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Bat-to-horse transmission of Hendra virus has occurred at least 14 times. Although clinical signs in horses have differed, genome sequencing has demonstrated little variation among the isolates. Our sequencing of 5 isolates from recent Hendra virus outbreaks in horses found no correlation between sequences and time or geographic location of outbreaks.  相似文献   

Hendra virus (HeV) is a highly pathogenic zoonotic paramyxovirus harbored by Australian flying foxes with sporadic spillovers directly to horses. Although the mode and critical control points of HeV spillover to horses from flying foxes, and the risk for transmission from infected horses to other horses and humans, are poorly understood, we successfully established systemic HeV disease in 3 horses exposed to Hendra virus/Australia/Horse/2008/Redlands by the oronasal route, a plausible route for natural infection. In 2 of the 3 animals, HeV RNA was detected continually in nasal swabs from as early as 2 days postexposure, indicating that systemic spread of the virus may be preceded by local viral replication in the nasal cavity or nasopharynx. Our data suggest that a critical factor for reducing HeV exposure risk to humans includes early consideration of HeV in the differential diagnosis and institution of appropriate infection control procedures.  相似文献   

Hendra virus (HeV) and Nipah virus (NiV) are zoonotic viruses that emerged in the mid to late 1990s causing disease outbreaks in livestock and people. HeV appeared in Queensland, Australia in 1994 causing a severe respiratory disease in horses along with a human case fatality. NiV emerged a few years later in Malaysia and Singapore in 1998–1999 causing a large outbreak of encephalitis with high mortality in people and also respiratory disease in pigs which served as amplifying hosts. The key pathological elements of HeV and NiV infection in several species of mammals, and also in people, are a severe systemic and often fatal neurologic and/or respiratory disease. In people, both HeV and NiV are also capable of causing relapsed encephalitis following recovery from an acute infection. The known reservoir hosts of HeV and NiV are several species of pteropid fruit bats. Spillovers of HeV into horses continue to occur in Australia and NiV has caused outbreaks in people in Bangladesh and India nearly annually since 2001, making HeV and NiV important transboundary biological threats. NiV in particular possesses several features that underscore its potential as a pandemic threat, including its ability to infect humans directly from natural reservoirs or indirectly from other susceptible animals, along with a capacity of limited human-to-human transmission. Several HeV and NiV animal challenge models have been developed which have facilitated an understanding of pathogenesis and allowed for the successful development of both active and passive immunization countermeasures.  相似文献   

The henipaviruses, Hendra virus (HeV) and Nipah virus (NiV), are two deadly zoonotic viruses for which no vaccines or therapeutics have yet been approved for human or livestock use. In 14 outbreaks since 1994 HeV has been responsible for multiple fatalities in horses and humans, with all known human infections resulting from close contact with infected horses. A vaccine that prevents virus shedding in infected horses could interrupt the chain of transmission to humans and therefore prevent HeV disease in both. Here we characterise HeV infection in a ferret model and show that it closely mirrors the disease seen in humans and horses with induction of systemic vasculitis, including involvement of the pulmonary and central nervous systems. This model of HeV infection in the ferret was used to assess the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a subunit vaccine based on a recombinant soluble version of the HeV attachment glycoprotein G (HeVsG), adjuvanted with CpG. We report that ferrets vaccinated with a 100 μg, 20 μg or 4 μg dose of HeVsG remained free of clinical signs of HeV infection following a challenge with 5000 TCID50 of HeV. In addition, and of considerable importance, no evidence of virus or viral genome was detected in any tissues or body fluids in any ferret in the 100 and 20 μg groups, while genome was detected in the nasal washes only of one animal in the 4 μg group. Together, our findings indicate that 100 μg or 20 μg doses of HeVsG vaccine can completely prevent a productive HeV infection in the ferret, suggesting that vaccination to prevent the infection and shedding of HeV is possible.  相似文献   

A qualitative study of equine veterinarians and allied staff from Queensland, Australia, showed that veterinarians are ceasing equine practice because of fears related to Hendra virus. Their decisions were motivated by personal safety and legal liability concerns.  相似文献   

亨德拉病毒感染   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
亨德拉病毒感染是20世纪90年代在澳大利亚发现的一种新发传染病,病原体亨德拉病毒属于副粘病毒科的亨尼帕病毒属.亨德拉病毒感染是一种人兽共患病,可以引起动物和人类致病并可导致死亡.因该病毒有可能被用于生物恐怖袭击,因此引起广泛关注.本文就亨德拉病毒感染的流行史、病原学特征、流行病学特征、临床表现以及防治措施几方面进行综述.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E virus infection in work horses in Egypt.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is an important cause of hepatitis among young Egyptian adults with high seroprevalence rates seen in both rural areas of the Nile Delta and in suburban Cairo. Because natural antibodies to HEV have been detected in animals and zoonotic transmission is postulated, we surveyed work horses in Cairo for evidence of HEV exposure and viremia. Sera from 200 Cairo work horses were tested by ELISA for the presence of IgG anti-HEV antibody revealed a seropositivity of 13%. Among 100 samples processed for detection of viral genome by means of nested polymerase chain reaction (N-PCR), 4% were positive and indicative of viremia. Viremic animals were less than 1 year old. Relative to PCR-negative horses, PCR-positive animals demonstrated significant elevation of AST (p=0.03). Phylogenetic analysis of a 253-bp fragment, in the ORF-1,2,3 overlap region of the HEV genome from the viremic animals showed that three of these viral strains to be identical, and closely related (97-100% nucleotide identity) to two human isolates from Egypt, and distant (78-96%) from 16 other HEV isolates from human and animals and shared 99.6% NI with the fourth strain. The consensus sequence of the four strains was origin obtained elsewhere. These data indicated that horses acquire HEV infection and suggest that cross-species transmission may occur. Whether horses play a role in the transmission of HEV needs further investigation.  相似文献   

新疆伊犁地区马群中博尔纳病病毒自然感染调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的 了解新疆伊犁地区马群中博尔纳病病毒(BDV)的流行状况,分析该病毒的种系来源.方法 采用改进的巢式反转录PCR(nRT-PCR)方法对新疆伊犁地区120匹马的外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)及脑组织中的BDV p24基因片段进行检测,对阳性产物进行基因序列测定和同源性分析.结果 有3匹马外周血和腩组织中同时检测到BDV,阳性率为2.5%(3/120).扩增产物序列与其他国外马源BDV分离株同源性>93%,与标准株He/80同源性达到98%以上.结论 新疆伊犁地区马群中存在BDV的自然感染.该地区BDV流行株与标准株He/80存在高度的同源性.  相似文献   

Experimental infection of horses with West Nile virus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A total of 12 horses of different breeds and ages were infected with West Nile virus (WNV) via the bites of infected Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Half the horses were infected with a viral isolate from the brain of a horse (BC787), and half were infected with an isolate from crow brain (NY99-6625); both were NY99 isolates. Postinfection, uninfected female Ae. albopictus fed on eight of the infected horses. In the first trial, Nt antibody titers reached >1:320, 1:20, 1:160, and 1:80 for horses 1 to 4, respectively. In the second trial, the seven horses with subclinical infections developed Nt antibody titers >1:10 between days 7 and 11 post infection. The highest viremia level in horses fed upon by the recipient mosquitoes was approximately 460 Vero cell PFU/mL. All mosquitoes that fed upon viremic horses were negative for the virus. Horses infected with the NY99 strain of WNV develop low viremia levels of short duration; therefore, infected horses are unlikely to serve as important amplifying hosts for WNV in nature.  相似文献   

The emergence of Hendra Virus (HeV) and Nipah Virus (NiV) which can cause fatal infections in both animals and humans has triggered a search for an effective vaccine. Here, we have explored the potential for generating an effective humoral immune response to these zoonotic pathogens using an alphavirus-based vaccine platform. Groups of mice were immunized with Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus replicon particles (VRPs) encoding the attachment or fusion glycoproteins of either HeV or NiV. We demonstrate the induction of highly potent cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies to both viruses using this approach. Preliminary study suggested early enhancement in the antibody response with use of a modified version of VRP. Overall, these data suggest that the use of an alphavirus-derived vaccine platform might serve as a viable approach for the development of an effective vaccine against the henipaviruses.  相似文献   

Hendra virus occasionally causes severe disease in horses and humans. In Australia in 2013, infection was detected in a dog that had been in contact with an infected horse. Abnormalities and viral RNA were found in the dog’s kidney, brain, lymph nodes, spleen, and liver. Dogs should be kept away from infected horses.  相似文献   

During the late summer of 1998, veterinary authorities in Tuscany, Italy, received reports of cases of neurologic disease among horses residing in a large wetland area located in the provinces of Florence and Pistoia. West Nile virus was isolated from two of the six horses that died or were euthanized. A retrospective epidemiologic study identified 14 clinical neurologic cases that occurred from August 20 to October 6 (attack rate of 2.8%). A serologic survey conducted over a 700-km2 area in stables with and without apparent clinical cases confirmed a wider spread of the infection, with an overall seroprevalence rate of 38% in the affected area. No significant differences in age-specific prevalence were observed, suggesting that the horses residing in the area had not been exposed previously to West Nile virus and supporting the hypothesis of its introduction in the wetland area during the first half of 1998.  相似文献   

库宁病毒病   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
库宁病毒病是由库宁病毒(Kunjin Virus KUNV)引起的,属于自然疫源性疾病。1963年昆士兰两位实验室工作人员感染KUNV后,出现淋巴结肿大、发热、昏睡和发疹等轻微症状,首次引起人们的注意,其他一些相似的病例在澳大利亚各地都有报道。在澳大利亚KUNV感染也可引起零星的脑炎。自2001年1月起KUNV引起的疾病开始进入澳大利亚国家疾病监测系统。  相似文献   

布尼安姆韦拉病毒(Bunyamwera Virus BUNV,中文又名布尼威拉病毒或本杨委那病毒)是布尼安病毒科(Bunyavirus,中文又名本雅病毒或本杨病毒)布尼安病毒属(Bunyavirus Genus)布尼安姆韦拉组(Bunyamwera Group)的原型病毒和代表种,  相似文献   

A vaccination protocol involving three horses, with five repeated injections of inactivated serotype 4 African horse sickness virus, was undertaken to determine a possible threshold for the appearance of antibodies against the non-structural protein NS3. Using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, with the recombinant NS3 protein as an antigen, the authors detected a response to NS3 as of the second injection for the first horse and after four injections for the second horse. No response to NS3 was detected for the third horse. The results show that the inactivated vaccine is insufficiently purified to eliminate the non-structural protein NS3. Therefore using the NS3 protein as a marker did not enable differentiation between vaccinated and infected horses.  相似文献   

To determine the epidemiologic and clinical features of a 2008 outbreak of Hendra virus infection in a veterinary clinic in Australia, we investigated the equine case-series. Four of 5 infected horses died, as did 1 of 2 infected staff members. Clinical manifestation in horses was predominantly neurologic. Preclinical transmission appears likely.  相似文献   

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