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The secretion of steroid hormones from the adrenal cortex as well as cathecolamines from the adrenal medulla is stimulated by stress. In this study, we studied the effect of capsaicin-induced stress on the expression of the immediate-early genes (IEGs) NGFI-A, -B, -C, egr-2, -3 and Nurr1 in the rat adrenal gland using in situ hybridization. All of these IEGs except egr-2 were rapidly induced in the adrenal cortex and medulla. The temporal patterns of the IEG induction in medulla varied significantly. NGFI-A was induced in medulla within 15 min after stress, NGFI-B, egr-3 and Nurr1 were induced by 30 min, whereas NGFI-C was induced by 2 h. Surprisingly, only NGFI-B and Nurr1 were induced in the glucocorticoid secreting regions of zonae reticularis and fasciculata of the cortex, starting 15 min after the stress. All of the inducible IEGs were induced in the aldosterone secreting zona glomerulosa 15-30 min after the capsaicin injection. NGFI-A, NGFI-B and Nurr1 expression persisted for 6 h. Since the IEGs studied had major differences in their temporospatial induction pattern, they are likely to be induced by distinct stress-elicited factors and have separate target genes and roles in stress-induced glucocorticoid and catecholamine secretion.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the pattern of neuronal activations that occur in the obese fa/fa Zucker rat during food deprivation. The functional activation of neurons was estimated in lean and obese Zucker rats either fed ad libitum or food-deprived for 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours by assessing the expression of the immediate early gene c-fos. To identify the neurons instigating the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in food-deprived obese rats, the retrograde tracer cholera toxin B subunit was injected in the parvocellular division of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus of obese rats and colocalized with c-fos mRNA during food deprivation. The expression of c-fos was barely detectable in food-deprived lean rats as well as in lean and obese animals fed ad libitum. However, 3 hours of food deprivation were sufficient to significantly induce c-fos in the paraventricular thalamic nucleus of obese rats. In addition, 6 and 12 hours of food deprivation resulted in the activation of regions that are similarly stimulated in "neurogenic" stresses. These regions include the parvocellular division of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, the lateral septum, the basolateral amygdala, and some areas of the cortex. The highest number of neurons projecting to the parvocellular division of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus and revealing c-fos mRNA was, however, located in the paraventricular thalamic nucleus. In summary, the present results demonstrate in the obese fa/fa Zucker rats, that food deprivation leads to brain activations, which are in large part, similar to those induced by a "neurogenic" stress and that the paraventricular thalamic nucleus is involved in this response. These changes could contribute to the development of hyperphagia and obesity.  相似文献   

The effect of chronic stress on the levels of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) RNA in rat adrenal gland was investigated by RNA-DNA hybridization using a cloned TH cDNA probe. Results of dot-blot hybridization experiments and northern analysis demonstrate that exposure of animals to cold for 1 week results in a 4-5-fold increase in the relative abundance of TH mRNA. This increase in TH mRNA level may underlie the increase in adrenal TH activity that is known to occur when rats are exposed to such cold stress.  相似文献   

A persistent hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and thus elevated glucocorticoid levels are main neuroendocrine features of depressive symptomatology in humans. The broad range of effects that are set off by glucocorticoids is mediated by glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) and mineralocorticoid receptors (MRs), which themselves are subject to autoregulation. In order to investigate the impact of long-lasting psychological stress on corticosteroid receptor mRNA expression in the hippocampal formation, we employed the psychosocial stress paradigm in male tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri). By in situ hybridization studies and semiquantitative evaluation of stress-induced changes of GR and MR mRNA expression at the single-cell level, brain tissue from subordinate animals which were exposed to 27 days (1 h/day) of social confrontation was compared to that of nonstressed animals. Four weeks of stress exposure resulted in a downregulation of GR mRNA in the dentate gyrus and hippocampal subfields CA1 and CA3 of subordinate male tree shrews compared to controls. The MR mRNA content in these subfields of the anterior hippocampus was also clearly reduced. On the contrary, in a more posterior location on the longitudinal axis of the tree shrew hippocampus, the MR message was increased in subfields CA1 and CA3 and in the dentate gyrus. These results suggest a relevance of the stress-induced regulation of both corticosteroid receptor subtype mRNAs in a naturalistic challenging situation. Moreover, the differential regulation of MR mRNA along the rostrocaudal axis of the hippocampus adds another feature to the heterogenous composition of this structure.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) causes chronic joint pain and significantly impacts daily activities. Hence, developing novel treatment options for OA has become an increasingly important area of research. Recently, studies have reported that exogenous, as well as endogenous, hypothalamic‐neurohypophysial hormones, oxytocin (OXT) and arginine‐vasopressin (AVP), significantly contribute to nociception modulation. Moreover, the parvocellular OXT neurone (parvOXT) extends its projection to the superficial spinal dorsal horn, where it controls the transmission of nociceptive signals. Meanwhile, AVP produced in the magnocellular AVP neurone (magnAVP) is released into the systemic circulation where it contributes to pain management at peripheral sites. The parvocellular AVP neurone (parvAVP), as well as corticotrophin‐releasing hormone (CRH), suppresses inflammation via activation of the hypothalamic‐pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis. Previously, we confirmed that the OXT/AVP system is activated in rat models of pain. However, the roles of endogenous hypothalamic‐neurohypophysial hormones in OA have not yet been characterised. In the present study, we investigated whether the OXT/AVP system is activated in a knee OA rat model. Our results show that putative parvOXT is activated and the amount of OXT‐monomeric red fluorescent protein 1 positive granules in the ipsilateral superficial spinal dorsal horn increases in the knee OA rat. Furthermore, both magnAVP and parvAVP are activated, concurrent with HPA axis activation, predominantly modulated by AVP, and not CRH. The OXT/AVP system in OA rats was similar to that in systemic inflammation models, including adjuvant arthritis; however, magnocellular OXT neurones (magnOXT) were not activated in OA. Hence, localised chronic pain conditions, such as knee OA, activate the OXT/AVP system without impacting magnOXT.  相似文献   

Androgen receptors are distributed throughout the central nervous system and are contained by a variety of nuclei that are known to project to or regulate the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus, the final common pathway by which the brain regulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) response to homeostatic threat. Here we characterized androgen receptor staining within cells identified as projecting to the PVN in male rats bearing iontophoretic or crystalline injections of the retrograde tracer FluoroGold aimed at the caudal two-thirds of the nucleus, where corticotropin-releasing hormone-expressing neurons are amassed. Androgen receptor (AR) and FluoroGold (FG) double labeling was revealed throughout the limbic forebrain, including scattered numbers of cells within the anterior and posterior subdivisions of the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis; the medial zone of the hypothalamus, including large numbers of AR-FG-positive cells within the anteroventral periventricular and medial preoptic cell groups. Strong and consistent colabeling was also revealed throughout the hindbrain, predominantly within the periaqueductal gray and the lateral parabrachial nucleus, and within various medullary cell groups identified as catecholaminergic, predominantly C1 and A1 neurons of the ventral medulla. These connectional data predict that androgens can act on a large assortment of multimodal inputs to the PVN, including those involved with the processing of various types of sensory and limbic information, and provide an anatomical framework for understanding how gonadal status could contribute to individual differences in HPA function.  相似文献   

Systemic inflammation activates central autonomic circuits, such as neurons in the pontine parabrachial nucleus. This activation may be the result of afferent signaling through the vagus nerve, but it may also depend on central prostaglandin-mediated mechanisms. Recently, we have shown that neurons in the parts of the parabrachial nucleus that are activated by immune challenge express prostaglandin receptors of the EP(3) and EP(4) subtypes, but it remains to be determined if the prostaglandin receptor-expressing neurons are identical to those that respond to immune stimuli. In the present study, bacterial wall lipopolysaccharide was injected intravenously in adult male rats and the expression of c-fos mRNA and of EP(3) and EP(4) receptor mRNA was examined with complementary RNA probes labeled with digoxigenin and radioisotopes, respectively. Large numbers of neurons in the external lateral parabrachial subnucleus, a major target of vagal-solitary tract efferents, expressed c-fos mRNA. Quantitative analysis showed that about 60% (range 40%-79%) of these neurons also expressed EP(3) receptor mRNA. Conversely, slightly more than 50% (range 48%-63%) of the EP(3) receptor-expressing neurons in the same subnucleus coexpressed c-fos mRNA. In contrast, few EP(4) receptor-expressing neurons were c-fos positive, with the exception of a small population located in the superior lateral and dorsal lateral subnuclei. These findings show that immune challenge activates central autonomic neurons that could be the target of centrally produced prostaglandin E(2), suggesting that synaptic signaling and paracrine mechanisms may interact on these neurons.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence implicates the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DMH) in the regulation of autonomic and neuroendocrine stress responses. However, although projections from the DMH to the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVN), which is the critical site of the neuroendocrine stress axis, have been described, the impact of DMH neurones in the modulation of hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) axis activation during stress is not fully understood. The present study aimed to investigate the role of the DMH in HPA axis responses to different types of stimuli. Male Sprague–Dawley rats fitted with a chronic jugular venous catheter were exposed to either an emotional stressor (elevated platform‐exposure) or immune challenge (systemic interleukin‐1β administration). Bilateral electrolytic lesions of the DMH disinhibited HPA axis responses to the emotional stressor, as indicated by higher plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone levels during and after elevated platform exposure in lesioned animals compared to sham‐lesioned controls. Moreover, DMH‐lesioned animals showed increased neuronal activation in the PVN, as indicated by a higher c‐Fos expression after elevated‐platform exposure compared to controls. By contrast, DMH‐lesions had no effects on HPA axis responses to immune challenge. Taken together, our data suggest an inhibitory role of DMH neurones on stress‐induced HPA axis activation that is dependent upon the nature of the stimulus being important in response to an emotional stressor but not to immune challenge.  相似文献   

The adrenal medulla of the rat, but not of the mouse, guinea pig or cat, was shown to contain a fluoride-resistant acid phosphatase activity similar to that previously noted in rat spinal cord. By combined immunohistochemistry and FRAP histochemistry it was determined that the FRAP in the rat adrenal was confined to the adrenaline chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) activity was measured in adrenal glands and medulla oblongata from 4 inbred rat strains, Fischer 344, Buffalo, Lewis and Sprague-Dawley rats. Adrenal enzyme activity was markedly different among the strains with the highest in Fischer, followed by Sprague-Dawley, Lewis and Buffalo rats in decreasing order. In medulla oblongata, the PNMT activity of Buffalo rat was the lowest being about one half of that of the other strains. Despite differences in the enzymes activity, immunotitration results indicate that there is no immunochemical difference between adrenal or medulla oblongata PNMT among the strains. Furthermore, the strain differences in the activity are not due to presence of an inactive enzyme, but to the amount of the enzyme. Our preliminary findings by dot blot hybridization, using a 32P-labeled cDNA probe for PNMT suggest that differences in adrenal and medulla oblongata PNMT activity between Fischer and Buffalo rats are partially due to differences in the amount of PNMT mRNA present.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of adenosine A2 receptor mRNA and adenosine A2 binding sites distributions was studied by in situ hybridization histochemistry and receptor autoradiography in pre- and post-natal rat striatum, postnatal dog striatum, and a human fetus striatum and compared to that of dopamine D1 and mu opiate receptors. The early postnatal striatum demonstrated heterogeneous distributions of adenosine A2 receptor mRNA and adenosine A2 binding sites with patches of dense labeling corresponding to dopamine D1 and mu opiate receptors enriched zones. This patchy pattern evolved to the homogeneous distribution observed in the adult. The higher intensity of adenosine A2 receptor mRNA enriched patches correspond at the microscopical level to a higher density of labeled neurons in the patches areas and also to a higher level of expression per labeled patches neuron than in the matrix ones. This demonstrates for the first time that differences in patch/matrix receptor density is at least partly linked to different levels of receptor gene expression.  相似文献   

Hippocampal mineralocorticoid receptor mRNA expression was increased in male hamsters exposed to 18 days of short photoperiod relative to animals maintained under long day illumination (p<0.05). Short day hamsters were also characterized by increased weight gain, and heavier adrenal glands (p<0.05). The larger adrenals showed selective increases in the widths of the zonae reticularis and glomerulosa (p<0.001). Incidences of torpor and reduced body temperature were observed in the short day animals. No changes were found in reproductive organ weights, systolic blood pressure, open-field behavior, or stress levels of plasma corticosteroids. We conclude that the hamster brain–adrenal axis responds rapidly to changes in photoperiod, raising the possibility that this axis is a primary mediator of shortened photoperiod responses.  相似文献   

Exposure to high levels of glucocorticoids (GCs) during development leads to long-term changes in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis regulation, although little is known about the neural mechanisms that underlie these alterations. In this study, we investigated the effects of late gestational (days 18-22) or postnatal (days 4-6) administration of the GC receptor agonist dexamethasone (DEX) on an apoptosis marker in two brain regions critical to HPA axis regulation, the hippocampus and the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN). One day after the final DEX injection, male and female rats were sacrificed, and brains were processed for immunohistochemical detection of cleaved caspase-3, an apoptotic cell death indicator. DEX increased cleaved caspase-3 immunoreactivity in the CA1 hippocampal region of both sexes following prenatal but not postnatal treatment. Prenatal DEX also increased caspase-3 immunoreactivity in the CA3 region, an elevation that tended to be greater in females. In contrast, postnatal DEX resulted in a much smaller, albeit significant, induction in CA3 caspase-3 compared with prenatal treatment. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed that prenatal but not postnatal DEX-induced hippocampal cleaved caspase-3 correlated with elevated mRNA of the proapoptotic gene Bad. Few caspase-3-ir cells were identified within the PVN regardless of treatment age, although postnatal but not prenatal DEX increased this number. However, the region immediately surrounding the PVN (peri-PVN) showed significant increases in caspase-3-ir cells following pre- and postnatal DEX. Together these findings indicate that developmental GC exposure increases apoptosis in HPAaxis-associated brain regions in an age- and sex-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The perinatal environment influences stress responses in the long‐term, as does body composition. Male rats suckled in large litters, where they have reduced access to milk and attention from the dam, are less anxious and have attenuated hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) axis responses to stress compared to rats from control litters. In the present study, we investigated whether this early‐life environment can also ameliorate anxiety and HPA axis function in rats prone to be stress‐sensitive. We conducted these experiments in male rats from control litters (n = 12) or large litters (n = 20). Half were given 24 h of maternal separation on postnatal day 10 to induce HPA axis hyperactivity; the remainder staying undisturbed with their dam. When the rats reached adulthood, we examined behavioural indices of anxiety (elevated plus maze) and depression (Porsolt's forced swim test) under basal conditions and after 15 min of restraint stress. We also examined neuronal activation in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) as an index of HPA axis function. Being suckled in a large litter led to a significantly attenuated PVN response to stress in adulthood. Maternal separation strongly exacerbated the stress‐induced increase in PVN neuronal activation in control rats but did not affect the PVN response in large‐litter rats. Immobility in the forced swim after restraint was also exacerbated in neonatally maternally separated control rats but not in those from large litters. Our findings show that being suckled in large litters mitigates the effects of early‐life stress on HPA axis function and indices of depression in the rat.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that a 10-min forced swimming session triggers the release of both vasopressin and oxytocin into the extracellular fluid of the hypothalamic paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic nuclei (SON) in rats. At the same time oxytocin, but not vasopressin, was released from the axon terminals into the blood. Here we combined forced swimming with in situ hybridization to investigate whether (i) the stressor-induced release of vasopressin and oxytocin within the PVN originates from parvo- or magnocellular neurons of the nucleus, and (ii) central release with or without concomitant peripheral secretion is followed by changes in the synthesis of vasopressin and/or oxytocin. Adult male Wistar rats were killed 2, 4 or 8 h after a 10-min forced swimming session and their brains processed for in situ hybridization using 35S-labelled oligonucleotide probes. As measured on photo-emulsion-coated slides, cellular vasopressin mRNA concentration increased in magnocellular PVN neurons 2 and 4 h after swimming (P < 0.05). Similarly, oxytocin mRNA concentration was significantly increased in magnocellular neurons of the PVN at 2 and 8 h (P < 0.05). We failed to observe significant effects on vasopressin and oxytocin mRNA levels in the parvocellular PVN and in the SON. Taken together with results from previous studies, our data suggest that magnocellular neurons are the predominant source of vasopressin and oxytocin released within PVN in response to forced swimming. Furthermore, in the case of vasopressin, central release in the absence of peripheral secretion is followed by increased mRNA levels, implying a refill of depleted somato-dendritic vasopressin stores. Within the SON, however, mRNA levels are poor indicators of the secretory activity of magnocellular neurons during stress.  相似文献   

This study aimed at evaluating changes in expression of immediate early genes in a new photothrombotic focal ischemia model that exhibits late spontaneous reperfusion and morphological restoration in the region-at-risk within the cerebral cortex. Gene expression was studied with Northern blots, in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. At early time points (1-4 h), nerve growth factor-induced gene A and B, and c-fos mRNAs, were quickly induced throughout the ipsilateral cortex, with no obvious differences between the region-at-risk and remote cortical areas. High concentrations of nerve growth factor-induced gene A and c-Fos proteins were present within the region-at-risk even when cortical cerebral blood flow was as low as 40% of control values. At 4 h the nerve growth factor-induced gene A mRNA and protein expression was significantly decreased in the hippocampus vs. naive controls. However, a small decrease was also found in sham-operated and anaesthetized controls. A late induction, at 5 days, of c-fos and nerve growth factor-induced gene B mRNAs was seen bilaterally in the hippocampus and also, in the case of nerve growth factor induced-gene B, in the contralateral cortex. A complex pattern of changes in immediate early gene expression occurs after reversible focal cortical ischemia. This may be important for tissue recovery as well as neuropsychiatric symptoms after stroke.  相似文献   

Two isoforms of the vesicular glutamate transporter, VGLUT1 and VGLUT2, were recently cloned and biophysically characterized. Both VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 specifically transport glutamate into synaptic vesicles, making them definitive markers for neurons using glutamate as a neurotransmitter. The present study takes advantage of the specificity of the vesicular transporters to afford the first detailed map of putative glutamatergic neurons in the rat hypothalamus. In situ hybridization analysis was used to map hypothalamic distributions of VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 mRNAs. VGLUT2 is clearly the predominant vesicular transporter mRNA found in the hypothalamus; rich expression can be documented in regions regulating energy balance (ventromedial hypothalamus), neuroendocrine function (preoptic nuclei), autonomic tone (posterior hypothalamus), and behavioral/homeostatic integration (lateral hypothalamus, mammillary nuclei). Expression of VGLUT1 is decidedly more circumspect and is confined to relatively weak labeling in lateral hypothalamic regions, neuroendocrine nuclei, and the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Importantly, dual-label analysis revealed no incidence of colocalization of VGLUT1 or VGLUT2 mRNAs in glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) 65-positive neurons, indicating that GABA neurons do not express either transporter. Our data support a major role for hypothalamic glutamatergic neurons in regulation of all aspects of hypothalamic function.  相似文献   

Acute swim stress results in the robust production of several neuroactive steroids, which act as mediators of the stress response. These steroids include glucocorticoids, and positive GABAA receptor modulatory steroids such as allopregnanolone and tetrahydrocorticosterone (THDOC), which potentiate inhibitory GABA signalling, thereby playing a role in the negative control of the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) axis. Prenatally stressed (PNS) offspring exhibit increased vulnerability to stress‐related disorders and frequently display exaggerated HPA axis responses to stressors during adulthood, which may be a result of reduced neuroactive steroid production and consequently inhibitory signalling. Here, we investigated whether exposure of rats to prenatal social stress from gestational day 16‐20 altered neuroactive steroid production under non‐stress conditions and in response to an acute stressor (swim stress) in adulthood. Using liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry, nine neuroactive steroids were quantified (corticosterone, deoxycorticosterone [DOC], dihydrodeoxycorticosterone, THDOC, progesterone, dihydroprogesterone, allopregnanolone, pregnenolone, testosterone) in plasma and in five brain regions (frontal cortex, hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus, brainstem) of male and female control and PNS rats. There was no difference in the neuroactive steroid profile between control and PNS rats under basal conditions. The increase in circulating corticosterone induced by acute swim stress was similar in control and PNS offspring. However, greater stress‐induced corticosterone and DOC concentrations were observed in the brainstem of male PNS offspring, whereas DOC concentrations were lower in the hippocampus of PNS females compared to controls, following acute stress. Although PNS rats did not show deficits in allopregnanolone responses to acute stress, there were modest deficits in the production of THDOC in the brainstem, amygdala, and frontal cortex of PNS males and in the frontal cortex of PNS females. The data suggest that neuroactive steroid modulation of GABAergic signalling following stress exposure may be affected in a sex‐ and region‐specific manner in PNS offspring.  相似文献   

目的:克隆大鼠代谢型谷氨酸受体1亚型(mGluR1)基因特异片段,制备cDNA探针。方法:从Wistar大鼠小脑中提取总RNA,以RT-PCR方法得到预期的599bp条带,将这一片段克隆到pGEM-T easy载体上,经酶切鉴定正确后送测序。将重组质粒经限制性内切酶酶切制备成线性模板,通过体外转录的方法 合成地高辛标记的mGluR1cRNA正义及反义探针。取成年Wistar大鼠小脑组织进行原位杂交实验,以检测探针的可靠性。结果:测序证实用RT-PCR的方法获得了mGluR1基因特异片段,成功地构建了pGEM-TmGluR1重组质粒。根据斑点杂交实验结果计算出正义、反义探针浓度分别为10ng/μl及30ng/μl。原位杂交实验的结果显示,用mGluR1反义探针进行杂交的阳性信号主要分布在大鼠小脑蒲肯野氏细胞胞浆,用正义探针杂交无阳性信号。结论:本实验克隆了mGluR1基因特异片段,并制备了cRNA探针,并用大鼠小脑进行的原位杂交实验显示,此探针灵敏度高,特异性好。  相似文献   

Behavioral evidence indicates that altricial mammals possess olfactory function at early developmental ages, before the olfactory bulb has matured anatomically. We monitored the early anatomic and functional development of the olfactory bulb in rat pups stimulated with odors using in situ localization of c-fos mRNA to identify responsive postsynaptic neurons. Odor-specific spatial patterns of neuronal activation in the glomerular layer were evident from birth, were sharply defined rather than diffuse, and remained relatively unchanged in terms of their bulbar distribution during the first 3 postnatal weeks. In neonates, focal postsynaptic responses in the glomerular layer occurred in the form of clusters of activated tufted neurons. Broad zones of activated mitral cells were located beneath these cell clusters, with scattered neurons in the underlying granule cell layer also expressing c-fos. The cellular composition of these functional neuronal groups shifted from predominantly output neurons at the earliest ages, to increasing incorporation of interneurons as they developed postnatally. The characteristic distribution of activated neurons in the mature glomerular layer, in which the boundaries of individual glomeruli are precisely defined by cells expressing c-fos, emerged near the end of the first week. Broad zones of cRNA hybridization in the mitral cell layer became increasingly restricted as the size of the activated granule cell population increased postnatally, correlating with the functional maturation of inhibitory circuitry. These results provide evidence that the types and distributions of neurons collectively activated by sensory input to glomeruli change as the rat olfactory bulb matures and that distinct, functional odor maps in the glomerular layer are established from birth.  相似文献   

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