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Anti-alpha4 and anti-alphaL integrin chain monoclonal antibodies have shown a clear-cut beneficial effect in different animal models of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders as well as in human diseases, including multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, and psoriasis. It has been widely assumed that this therapeutic effect is mainly consequence of the blockade of leucocyte adhesion to endothelium, inhibiting thus their extravasation and the inflammatory phenomenon. However, it is evident that both alpha4beta1 (very late antigen-4) and alphaLbeta2 (leucocyte function-associated antigen-1) integrins have additional important roles in other immune phenomena, including the formation of the immune synapse and the differentiation of T helper 1 lymphocytes. Therefore, it is very feasible that the long-term administration of blocking agents directed against these integrins to patients with inflammatory/autoimmune conditions may have undesirable or unexpected effects.  相似文献   

γδ T‐cell lymphomas: a homogeneous entity?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
gammadelta T-cells comprise an immunologically distinct lymphoid population, characterized by specific morphological, phenotypical and functional properties. Therefore it seems reasonable to speculate that neoplasms derived from this particular T-cell subset display distinct features. Indeed, the prototype gammadelta T-cell lymphoma, hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma constitutes a unique clinicopathological entitity which is intimately associated with a gammadelta T-cell phenotype. However, gammadelta T-cell lymphomas have also been described in other extranodal sites where, unlike reactive gammadelta T-cells and hepatosplenic gammadelta T-cell lymphomas, they display an important morphological heterogeneity. Moreover, these nonhepatosplenic gammadelta T-cell lymphomas are essentially not that different from their alphabeta T-cell receptor for antigen (TCR)-expressing counterparts and thus may be incorporated in the established T-cell lymphoma subclasses. However, subtle differences regarding their histopathological appearance as well as their biological behaviour indicate that further studies to determine the exact significance of TCR expression are required. Such inquiries may contribute to the general understanding of T-cell lymphomagenesis in general, which is still obscure.  相似文献   

An optimal humoral response requires T-cell help; however, it has been questioned if this help comes exclusively from alphabeta-T cells or whether gammadelta-T cells also contribute. We have attempted to answer this question by studying the humoral response in T-cell receptor alpha-chain knockout (alpha-/-) mice, which lack the alphabetaT cell subset. Two model antigens were used to characterize the response: the thymus-independent (TI) antigen native dextran B512 (Dx), and the thymus-dependent (TD) antigen heat shock protein (HSP65) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. When challenged with Dx, the alpha-/- mice elicited a strong antibody response and formed rudimentary germinal centres (GCs), a T-cell dependent reaction. In contrast, the humoral response to HSP65 was poor. However, alpha-/- mice became primed when challenged with HSP65, because when supplemented with wild-type thymocytes, the antigen-primed animals were able to mount a stronger response than the nonprimed ones when challenged with HSP65. A crucial step seems to be the collaboration between gammadeltaT cells and antigen presenting cells (APCs), as splenocytes from alpha-/- mice were able to respond to HSP65 in an environment containing primed-APCs. Based on these results, we propose a model for B-cell activation in the alpha-/- mice.  相似文献   

Upon receiving the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1987, Susumu Tonegawa referred to the then recent discovery of the γδ T-cell receptor and stated that "while the function of the T cells bearing this receptor is currently unknown (…) these T cells may be involved in an entirely new aspect of immunity". [Tonegawa, S., Scand. J. Immunol. 1993. 38: 303-319]. Twenty-five years of intense research later this ambivalent view still holds true. Immunologists now appreciate that γδ T cells indeed represent a highly intriguing "new aspect of immunity" that is unique and distinct from conventional lymphocytes, yet even scientists in the field still struggle to understand the molecular basis of γδ T-cell responses, especially with respect to the enigmatic mode of antigen recognition. Here, we portray the peculiar responsiveness of human Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells to microorganisms, tumor cells and aminobisphosphonates, in an attempt to integrate the corresponding - and at times confusing - findings into a "theory of everything" that may help explain how such diverse stimuli result in similar γδ T-cell responses via the recognition of soluble low molecular weight phosphoantigens.  相似文献   

The dominant subset of γδ T cells in human peripheral blood expresses Vγ9 paired with Vδ2 as variable TCR elements. Vγ9Vδ2 T cells recognize pyrophosphates derived from the microbial non‐mevalonate isoprenoid biosynthesis pathway at pico‐ to nanomolar concentrations. Structurally related pyrophosphates are generated in eukaryotic cells through the mevalonate pathway involved in protein prenylation and cholesterol synthesis. However, micromolar concentrations of endogenous pyrophosphates are required to be recognized by Vγ9Vδ2 T cells. Such concentrations are not produced by normal cells but can accumulate upon cellular stress and transformation. Therefore, many tumour cells are susceptible to γδ T cell–mediated lysis owing to the overproduction of endogenous pyrophosphates. This explains why Vγ9Vδ2 T cells contribute to both anti‐infective and anti‐tumour immunity. Ex vivo analysed Vγ9Vδ2 T cells can be subdivided on the basis of additional surface markers, including chemokine receptors and markers for naïve and memory T cells. At the functional level, Vγ9Vδ2 T cells produce a broad range of cytokines, display potent cytotoxic activity, regulate αβ T cell responses, and – quite surprisingly – can act as professional antigen‐presenting cells. Thus, an exceptional range of effector functions has been assigned to a population of T cells, which all recognize invariant exogenous or endogenous pyrophosphates that are not seen by any other immune cell. Here, we discuss whether this plethora of effector functions reflects the plasticity of individual Vγ9Vδ2 T cells or can be assigned to distinct subsets.  相似文献   

While the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is unclear, amyloid-beta plaques remain major lesions in the brain of individuals with AD. Likewise, amyloid-beta is one of the best-studied proteins relating to the pathogenesis of AD. Indeed, the pathological diagnosis of AD tends to be congruous with the quantity of amyloid-beta. However, it is important to recognize that pathological diagnosis merely represents the association of a pattern of pathological changes with a clinical phenotype. Therefore, it should be acknowledged that, although amyloid-beta detection and semiquantification have some diagnostic utility, the simple presence of amyloid plaques, as with proteinaceous accumulations in essentially all neurodegenerative diseases, does not presume aetiology. Thus, in this review, we discuss the role of amyloid-beta in the pathogenesis of AD and provide an alternative view to the widely accepted dogma.  相似文献   

Rim1 and Rim2 were originally described as specific Rab3A-effector proteins involved in the regulation of secretory vesicle exocytosis. The putative Rab3A-binding domain (RBD) of Rim consists of two alpha-helical regions (named RBD1 and RBD2) separated by two zinc finger motifs. Although alternative splicing in the RBD1 of Rim is known to produce long and short forms of RBD (named Rim1 and Rim1Delta56-105, and Rim2(+40A) and Rim2, respectively), with the long form of Rim1 and short form of Rim2 being dominant in mouse brain, the physiological significance of the alternative splicing in RBD1 has never been elucidated. In the present study I discovered that alternative splicing in Rim RBD1 alters Rab3A binding affinity to Rims, and found that insertion of 40 amino acids into the RBD1 of Rim2 (i.e. Rim2(+40A)) dramatically reduced its Rab3A binding activity (more than a 50-fold decrease in affinity). Similarly, Rim1Delta56-105 exhibited higher affinity binding to Rab3A than the long form of Rim1. Expression of the short forms of the Rim RBD in PC12 cells co-localized well with endogenous Rab3A, whereas expression of the long forms of the Rim RBD in PC12 cells resulted in cytoplasimc and nuclear localization. Moreover, I found that Caenorhabditis elegans Rim/UNC-10 (ce-Rim) and Drosophila Rim (dm-Rim) do not interact with ce-Rab3 and dm-Rab3, respectively, indicating that the Rab3-effector function of Rim has not been retained during evolution. Based on these findings, I propose that the Rab3A-effector function of Rim during secretory vesicle exocytosis is limited to the short form of the mammalian Rim RBD alone.  相似文献   


A number of anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) biologics have been developed in recent years, such as adalimumab, etanercept, and infliximab for the treatment of chronic inflammatory disorders like rheumatoid arthritis (RA), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and psoriasis and several other novel drugs that target TNF-α signaling are still being developed. Indeed, blockade of this pathway seems so important amongst immune-targets that TNF-α targeted therapies will continue to have a significant role in the treatment of chronic inflammation. However, up to 40% of RA and IBD patients do not respond to anti-TNF-α treatment and one possible explanation may be the heterogeneity of chronic inflammatory diseases and a dominance of other significant TNF family members. Indeed, polymorphisms in the TNF family member, TL1A gene, is associated with the development of IBD and increased serum concentrations of TL1A has been demonstrated in patients with various chronic inflammatory disorders. Here, we describe the current knowledge of TL1As immunobiology and present results from human disease, animal models, and pre-clinical intervention studies that point toward development of anti-TL1A therapy as a highly promising strategy for treatment of chronic inflammatory disorders.  相似文献   

Stenner M, Yosef B, Huebbers C U, Preuss S F, Dienes H‐P, Speel E‐J M, Odenthal M & Klussmann J P (2011) Histopathology 58 , 1117–1126 Nuclear translocation of β‐catenin and decreased expression of epithelial cadherin in human papillomavirus‐positive tonsillar cancer: an early event in human papillomavirus‐related tumour progression? Aims: High‐risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) constitute an important risk factor for tonsillar cancer. This study describes changes in cell adhesion molecules during metastasis of HPV‐related and HPV‐unrelated tonsillar carcinomas. Methods and results: We examined 48 primary tonsillar carcinoma samples (25 HPV‐16 DNA‐positive, 23 HPV‐16 DNA‐negative) and their respective lymph node metastases for their HPV status and for the expression of p16, epithelial cadherin (E‐cadherin), β‐catenin, and vimentin. A positive HPV‐specific polymerase chain reaction finding correlated significantly with p16 overexpression in both primary tumours and their metastases (P < 0.0001 for both). In HPV‐unrelated carcinomas, the expression of E‐cadherin was significantly lower in metastases than in primary tumours (P < 0.001). In contrast, the expression of nuclear β‐catenin was significantly higher in metastases than in primary tumours (P = 0.016). In HPV‐related carcinomas, nuclear localization of β‐catenin expression was already apparent in primary tumours (P = 0.030). The expression of vimentin significantly correlated with the grading of the primary tumour (P = 0.021). Conclusions: Our data indicate that the down‐regulation of E‐cadherin and the up‐regulation of nuclear β‐catenin expression might be crucial steps during tumour progression of tonsillar carcinomas, being already present in primary tumours in HPV‐driven carcinomas, but becoming apparent in HPV‐unrelated tumours later in the process of metastasis.  相似文献   

Enlargement of airway smooth muscle (ASM) tissue around the bronchi/bronchioles is a histopathological signature of asthmatic airway remodelling and has been suggested to play a critical role in the increased lung resistance and airway hyperresponsiveness seen in asthmatic patients. The pleiotropic cytokine, TGF‐β1, is believed to contribute to several aspects of asthmatic airway remodelling and is known to influence the growth of many cell types. Increased TGF‐β1 expression/signalling and ASM growth have been shown to occur concurrently in animal models of asthma. Abundant studies further substantiate this association by showing that therapeutic strategies that reduce or prevent TGF‐β1 overexpression/signalling lead to a parallel decrease or prevention of ASM enlargement. Finally, recent findings have supported a direct link of causality between TGF‐β1 overexpression/signalling and the overgrowth of ASM tissue. To follow‐up on these in vivo studies, many investigators have pursued detailed investigation of ASM in cell culture conditions, assessing the direct role of TGF‐β1 on cellular proliferation and/or hypertrophy. Inconsistencies among the in vitro studies suggest that the effect of TGF‐β1 on ASM cell proliferation/hypertrophy is contextual. A hypothesis focusing on fibroblast growth factor‐2 is presented at the end of this review, which could potentially reconcile the apparent discrepancy between the conflicting in vitro findings with the consistent in vivo finding that TGF‐β1 is required for ASM enlargement in asthma. Cite this as: Y. Bossé, J. Stankova and M. Rola‐Pleszczynski, Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 2010 (40) 710–724.  相似文献   

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