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The first year experience of an innovative experiment in undergraduate medical education is described. The study investigated the educational effectiveness of prolonged clinical attachments for medical undergraduates in community hospital-based general practice. It has also assessed the ability of students to take some responsibility for their own learning in a clinically challenging environment. A retrospective evaluation of the experience obtained during the 3 month attachments for a self-selected group of fourth year Dundee medical school undergraduates was made. These undergraduates were placed in 10 mainly rural Scottish general practices with attached community hospitals providing a wide spectrum of inpatient and outpatient medical and surgical care. Students were assessed on the satisfactory completion of a portfolio of learning experiences and a practical clinical skills list. They were also required to submit a clinical project based on some aspect of their work during the attachment. The initial results showed a high degree of student and tutor satisfaction with the attachments. The assessment of all 10 of the students' educational achievements in their attachment were regarded as satisfactory and two were assessed as outstanding. Tutor assessment confirmed the validity of the initiative. Prolonged attachments in community hospital-based general practice for medical undergraduates have proved educationally valid and popular with both students and tutors. The development and dissemination of this model on a wider scale has resource issues which require to be addressed.  相似文献   

AIMS: To obtain the perceptions of first-year clinical medical students of the relative advantages and disadvantages of community-based and hospital-based clinical teaching. METHODS: A qualitative study. A purposive sample of first-year clinical medical students who had experienced both community-based and hospital-based teaching was invited to participate in individual semistructured interviews or focus groups. Interviews and focus groups were audiotaped and transcribed to facilitate content analysis of the data. A total of 24 students participated in individual interviews and a further 18 took part in focus groups. RESULTS: Respondents identified advantages and disadvantages specific to teaching in each setting. Chief advantages of hospital-based learning were perceived to include learning about specialties and the management of acute conditions, and gaining experience of procedures and investigations. Community-based learning was perceived as particularly appropriate for learning about psychosocial issues in medicine, for increasing students' awareness of patient autonomy and for improving communication skills. In addition, aspects of organization and of teaching methods employed by community tutors, although not site-specific, were viewed as conducive to a positive educational experience. Students perceived some areas, such as clinical skills acquisition, to be equally well learned in either setting. DISCUSSION: As community-based teaching forms a greater proportion of the undergraduate medical experience, medical educators must find ways of determining the specific advantages that community and hospital settings can contribute to undergraduate learning and of using these resources effectively to develop comprehensive and integrated curricula. Innovations in teaching methods may also be necessary to provide an effective educational experience and promote active learning.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the interest, perceptions, and needs of primary care physicians with regard to office-based precepting of medical students. DESIGN: Random survey. SETTING: The New England region of the United States (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut). PARTICIPANTS: Family physicians, general internists and paediatricians. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: These included: (1) practice and preceptor demographics; (2) Likert scale agreement or disagreement with various positive and negative perceptions about precepting students; rating (from unimportant to necessary) of potential benefits from medical schools associated with the support of precepting in the office setting, and (3) comparisons among physician groups to determine differences in perceptions and needs. RESULTS: There is a high level of interest in precepting regardless of primary care specialty, practice structure, payment mechanism, or precepting experience. Negative impacts included decreased productivity and increased length of the day by a median of 60 minutes. Positive impacts included keeping one's own knowledge up-to-date and enhanced enjoyment of practice. Benefits such as academic appointments, continuing medical education credits, faculty development, computer linkages for clinical information and medical library access are rated highly. Monetary payment, whether as a modest honorarium or as compensation for lost time/income, was felt to be important by half of our sample. CONCLUSION: A significant interest in precepting medical students on a regular basis is expressed by primary care physicians in the ambulatory medicine setting. The results of this survey can be used by medical schools to address negative perceptions and to develop appropriate benefits packages to recruit and retain these primary care preceptors.  相似文献   

Evaluation of teaching by the use of questionnaires to students is now commonplace. If it is to be useful the data obtained must be reliable and valid. One criterion of reliability is the response rate, and a low response rate may indicate low validity, i.e. that the questions asked do not reflect the students' real concerns. In order to inform questionnaire design a critical incident study was undertaken. A 20% random sample of students in each of the 5 years of the course were asked to describe one piece of good teaching and one piece of bad teaching, and say why they were good or bad. There was a 65% response rate, and replies were independently categorized by three people. The factors identified fell into three 'domains': interpersonal behaviour of teachers; planning and preparation; and the ability to run the session well. There was no evidence that teaching which 'played to the gallery' or was very examination-oriented would earn high ratings from students.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to describe the variation in marking tendencies among different examiners in an oral examination. DESIGN: Marks awarded in a family practice board examination between 1984 and 1996 were analysed, relating to 5328 examination sessions graded by 94 examiners. Examiners were ranked by the rates at which they awarded 'fail', 'pass' or 'distinction' grades. The effects of examiners' gender, experience, academic rank, regional affiliation and country of qualification on examiner behaviour were studied. SETTING: National Family Medicine Examination Board, Scientific Council, Israel Medical Association. SUBJECTS: Oral examiners. RESULTS: Eighteen per cent of examiners were classified as 'tough', being in the lowest tertile for 'distinction' rates and the highest tertile for 'failure' rates; 19% were classified as 'mild'; 52% were 'regular', falling in the middle tertile for both distinction and failure rates. Four per cent of examiners were in the top tertile for both distinctions and failures, labelled 'extremists', and 6% were in the bottom tertile for both, and were labelled 'noncommittal'. Higher failure rates were associated with examiners' academic rank, experience and graduation from an English-speaking medical school. CONCLUSIONS: Examiners differ significantly in their degree of severity. Those who demonstrate clearly deviant patterns of grading should be withdrawn. Candidates should be presented with a balanced panel of examiners, and a degree of standardization of content should be introduced into oral examinations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of a modified version of the Leicester Assessment Package (LAP) in the formative assessment of the consultation performance of medical students with particular reference to validity, inter-assessor reliability, acceptability, feasibility and educational impact. DESIGN: 180 third and fourth year Leicester medical students were directly observed consulting with six general practice patients and independently assessed by a pair of assessors. A total of 70 practice and 16 departmental assessors took part. Performance scores were subjected to generalizability analysis and students' views of the assessment were gathered by questionnaire. RESULTS: Four of the five categories of consultation performance (Interviewing and history taking, Patient management, Problem solving and Behaviour and relationship with patients) were assessed in over 99% of consultations and Physical examination was assessed in 94%. Seventy-six percent of assessors reported that the case mix was 'satisfactory' and 20% that it was 'borderline'; 85% of students believed it to have been satisfactory. Generalizability analysis indicates that two independent assessors assessing the performance of students across six consultations would achieve a reliability of 0.94 in making pass or fail decisions. Ninety-eight percent of students perceived that their particular strengths and weaknesses were correctly identified, 99% that they were given specific advice on how to improve their performance and 98% believed that the feedback they had received would have long-term benefit. CONCLUSIONS: The modified version of the LAP is valid, reliable and feasible in formative assessment of the consultation performance of medical students. Furthermore, almost all students found the process fair and believed it was likely to lead to improvements in their consultation performance. This approach may also be applicable to regulatory assessment as it accurately identifies students at the pass/fail margin.  相似文献   

The expatriate advisor or 'expert' working in Indonesian medical education will require a complex range of personal and professional qualities if he or she is to be effective. Personal qualities refer particularly to the nature of the relationships that are established. Professional qualities include expertise in the discipline as well as expertise in teaching and education more generally. None of the qualities identified in the study is simple or unidimensional. The qualities are complex and are also likely to vary among educators according to their own level of education and cross-cultural experience.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Attracting and retaining qualified medical educators will be a continuing challenge as physicians feel more pressure to produce clinical revenue. With this paper we hope to begin to identify how clinical teachers, judged as excellent by their peers, establish their professional identity as physician and teacher. METHOD: This qualitative study examines the views of 10 clinical teachers to identify the characteristics excellent preceptors attribute to their teaching identity. RESULTS: This study revealed four themes that influence faculty teaching identity: underlying humanitarianism, familiarity with adult learning principles, understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of teaching, and the image of self as teacher. CONCLUSION: Using the findings from this study, suggestions are given to faculty developers for activities to increase physician identity as teacher.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Evaluation of the efficacy of a short course of technical clinical skills to change performance in general practice. DESIGN: Subjects were self-selected general practitioners (n=59) who were unaware of the study design. They were assigned to the intervention group (n=31) or control group (n=28) according to their preference for course date. The course covered four different technical clinical skills (shoulder injection technique, PAP-smear, laboratory examination of vaginal discharge, ophthalmoscopic control in diabetes mellitus). Main outcome measures used were pre- and post-training scores on a knowledge test of skills (60 multiple choice items), and pre- and post-training performance of procedures in practice using a log-diary covering 20 days. SETTING: University of Maastricht, The Netherlands. SUBJECTS: Self-selected general practitioners. RESULTS: Competence, as measured by the knowledge test of skills, improved significantly as a result of the training and skills test scores were satisfactory after training. A significant effect on performance in practice was found for PAP-smear and shoulder injection technique, whereas no effect could be demonstrated for examination of vaginal discharge and ophthalmoscopic control in diabetes mellitus. CONCLUSIONS: A good degree of competence is a necessary but not always sufficient condition for a physician to change his performance in practice. While some skills training seems adequate to bring about desired changes, for other skills more complex interventions are probably needed.  相似文献   

This study compares the predictive values of written-knowledge tests and a standardized multiple-station examination for the actual medical performance of general practitioners (GPs) in order to select effective assessment methods to be used in quality-improvement activities. A comprehensive assessment was performed in four phases. First, 100 GPs from the southern part of the Netherlands were assessed by a general medical knowledge test and by a knowledge test on technical skills. Second, in order to check for time-order effects, participants were randomly divided into two groups of 50 each, comparable on scores of both knowledge tests and on professional characteristics. Finally, both groups went through a multiple station examination using standardized patients and a practice video assessment of real surgery, but in opposite orders. Consultations were videotaped and assessed by well-trained peer observers. The drop-out rate was 10%. In both groups the predictive value of medical knowledge tests, ranging from 0.43 to 0.56 (Pearson correlation disattenuated), proved to be comparable with the predictive value of the multiple-station examination for actual performance (0.33-0.59). The overall explained variance of scores of the practice video assessment, measured by multiple regression analysis with performance scores as dependent variables and scores on the knowledge tests and the multiple-station examination as independent variables was moderate (19%). A time-order effect showed in only one direction: from practice video assessment to the multiple-station examination. The GP's professional characteristics did not contribute to the explanation of variation in performance. Medical knowledge tests can predict actual clinical performance to the same extent as a multiple-station examination. Compared with a station examination, a knowledge test may be a good alternative method for assessment the procedures of a large number of practising GPs.  相似文献   

AIMS: To explore the concerns of pre-registration house officers (PRHOs) and the views of hospital consultants in relation to pre-registration rotations with a general practice component. METHOD: As part of a larger qualitative study evaluating how a group of 24 PRHOs learn in hospital and primary care settings, face-to-face semistructured interviews were conducted with the PRHOs, and semistructured telephone interviews with the PRHOs' educational supervisors were carried out. RESULTS: The interviews with the PRHOs highlighted their concerns about how consultants might view PRHO rotations into general practice. However, the majority of consultants interviewed recognized and valued specific aspects of the experience to be gained by PRHOs in general practice, including the relationship between primary and secondary care; communications skills; specific clinical skills, and an understanding of the natural course of illnesses. The experience was seen as valuable for PRHOs considering either a general practice or a hospital career. Of the 17 consultants, 10 were also confident that 4-month placements in surgery and medicine would give PRHOs adequate experience in either specialty, providing the placements were sufficiently busy. CONCLUSIONS: Medical school deans and medical students considering PRHO rotations with a general practice component can be encouraged by the fact that, in this small study, the majority of hospital consultants interviewed valued the specific experience offered by these rotations, and felt that adequate medical and surgical experience could be gained in busy 4-month hospital placements.  相似文献   

There is national and international interest in increasing the community-based component of undergraduate medical education, but more research is needed on its potential, practicability and effectiveness. The objective of the study was to examine the feasibility and efficacy of general practitioners teaching basic clinical skills to first year clinical medical students in the community. The structure and methods of evaluation of the programme are described. Evaluation tools included semi-structured interviews of general practitioner tutors; student questionnaires; assessment of student performance; and costs of the programme. The great majority of the students found the programme enjoyable (81 out of 81, 100%) and educational (79 out of 81, 97%). Students' perfomance in the end of rotation Objective Structured Clinical Examination suggested that clinical skills are acquired at least as well in the community as in hospital. Tutors identified the personal benefits of this teaching as development of their own clinical skills and the stimulation of teaching. The programme has been successfully expanded from 24 students to 230 students annually and has demonstrated that community-based teaching can usefully contribute to undergraduate medical education in the area of clinical skills teaching. Key practical issues for schools contemplating similar initiatives are presented.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: In line with recent General Medical Council recommendations a new, 8-week integrated course in clinical methods has been introduced into the undergraduate curriculum at Leicester University. OBJECTIVES: To describe student perceptions of the course and to identify areas for improvement. DESIGN: A questionnaire survey. SETTINGS: These were 50 general practices, three teaching hospitals and the academic Department of General Practice and Primary Health Care. SUBJECTS: A total of 180 third- and fourth-year medical students. RESULTS: The questionnaires were completed by 93% of students. The latter expressed higher satisfaction with practice teaching compared with hospital teaching, on a 5-point scale, with regard to questions on 'teaching content' (4.0 vs. 2.7, P < 0.0001) and 'teaching process' (4.1 vs. 2.7 P < 0.0001), which was reinforced by free text comments. Of the respondents, 92% agreed that their teaching practice had satisfied the required teaching timetable and 87% of students found their departmental tutor enthusiastic and stimulating. CONCLUSION: It is possible to deliver an integrated course in clinical methods, teaching generic clinical skills, in a mix of hospital and practice settings. Nevertheless there were substantial differences in student perceptions of the relative quality and impact of teaching in the two settings. This may be related to the more detailed programme of preparation of practice teachers and the greater extent to which practice teachers were required, and able, to create protected time for the teaching task. These differences should be minimized if hospital teachers undergo similar preparation for the teaching task and have similar levels of protected teaching time.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Multiculturalism presents linguistic obstacles to health care provision. We explored the early introduction of "interpreter" role-play exercises in teaching medical undergraduates communication skills. The interpreter role creates a natural barrier in communication providing an active prompt for recognizing learning needs in this area. METHODS: Bilingual Cantonese first-year medical students (n=160) were randomly allocated to either "Observer" or "Interpreter" role plays at a small-group introductory communication skills workshop using a quasi experimental design, counterbalanced across tutors. Students assessed their own skill competence before and, together with their perceptions of the different role plays' effectiveness, again after the workshop, using an anonymous 16 item Likert-type scale, analysed using ANOVA and MANOVA. RESULTS: Students' assessments of their skills improved significantly following the workshop (F=73.19 [1,156], P=0.0009). Students in the observer group reported greater changes in their scores following the workshop than did students in the interpreter group (F=4.84 [1,156], P=0.029), largely due to improvement in perceived skill (F=4.38 [1,156], P=0.038) rather than perceived programme effectiveness (F=3.13 [1,156], P > 0.05). Subsequent MANOVA indicated no main effect of observer/interpreter conditions, indicating these differences could be attributed to chance alone (F=1.41 [16 141], P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: The workshop positively influenced students' perceived communication skills, but the "Interpreter" role was less effective than the "Observer" role in achieving this. Future studies should examine whether interpreter role plays introduced later in the medical programme are beneficial.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Following recent changes to eligibility requirements for recognition as a general practitioner in Australia, an increasing proportion of candidates select the non-training, or practice-eligible, route to the RACGP Fellowship Examination, without the benefit of formal general practice training. DESIGN: Pass rates for the training and practice-eligible cohorts from the 1996 and 1997 examinations were determined and compared. SETTING: Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). SUBJECTS: General practitioner candidates for the RACGP. RESULTS: The analysis of the 1996 and 1997 examinations showed that the overall pass rate and individual examination segment scores of the practice-eligible route candidates were lower than those for candidates from the training route. CONCLUSIONS: The observed difference in performance is more probably due to different preparation for the examination than any systematic bias against particular groups of candidates. All candidates for the examination would benefit from exposure to the general practice curriculum and supervised experience in Australian general practice.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Medical School of Lund University, Sweden, has introduced an early patient contact course, including training in communication and examination skills. The course runs parallel with theoretical subjects during the students' first two-and-a-half years. General practitioner (GP) participation is gradually increasing, and in the last half-year of the course GPs in all health centres in the area are involved. Little is known about the GPs' interest, competence and time for this new task. AIM: To describe the GPs' attitudes towards teaching and the rewards and problems they experience. SUBJECTS: 30 GPs teaching third-year medical students. METHOD: Semistructured interview study. Data analysis by a method described by Malterud. RESULTS: The attitude towards teaching was mostly positive and the teachers were confident about teaching examination procedure. Among rewards of teaching, improved quality of clinical practice was the main theme, but imparting knowledge to others, contact with enthusiastic students, and gains in self-esteem were also mentioned. Problems with teaching were mostly due to external factors such as lack of time and space, but concern about a negative effect on patient care was also recognized. Educational objectives of the course were not completely accepted. GPs were not fully aware about what to expect from the students, with subsequent problems concerning how to assess students' performance and how to give effective feedback. CONCLUSIONS: The teaching of junior medical students is maintained by the GPs' enthusiasm for teaching. However, teacher training is required and the crucial issues of time and space have to be considered.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Over-the-counter (OTC) medications account for over half of US drug expenses but have received little attention in medical school education. This pilot study evaluated student attitudes and knowledge in connection with a new curriculum in an ambulatory teaching clinic. DESIGN: Learning objectives were developed for six categories of OTC medications and students taught each other under the direction of a clinical pharmacist and family physician. Learning was undertaken in small groups and a site visit to a pharmacy was included. A 25-question test of knowledge was administered before and 6 months after the project, and student attitudes were assessed. SETTING: The sessions were taught as part of a longitudinal family medicine clerkship at an ambulatory care teaching clinic, Rockford, Illinois, USA. SUBJECTS: Twenty third-year medical students took the pre-test and attended the educational sessions; 19 completed the post-test and 16 completed the attitudinal survey. RESULTS: The mean pre-test score of 49% improved to 67% on the post-test (p<0.001). On the survey, 94% found the material useful and 88% liked the small group learning, but only 60% felt the pharmacy trip was worthwhile. CONCLUSION: In this study, medical students found teaching about OTC medications to be useful and showed significant improvement on a fund of knowledge test.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the feasibility and effectiveness of shared hospital and general practice clinical teaching for medical undergraduates. DESIGN: A multifaceted approach employing quantitative and qualitative techniques. SETTING: All medical schools in North Thames Region. SUBJECTS: Students, GP tutors and hospital specialists. RESULTS: The model was successfully adopted in a broad range of clinical specialties in all of the participating medical schools, resulting in a doubling of the involvement of general practice in clinical teaching. Participating students provided an overwhelmingly positive evaluation of the attachments and there was a clear perception of benefit amongst the participating GPs. However, the views of the participating hospital clinicians were less positive and the true nature and extent of the educational impact proved difficult to assess. CONCLUSIONS: This model of collaborative clinical teaching between hospital and general practice can be implemented in accordance with the project's key aims, but the enthusiastic involvement of hospital clinicians may be difficult to secure.  相似文献   

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