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Pressures for the adoption of telemedicine place increased demands on purchasers to assess applications of the technique. Assessment principles are helpful in defining an evaluation framework for use at the local level. We suggest an assessment approach that includes five specific elements: specification; performance measures; outcomes; summary measures; and operational and other considerations. The approach described here was developed to assist with the needs of individual health authorities and institutions within the health-care system of Alberta. Aspects of the approach are illustrated using a telepsychiatry example under the assumptions made. Conventional psychiatry (where the patient visited the psychiatrist) was most expensive for the patient. The alternatives, telepsychiatry and outreach psychiatry (where the psychiatrist travelled to the patient), cost about the same from the service provider's perspective (and from that of society as a whole); they were both much cheaper for the patient. At higher volumes, telepsychiatry would be cheaper than outreach.  相似文献   

We created a Web catalogue of approved telemedicine systems that authoritative Italian research bodies had made available for more general use. The evaluation process was divided into two stages: (1) classification of the telemedicine systems and rough preliminary evaluation; (2) assessment of the telemedicine products and services. The scoring method was applied to four well-known telemedicine systems that had been tested in health-care settings: an echocardiology teleconsulting and analysis system; a ward nursing management system; a virtual cooperative system for the management of oncology patients and a telepathology system based on remotely controlled microscopy. After technical revision during the standardization/qualification process, the applications were transferred successfully to eight new health-care facilities. The methodology achieved the main goal of providing effective tools, such as a set of quality control procedures for telemedicine and telehealth projects and a Web catalogue of telemedicine applications with a standardized level of quality, available to all interested parties.  相似文献   

Wearable medical devices can provide both continuous monitoring and ubiquitous treatment. Challenges in this area include the need for a low-power/power-saving design to extend battery life and to reduce the size of the battery itself. This is followed by size and weight restrictions to meet patient expectations of what is 'wearable', the biocompatibility of all outer housings and the final assembly concept. Two examples of wearable medical device are described: a wrist-wearable telemedicine monitor for heart patients (AMON) and a generic belt-integrated computing platform for home and hospital use (QBIC). The electrocardiogram (ECG), the blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) sensor and the blood pressure meter of the AMON device were tested with 29 subjects. The sensors were found to be functional, but as expected the data processing algorithms will need some fine-tuning. The prototype QBIC demonstrates a size reduction of 30-50% in relation to comparable devices.  相似文献   

Surveys can be used in the evaluation of telemedicine applications but they must be properly designed, consistent and accurate. The purpose of the survey and the resources available will determine the extent of testing that a survey instrument should undergo prior to its use. The validity of an instrument is the correspondence between what is being measured and what was intended to be measured. The reliability of an instrument describes the 'consistency' or 'repeatability' of the measurements made with it. Survey instruments should be designed and tested following basic principles of survey development. The actual survey administration also requires consideration, for example data collection and processing, as well as the interpretation of the findings. Surveys are of two different types. Either they are self-administered, or they are administered by interview. In the latter case, they may be administered by telephone or in a face-to-face meeting. It is important to design a survey instrument based on a detailed definition of what it intends to measure and to test it before administering it to the larger sample.  相似文献   

Thirty patients with strabismus were seen face to face by an ophthalmologist and an orthoptist. The patients were then presented by the same orthoptist to a second ophthalmologist via a telemedicine link. Twenty-six patients were seen using a bandwidth of 384 kbit/s and four using 128 kbit/s. There was agreement between the two ophthalmologists about diagnosis and management in 24 cases, partial agreement in one and no agreement in five (17%). Manifest strabismus was safely diagnosed and managed using telemedicine at 128 kbit/s, although 384 kbit/s was preferred because it obviated the need for repeated examination. Latent strabismus and micro-movements were difficult to diagnose using telemedicine even at 384 kbit/s. Young patients who are unable to sit still would not be suitable for strabismus assessment via telemedicine.  相似文献   

Reliable identification is essential in e-health and telemedicine applications. This necessitates a secure and trustworthy method of communication and collaboration between parties, which depends on common acceptance. This in turn is related to privacy and ethical matters. Different technologies, including biometrics and RFID, allow high levels of security and safety in identifying both human beings and goods. However, the diffusion of standards relating to identity management in e-health is far from satisfactory. In order to support standardization in e-health, the European Commission funded the BioHealth project. This project has proved to be useful in promoting standards and creating awareness among the stakeholders.  相似文献   

We evaluated real-time telemedicine for exchanging expert opinions in the area of pre-implant dental assessment. From 2003 to 2005, every tenth patient at the armed forces' dental clinic in Cologne-Wahn seeking implant counselling was discussed via videoconference (intervention group, n = 85). Indications, prosthodontic options, the required number of implants and implant positions were determined. The mean time required for the videoconferences was 3.5 min (range 1.0-9.5). In the control group (n = 772), the implant consultation was performed based on existing records, without using telemedicine. In three cases (3%), a basic change in the prosthodontic concept was required as compared to the telemedicine plan; in the control group, the concept changed in 7% of cases. The changes in the number and position of implants during therapy were also similar in the two groups. The results showed that telemedicine permitted satisfactory preoperative evaluation of the implantation operation.  相似文献   

We examined the use of telemedicine at two major medical institutions in Ghana. Doctors and administrators were surveyed to assess their knowledge of computers and familiarity with telemedicine. The use of modern telecommunications and information technology products within the health service was also examined. Thirty questionnaires were distributed to staff at the two hospitals, one urban and one rural. Twenty were returned (a response rate of 67%). Although most of the respondents were computer literate, they were less familiar with telemedicine applications. Only a minority of the respondents were participating in an information-sharing network, transmitting information by fax or telephone, or had Internet access. Financial constraint appeared to be the major barrier to establishing information-sharing networks. Other constraints were technological and organizational. The respondents expressed an interest in using telemedicine, having access to health-care databases and specific telemedicine applications such as tele-education and videoconferencing. Staff in the urban hospital were more likely to be familiar with telemedicine and more likely to have access to information technology than those in the rural hospital.  相似文献   

The number and seriousness of medical problems on passenger-carrying aircraft in flight are increasing. Medical incidents occur at a rate of approximately 10-50 per million passengers carried. Medical equipment carried on commercial aircraft is limited to three items: a first-aid kit, an emergency medical kit and sometimes an automatic external defibrillator. Telephone medicine, a lower level of telemedicine support, is well established for commercial air operations. The availability of satellite telecommunications on passenger-carrying aircraft permits more sophisticated forms of telemedicine. Recent telemedicine experiments have involved the transmission of three-lead electrocardiograms (ECGs), heart rate, blood pressure, arterial oxygen saturation, end-tidal CO2, respiratory rate, body temperature and realtime video. The challenge is to demonstrate that such techniques are practicable, improve patient outcomes and are cost-effective.  相似文献   

We evaluated a realtime, distance-learning first-aid course at three schools. From September 1997 to January 1998, 180 students took the course (60 at each of three sites, one of which was the broadcast site). Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to students at the end of the course. The overall response rate was 86%. Sixty-three per cent of students at the remote sites and 83% of students at the broadcast site rated the programme as good or excellent. Students at the broadcast site had a significantly higher degree of satisfaction with the video (79% vs 30%) and audio (83% vs 44%) quality than those at the remote sites. Students at the broadcast site also had a significantly higher degree of satisfaction with slides (75% vs 43%) and transparencies (60% vs 44%) as teaching tools than those at remote sites. The three most important factors affecting the course at the remote sites were teaching aids (video, slides, transparencies), the teacher's body language and self-expression, and equipment stability. Satisfaction at the broadcast site was significantly lower when the course involved demonstrations or practice procedures such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, dressing, bandaging or splinting. Teaching aids and equipment therefore appear to be important factors at remote sites for a first-aid telemedicine course. Limitations in teachers' movements during demonstration and practice were important at the broadcast site. The evaluation and selection of appropriate teaching models, teaching tools and methods are important when implementing these types of educational programme.  相似文献   

The potential for telemedicine in home nursing.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We assessed the proportion of home nursing visits that could be replaced by home telenursing in the UK. A retrospective review of nursing notes in the UK was undertaken using an abstraction instrument developed and tested in the US. A total of 1951 episodes of patient care at home were reviewed: 1450 from Liverpool and 501 from Belfast. A total of 1626 (83%) of the episodes involved 'hands-on' interventions. In Belfast two observers estimated that 14% of home nursing visits could be done via telemedicine while in Liverpool two more observers gave an estimate of 16%. Inter-rater agreement was high (kappa = 0.93 for the Belfast observers and 0.79 for the Liverpool observers). Pilot trials of an analogue video-phone in Belfast suggested that even relatively low-quality compressed video might be useful for home nursing. These findings suggest that telemedicine may have a significant role in the delivery of home health care in the UK.  相似文献   

An emergency ambulance was equipped with three video-cameras and a system for transmitting slow-scan video-pictures through a cellular telephone link to a hospital accident and emergency department. Video-pictures were trasmitted at a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels and a frame rate of 15 pictures/min. In addition, a helmet-mounted camera was used with a wireless transmission link to the ambulance and thence the hospital. Speech was transmitted by a second hand-held cellular telephone. The equipment was installed in 1996-7 and video-recordings of actual ambulance journeys were made in July 1997. The technical feasibility of the telemedicine ambulance has been demonstrated and further clinical assessment is now in progress.  相似文献   

The method of cancer risk assessment on the basis of the Fuzzy Set Theory is presented. The method is based on a multifactor risk assessment of cancer diseases. The individual risk of cancer disease is evaluated as the probability of disease multiplied by the value of an individual dose. An acupuncture method of cancer risk assessments was developed. The method is based on the analysis of changes of an electromagnetic field (biofield) of a person. The method allows to determine both cancer probability and probable location of the process.  相似文献   

To get an overview of Norwegian telemedicine, a questionnaire was sent to the contact persons of telemedicine programmes. There was an 83% response rate from 102 telemedicine programmes; there were 66 active research projects. Several larger networks had recently started operation, probably as a result of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs' plan of action on information and communication technology in health care. Twenty-one programmes involved primary care or home care. Few programmes were using telemedicine to bridge established divisions of service responsibility or to make connections to institutions abroad. There were three large national research programmes in which telemedicine played an important role. Research projects were evaluating the economic, organizational and sociological aspects of telemedicine, as well as the medical. The oldest telemedicine activities were in northern Norway.  相似文献   

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