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The objective of the current study was to investigate the relationship between testosterone collected at 3–4 months of age and sex-linked disorder-relevant behaviors in the second year of life. Eighty-four children participated at 3–4 (when salivary testosterone levels were obtained and second to fourth digit ratios were measured) and 18–24 months of age (when behavioral ratings of aggression and verbal ability were coded from two 8-min play sessions). Parents also completed the Brief Infant–Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment, and the four subscales (Internalizing, Externalizing, Dysregulation, and Autism Spectrum Disorder) were used to indicate child specific problems. Greater postnatal testosterone levels in early infancy were predictive of more male-typical behaviors in the second year of life (i.e., more autism spectrum behaviors, less time vocalizing, and more Internalizing Problems). These results support the hypothesis that early infancy may be another critical period for the development of gender-linked behavior.  相似文献   

The present study shows that the effects of quinpirole (1 mg/kg) during the second postnatal week but not before resemble the effect of the drug in adult rats in increasing quadruped activity, eliminating grooming, reducing lateral bending, and stimulating verticalized turning. Quinpirole also modifies the morphology of turning behavior, the primary form of coordinated quadruped locomotion in neonate laboratory rat pups. Under saline, turning involves lateral bending and straightening of the trunk. Under quinpirole, turning includes a vertical component of movement ("verticalized turning") instead of the normal lateral bending of the trunk. A similar trend of change in turning is induced by quinpirole in adult rats: An acute injection reduces lateral bending, and a chronic treatment increases verticalization. The induction of vertical turning in the second but not the first postnatal week may stem from the normal course of development since typical vertical movements of intact rats (supported rearing and wall climbing) develop only by the age of 11-14 postnatal days. Verticalized turning may be thus a drug-induced expression of an age-related tendency to perform vertical movements.  相似文献   

Many previous reports have demonstrated that systemic administration of endostatin (ES), a proteolytic cleavage product of collagen type XVIII and an endogenous angiogenesis inhibitor, represses tumor angiogenesis in different preclinical tumor models with varying efficacy. For example, systemic delivery of recombinant ES to rat insulin promoter 1 (Rip1)T-antigen 2 (Tag2)-transgenic mice, a mouse model of pancreatic beta-cell carcinogenesis, has repressed tumor angiogenesis efficiently and with it, tumor growth. Here, we report that the transgenic expression of ES in Rip1ES-transgenic mice only interferes moderately with tumor growth in Rip1Tag2;Rip1ES double-transgenic mice. Tumor incidence is not reduced by the local expression of ES, and tumor outgrowth and progression to tumor malignancy are only retarded slightly. A significant effect of local ES expression on tumor angiogenesis is only apparent during the early stages of tumor development, where less angiogenic hyperplastic lesions are observed. Although efficiently produced and secreted by transgenic beta cells, locally expressed ES appears to be sequestered in the microenvironment, and its systemic levels are not increased. The results indicate that the antiangiogenic functions of ES critically depend on the mode of delivery and the site of expression: although its systemic application represses tumor angiogenesis and tumor growth efficiently, locally expressed ES appears to be less effective, and hence, additional mechanisms of solubilization or activation of latent ES seem to be required. These results have important implications about the modes of delivery used in antiangiogenic, therapeutic strategies, which are based on the antiangiogenic activities of ES.  相似文献   

Hereditary hearing loss is one of the most prevalent inherited human birth defects, affecting one in 2000. A strikingly high proportion (50%) of congenital bilateral nonsyndromic sensorineural deafness cases have been linked to mutations in the GJB2 coding for the connexin26. It has been hypothesized that gap junctions in the cochlea, especially connexin26, provide an intercellular passage by which K(+) are transported to maintain high levels of the endocochlear potential essential for sensory hair cell excitation. We previously reported the generation of a mouse model carrying human connexin26 with R75W mutation (R75W+ mice). The present study attempted to evaluate postnatal development of the organ of Corti in the R75W+ mice. R75W+ mice have never shown auditory brainstem response waveforms throughout postnatal development, indicating the disturbance of auditory organ development. Histological observations at postnatal days (P) 5-14 were characterized by i) absence of tunnel of Corti, Nuel's space, or spaces surrounding the outer hair cells, ii) significantly small numbers of microtubules in inner pillar cells, iii) shortening of height of the organ of Corti, and iv) increase of the cross-sectional area of the cells of the organ of Corti. Thus, morphological observations confirmed that a dominant-negative Gjb2 mutation showed incomplete development of the cochlear supporting cells. On the other hand, the development of the sensory hair cells, at least from P5 to P12, was not affected. The present study suggests that Gjb2 is indispensable in the postnatal development of the organ of Corti and normal hearing.  相似文献   

Human T lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) causes adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma and a chronic neurological disease called either tropical spastic paraparesis (TSP) or HTLV-I-associated myelopathy. The different outcomes of this infection could be due to both host and viral factors and it has been proposed that genetic differences could make some HTLV-I strains neurotropic. In this paper, we examined the pattern of tissue-specific expression determined by a long terminal repeat (LTR) obtained from a case of TSP. We constructed transgenic mice in which this LTR controlled the expression of the nlslacZ reporter gene. We observed that in three independent lines of transgenic mice, the reporter gene was expressed predominantly in the central nervous system (CNS), in choroid plexus, and in cells of the hippocampus and cerebellum. Our observations indicate the existence of CNS cells permissive for the expression of HTLV-I and which may be of importance in the pathogenesis of TSP.  相似文献   

J Deng  H Wu  X You  Q Feng  F Li  Y Zhu  G Lu 《中华医学遗传学杂志》1999,16(6):360-363
OBJECTIVE: To construct transgenic mice model on DR alpha and DRB1*0401 of human MHC-II molecules. METHODS: By microinjection techniques on germ nucleus of zygotes, DRalpha and DRB1*0401 genes were injected into zygotes of C57BL/6 x DBA/1 hybrid mice and transplanted into the oviducts of pseudopregnancy female mice. The integration and expression of exogenous genes in offspring were detected by PCR, Southern blot and Northern blot, RT-PCR analysis. RESULTS: There were 5 founders of all injected mice, which had steadily inherited to the fifth generation. It was found that 95 mice were positive by PCR and 68 mice were integrated exogenous gene by Southern blot analysis. DRalpha and DRB1*0401 genes were expressed on spleen and kidney of transgenic mice. CONCLUSION: This experiment on the construction of DRalpha and DRB1*0401 transgenic mice model is a success.  相似文献   

Background: Orai1 is a plasma membrane protein that forms the pore of the calcium release activated calcium channel. Humans with mutated Orai1 present with hereditary combined immunodeficiency, congenital myopathy and anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. Consistent with the ectodermal dysplasia phenotype, enamel formation and mineralization is also abnormal in Orai1 deficient patients. The expression pattern and potential functions of Orai1 in enamel formation remains unclear. To contribute toward understanding the role of Orai1 in amelogenesis we characterized ORAI1 protein developmental pattern in comparison with other ectodermal organs. We also examined the effects of Orai1 down‐regulation in ameloblast cell proliferation and differentiation. Results: Our data show strong expression of ORAI1 protein during the ameloblast secretory stage, which weans at the end of the maturation stage. In salivary glands, ORAI1 is expressed mainly in acini cells. ORAI1 expression is also found in hair follicle and oral epithelium. Knockdown of Orai1 expression decreases cell proliferation and results in RNA expression levels changes of key ameloblast genes regulating enamel thickness and mineralization. Conclusions: This study provides insights in the anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia phenotype due to Orai1 mutation and highlights the importance of calcium signaling in controlling ameloblast differentiation and maturation during tooth development. Developmental Dynamics 244:1249–1258, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Two hybrid genes (BLG-HuIFN-gamma2 and BLG-HuIFN-gamma3) were constructed on the basis of sheep beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) and human interferon-gamma (HuIFN-gamma) gene sequences. They were used to direct HuIFN-gamma synthesis in the mammary gland of transgenic mice. HuIFN-gamma was efficiently produced in the mammary gland of transgenic mice. BLG-HuIFN-gamma2 transgenic females expressed HuIFN-gamma in the milk at concentrations up to 570 mg/ml, and BLG-HuIFN-gamma3 transgenic females expressed up to 350 mg/ml. All females carrying the BLG-HuIFN-gamma3 gene expressed HuIFN-gamma in their milk. No significant changes were observed in the HuIFN-gamma expression level during the lactation period. Using RT-PCR analysis, ectopic expression for both hybrid genes was found in transgenic mice. Despite ectopic expression of HuIFN-gamma in transgenic mice, their development and pregnancy were normal. The heritability of the HuIFN-gamma expression level in milk was demonstrated up to the F2 generation. This work demonstrates that hybrid genes have the potential to develop in transgenic domestic animals producing HuIFN-gamma in milk.  相似文献   

Duchenne and the less severe Becker form of muscular dystrophy (DMD,BMD) result from genetic deficiency in the level and/or activity of the protein dystrophin. The recent availability of cDNA based minigenes encoding recombinant dystrophin polypeptides has raised the possibility of somatic gene transfer as a therapeutic approach to treat dystrophin deficiency. In this respect, the mdx mouse provides a useful model of DMD exhibiting features characteristic of both the early myopathic and later fibrotic phases of the human disease. Using a mutated human cDNA, compatible in size with virus-based somatic gene transfer vectors, the pathophysiological consequences of restoring dystrophin expression have been examined in transgenic mdx mice. Transgene expression was correlated with a marked reduction of the skeletal myofibre necrosis and regeneration which is a major feature of the dystrophin-deficient phenotype in young mdx mice. The cDNA construct which is based on a very mild BMD phenotype thus encodes a highly functional dystrophin molecule whose reduced size renders it an attractive candidate for development as a therapeutic gene transfer reagent.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Postnatal depression is a major public health problem. The aim of this study is to validate the use of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) in the early postpartum, and to identify the markers for risk of postnatal depression. METHODS: 815 women filled out an EPDS and general information questionnaire between the third and the fifth day postpartum. The women with an EPDS score of >8 and a randomized control group from those with scores of <8 were contacted 8 weeks postpartum. 363 women therefore had a structured diagnostic interview by telephone at 8 weeks postpartum (MINI-DSM-IV), without knowledge of their EPDS scores, to screen for a major or minor depressive episode. RESULTS: The sensitivity of EPDS was measured as 0.82 [0.78-0.86], with a positivity threshold of 9.5/30. For an estimated prevalence for all depressive episodes of 16.1%, the positive predictive value of EPDS was measured as 42.8% [39.1-46.5%]. Multivariate risk analysis using logistical regression identified the following as risk markers for postnatal depression: previous history of depression (postnatal or other), unemployment, premature delivery or stopping breast-feeding in the first month for non-medical reasons. CONCLUSION: The use of EPDS between the third and fifth day postpartum is valid. An EPDS score of >10 should be completed by a clinical assessment and suitable management. The risk markers identified here are clinical indices that can be used for first-line early screening by non-psychiatric health workers.  相似文献   

目的:通过检测细胞周期相关蛋白D1(Cyclin D1)在肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)转基因小鼠大脑皮层和海马中的表达变化,探讨Cyclin D1表达改变与ALS发病的关系。方法:选取成年ALS小鼠和同窝野生型小鼠,于发病早、中、晚期(95 d,108 d,122 d)取材,应用免疫荧光技术检测Cyclin D1在大脑皮层和海马的表达规律及与神经元和星形胶质细胞的共定位关系,应用RT-PCR检测Cyclin D1 mRNA表达情况,应用免疫印迹法检测蛋白表达量的改变。结果:ALS小鼠和野生型小鼠大脑皮层和海马中均可检测到Cyclin D1阳性细胞,且与神经元共表达。在发病早、中、晚期,ALS小鼠大脑皮层中Cyclin D1 mRNA和蛋白表达较野生型鼠增多(P0.05,P0.01,P0.001);与同窝野生型小鼠相比,ALS小鼠海马中Cyclin D1 mRNA和蛋白在发病的早、中、晚期表达均降低(P0.05,P0.01,P0.001)。Cyclin D1阳性细胞主要分布在海马CA区(包括CA1、CA2和CA3),DG区仅散在表达。结论:Cyclin D1在ALS转基因小鼠大脑皮层和海马中表达异常,表明Cyclin D1调节的细胞周期改变与ALS大脑皮层和海马区病变密切相关。  相似文献   

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