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调节性T细胞是机体维持自身耐受的重要组成部分.CD4+CD25+T细胞以持续高表达CD25为特征,可通过细胞间直接接触或分泌TGF-β、IL-10来发挥抑制功能.它广泛参与自身免疫耐受、肿瘤免疫、移植免疫.现就其发育、特性、发挥功能的机制以及在移植免疫耐受中的作用和应用前景作一综述.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞是调节性T细胞的亚群之一,主要来源于胸腺,具有多种独特的特征,包括可识别自身抗原肽、分泌抑制性细胞因子等.其功能是通过抑制自身反应性T细胞的免疫反应、抑制传统T细胞的活化以及促进一些抑制性细胞因子的分泌等,在维持机体内环境的稳定、肿瘤免疫监测、诱导移植耐受以及自身免疫性疾病的发生中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

Foxp3和CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调节性T细胞是机体维持自身耐受的重要组成部分,其对免疫反应具有抑制效应,在体外增殖能力低,在免疫病理、移植物耐受、阻止自身免疫反应和维持机体免疫平衡方面都有一定作用.最近发现Foxp3在调控调节性T细胞的一重要亚群CD4+CD25+T细胞的发育上起很重要的作用.本文就CD4+CD25+T细胞特性、Foxp3在其发育和功能发挥中的作用以及其活性调节方面作一综述.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞(CD4+CD25+Treg)是维持机体免疫耐受的一种重要因素。它组成性表达IL-2受体α链(CD25),主要的功能是抑制自身反应性T细胞的活化和功能,调节机体对抗原的免疫应答,从而使机体避免发生自身免疫病。近年来研究表明,Treg也可能通过相同的机制削弱机体的抗肿瘤效应。Treg介导的免疫抑制是肿瘤逃逸的原因之一。针对Treg进行肿瘤免疫治疗是一项可行的策略。  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+T细胞是最近才被认识的一类免疫调节细胞,在胸腺产生,主要发挥抑制性免疫调节功能,表达IL-10mRNA,细胞表面表达IL-2受体α链(CD25),本身不产生IL-2,但在体内、外增殖需要外源性IL-2,在体外为无能细胞(anergy cell),CD4+CD25+T细胞发挥免疫抑制作用是通过细胞-细胞接触依赖方式而非细胞因子依赖方式,CD4+CD25+T细胞在调控自身免疫性疾病的发生、炎症反应和T细胞稳态中发挥重要作用.本文拟对CD4+CD25+T细胞的生物学特性及其应用研究的最新进展作一综述.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞与自身免疫耐受   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cd4+CD25+T细胞是一具有免疫调节(或免疫抑制)作用的细胞群.是健康个体T细胞库的组成成分,约占CD4+T细胞5%~15%.它可以通过细胞接触依赖机制和抑制性细胞因子依赖机制主动抑制自身免疫T细胞的活化,维持自身免疫耐受,防止自身免疫病的发生.对这一细胞群生物学作用的揭示,对自身免疫病、移植排斥、肿瘤、感染等方面的研究都具有重要意义.本文综述了CD4+CD25+T细胞群的产生、维持、效应机制及其在自身免疫耐受中的作用.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞(Tr)是同时具有免疫低反应性和免疫抑制性功能两大特征的T细胞.研究证实,CD4+ CD25+ Tr在抑制器官特异性自身免疫性疾病及GVHD是抗原特异性的,因此,应用器官特异性而不是多克隆性的Tr将大大促进以Tr为基础的免疫治疗.而具有调节活性的CD4+ CD25+ Tr仅占人类外周血CIM+ T细胞的1%~2%,因此,研究体外大量扩增的方法 对于以Tr基础的治疗至关重要.研究表明,树突状细胞(DC)作为机体强有力的专职抗原递呈细胞可以扩增具有抗原特异性的CD4+ CD25+ Tr且能增加后者的抑制活性,这为治疗自身免疫性疾病及GVHD提供了新的治疗前景.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞(Tr)是一个具有独特免疫调节功能的T细胞亚群.Tr免疫学特性主要在于抑制自身反应性T细胞的活化,并参与外周免疫耐受,对维持机体内环境的稳定起重要作用.Tr在流产中发挥重要的免疫调节作用.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞(Tr)是体内自然发生的调节性T细胞的重要亚群,具有无反应性和免疫抑制两大特性,主要通过与靶细胞的直接接触而起作用,其在体内不仅参与自身免疫性疾病、移植排斥反应等,还在肿瘤的发生、发展及免疫治疗中发挥重要作用.近几年来,Tr在肿瘤免疫中的作用倍受关注.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+T细胞在CD8+T细胞抗肿瘤免疫中的调节作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验旨在研究CD4^+CD25^+T细胞在CD8^+T细胞抗肿瘤免疫中的调节作用。将小鼠脾脏中分离的单个核细胞分为两组.即去除CD4^+CD25^+T细胞组和未去除CD4^+CD25^+T细胞组,测定树突状细胞提呈的肿瘤抗原多肽刺激不同T细胞增殖活性、细胞因子IFN一1分泌,以及多肽特异性CD8^+T细胞对同源性胃癌细胞株MFC的杀伤活性。结果显示预先去除未致敏T细胞中的CD4^+CD25^+T细胞,所诱导的特异性CD8^+CTL对肿瘤细胞免疫应答增强,表现为反应性T细胞对树突状细胞提呈的肿瘤抗原多肽增殖反应增强,IFN-γ分泌量提高及CD8+T细胞对MFC杀伤活性增强。这些结果表明。预先去除未致敏T细胞中的CD4^+CD25^+T细胞,肿瘤抗原多肽修饰的树突状细胞肿瘤疫苗效能可明显增加。CD4^+CD25^+T细胞在CD8^+T细胞抗肿瘤免疫中起下调作用。  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC), in their role in initiation of the adaptive immune response, have been extensively studied for their capacity to interact and stimulate naive T cells. Subsets of mature murine DC isolated directly from the spleen have been shown to differ in their ability to induce proliferative responses in both primary CD4(+) and primary CD8(+) T cells; the myeloid-related CD8alpha(-) DC induce a more intense or prolonged proliferation of naive T cells than do the lymphoid-related DC bearing CD8alpha despite similar expression of MHC and co-stimulatory molecules. Here we examine the interaction of these DC subpopulations with T cells already in the activated or memory state which are known to have greater sensitivity to antigen stimulation and bear receptors with increased capacity for signal transduction. We show that influenza virus-specific CD4(+) T cell clones and splenic T cells from peptide-primed animals proliferated in response to antigen presented by separated splenic CD8(-) DC. In contrast, these T cells showed only weak, if any, proliferation in response to CD8(+) DC despite observable cluster formation in the cultures. The differential between the two DC types in inducing proliferation was even more pronounced than previously seen with primary T cells and did not reflect differential longevity of the DC in culture, altered response kinetics or deviation from IL-2 to IL-4 induction with CD8(+) DC, but was related to the levels of IL-2 induced. The deficiency in the CD8(+) DC was not overcome by using infectious virus rather than synthetic peptide as the antigen source. These results show that lymphoid-related CD8(+) splenic DC, despite their mature phenotype, fail to provide appropriate signals to secondary CD4(+) T cells to sustain their proliferation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that CCR4 is particularly important in the selective recruitment of various subsets of leucocytes in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). In this study, we examined the percentage of CD4(+)/CCR4(+) T cells within circulating lymphocytes in active ankylosing spondylitis (AS), RA and SLE patients. The clinical significance of CCR4 expression as well as possible associations between the expression and serum levels of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interferon (IFN)-gamma and interleukin (IL)-10 were also examined. Our results showed that the percentage of CD4(+)/CCR4(+) T cells was significantly elevated in AS and RA patients as compared with normal controls. The percentage was also significantly higher in SLE patients who had received no treatment with glucocorticoids or cytotoxic drugs (untreated SLE) than that in controls. In addition, the percentage of CD4(+)/CCR4(+) T cells showed significant positive correlations with the Bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index (BASDAI) in AS and with the SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) in untreated SLE. Of all the cytokines examined, the elevated serum IL-10 level was closely correlated with the percentage of CD4(+)/CCR4(+) T cells in AS, RA and untreated SLE. These results suggest that CCR4 may be crucial in the pathogenesis of AS, RA and SLE. The percentage of CD4(+)/CCR4(+) T cells can serve as a useful marker for the activity of AS and untreated SLE.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞在川崎病免疫发病机制中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨CD4 CD25 调节性T细胞在川崎病(KD)免疫发病机制中的作用。方法急性期KD患儿25例,正常同年龄对照组25例,KD患儿分别于静脉丙种球蛋白(IVIG)治疗前后直接取血备检,未加任何体外丝裂原刺激培养。采用流式细胞术分别检测外周血CD4 CD25 调节性T细胞比例及CD14 细胞表面共刺激分子的表达;逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)及荧光定量PCR检测外周血CD4 T细胞中Foxp3、CTLA-4和GITR基因mRNA的表达。结果急性期KD患儿外周血CD4 CD25 调节性T细胞比例明显低于同年龄对照组(P<0.01),IVIG治疗后显著上升(P<0.01);急性期KD患儿外周血CD4 T细胞中Foxp3、CTLA-4和GITR基因mRNA表达水平均明显低于正常对照组(P<0.01),IVIG治疗后均有不同程度的恢复(P<0.01);急性期KD患儿CD14 细胞明显过度表达CD80及CD86等共刺激分子(P<0.01),IVIG治疗后CD80及CD86表达均显著下降。结论急性期KD患儿CD4 CD25 调节性T细胞数量减少可能与KD免疫调节功能紊乱有关。  相似文献   

It was recently demonstrated that naive human and mouse CD4 T cells release low but sufficient levels of interleukin (IL)-4 at priming to support their development into IL-4 producers. To determine whether this IL-4 is produced by a minor subset of cells, freshly isolated human naive CD4 T cells were directly cloned by limiting dilution in the absence of exogenous IL-4. More than 95% of neonatal and 60% of adult naive T cells seeded in single-cell cultures could be expanded upon stimulation with anti-CD3 mAb immobilized on CD32-B7.1 L cell transfectants in the presence of IL-2. All 171 clones derived from four neonates and two adults produced IL-4 and IL-5 at generally high levels. Like the allergen-specific human Th2 clones described in the literature, these T cell clones produced little or no interferon γ upon stimulation via their T cell receptor/CD3 complex, whereas they released high levels of this cytokine when activated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate + ionomycin. Cells cloned and expanded in the presence of anti-IL4 + anti-IL-4R mAb produced much lower levels of IL-4 and IL-5. It is concluded that almost every single naive human CD4 T cell primed and expanded in the absence of exogenous IL-4 releases sufficient autocrine IL-4 to support its clonal expansion into high IL-4/IL-5 producers.  相似文献   

An antibody reactive with CD38 revealed both phenotypic and functional heterogeneity amongst CD45RBlow cells. Functional analysis of the CD38+ and CD38 fractions showed that the latter contained T cells which responded to recall antigens and produced high levels of cytokine in response to polyclonal stimulation. In contrast, the CD38+ population failed to proliferate or to produce detectable levels of cytokines. Despite appearing unresponsive, the CD38+ population significantly inhibited anti-CD3-induced proliferation and cytokine secretion by the reciprocal CD38 population. Immune suppression required stimulation through the TCR and was dependent on a physical interaction between regulatory and responding CD4+ populations. It did not involve killing of the responding T cells or secretion of IL-10 or TGF-β. Despite some similarities there is no direct correlation between the in vitro suppression characteristic of the CD38+ CD45RBlow subset and in vivo suppression which has been shown to be mediated by unseparated CD45RBlow CD4+ T cells. However, these results demonstrate that two functionally distinct subsets of T cells reside within the antigen-exposed or CD45RBlow CD4+ T cell population and are thus generated in vivo: (1) conventional memory T cells which proliferate and secrete cytokines in response to activation and (2) a population of regulatory T cells which inhibit T cell activation in vitro. Antibodies reactive with CD38 may provide a useful tool with which to study the role of these T cell subsets in the induction and regulation of the immune response.  相似文献   

Smith TR  Alexander C  Kay AB  Larché M  Robinson DS 《Allergy》2004,59(10):1097-1101
BACKGROUND: We have previously described both modification of allergen immunotherapy using peptide fragments, and reduced regulation of allergen stimulated T cells by CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells from allergic donors when compared with nonallergic controls. It has been suggested that allergen immunotherapy induces regulatory T cell activity: we hypothesized that allergen peptide immunotherapy might increase suppressive activity of CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells. OBJECTIVE: To examine cat allergen-stimulated CD4 T cell responses and their suppression by CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells before and after cat allergen peptide immunotherapy in a double-blind placebo-controlled study. METHODS: Peripheral blood was obtained and stored before and after peptide immunotherapy or placebo treatment. CD4(+) and CD4(+) CD25(+) were then isolated by immunomagnetic beads and cultured with allergen in vitro. RESULTS: Comparing cells from blood taken before with that after peptide immunotherapy there was a significant reduction in both proliferation and IL-13 production by allergen-stimulated CD4+ T cells, whereas no change was seen after placebo. CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells suppressed both proliferation and IL-13 production by CD4(+) CD25(-) T cells before and after therapy but peptide therapy was not associated with any change in suppressive activity of these cells. CONCLUSION: Allergen peptide immunotherapy alters T cell response to allergen through mechanisms other than changes in CD4(+) CD25(+) T cell suppression.  相似文献   

Cancer immunotherapy focuses mainly on anti‐tumour activity of CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). CTLs can directly kill all tumour cell types, provided they carry recognizable antigens. However, CD4+ T cells also play important roles in anti‐tumour immunity. CD4+ T cells can either suppress or promote the anti‐tumour CTL response, either in secondary lymphoid organs or in the tumour. In this review, we highlight opposing mechanisms of conventional and regulatory T cells at both sites. We outline how current cancer immunotherapy strategies affect both subsets and how selective modulation of each subset is important to maximize the clinical response of cancer patients.  相似文献   

Natural regulatory CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells play an important role in preventing autoimmunity by maintaining self-tolerance. They express CD25 constitutively and are produced in the thymus as a functionally mature T-cell population. Changes in the potential of these cells to regulate the activity of conventional effector lymphocytes may contribute to an increased susceptibility to infection, cancer and age-associated autoimmune diseases. In this study we demonstrated that the thymi of aged mice are populated by a higher percentage of CD4(+) CD25(+) thymocytes than in young animals. The expression of several surface markers (CD69, CD5, CD28, CTLA-4, CD122, FOXP3), usually used to characterize the phenotype of CD4(+) CD25(+) T regulatory cells, was compared between young and aged mice. We also examined the ability of sorted thymus-deriving regulatory T cells of young and aged BALB/c mice to inhibit the proliferation of lymph node lymphocytes activated in vitro. Natural regulatory T cells isolated from the thymi of young mice suppress the proliferation of responder lymph node cells. We demonstrated that thymus-deriving CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells of old mice maintain their potential to suppress the proliferation of activated responder lymphocytes of young mice. However, their potential to inhibit the proliferation of old responder T cells is abrogated. Differences in the occurrence and activity of CD4(+) CD25(+) thymocytes between young and old animals are discussed in relation to the expression of these surface markers.  相似文献   

CD4 T cells help immune responses, but knowledge of how memory CD4 T cells are regulated and how they regulate adaptive immune responses and induce immunopathology is limited. Using adoptive transfer of virus‐specific CD4 T cells, we show that naive CD4 T cells undergo substantial expansion following infection, but can induce lethal T helper type 1‐driven inflammation. In contrast, memory CD4 T cells exhibit a biased proliferation of T follicular helper cell subsets and were able to improve adaptive immune responses in the context of minimal tissue damage. Our analyses revealed that type I interferon regulates the expansion of primary CD4 T cells, but does not seem to play a critical role in regulating the expansion of secondary CD4 T cells. Strikingly, blockade of type I interferon abrogated lethal inflammation by primary CD4 T cells following viral infection, despite that this treatment increased the numbers of primary CD4 T‐cell responses. Altogether, these data demonstrate important aspects of how primary and secondary CD4 T cells are regulated in vivo, and how they contribute to immune protection and immunopathology. These findings are important for rational vaccine design and for improving adoptive T‐cell therapies against persistent antigens.  相似文献   

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