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Three cell forms of astroglial lineage populate the prenatal and early postnatal murine cerebral wall. In the present review we consider the ontogeny of these cell forms with respect to histogenetic events of the perinatal period. Classic bipolar radial glial cells predominate prior to E17. The bipolar coexist with monopolar radial forms in the perinatal period. Both bipolar and monopolar radial forms coexist with multipolar astrocytes in the course of the first postnatal week and are ultimately succeeded by the multipolar cells. The shift from bipolar to monopolar radial forms is initially coincident with translocation of somata of bipolar cells from the ventricular zone to the upper intermediate zone and cortical strata. Arborization appears to occur both at the growing tips and along the shaft of the processes of both bipolar and monopolar radial cell types. As arborization continues, the processes of the monopolar radial cells come to resemble those of the multipolar astrocytes. Eventually the radial cells are fully transformed into the multipolar astrocytic forms. During this period of transition, radial processes in the cortex appear to be degenerating, suggesting that regressive processes contribute to the cytologic transformation. This sequence of transformations begins late in the period of neuronal migration and continues through the early stages of growth and differentiation in the murine cerebral cortex. The signals that induce these changes may arise from differentiating neurons within the cortex. These transformations occur at a time when radial glial fibers are no longer required as guides for neuronal migration, and the glial population assumes new roles related to the development and operation of cortical neuronal circuits.  相似文献   

We present electron microscopic and autoradiographic studies done using organotypic cultures of spinal cord explants excised from 15 days of gestation mouse embryos. Nerve fibers growing from the spinal cord explant carry at their tips immature mitotic astrocytic cells that lead their growth cones. These glial cells divide only during the active phase of neuronal growth, and correspond ultrastructurally to radial glia. They provide a specific cellular substrate for neuronal growth. Some growth cones form axoglial synapses with smooth membranes of immature glial cells. In contrast, maturing glial cells sprout cytoplasmic processes that tightly wrap individual growth cones and effectively arrest their growth. Next, the processes gather nerve endings into islets and nerve fibers into bundles. After internalizing nerve endings, the glial processes withdraw, bringing the endings into contact with each other. The direct neuronal appositions lead to the transformation of growth cones into presynaptic endings, signaled by their collection of presynaptic vesicles. Clustering of the vesicles at presynaptic axoglial or axodendritic membranes indicates the onset of synaptogenesis-completed by differentiation of spinous and compound synapses. Concomitant with the progress of synaptogenesis, astrocytic investment within the neuropil progressively diminishes. The differentiating astrocytic processes show secretory and tethering activity toward nerve fibers and their endings. Our observations demonstrate that astroglial cells-depending on their developmental stage-first promote and then arrest neuronal growth, and induce synaptogenesis. Thus, at any time, the growing nerve fibers are not only supported but also controlled by the astroglial cells.  相似文献   

We have used the monoclonal antibody A2B5 (which binds to subclasses of surface gangliosides) to select glial precursor cells from postnatal rat brain and compare their properties in culture with those of the bipotential O-2A progenitor cells of newborn optic nerve. Two methods, fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and differential adhesion, resulted in greater than 90% enrichment in A2B5-positive bipolar cells and multipolar cells with short processes. These cells expressed vimentin and reacted with yet another antibody (NSP4), which binds to O-2A progenitor cells of optic nerve. The 2-10% of the remaining cells consisted of type 1 astrocytes and/or microglial cells. When maintained in defined medium for 3 days, 28-40% of A2B5-positive cells incorporated thymidine, while most other cells became differentiated into galactocerebroside-positive oligodendrocytes. In the presence of 10% fetal calf serum for 3 days, over 50% of the cells developed a stellate phenotype and expressed GFAP, characteristic of type 2 astrocytes. This phenotypic plasticity of the A2B5 positive cells was also observed in clones derived from single cells grown on a layer of type 1 astrocytes. Thus, A2B5-positive cells from cerebrum are O-2A progenitors that can generate O-2A lineage cells. The effects of the two growth factors, insulin and platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) (which is synthesized by type 1 astrocytes), were tested on cerebrum O-2A progenitors. PDGF induced a doubling of the percentage of A2B5-positive cells incorporating thymidine during a 20-hr pulse and a large increase (up to 40-fold) of the progenitor population over 3 days. The largest number of O-2A lineage cells was obtained when purified progenitors were grown in the presence of PDGF and insulin. Thus, A2B5-positive glial cells from cerebrum overall behave as the O-2A progenitors of optic nerve, but they more readily divide than differentiate, as if they were at an earlier stage along the O-2A lineage pathway.  相似文献   

To analyze how astroglial cells attain the complex shapes that support neuronal migration and positioning in vitro (Hatten et al., 1984; Hatten 1985), early postnatal mouse cerebellar cells were plated in microcultures, and glial process outgrowth was monitored by high-resolution time-lapse video microscopy combined with immunocytochemical localization of antisera to glial filament protein (GFP), and by electron microscopy. The 2 principal astroglial forms seen in these cultures, stellate and Bergmann-like (Hatten et al., 1984), begin to develop their distinctive shapes by the outgrowth of processes in the first 8 hr after the cells are plated. Glial process extension is most vigorous in this period, resulting predominantly in stellate forms. A second population of glial cells, having fewer, longer processes reminiscent of Bergmann glia in vivo, first appears about 5 hr after plating. During the next 16-24 hr, while the stellate cells only slightly increase their process length, the bipolar cells double their length. The most striking feature of the elongating glial process is its highly motile tip, which rapidly extends microspikes and lamellopodia. Unlike the neuronal growth cone, which is the expanded terminal of a thin neurite shaft, the glial growing tip forms the end of a wide, paddle-like process that is filled with motile mitochondria and masses of glial filaments, and is bordered by an undulating lamella fringed by microspikes. Soon after the emergence of glial processes, cell-cell interactions between the growing glial process tip and granule neurons occur. Within minutes of an initial encounter between the glial process and the neuron, contact relationships that are stable during the observation period form between the cells. Subsequently, many neurons extend a small neurite onto the glial process, and astroglial process extension continues by the movement of the glial growing tip out beyond the neuron. Thus, cerebellar astroglia in vitro develop complex shapes in the same fashion as do neurons: the outgrowth of processes tipped by a motile ending. The growing tips of astroglial processes interact with neurons, resulting in the stable association of neurons and glia.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody RC2 was generated in mouse by conventional hybridoma methodology. The antigen recognized by RC2 is robust, allowing aldehyde fixation appropriate to high resolution light and electron microscopic analyses. From the neural tube stage of fetal development the antibody delineates throughout the central nervous system a subpopulation of neuroepithelial cells which have a radial bipolar morphology. A descending process extends to the ventricular margin, and an ascending process contacts the glial limiting membrane by one or more endfeet varicosities. The persistence of these cells through the neurogenetic period allows their identification as radial glial. From as early as E9-10 the fibers appear to be organized in simple straight fascicles. Later in fetal development these fascicles show marked region-specific transformations in density and trajectory, particularly in association with cerebral corticogenesis and with cerebellar and basal ganglia development. The bipolar forms continue to stain with RC2 until they disappear in the postnatal period. Concurrently with a progressive perinatal loss of stained bipolar radial glia, RC2 identifies multipolar cell forms at various levels of the brain wall, as consistent with the transformation of radial glia into astrocytes. RC2 also recognizes monopolar cell forms in the spinal cord and the cerebellum as early as E15, and in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation from the day of birth. Monopolar forms in the cerebellum are inferred to be progenitors of Bergmann glia. Although Bergmann glia are known to persist in adult life, these cells do not stain with RC2 beyond the 2nd postnatal week. The robustness of the antigen recognized by RC2 makes this probe a valuable tool to study the morphological transformations of the bipolar radial glia during their mitotic turnover. It also provides a sensitive stain for the study of the organization and the histogenetic role of the overall radial fiber system.  相似文献   

The astroglial response t o stabbing. Immunofluorescence studies with antibodies to astrocyte-specific protein (GFA) in mammalian and sub-mammalian vertebrates
The astroglial response to stabbing was studied by immunofluorescence with GFA protein antisera in adult and newborn rats, chickens and goldfish. In the adult normal rat most astrocytes of the isocortex and corpus striatum are protoplasmic and do not stain by immunofluorescence. Two days after injury many astrocytes became brightly fluorescent in the stabbed hemisphere and were still fluorescent 2 months later. In the newborn rat the astroglial response was more limited. Reactive glial cells in the medial frontal cortex and pyramidal layer of the hippocampus had a radial appearance with thin immunofluorescent processes crossing at right angles to the surface of the cortex. In rats stabbed at birth and killed 1 month later many immunofluorescent astrocytes were present in the frontal cortex of both cerebral hemispheres. Radial glia were no longer observed. In the normal adult rat radial glial processes were seen by immunofluorescence extending at right angles from the lateral wall of the third ventricle into the hypothalamus. In the chicken cerebellum the astroglial response to stabbing was limited, with few immunofluorescent fibers in the vicinity of the wound. No changes were observed in the goldfish optic tectum by immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

Golgi techniques, immunofluorescence for glial fibrillary acidic (GFA) protein, and electron microscopy (EM) were used to determine the nature of radial glia in the cerebrum of human fetuses ranging from 7 to 20 weeks of ovulation age. Successful Golgi impregnation of radial fibers was achieved in fetuses 12 weeks of age and older. These fibers spanned the entire thickness of the hemisphere. At the pial surface many of them branched and terminated in pyramidal end feet expansions. Indirect immunofluorescent preparations utilizing antiserum to GFA protein, a protein specific for astrocytes, demonstrated numerous radially oriented nearly parallel fluorescent fibres between the ventricular zone and pia mater. GFA protein-positive fibers were demonstrated in all fetal specimens examined with this technique (10 weeks of age and older). Along the outer border of the marginal zone they formed a horizontal GFA protein-containing subpial membrane. By EM there were numerous linear electron lucent astrocytic processes containing 8-9 nm filaments and occasional glycogen granules at all levels of the cerebrum. They were interspersed among smaller and darker neuronal processes containing 20-25 nm neurotubules, and were demonstrable at all fetal ages between 7 and 18 weeks. They formed pericapillary investments and subpial terminal expansions closely abutting basal lamina of pia mater in every specimen examined. On the basis of these combined analyses, we conclude that radial glial fibers in early human fetal cerebrum represent processes of immature astrocytes. Although subsequently undergoing further maturation, radial glia already possess fundamental immunocytochemical and morphological characteristics indicative of astrocytic differentiation. A significant implication of our findings is that the development of astrocytes in the human fetal brain occurs much earlier than formerly believed.  相似文献   

Recent in vitro study showed that astrocytes induce oligodendrocyte processes to adhere to axons. However, the role of astrocytes in myelination in vivo remains unknown. We have, therefore, conducted a study to clarify the possible involvement of astrocytes during the initial myelination process. In newborn mice, the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), a marker for astrocytes, was restricted to a few fibrous architectures in the subventricular zone (SVZ), but we did not observe any GFAP-positive astrocytes. Prior to the onset of myelination, GFAP became transiently expressed in the cells with radial fibers elongating from the SVZ to the pia of cerebral cortex, and myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG)-positive premyelinating oligodendrocytes appeared as neighbors to them, with the processes attaching to radial fibers, but not to axons. These GFAP-positive "radial" cells lost their fibrous architecture and became typical GFAP-positive astrocytes at about 10 days postnatally, when myelination set in, indicating that the disappearance of radial fibers coordinates with the initiation of myelination. From these results, we propose that premyelinating oligodendrocytes are in contact with radial fibers rather than axons and that the cytoarchitectural transformation of radial fibers into astrocytes is involved substantially in controlling the onset of initial myelination. Our proposal was further confirmed by GFAP-deficient mice, in which the disappearance of these radial fibers and the initiation of myelination were delayed in parallel. Our findings together suggest that myelination in vivo is in concert with astrocytic differentiation, involving radial fibers therein, rather than being a mere axon-oligodendrocyte interaction.  相似文献   

Glial filament protein expression in astroglia in the mouse visual pathway   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have studied the onset of expression of glial filament protein (GFP) in astrocytes along a single axon trajectory, the mouse retinal axon pathway, and the relationship of GFP expression to maturation of astroglial morphology. In fetal optic nerve from embryonic day (E) 12 to E16, primitive glia (neuroepithelial cells) lack GFP, but express vimentin and contain intermediate filaments. GFP is expressed at E17 in two gradients: cells in the optic nerve become GFP-positive first in the borders of the nerve, then in the central nerve by postnatal day (P)0. The second gradient is a distoproximal one, with GFP appearing in the optic nerve at E17, in the optic chiasm by PO, and in the optic tract by P3. The expression of GFP in the optic nerve marks the transformation of radial neuroepithelial cells to multipolar astroglia, accomplished by outgrowth of filament-rich glial processes tipped by a growth cone. Several days after the onset of GFP expression in each portion of the pathway astrocytes exhibit a transient increase in staining, and resemble reactive astrocytes after injury. During this period, filaments are arranged in densely packed bundles, and appear coalesced at points. Thus, primitive glial cells in optic nerve express vimentin. In the retinofugal pathway, GFP is expressed in a distinct spatiotemporal sequence from optic nerve to optic tract. Finally, in contrast to neurons, the extension of astroglial processes is accompanied by the increased expression and assembly of intermediate filaments.  相似文献   

A prominent feature of multiple sclerosis (MS) and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is the accumulation of enlarged, multipolar glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and brain lipid binding protein (BLBP) immunoreactive astroglia within and at the margins of the inflammatory demyelinative lesions. Whether this astrogliosis is due to both astroglial hyperplasia and hypertrophy or solely to astroglial hypertrophy is controversial. We now report that coincident with the first appearance of inflammation and clinical deficits in mice with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide (MOG peptide)-induced EAE, the radially oriented, bipolar, GFAP, and BLBP positive cells (adult radial glia) present in normal spinal cord white matter undergo mitosis and phenotypic transformation to hypertrophic astroglia. To facilitate visualization of relationships between these hypertrophic astroglia and dying and regenerating oligodendroglia, we used mice that express enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in cells of the oligodendroglial lineage. During the first week after onset of illness, markedly swollen EGFP+ cells without processes were seen within lesions, whereas EGFP+ cells that expressed immunoreactive cleaved caspase-3 were uncommon. These observations support the hypothesis that necrosis contributes to oligodendroglial loss early in the course of EAE. Later in the illness, EGFP+ cells accumulated amongst hypertrophic astroglia at the margins of the lesions, while the lesions themselves remained depleted of oligodendroglia, suggesting that migration of oligodendroglial lineage cells into the lesions was retarded by the intense perilesional gliosis.  相似文献   

Radial glia is a ubiquitous cell type in the developing central nervous system (CNS) of vertebrates, characterized by radial processes extending through the wall of the neural tube which serve as guiding cables for migrating neurons. Radial glial cells were considered as glial precursor cells due to their astroglial traits and later transformation into astrocytes in the mammalian CNS. Accordingly, a hypothetical morphologically distinct type of precursor was attributed the role of neurogenesis. Recent evidence obtained in vitro and in vivo, however, revealed that a large subset of radial glia generates neurons. We further demonstrate here that the progeny of radial glial cells does not differ from the progeny of precursors labeled from the ventricular surface, implying that there is no obvious relation between precursor morphology and neuron-glia lineage decisions in the developing cerebral cortex of mice. Moreover, we show that many radial glial cells seem to maintain their process during cell division and discuss the implications of this observation for the orientation of cell division. These new data are then related to radial glial cells in other non-mammalian vertebrates persisting into adulthood and suggest that radial glia are not only neurogenic during development, but also in adulthood.  相似文献   

The architectural organization of the subpial astrocyte processes was examined near the brain surface by single immunostaining methods. The astroglial processes were stained on brain sections made parallel to the pial surface. The astroglial glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP) antigen was used as a specific marker. We show that these subpial astrocyte processes present a well organized palisading pattern in the adult mouse and rat spinal cord, medulla and pons. This adult astrocyte palisading pattern is compared to the palisading radial glia organization we previously demonstrated in the fetal mouse brain. The observed analogies afford a new and strong argument in favor of a derivation of the subpial astrocytes from radial glia. Double immunostaining methods, using GFAP and neurofilament antigens as glial and neuronal markers respectively, show the close relationship existing between the trajectories of axonal and glial processes. Beside the colinearity already observed between the axon trajectories and the glial palisades we demonstrate a new kind of axon/glia relationship. Axons are closely intermingled, within the palisading glial tufts, with the peripheral processes of the subpial astrocytes progressing to the pial surface. The findings suggest that fetal radial glia organization has a direct and indirect influence on the adult astroglial and perhaps the axonal pattern.  相似文献   

To examine neuron-glia interactions of hippocampal cells, including glial-guided neuronal migration, glial organization of neuronal positioning and neuronal regulation of astroglial differentiation, rat hippocampal tissue, harvested between embryonic day 16 (E16) and postnatal day 3 (P3), was dissociated into a single cell suspension and plated in glass coverslip microcultures (Hatten and Liem, 1981; Hatten et al., 1984). Immunostaining the cells with antibodies against the glial filament protein (AbGFP) revealed developmental stage-specific changes in the number and extent of morphological differentiation of hippocampal astroglial cells. At E16-E18, fewer than 5% of the cells were AbGFP-positive; stained cells were immature, bearing very short processes. By E19-E20, the number of stained cells increased to 15% of the total cell population. Three forms of differentiated glial cells predominated, a bipolar form bearing processes 30-50 microns, an elongated form which resembled the radial glia of hippocampus, bearing processes 120 microns in length, and a stellate form with 3 or more processes 30-50 microns in length. At P0-P3, glial morphological differentiation varied with the culture substratum; differentiated forms resembling those seen at E20 occurred on Matrigel, but not on polylysine. Quantitation of the distribution of neurons relative to AbGFP-stained glial processes revealed developmental stage-specific changes in glial organization of neuronal positioning in the cultures. In cultures of E16-E18 hippocampal cells, the neurons did not preferentially associate with astroglial cells. By E19-E20, extensive neuron-glia interactions occurred, with 80-90% of the neurons being located within 5-10 microns of a glial process. In addition to their organization of neuronal positioning, E20 hippocampal astroglial cells supported extensive neuronal migration. Migrating hippocampal neurons displayed a cytology and neuron-glia cell apposition identical to that described for migrating cerebellar granule cells in vitro (Edmondson and Hatten, 1987), closely apposing their cell soma against the hippocampal glial process and moving along the glial arm by extending a thickened, leading process. Migration was seen only along highly elongated glial profiles resembling radial glial seen in vivo. The morphological differentiation of hippocampal glial cells in vitro was dependent on cell-cell interactions with neurons. In the absence of neurons, purified hippocampal astroglia had flat, undifferentiated profiles and proliferated rapidly. The addition of hippocampal neurons rapidly arrested glial growth and induced glial process extension.  相似文献   

The present report describes the morphological differentiation of ectopic granule cells from external granule cells that have been induced to escape from the cerebellar cortex into the subarachnoid space by injecting neonatal rats with 100 microgram 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) into the cisterna magna. The following cell types were observed in the period between 5 and 25 days postinjection (dpi): (1) unipolar cells with one process bearing a growth cone at its tip; (2) bipolar cells with two thin beaded processes originating from opposite cell poles, bearing growth cones at their tips; (3) bipolar cells with a T-like process at one pole and a short process lacking a terminal growth cone at the opposite pole; (4) multipolar cells with one thin beaded process and two or more short processes bearing growth cones of a different morphology at their tips; (5) intermediate stages. In the late second week p.i., cell aggregates were observed that continually increased in size up to 30 dpi. On the basis of our light, transmission, and scanning electron microscopic findings, we interpret these cell types to be equivalent to the individual stages of granule cell differentiation that characterize axon formation, migration, and aggregation. In the period between 30 and 365 dpi, granule cells were almost exclusively organized into cell colonies of different sizes, but small cell clusters and single granule cells exhibited the scanning electron microscopic features of adult granule cells, i.e., a small spherical cell body, a single axon with parent axonal stem, T-junction, and parallel fiber, and dendrites engaged in synaptic glomeruli. The parallel fibers ran in fasciculi of different sizes, often parallel to each other, but without preferential orientation over the cerebellar surface. During migration and aggregation, the granule cells and their processes were associated with a substrate of glial sheets that in turn were connected to intracortical Bergmann glia fibers. Our findings indicate that (1) granule cells differentiate normally in an ectopic environment in the presence of glia, (2) ectopic Bergmann glia contain no directional information to guide aberrant migratory granule cells to their correct destination, (3) granule cells can survive outside the brain parenchyma for periods up to one year (the longest postinjection interval studied).  相似文献   

Ganglioside GD3 occurs in immature cells in the neuroectoderm. However, with regard to particular cellular locations of GD3, rat brain has received more attention than mouse brain. In brains from neonatal mice the most intense GD3 immunostaining appears to occur in structures that differ from those that immunostain the most intensely in brains from neonatal rats (Cammer and Zhang: J Histochem Cytochem 44: 143–149, 1996). In the present study epifluorescence and confocal microscopy were used for the purpose of identifying the types of GD3-immunopositive structures in brains of neonatal, 2-week-old, and adult mice. Vibratome sections from mouse brains were double immunostained for GD3 and respective markers for macrophages, microglia, and cells belonging to the oligodendrocyte lineage. Surprisingly, none of those marker antigens immunostained intensely in the same respective structures as GD3. The GD3-positive structures, however, did resemble protoplasmic astrocytes and radial glia, some with GD3-positive end-feet at the glia limitans; however, we did not rule out the possibility that there might be some GD3 on the surfaces of prooligodendroblasts. The scarcity of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-positive cells in brains of neonatal mice made it impractical to look for GD3+/GFAP+ structures that might belong to the astrocyte lineage. The Mu subunit of glutathione-S-transferase (Mu) was shown to label radial glia and the few GFAP-positive cells in brains of neonatal mice. Subsequently, confocal microscopy showed Mu and GD3 to be colocalized in radial glia and protoplasmic astrocytes in the neonate. In brains from mice ≥2 weeks of age GD3 immunostaining was demonstrated in GFAP-positive astrocytes, including reactive astrocytes. Much of the GD3 appeared to occur at the tips of astrocyte processes. It is suggested that GD3 in radial glia and astrocytes may function as a ligand enabling recognition of those structures by neurons or as a precursor of more complex gangliosides in neurons. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) immunohistochemical staining, utilizing a specific antibody to the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA), was employed to analyze gliogenesis in the central nervous system of rhesus monkeys ranging in age from embryonic day 38(E38) to birth (E165) and through the second postnatal month. All major subdivisions of the brain contain glial cells, recognized by the presence of dark brown horseradish peroxidase (HRP) reaction product. Neuronal elements are not stained with this immunocytochemical technique. The first class of glial cell to appear during development are the radial glial cells; the radial glial fibers fan out from the ventricular and subventricular zones, where their cell bodies reside, to the pial surface where they terminate with conical endfeet. These glial cells appear within the first third of gestation, being present in the spinal cord and brainstem by E41; in the diencephalon by E45; and in the telencephalon and cerebellum by E47. The next class of glia to appear is the Bergmann glial cell of the cerebellar cortex, which can be stained by E54. Bergmann glial cells located below the Purkinje cell layer issue parallel processes which extend up to the pial surface. Within each major subdivision of the brain, massive numbers of elongated glial fibers continually alter their distinctive patterns to maintain constant ventricular-pial surface relationships during the major tectogenetic changes which occur throughout embryonic development. In Nissl-counterstained sections columns of migrating neurons are observed juxtaposed to GFA-positive radial and Bergmann glial fibers. Radial glial cells assume a variety of transitional forms during the process of their transformation into mature astrocytes. This transformation occurs in each structure at specific embryonic ages and is initiated after neuronal migration has begun to subside. The number of astroglial cells increases at an accelerated pace after neurogenesis is complete. The immunohistochemical localization of radial glial fibers at relatively early stages of embryonic development indicates that glial cells are present concomitantly with neurons, raising the possibility that at least two distinct populations of cell precursors compose the proliferative zones. Furthermore, the demonstration of large numbers of radial glial cells in all brain regions during the peak of neuronal migration and a close structural relationship between elongated glial fibers and migrating neurons support the concept that glia play a significant role in the guidance and compartmentalization of neuronal elements during development.  相似文献   

Phagocytic cells on the surface of the explants and their relationships to the surface were examined morphologically and immunocytochemically in organotypic cultures of mouse spinal cord tissue. Phagocytic cells were rounded, had smooth cytoplasmic surfaces and were occasionally closely apposed to underlying cells by junctional complexes. These cells contained dense bodies, vacuoles, smooth and coated vesicles, a few microtubules and bundles of intermediate filaments similar to astroglial filaments. The superficial layer of the explant which usually consisted of astroglial cell bodies and their processes, sometimes contained immature neuroepithelial cells with numerous free ribosomes, centrioles, Golgi apparatus, microtubules and infrequently, intermediate filaments. Overall, the cells resembled poorly differentiated astrocytes. Numerous dense bodies and coated vesicles were observed in some of these immature cells as well as in astrocytes in the surface layer of the explant. Cytoplasmic bridges between immature cells within the explant and phagocytic cells on the surface were observed. Immunocytochemistry revealed the presence of glial fibrillary acidic protein within these surface phagocytic cells. It thus appears that immature neuroepithelial cells of astrocytic lineage are capable of transforming into macrophage-like cells in organotypic culture.  相似文献   

Neuronal migration defects in the hippocampus during development are thought to be involved in various mental disorders. Studies of neural cell migration in the developing cerebrum have focused mainly on the neocortex, but those that have been performed on the developing hippocampal formation have not been adequately carried out. In the present study, the morphological differentiation of immature neurons that form the laminar structure of the hippocampus was investigated by labeling ventricular surface cells with the expression vector of the enhanced-green-fluorescent-protein (EGFP) gene. Vector DNA was transfected into spatially and temporally restricted neuroepithelium of the hippocampal primordium by in utero electroporation, and the morphology of EGFP-labeled migratory neurons and their interrelationships with the radial glial arrangement were observed. Pyramidal cells of Ammon's horn began to migrate radially along glial processes from a broad area of neuroepithelium on embryonic day (E)14. Large numbers of multipolar cells were found in the intermediate zone in the initial stage and stratified pyramidal cells appeared later. Dentate granule cells were labeled later than (E)16 and originated from a restricted area of neuroepithelium adjacent to the fimbria. Their initial migration was rapid and independent of radial glial fibers. Subsequent tangential migration in the subpial space and their ultimate settling into the forming dentate gyrus were closely associated with the radial glia. These findings indicate that distinct cellular mechanisms are involved in the development of the cortical layer of Ammon's horn and dentate gyrus.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the role of neuron-glia interactions in the response of astroglial to a non-invasive cerebellar cortex injury, we have used two cases of the ataxic form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) with distinct neuronal loss and diffuse astrogliosis. The quantitative study showed no changes in cell density of either Purkinje or Bergmann glial cells in CJ-1, whereas in the more affected CJ-2 a loss of Purkinje cells and an increase of Bergmann glial cells was found. The granular layer in both CJD cases showed a similar loss of granule cells (about 60% ) in parallel with the significant increase in GFAP+ reactive astrocytes. GFAP immunostaining revealed greater reactivity of Bergmann glia in CJ-2 than in CJ-1, as indicated by the thicker glial processes and the higher optical density. Granular layer reactive astrocytes were regularly spaced. In both CJD cases there was strict preservation of the spatial arrangement of all astroglial subtypes—Fañanas cells, Bergmann glia and granular layer astrocytes. Reactive Fañanas and Bergmann glial cells and microglia/macrophages expressed vimentin, while only a few vimentin+ reactive astrocytes were detected in the granular layer. Karyometric analysis showed that the increase in nuclear volume in reactive astrloglia was directly related with the level of glial hypertrophy. The number of nucleoli per nuclear section was constant in astroglial cells of human controls and CJD, suggesting an absence of polyploidy in reactive astroglia. Ultrastructural analysis revealed junctional complexes formed by the association of macula adherens and gap junctions. In the molecular layer numerous vacant dendritic spines were ensheathed by lamellar processes of reactive Bergmann glia. Our results suggest that quantitative (neuron/astroglia ratio) and qualitative changes in the interaction of neurons with their region-specific astroglial partners play a central role in the astroglial response pattern to the pathogenic agent of CJD.  相似文献   

Using monoclonal antibodies to choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), we have analyzed the development of the dendritic bundles formed by cholinergic sympathetic preganglionic neurons (SPNs) in relationship to changes in the organization of glial fibers. In adult rat thoracic spinal cord, SPNs in the intermediolateral (IML) and central autonomic (CA) regions extend dendrites in both the mediolateral and rostrocaudal directions, forming a ladder-like pattern in horizontal sections of thoracic spinal cord. We report that, while the mediolateral dendrites form prenatally, the rostrocaudal dendritic bundles are not detected until at least a week later, during early postnatal life. The rostrocaudal dendrites develop rapidly during the first postnatal week, and achieve an adult-like pattern by postnatal day 14. The observed ontogenetic arrangements of dendritic bundles were correlated with the developing organization of astroglial processes with which they are intimately associated. While the appearance of mediolateral dendrites is consistent with the radial organization of glial in the embryonic spinal cord, the developmental time course of the rostrocaudal dendritic bundles coincides with the transformation of glial cells from this predominantly radial or transverse orientation to the randomly-oriented, stellate pattern of mature astrocytes. This temporal association suggests that ontogenetic changes in the organization of glial cells may contribute to the differential development of mediolateral and rostrocaudal dendritic patterns in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

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