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Prenatal testosterone surge is considered crucial for physiological masculinization of male progeny. Disorders in sex steroid hormone balance during the fetal development may interfere with male reproductive health later in life. In this study, we have investigated in utero and in vitro effects of flutamide (FLU) and diethylstilbestrol (DES) on fetal rat testicular steroidogenesis. In utero exposure to FLU 25mg/kg or DES 0.02mg/kg had no obvious effects on ED 19.5 rat testicular testosterone and progesterone production, StAR protein or AR protein expression. However, when ED 19.5 rat testis were cultured for 180min in the presence of 0.1, 1, 10 and 100mg/l of FLU or DES, the highest doses of both compounds were capable of disturbing steroidogenesis. To study the rate of the changes seen in testicular steroidogenesis after 180min, time-series experiments, in which intact testes were cultured with FLU 100mg/l or DES 100mg/l for 30, 60 or 120min, were performed. In vitro time-series experiments revealed that changes in steroidogenesis occur very fast. Experiments with FLU brought further evidence to the hypothesis that ARs have negative autocrine role in developing Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Abstract<195>This study was conducted to investigate the applicability of an in vitro technique for maturation, fertilization, cleavage, and growth to blastocysts of bovine oocytes to investigate reproductive toxicologic effects. During maturation, the oocytes were exposed to the di-ortho-substituted PCB congener 2,2′,4,4′,5,5′-CB (PCB 153) in the three concentrations 0.84 ng/mL, 8.4 ng/mL, and 84 ng/mL or to the non-ortho-substituted PCB congener 3,3′4,4′,5-CB (PCB 126) in the three concentrations 1.006 pg/mL, 10.06 pg/mL, and 100.6 pg/mL and compared with control groups. PCB 153 had no effect on maturation but resulted in a reduced proportion of oocytes that cleaved at the highest concentration. There were no differences in blastocyst development among groups. PCB 126 resulted in a reduction in maturation percentage at the highest concentration and in blastocyst development at all concentrations. These results demonstrated adverse effects of PCB congeners on bovine oocytes and showed that this system can be used to evaluate toxic effects on oocytes and preimplantation-stage embryos.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are widespread, persistent environmental contaminants that display a complex spectrum of toxicological properties. Exposure to PCBs has been associated with morphological anomalies in cell cultures. However, most mechanistic studies of PCBs' toxic activity have been focused on coplanar congeners. It is of importance to determine whether PCB treatment would influence cell configuration and whether these changes would depend on the structural characteristics of PCBs. In this study, we investigated cell morphological alteration in Vero cell cultures after exposure to coplanar PCB 126 and noncoplanar PCB 153. The survival of Vero cells was measured through the MTT (3‐(4,5‐dimethylthiazol‐2‐yl)‐2,5‐diphenyltetrazolium bromide) test. Cytotoxicity results suggested that PCB congeners had a toxic, antiproliferative effect on Vero cells. Morphological studies described structural modifications and provided evidence that apoptosis might be the main cell death pathway in PCB 153‐treated cells. The comparison between PCB 126 and PCB 153 indicated that the cell death mechanisms involved in coplanar or noncoplanar PCB congener exposure were different in Vero cells. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol, 2012.  相似文献   

Pregnant does (10 goats/group) were dosed orally with either PCB 153 or PCB 126 dissolved in corn oil or only corn oil (control group) from day 60 of gestation until delivery. Effects on in vitro mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation and blood cell counts in their goat kids exposed to low levels of PCB 153 and PCB 126 during gestation and lactation were assessed. The concentrations of PCB 153 and PCB 126 in adipose tissue in the goat kids 9 mo postpartum were 5800 ng/g (fat weight) and 0.49 ng/g (fat weight), respectively. Kids exposed to PCB 153 had a significantly higher number of white blood cells, neutrophils, and lymphocytes at 2 wk of age compared to controls. In the kids exposed to PCB 126 there was a significantly lower concentration of monocytes at 2, 4, and 8 wk of age. The mean lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and to concanavalin A (Con A) was significant lower in the PCB 153 compared to the control group at wk 2, 4, and 8 postnatally. The results of the present study support previous reports on immunotoxic effects of PCB exposure in animals. However, this is the first report to demonstrate immunotoxicity in animals by using low doses of PCB 153. The difference in results between PCB 126 and PCB 153 treatment groups may strengthen the hypothesis that PCBs mediate immunotoxic effects through both AhR-dependent and -independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Pregnant does (10 goats/group) were dosed orally either with polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) 153 (98 microg/kg body weight/d) or PCB 126 (ng/kg body weight/d) dissolved in corn oil or with corn oil only (control group) from gestation day (GD) 60 until delivery. An additional group (n = 5) of pregnant does received the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES; 0.4 microg/kg body weight/d) by intramuscular injection using the same treatment schedule as for the PCB groups. Blood samples for immune analysis were collected at wk 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 of age. The effects of perinatal PCB exposure on postnatal humoral immune responses were examined by assessing the levels of total immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulins to specific microbes at wk 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 of age, and immune responses following immunization of kids at 2 wk of age. PCB 153 exposure suppressed maternal and neonatal immunity, as demonstrated by reduced transfer of maternal IgG and specific antibodies to the environmental microbes Arcanobacterium pyogenes, Mannheimia haemolytica, and reovirus (REO-1). Furthermore, PCB 153 reduced the level of maternal antibodies to Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis and equine influenza virus (EIV-1) in the newborn kids. The antibody response against EIV-1 was significantly higher in PCB 153-exposed kids 2 wk following immunization. PCB 126 exposure reduced the levels of maternal antibodies to REO-1. In contrast, gestational exposure to PCB 126 increased the concentrations of maternal antibodies to tetanus toxoid. No differences from controls in plasma total IgG levels at birth or colostrum IgG concentrations were observed in the PCB 126-treated does. However, a significant reduction in IgG levels from GD 60 until delivery was found in this group. Gestational exposure to DES reduced the concentrations of maternal antibodies against A. pyogenes, M. haemolytica, M. avium Paratuberculosis, and REO-1. These results suggest that perinatal exposure to low doses of PCB 126 and PCB 153 affects the maternal immunity in kids. The difference in responses between PCB 126 and PCB 153 treatment groups may strengthen the hypothesis that PCBs mediate immunotoxic effects through both AhR-dependent and -independent mechanisms. The observation that the effects produced by PCB 153 resembled those produced by DES raises the question of whether this congener may modulate immunity by estrogenic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Chemical exposure via breast milk is one of the great concerns in public health. Previously, we demonstrated that most body burden of PCB 153 can be transferred from the mother to the pups in mice during lactational period. Here we present a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model to describe the lactational transfer of PCB 153 with or without PCB 126 in mice. The model incorporated physiological changes on the volume and the blood flow into mammary tissues, and considered mechanistic information on the movement of PCB 153 from adipose tissue to the mammary gland during lactational period. The mechanistic consideration includes fat volume changes, binding of PCB 153 to very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and increased uptake of VLDL in mammary tissues. Model parameters depicting physiological changes were obtained from research articles dealing with chemical transfer during lactational period in rodents. Chemical-specific parameters were derived from previous PBPK models focusing on the PCB disposition in rodents. The developed model adequately described the lactational transfer of PCB 153 with or without PCB 126 in mice. Our model will provide a useful mechanistic tool to estimate the disposition of PCBs in diverse experimental designs regarding PCB effects during developmental period and to improve quantitative risk assessment of PCBs in the developing organisms.  相似文献   

Several tetrahydroisoquinolines (TIQs) were tested for their in vitro and in vivo capacities to modulate prolactin (PRl) and beta-endorphin (beta-end) secretion by the rat pituitary and for their abilities to displace [3H]spiroperidol and [3H]naloxone binding from pituitary and hypothalamic membranes. Receptor binding studies showed that TIQs could be classified as having (a) higher affinity for opiate receptors (tetrahydropapaverine, papaverine, 6-methylsalolinol, 1-carboxysalsolinol and 3',4'-deoxy-norlaudanosolinecarboxylic acid), (b) higher affinity for the dopamine receptor (salsolinol and 7-methylsalsolinol), or (c) approximately equal affinity for the two binding sites (6,7-dimethylsalsolinol and tetrahydropapaveroline, THP). In freely moving male rats, THP produced a several-fold increase in plasma PRL levels. This effect was not altered by co-administration of naloxone but was attenuated by dopamine. In vitro several TIQs reversed the inhibitory effect of dopamine on PRL secretion by cultured anterior pituitary cells. The order of potencies of the TIQs in this system paralleled their order of potencies in the dopamine receptor assay. THP, the most potent dopamine antagonist, also blocked dopamine-mediated inhibition of beta-endorphin secretion from neurointermediate lobe cells in culture. These data demonstrate that THP and some other TIQs can act as dopamine antagonists in radioreceptor assays, in cell culture and in vivo.  相似文献   

1 The release of prostaglandins (PGE2, PGF2 alpha, PGI2) and thromboxane A2 (TxA2) from rat lung exposed to E. coli endotoxin, in vivo or in vitro has been studied. 2 Lung strips of endotoxin-treated rats demonstrated a preferential increase of TxA2 and PGF2 alpha and a decrease in the ratio PGI2/TxA2. 3 These data suggest that changes in the proportions of arachidonic acid metabolites might play a role in the pulmonary pathophysiology during endotoxin shock. 4 Incubation of lung strips with endotoxin in vitro failed to stimulate prostaglandin release; paradoxically, it suppressed both the spontaneous and the ionophore-induced prostaglandin release. 5 These findings suggest that the increase in prostaglandin release by the lung following endotoxin administration in vivo is probably mediated by factor(s) generated in endotoxaemia and is not due to a direct action of endotoxin on the lung tissue.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate if environmentally relevant doses of the putative estrogenic non dioxin-like PCB 153 and the dioxin-like PCB 126 caused changes in bone tissue in female goat offspring following perinatal exposure. Goat dams were orally dosed with PCB 153 in corn oil (98 microg/kg body wt/day) or PCB 126 (49 ng/kg body wt/day) from day 60 of gestation until delivery. The offspring were exposed to PCB in utero and through mother's milk. The suckling period lasted for 6 weeks. Offspring metacarpal bones were analysed using peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) after euthanisation at 9 months of age. The diaphyseal bone was analysed at a distance of 18% and 50% of the total bone length, and the metaphyseal bone at a distance of 9%. Also, biomechanical three-point bending of the bones was conducted, with the load being applied to the mid-diaphyseal pQCT measure point (50%). PCB 153 exposure significantly decreased the total cross-sectional area (125 mm(2)+/-4) versus non-exposed (142 mm(2)+/-5), decreased the marrow cavity (38 mm(2)+/-4) versus non-exposed (50 mm(2)+/-3) and decreased the moment of resistance (318 mm(3)+/-10) versus non-exposed (371 mm(3)+/-20) at the diaphyseal 18% measure point. At the metaphyseal measure point, the trabecular bone mineral density (121 mg/cm(3)+/-5) was increased versus non-exposed (111 mg/cm(3)+/-3). PCB 126 exposure did not produce any observable changes in bone tissue. The biomechanical testing of the bones did not show any significant changes in bone strength after PCB 153 or PCB 126 exposure. In conclusion, perinatal exposure to PCB 153, but not PCB 126, resulted in altered bone composition in female goat offspring.  相似文献   

The activities of six aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase species were determined using enzyme preparations partially purified from the brains of control and methylmercury (MeHg)-treated rats. The activities of Asp-, Leu- and Tyr-tRNA synthetases were significantly reduced in the brains of MeHg-intoxicated rats, whereas those of Lysand Met-tRNA synthetases remained unchanged. In contrast, the activity of His-tRNA synthetase was significantly increased in the symptomatic phase of MeHg intoxication. The activities of these six aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in the control brains were affected to different extents on the direct addition of MeHg to the assay system in vitro. No positive correlation was observed between the in vivo and in vitro effects of MeHg on the enzyme activities. These results indicate that the aminoacylation of tRNA is one of the actions of MeHg, which leads to inhibition of protein synthesis, and it is suggested that the syntheses of cellular proteins may be modified in different ways by MeHg, depending on their amino acid compositions.This work was supported in part by a grant from the Japanese Environmental Agency.  相似文献   

In vitro and in vivo antitumor effects of bisphosphonates   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Bisphosphonates are powerful inhibitors of osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. They are currently used in the palliative treatment of bone metastases. However, bisphosphonates do not only act on osteoclasts. There is now extensive in vitro preclinical evidence that bisphosphonates can act on tumor cells: they inhibit tumor cell adhesion to mineralized bone as well as tumor cell invasion and proliferation. Bisphosphonates induce also tumor cell apoptosis and stimulate gammadelta T cell cytotoxicity against tumor cells. In vivo, bisphosphonates inhibit bone metastasis formation and reduce skeletal tumor burden. This may reflect direct antitumor effects and indirect effects via inhibition of bone resorption. In addition, bisphosphonates inhibit experimental angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo. Understanding the molecular mechanisms through which bisphosphonates act on tumor and endothelial cells will be undoubtedly an important task in the future. It will allow the design of clinical trials to investigate whether the antitumor activity of bisphosphonates can be realized in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

Andrographolide – the major active principle isolated from the plant Andrographis paniculata, has been shown to possess a strong anti-inflammatory activity. The possibility that the drug may affect asthmatic inflammation, through inhibition of the relevant inflammatory cytokines, has not been explored. The purpose of this study was, firstly, to investigate the ability of andrographolide to inhibit the release of inflammatory cytokines in vitro in a model of non-specific inflammation and subsequently to determine whether such effect can also be exerted in vivo in allergic lung inflammation.LPS-induced TNF-α and GM-CSF release from mouse peritoneal macrophages was inhibited by andrographolide in a concentration-dependent manner. The concentration of the drug producing 50% inhibition was 0.6 μM for TNF-α and 3.3 μM for GM-CSF. The maximal inhibition achieved (at 50 μM) was 77% and 94%, respectively, for the two cytokines. The drug was as efficacious as dexamethasone, but about 8–12 times less potent. The drug also suppressed LPS-induced expression of mRNA for the two cytokines, suggesting that this effect may contribute to the mechanism underlying its anti-inflammatory effects. In the in vivo study, intra-peritoneal treatment of ovalbumin-immunized and nasally-challenged mice with andrographolide significantly inhibited the elevation of bronchoalveolar fluid (BAF) levels of TNF-α and GM-CSF in a dose-dependent manner, with 30 mg/kg producing an inhibition of 92% and 65% of the cytokines, respectively) and almost completely abolishing the accumulation of lymphocytes and eosinophils. These results provide evidence that andrographolide is an effective anti-inflammatory drug that is active in vitro and in vivo, and affects both non-specific as well as antigen/antibody-dependent lung inflammation. Thus, andrographolide has the potential to be used in a variety of inflammatory conditions, including allergic lung inflammation.  相似文献   

A single high dose of methylenedioxymethamphetamine, a psychedelic agent, produced a rapid and persistent depletion of striatal indoles similar to that observed following administration of the serotonergic neurotoxin p-chloroamphetamine. The drug had little effect on dopaminergic variables. Like p-chloroamphetamine, methylenedioxymethamphetamine was found to be a relatively selective agent for inducing [3H]serotonin release in vitro. The serotonin uptake inhibitor, citalopram, blocked both [3H]serotonin release in vitro and striatal serotonin depletion in vivo, indicating that both processes were carrier dependent. In vivo comparisons of the stereoisomers of methylenedioxymethamphetamine indicated two phases of serotonin depletion similar to those reported for p-chloroamphetamine. Although both the (+)- and (-)-stereoisomers produced an acute (3 hr) decrease in striatal indoles, the long-term effects of the drug showed stereoselectivity in that the (+)-enantiomer produced the most dramatic serotonin depletion. Comparison of the effects of the stereoisomers of methylenedioxymethamphetamine and its n-desmethyl analog, methylenedioxyamphetamine, on [3H]serotonin and [3H]dopamine release in vitro showed the (+)-enantiomer of both drugs to be the more potent releasing agent. In spite of its reported lack of hallucinogenic activity, (+)methylenedioxyamphetamine was found to be of a potency similar to that of (+)methylenedioxymethamphetamine in inducing [3H]serotonin release in vitro. The results are discussed in terms of the neurochemical similarities between methylenedioxymethamphetamine and p-chloroamphetamine as well as the proposed role of serotonin release in the behavioral effects of methylenedioxymethamphetamine.  相似文献   

In the last few decades, combined exposure to methylmercury (MeHg) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from fish and seafood, and their potentially interactive effects on neurodevelopment, have been giving increasing cause for concern. We examined the combined effects of MeHg and either a non-dioxin PCB (PCB153) or a dioxin-like PCB (PCB126) congener on the developing brain cholinergic muscarinic receptors (MRs). These receptors are known to play a major role in many central functions including higher cognitive processes and the modulation of extrapyramidal motor activity. MRs in pup rat brains diminished following prenatal and lactational exposure, from gestational day [GD]7 to postnatal day [PND]21, to MeHg (0.5mg/kgbodyweight[bw]/day), PCB153 (5mg/kgbw/day), and PCB126 (100ng/kg/day), alone or in combination. Total MR density, as well as M1, M2, and M3 receptor subtypes of the weanling and pubertal rats, were affected in a brain-area-, gender-, time- and compound-dependent fashion. MeHg decreased (by 15-20%) the total MR density in a delayed (PND36) manner in the cerebral cortex of both genders, and early (at weaning) in the cerebellum of both genders, with the effect lasting until puberty (in males only). MeHg decreased the ACh M1- and M3-immunopositive neurons in the cerebral cortex and also increased the M2-immunopositive Bergmann glia in the cerebellum. PCB153 also induced a delayed (PND36) decrease (of 20%) in total MR number in the cerebellum of the male offspring and in the cerebral cortex of both genders. The latter effect was coupled with a decrease in ACh M1- and ACh M3-immunopositive neuron populations. PCB126 decreased (by 30-40%) total MR density in a gender-dependent manner, males being more sensitive than females. The effect was evident early (at PND21) and lasted until puberty in the cerebellum, while it was observed later (at PND36) in the cerebral cortex. The M1 and M3 receptors were similarly affected by PCB126. Co-exposure to MeHg and either PCB153 or PCB126 had the same effect on the cerebral MRs as exposure to each compound alone. The results rule out additive or synergistic interactions between MeHg and PCB153 or PCB126 on MRs in the brain areas examined. Some early-onset changes persisted until puberty, while other modifications became manifest only at the advanced time point (PND36), when the brain levels of total Hg, PCB153, and PCB126 had declined. These data support the ability of MeHg and PCBs to induce delayed neurotoxicity after developmental exposure.  相似文献   

The aim of the presented study was to evaluate the effects of PCB 126 and PCB 153 on granulosa and theca cell apoptosis. Granulosa and theca cells were collected from small, medium, and large preovulatory porcine follicles and cultured as monolayers. Cells were initially cultured for 24 h to allow attachment to the plates. Media were changed and 100 pg/ml PCB 126 or 100 ng/ml PCB 153 were added. After 48 h, granulosa and theca cells were fixed for assessment of the number of apoptotic cells utilizing a Hoechst staining technique or frozen for measurement of caspase-3 activity. Media were collected for testosterone concentration analysis from theca cell cultures or estradiol from granulosa cell cultures. Neither PCB 153 nor PCB 126 had an effect on testosterone secretion by theca cells collected from small and medium size follicles, while both PCBs decreased testosterone secretion by large follicles. The decrease in testosterone secretion by large follicles under the influence of both PCBs was paralleled by a suppression of caspase-3 activity and a decreased incidence of apoptotic bodies. Neither of the PCBs had an effect on estradiol secretion by granulosa cells collected from small and medium size follicles, while both PCBs increased estradiol in granulosa cells collected from large follicles. PCB-associated increased estradiol secretion by granulosa cells collected from large follicles was accompanied by suppression of caspase-3 activity and a decreased incidence of apoptotic bodies. In conclusion, we have presented evidence that in preovulatory follicles PCBs inhibit both theca and granulosa cells apoptosis. Therefore, an exposure to PCBs may cause alterations in the pattern of terminal differentiation of follicles and attenuate spontaneous elimination of atretic follicles.  相似文献   

The effect produced by three gold salts (sodium aurothiomalate, allochrysine, auranofin) on chemotaxis and random migration of rat polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN) was investigated under various experimental conditions. The drug activity was examined after incubation in vitro or after administration in vivo. PMNs were recruited after the induction of two acute inflammatory reactions (pleurisies induced by isologous serum or a suspension of calcium pyrophosphate (CaPP) crystals). The three gold salts administered in vivo and in vitro inhibited the chemotactic responses of the two cell types. This action was dose-dependent. Auranofin was the most effective substance while sodium aurothiomalate was the least. The random migration was not always significantly depressed especially for CaPP-elicited cells. Reduction in neutrophil chemotaxis might be an important additional mechanism in the action of gold salts and their activity on inflammatory PMNs recruited at inflammatory foci might be beneficial in the treatment in rheumatic diseases in which PMN migration would be implicated.  相似文献   

Effects of bimoclomol, the novel heat shock protein (HSP) coinducer, was studied in various mammalian cardiac and rabbit aortic preparations. Bimoclomol decreased the ST-segment elevation induced by coronary occlusion in anesthetized dogs (56% and 80% reduction with 1 and 5 mg/kg, respectively). In isolated working rat hearts, bimoclomol increased coronary flow (CF), decreased the reduction of cardiac output (CO) and left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP) developing after coronary occlusion, and prevented ventricular fibrillation (VF) during reperfusion. In rabbit aortic preparations, precontracted with phenylephrine, bimoclomol induced relaxation (EC(50)=214 microM). Bimoclomol produced partial relaxation against 20 mM KCl, however, bimoclomol failed to relax preparations precontracted with serotonin, PGF(2) or angiotensin II. All these effects were evident within a few minutes after application of bimoclomol. A rapid bimoclomol-induced compartmental translocation of the already preformed HSPs may explain the protective action of the compound.  相似文献   

More than 20 years after Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion, radionuclids are still mainly bound to the organic soil layers. The radiation exposure is dominated by the external exposure to gamma-radiation following the decay of 137Cs and by soil-to-plant-to-human transfer of 137Cs into the food chain. Because of this persistence of contamination with 137Cs, questions regarding public health for people living in contaminated areas were raised. We investigated the biological effects of chronic exposure to 137Cs on testicular and adrenal steroidogenesis metabolisms in rat. Animals were exposed to radionuclide in their drinking water for 9 months at a dose of 6,500 Bq/l (610 Bq/kg/day). Cesium contamination decreases the level of circulating 17β-estradiol, and increases corticosterone level. In testis, several nuclear receptors messenger expression is disrupted; levels of mRNA encoding Liver X receptor α (LXRα) and LXRβ are increased, whereas farnesoid X receptor mRNA presents a lower level. Adrenal metabolism presents a paradoxical decrease in cyp11a1 gene expression. In conclusion, our results show for the first time molecular and hormonal modifications in testicular and adrenal steroidogenic metabolism, induced by chronic contamination with low doses of 137Cs.  相似文献   

A microtiter hemolytic assay was utilized to determine sodium azide (NaN3) modulation of B6C3F1 and C3H mouse serum complement levels in vivo and in vitro. Functional complement was expressed in CH50 units per milliliter. Experiments were performed to determine the in vitro effect of NaN3 on complement mediated lysis of IgM sensitized rabbit erythrocytes. Concentrations of 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, and 80 mM NaN3 were added to microtiter wells containing Tris buffer, IgM sensitized rabbit erythrocytes, and serum complement from naive female C3H mice. Although NaCl and KCl controls had an inhibitory effect, NaN3 demonstrated a significant dose-dependent inhibition of complement-mediated lysis. In the three in vivo experiments, female B6C3F1 mice were exposed to NaN3 and physiological saline (vehicle control). Complement hemolytic ability was evaluated after a 1-day, single iv injection of 0.2, 2.0, and 20.0 mg/kg NaN3; at Days 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 of a 6-day time course study after ip administration of 20 mg/kg NaN3; and at the end of an 11-day study involving daily injections of 10, 15, and 20 mg/kg NaN3 given ip. No significant changes in complement-mediated hemolysis were observed in the in vivo experiments. These studies indicate that NaN3 does not affect mouse complement levels in vivo. However, NaN3 suppresses in vitro complement hemolytic ability.  相似文献   

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