was to gain insight into what community nurses and people with healed venous leg ulcers felt influenced leg ulcer recurrence. BACKGROUND: Studies have demonstrated that provision of community-based leg ulcer clinics has improved healing rates of venous leg ulcers, yet recurrence remains a problem. The reasons for this are far from clear, and further research is required before unequivocal support can be given to one approach to the provision of care for this client group. Collaborative approaches to the provision of leg ulcer aftercare are beginning to receive more attention. It has been recognized that social service health carers could be co-opted to provide essential aftercare once healing has occurred, although the logistics of this approach have not been fully explored. METHODS: This study was conducted in four NHS Trusts. Stage one used focus groups to explore the perceptions of district nurses (n = 15) and social service health carers (n = 15) of a leg ulcer shared care project and to gain insight into factors that they felt influenced recurrence. The second stage used semistructured interviews (n = 12) to explore the perceptions that people with healed leg ulcers have about factors influencing ulcer recurrence. FINDINGS: Key themes emerging from this study were: health promotion is perceived by community nurses and patients to be ineffective and leg ulcer aftercare services are fragmented. Organizational factors such as time constraints and limited resources were cited by community nurses and home carers as being responsible for high leg ulcer recurrence rates. Community nurses expressed a desire to delegate preventative aspects of leg ulcer care to home carers rather than participate in health promotion strategies to support healing behaviours. CONCLUSIONS: A strategy aimed at supporting healing behaviour in elderly people has the potential to reduce the recurrence of leg ulceration and improve quality of life. The findings suggest that such a strategy needs to rationalize delivery of leg ulcer aftercare to provide seamless care. It needs to improve carers' and patients' understanding of factors influencing leg ulcer recurrence and facilitate development of a more balanced professional--patient relationship.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to implement and evaluate health promoting palliative care projects through partnerships formed within local communities in the Hume Region,Victoria, Australia. Health promoting palliative care is a public health approach to palliative care developed by Kellehear (1999). This article reports on a project in which the Hume Regional Palliative Care Service in Victoria, Australia sought to implement the approach through partnerships formed with a range of community groups and service agencies in their region. Funding was provided over a two-year period by the 'Caring Communities Program' of the Australian Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing. It was hoped that the project overall would increase community capacity to participate in the care of members of the community living with dying and loss. The project developed implementation strategies and health promotion project guidelines, as outlined below. During the two-year period the palliative care service entered in a number of new partnerships with community groups and other health services. At first much of the initiative in forming these partnerships came from the palliative care service, but as the project progressed the initiative came increasingly from community partners.  相似文献   

This paper describes a four-month preparatory training program for mental health nurses to provide an Emergency Mental Health Triage and Consultancy Service in the emergency department. The emergency department is an important gateway for patients presenting with psychiatric/psychosocial problems and mental health professionals need to provide prompt and effective care to this group of patients. Prior to the implementation of the service, it was acknowledged that occupational stress and burnout could affect the turnover of mental health nurses in the department. Therefore, a training program was employed to prepare a number of experienced mental health nurses to work at an advanced practitioner level. The four-month training program developed at Fremantle Hospital in Western Australia provided support, guidance and clinical supervision. In the first 12 months of the service, five mental health nurses completed the program, thus creating a pool of nurses who were able to provide the service. The results demonstrated that providing mental health nurses with a structured program was instrumental in facilitating their movement to an advanced practitioner level. The nurses were able to apply advanced knowledge and skills to assess and manage clients with complex mental health /psychosocial problems. Furthermore, on leaving the emergency department these nurses were able to utilise the advanced skills in other areas of mental health nursing practice.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that many community mental health nurses (CMHNs) experience considerable stress and burnout. This review aimed to bring together the research evidence in this area for CMHNs working within the UK. Seventeen papers were identified in the literature, seven of which looked at stress and burnout for all members of community mental health teams (CMHTs) and the remaining 10 papers focused on CMHNs. The evidence indicates that those health professionals working as part of community teams are experiencing increasing levels of stress and burnout as a result of increasing workloads, increasing administration and lack of resources. For CMHNs specific stressors were identified. These included increases in workload and administration, time management, inappropriate referrals, safety issues, role conflict, role ambiguity, lack of supervision, not having enough time for personal study and NHS reforms, general working conditions and lack of funding and resources. Areas for future research are described and the current study of Welsh CMHNs is announced. This review has been completed against a background of further significant changes in the health service. In the mental health field, specific new initiatives will have a significant impact on the practice of community mental health nursing. A new National Framework for Mental Health, along with a review of the Mental Health Act (1983), will undoubtedly help to shape the future practice of mental health nursing.  相似文献   

Abstract The Milwaukee Target Cities (MTC) project was the only site within 19 federally funded Target Cities programs to feature a public health nursing model as its sole means of providing comprehensive health-related services to indigent substance abuse clients. We first describe MTC's implementation process, focusing on the public health nursing component, and then present a program evaluation section with selected findings from the ongoing qualitative evaluation. Initially, misunderstandings about the nurses' community-based, family-centered strategy of assuring access to health care through cross-system service linkage dogged the nurses' efforts to explain their roles and mission to federal funders, project management, coworkers. and treatment providers. In the end, after federal funding ended, public health nursing left an enduring legacy of partnerships in the county substance abuse treatment system: education about public health nursing, networking, referral processes, and resources to meet the complex health-related needs of indigent substance abusers. Despite the project's many changes, the nurses (a) became specialists in substance abuse, gaining expertise and recognition in a new community, particularly with isolated subpopulations; (b) assured substance abuse clients and their families access to health-related resources through core public health nursing skills; and (c) educated project staff, administrators, providers, and clients about public health nursing.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. To report the findings of a service review - specifically the strategy to provide early childhood services 'on site' at opioid treatment clinics to address access difficulties. Background. Child and family health nurses are skilled in the assessment and support of families during early childhood. However, women with a history of substance abuse are often cautious when engaging with universal and other health services, with the result that the infant may miss recommended developmental screening and early referral to improve health outcomes. Design. In 2006, an internal review was undertaken of the integration of early childhood and parenting services at opioid treatment clinics in a large Area Health Service of New South Wales, Australia. Methods. A qualitative study design, using semi-structured interview questions was used. Data were collected via six focus groups (4-15 participants in each group) and individual interview of child and family health nurses, nurse unit managers and clinical staff (n?=?58). Results. Three key components of a model for providing early childhood support in collaboration with opioid treatment services were identified. First, the importance of building a trusting relationship between the woman and the child and family health nurses, second, maintaining continuity of care and a multidisciplinary/multiagency approach, and finally the importance of staff education, support and professional development. Conclusion. The provision of early childhood and parenting services on site, as part of a multidisciplinary 'one stop shop' approach to service delivery was a clear recommendation of the review. Relevance to clinical practice. Reduction of access difficulties to specialised early childhood support is of benefit to clients, community health services attempting to provide a service to this difficult to reach population and to drug and alcohol services seeking to provide a high level of holistic care for clients.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence and predictors of smoking and attitudes to smoking-related issues among nurses employed by the Central Sydney Area Health Service in Sydney, Australia. A self-administered questionnaire, was distributed via the internal mail system of the Central Sydney Area Health Service in November 1997 to 610 randomly selected nursing staff. Twenty-one per cent (n = 127) of respondents smoked. Smokers were significantly younger than non-smokers and were more likely to speak mainly English at home. There were clear differences between smokers and non-smokers in response to all attitude statements. Interventions specifically directed at nurses who smoke to assist them to stop and maintain cessation are indicated. Future health service workplace tobacco control programmes should address deficits in knowledge about the health effects of passive smoking, should raise awareness among nurses who smoke about their potential to affect the behaviours of others through modelling, and should provide all nurses with the skills required to be smoking educators and advocates for tobacco control.  相似文献   

Nursing in Canada is committed to preparing all new graduates at the baccalaureate level for entry to nursing practice by the year 2000 This goal has major implications for community health nursing education and practice Health care reform is also expected to move care out of the hospital and into the community It was against this backdrop that the researchers mounted a study on the educational preparation needed for graduates to begin to practice community health nursing In this paper, the knowledge, professional and personal skills, and experiences that graduates need to begin community practice are reported The study was carried out within an action-research framework All major groups of stakeholders involved in community health nursing throughout the study province were involved in the project This included nurses and administrators from two public health agencies (provincial and municipal), home care nurses, home health nurses (l e non-governmental visiting nurses), community health centres, provincial health care and nursing consultants, and faculty from two universities In addition to the generation of relevant research findings for use by the educational institutions, the study was initiated to set the stage for future and ongoing interactions between the researchers and community experts to implement the findings from the project Data were collected from 118 participants by means of 27 focus groups of community nurses, administrators and educators Interviews were tape-recorded transcribed and analysed using latent content analysis and constant comparison techniques Findings indicated that qualified nurses from university programmes need a wide range of knowledge, skills and experiences to begin to practice community health nursing Detailed accounts of these requirements are outlined and the implications for practice and education put forward  相似文献   

Based on an Asian faculty's previous work, University of South Alabama College of Nursing conducted a project targeting the Asian population in Bayou La Batre, Alabama. The Helene Fuld Health Trust, HSBC, Trustee funded the project to demonstrate effective models for involving nursing students and faculty members in community-based practice. This project provided health services and developed educational programs for this underserved population. To facilitate entry into the Asian community, the College established clinical sites at 2 schools in Bayou La Batre that had the highest concentration of Asians in Mobile County's public school system. The purpose of the project was to develop a new curriculum, to involve nursing students in community-based practice, and to provide health care services in the community. The health services, educational programs, and community instructional activities generated substantial outcomes for the targeted population as well as nursing students. Nursing students learned to assess aggregates, plan, and evaluate interventions. The learning outcomes of the nursing students were evaluated using objectives developed in accordance with Bloom's (1956) Taxonomy. The project not only complemented and expanded existing school health services and programs but also filled the void in some health service and program areas. Preliminary evaluation of the project revealed overwhelmingly positive feedback from both the nursing students and Bayou La Batre school teachers. This article also explores the implications of the newly issued "National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care" for nursing education in the contexts of the Census 2000 and the megatrend of globalization.  相似文献   

The paper identifies shortcomings of approaches used in organizing and delivering mental health nursing. It provides a rationale for the development of a new system of mental health nursing namely the Partnership in Coping system (PinC). This system has been developed by service users, clinical mental health nurses and an academic mental health nurse. Currently, it is undergoing trials in Western Australia. The PinC focuses on the strengths of clients. It uses the positive aspects of mental health nursing namely its holistic perspective, the length and nature of the informal contacts, the 'ordinariness' of relationships with clients and the nurse's knowledge of the clients' social and physical environments. It is a versatile system that can also be used across different mental health settings (community and inpatient facilities). The paper describes the philosophy behind the system, the concept of coping, the nature of the partnership between the client and nurse and their respective roles.  相似文献   

This paper examines the future of community nursing, within the wider framework of a rapidly changing National Health Service. The research was commissioned by the Community Performance Review Network, as part of a series of comparative studies between community healthcare NHS trusts. Three questionnaires were sent to 24 trusts, covering three of the community nursing services: district nursing, health visiting and school nursing. Of the 24 trusts involved in the network, 22 responded to some or all of the questionnaires. A wide range of management structures and working practices were found between trusts, but several common themes and issues of concern emerged. For district nurses, these included the shift from secondary to primary care and the changing demands of the client population served, with increasing numbers of elderly and chronically disabled patients. This led to anxiety over the communication between different providers of care, such as community, acute and social services, and the skills mix and training requirements for nurses. Health visitors and school nurses were concerned about being marginalized in the move towards integrated primary health care teams. As the emphasis changes from treating illness to health promotion, concern was expressed about how performance could be measured on the less quantifiable outcomes of preventative care, and hence how jobs could be justified to purchasers of health care. A central theme was the potential role of the nurse practitioner in provision of primary care, and this formed a focus for other anxieties concerning both the current situation and future of community nursing services.  相似文献   

The present paper addresses the relationship between community based child health nursing services and social constructions of motherhood within Australia during the 1920s. Following the First World War, child health nursing services (then generally known as infant welfare or child welfare services) were established in all Australian states. The focus of the paper is mainly upon the development of the Tasmanian child health service, with some reference to similar services in other states. Within two decades of their establishment, most child-bearing women in Tasmania were in contact with child health services and this apparent success meant that, thereafter, women in Tasmania cared for their children under the 'expert' guidance of nurses. As the 1920s progressed, child health nurses increasingly promoted one particular, and ultimately extremely influential, construction of motherhood, 'scientific motherhood', based upon the philosophy of Dr Truby King. I argue that an understanding of how nursing services have historically reinforced and promoted ideological constructions of motherhood enhances the practice of present day nurses working with women. This argument is supported by reference to present day nursing practice in relation to postnatal depression.  相似文献   

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