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目的 探讨婴幼儿主动脉弓中断(IAA)合并心内畸形胸骨正中切口一期矫治手术效果以及影响因素.方法 2005年8月至2012年1月,采用胸骨正中切口体外循环(CPB)下一期纠治IAA合并心内畸形患婴23例,其中男12例,女11例;年龄18天~3岁,体质量(6.61 ±3.26) kg.按Rastelli 分型,A型20例,B型3例.患儿均合并粗大动脉导管未闭及大型室间隔缺损,其他合并畸形包括主肺动脉窗、右肺动脉起源于主动脉、主动脉瓣两瓣畸形和主动脉瓣下狭窄等.患儿术前均行超声心动图检查,14例行64排CT检查,4例行造影检查.22例术前明确诊断,1例术中明确诊断.行主动脉直接吻合3例,补片扩大主动脉19例,人工管道经肺动脉内连接主动脉弓1例;同期矫治合并心内畸形.结果 全组体外循环(129.76±38.98) min,主动脉阻断(74.47±24.30)min,住ICU院平均96 h.术后2例死亡,其中1例2月龄患婴死于肺动脉高压危象,1例7月龄患婴术中出血、术后死于严重低心排血量综合征.21例患儿生存,随访2个月~6年,超声检查示患儿术后心功能良好;5例术后6个月上、下肢平均压差>30 mm Hg(1 mm Hg =0.133 kPa).无因再狭窄再次手术患儿.无神经系统并发症发生.结论 IAA采用胸骨正中一期外科治疗简化了手术过程,减少了手术死亡,提高了患儿的生活质量,早、中期预后良好,是一种值得推广的治疗方法.  相似文献   

目的探讨室间隔缺损合并肺动脉高压者的手术适应证,血管扩张剂的选择,肺动脉高压危象及肺部并发症的预防治疗。方法回顾性分析我院自2006年7月至2008年5月共收治53例室间隔缺损合并肺动脉高压病人的临床资料。结果55例室缺合并肺动脉高压,53例行手术治疗,2例已发展为艾森曼格,失去手术时机。肺动脉压力<60mmHg26例;60~90mmHg21例;>90mmHg8例,手术6例,总手术死亡率3.8%。结论室间隔缺损合并肺动脉高压手术治疗是最有效的治疗手段。  相似文献   

先天性主动脉弓中断及合并畸形的一期手术治疗   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的回顾总结先天性主动脉弓中断及合并畸形一期手术治疗经验。方法1988年7月至2004年8月,手术治疗主动脉弓中断及合并畸形20例。男12例,女8例;手术年龄18d~9岁。其中<1岁者10例,平均年龄(3.37±2.45)个月,平均体重(5.33±1.72)kg;>1岁者10例,平均年龄(2.60±1.24)岁,平均体重(13.10±6.53)kg。所有病儿术前均有反复呼吸道感染史。A型15例,B型5例。2例经双切口手术,即先通过左后外侧切口纠治主动脉弓中断,再经正中切口纠治合并畸形。18例采用正中切口同时纠治主动脉弓中断和合并畸形。结果全组死亡3例,死于术后严重肺动脉高压危象2例、严重心功能衰竭1例。17例随访3个月~12年,均恢复良好。结论主动脉弓中断采用正中切口方法,操作简便,暴露清楚,创伤小,有利于术后恢复。本病早期即出现肺动脉高压,临床上一经确诊宜尽早手术。  相似文献   

室间隔缺损合并重度肺动脉高压的外科治疗   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
室间隔缺损合并重度肺动脉高压的外科治疗耿希刚李兆志黄庆恒孙立侯立业作者单位:710061西安医科大学第一临床医学院心脏外科1984年5月至1995年7月我们对104例室间隔缺损合并重度肺动脉高压病人的手术疗效进行分析并讨论如下:临床资料本组104例中...  相似文献   

目的:总结新生儿及婴儿期主动脉弓中断合并室间隔缺损(interrupted aortic arch with ventricular septal defect,IAA/VSD)的外科治疗策略和随访结果。方法:回顾性分析我院2009年1月至2019年1月于新生儿及婴儿期手术的123例IAA/VSD患儿的临床资料。中位手...  相似文献   

目的 探讨自体肺动脉组织一期矫治主动脉弓病变合并心内畸形的手术方法和治疗效果.方法 1993年4月至2009年11月,共25例主动脉弓病变合并心内畸形的患儿接受了一期矫治手术.男性17例,女性8例;年龄26 d~6.5岁,平均11个月;体质量3.0~14.5 kg,平均12.4 kg.其中6例患儿为主动脉弓缩窄,6例为主动脉弓中断,13例为主动脉弓发育不良.手术技术包括切开肺动脉前壁,切除动脉导管,应用部分自体肺动脉壁重建主动脉弓,重建肺动脉,并同时矫治合并心内畸形.结果 24例患儿术后恢复顺利,1例患儿死于围手术期肺动脉高压危象.随访心脏超声及心脏CT检查证实主动脉弓重建及心内畸形矫治满意.术后未发生神经系统及其他并发症.随访过程中,患儿生长发育正常,主动脉弓无再狭窄.结论 自体肺动脉具有生长潜力且柔韧性好,是一种理想的重建主动脉弓的材料.一期矫治手术治疗先天性主动脉弓病变合并心内畸形可以得到满意的结果.  相似文献   

室间隔缺损合并严重肺动脉高压,肺高压导致心功能损害,术后并发症多,死亡率高,本文重点讨论室缺合并肺高压围手术期血管扩张药的应用等。  相似文献   

室间隔缺损并肺动脉高压的外科治疗   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

病儿 女 ,3岁 ,13kg ,生长发育尚可。生后即发现心脏杂音 ,下肢发绀加重 2年。查体 :第 2、3肋间可闻及 3 IV级收缩期喷射样杂音 ,伴震颤。上肢血压 110 75mmHg(1mmHg =0 133kPa) ,下肢血压 10 0 70mmHg。双侧股动脉搏动对称 ,减弱不明显。安静时 ,经皮氧饱和度上肢 10 0 % ,下肢 85 %。X线胸片示心胸比率 0 6 5 ,肺血多 ,右室大。螺旋CT示主、肺动脉间隔缺损 2 0cm ,距主动脉瓣环约 1 5cm处右肺动脉起源于升主动脉。主动脉弓中断A型 ,动脉导管未闭 (PDA) ,直径 1 0cm。心导管检查测肺动脉压 10 0 6…  相似文献   

目的 总结59例大型室间隔缺损(VSD)伴肺动脉高压在心脏不停跳下行VSD修补术的经验. 方法 59例大型VSD伴肺动脉高压患者均在浅低温心脏不停跳下行VSD修补术. 结果手术死亡1例,其余患者术后无低心排血量综合征、严重心律失常,发现残余漏4例和Ⅲ°房室传导阻滞2例,均治愈出院.术后随访未发现残余漏,无其他并发症和晚期死亡. 结论在心脏不停跳下行大型VSD修补术,能更好地保护心肺功能,术中能避免残余漏和Ⅲ°房室传导阻滞的发生,临床效果良好.  相似文献   

目的 探讨采用经胸骨正中切口一期修复主动脉缩窄(CoA)或主动脉弓中断(IAA)合并心内畸形的治疗效果.方法 2002年7月至2009年6月,经胸骨正中切口行降主动脉远端和主动脉弓下缘端侧吻合术一期修复CoA或IAA合并心内畸形病儿43例,其中CoA 34例,IAA 9例(A型6例、B型3例),合并心内畸形包括室间隔缺损42例、动脉导管未闭34例、房间隔缺损12例、主动脉瓣下隔膜狭窄5例、二尖瓣关闭不全2例,右心室双出口1例.结果 手术死亡1例,为术后肺动脉高压和严重低心排血量综合征者.术后并发症包括严重低心排血量综合征3例,低氧血症6例,肺部炎症11例,肺不张14例,声音嘶哑19例,室上性心动过速23例.8例失访.34例随访3个月~5年,生活质量明显改善,心脏超声心动图和CT检查显示吻合口无明显再缩窄发生.结论 经胸骨正中切口,采用主动脉远端和主动脉弓下缘端侧吻合技术一期修复CoA或IAA合并心内畸形的手术早、中期效果良好,能明显减少术后再狭窄.  相似文献   

目的 探讨主-肺动脉间隔缺损及右肺动脉起源于升主动脉合并主动脉弓离断的发病情况,总结诊断和治疗经验.方法 回顾性分析武汉亚洲心脏病医院2005至2009年5例病儿,均经超声心动图、螺旋CT检查,3例10岁以上病儿行心导管检查及心血管造影,确诊为A型主动脉弓离断、Ⅱ型主-肺动脉缺损、右肺动脉起源于升主动脉,均合并粗大动脉导管未闭、无室间隔缺损等心内畸形.年龄1~18岁,其中男4例,女1例.结果 1例18岁病人,应用3个月前列环素(万他维)降肺动脉压力治疗,现心功能Ⅱ级;1例14岁病儿放弃治疗,失访.余3例行一期根治手术,其中1岁病婴并发严重肺部感染,术后第11天死亡;2岁病婴术后仍有重度肺动脉高压,经强心、利尿及降肺动脉压治疗,随访18个月病儿生存,但心功能Ⅲ级;10岁病儿术后恢复好,经强心、利尿及降肺动脉压药物治疗,随访3个月心功能Ⅰ级.结论 这种病例与经典的主动脉弓离断三联征有显著的差异,是一种独特的心血管畸形综合征.超声心动图可作为该疾病的初步诊断方法.确诊及手术指征的判断宜结合心导管检查、心血管造影及螺旋CT检查.肺动脉压力及阻力是影响手术时机及预后的关键因素.手术方式均可采取一期根治术,但病死率较高.如能度过围手术期,则生存的概率很大.
Objective Reviewing the experience in the diagnosis and treatment of cases with aorta-pulmonary septal defect and aortic origin of right pulmonary artery complicated with interruption of the aortic arch. Methods Reviewed clinical data from medical records for5 patients (4 boys and 1 girl, age from 1 to 18 years on admission) who had been treated in Wuhan Asia Heart Hospital between 2005 and 2009. Results All cases had type A interruption of the aortic arch ( according to Celoria and Patron's Classification) , type Ⅱ aorta-pulmonary septal defect( according to Mori Classification) and aortic origin of right pulmonary artery complicated with interruption of the aortic arch. Large patent ductus arteries were observed in all cases,and no cardiac abnormality such as ventricular septal defect was found. All patients received echocardiography and spiral CT examination, and 3 of them over 10 years of age received cardiac catheterization and angiography for the evaluation of the pulmonary artery pressure. Two patients, at the age of 14 and 18 years, had severe pulmonary hypertension and declined to receive the operation. One of the 2 cases had hemoptysis and was given prostacyclin ( Iloprost solution for inhalation, a drug for pulmonary artery hypertention ) for reducing the pulmonary pressure. The patient now has an improved cardiac fu0ction without recurrent hemoptysis. One 14-year-old case gave up the operation because of the financial problem and failed to communicate with us after discharge. Radical surgery was performed in the remaining three cases, one had serious infection in the lung and died 11 days after the operation, in one case ( 2 years old) pulmonary artery hypertension has been persisted even though drug therapy was given for a long time and was found at a poor cardiac function 18 months after the operation. One patient recovered well under routine drug therapy and has been followed-up. Conclusion Aorta-pulmonary septal defect and aortic origin of right pulmonary artery with interruption of the aortic arch ( with intact ventricular septum) are different from the classic triad of inter ruption of the aortic arch, consisted of the interruption of the aortic arch, patent ductts arteriosus and ventricular septal defect.It should be considered as a special kind of cardiovascular malformation syndrome. Echocardiography can be used for the preliminary diagnosis of aorta-pulmonary septal defect and aortic origin of right pulmonary artery with interruption of the aortic arch. The final diagnosis and decision for surgery should be based on the combined information from cardiac catheterization,cardiovascular angiography and spiral CT examination. Pulmonary artery pressure and resistance are the most important factors,because they have great effects on the duration of surgery and the outcome. A radical operation is necessary for all cases, but the mortality rate is high. The prognosis would be great if only the patient can survive successfully during the peri-operative period, a period with a poor cardiac function, potential lung infection and the pulmonary artery hypertension.  相似文献   

目的探讨主动脉移位术纠治完全性大动脉错位伴室间隔缺损和肺动脉狭窄(TGA/VSD/PS)的临床应用。方法2004年8月到2005年7月,采用主动脉移位术连续纠治6例TGA/VSD/PS,其中男5例,女1例;年龄4~24个月,平均(11.33±6.86)个月;体重5.6~11.0kg,平均(8.43±2.19)kg。结果无手术死亡。体外循环转流112~204min,平均(153.83±33.70)min,主动脉阻断73~139min,平均(89.16±18.61)min。术后随访2~12个月。6例病儿活动良好,X线胸片示心影较术前略大,肺血增多;心电图示窦性心律,心脏超声检查示主动脉瓣反流轻微2例,轻度1例。射血分数0.74~0.86,短轴缩短率0.34~0.52。结论当前TGA/VSD/PS普遍采用Rastelli手术,但长期随访发现术后并发症较多,结果尚不理想。主动脉移位术重建左心室流出道和右心室流出道,避免了Rastelli手术后左心室流出道梗阻和心外管道梗阻的并发症。  相似文献   

目的总结一期手术治疗Taussig-Bing畸形合并主动脉弓病变的经验。方法2000年5月至2006年12月手术治疗12例Taussig-Bing畸形合并主动脉弓病变病儿,其中主动脉弓中断5例。采用大动脉调转(arterial switch operation,ASO)的手术方法矫治Taussig-Bing畸形,将胸主动脉与主动脉弓下缘端端吻合或与升主动脉端侧吻合矫治主动脉弓病变。结果住院死亡3例(25%),使用呼吸机平均(7.4±2.1)d,ICU滞留平均(11.7±4.6)d。生存病儿无因残余解剖问题再次手术者。结论Taussig-Bing畸形合并主动脉弓病变病理解剖比较复杂,手术方式的选择、手术技巧和合并主动脉弓病变对Taussig-Bing畸形的治疗效果有影响。  相似文献   

A 24-day-old male with interrupted aortic arch (type B), ventricular septal defect, and tunnel-like subaortic stenosis underwent a one-stage surgical treatment The operative procedure comprised reconstruction of the aortic arch, transatrial excision of the subaortic fibromuscular tissue via the ventricular sepatal defect, and patch closure of the defect. The patient tolerated the procedure well and the postoperative echocardiography demonstrated a residual pressure gradient across the left ventricular outflow tract of 20 mmHg. Our result suggests that the transatrial surgical management of subaortic stenosis via the ventricular sepatal defect produces a safe and promising surgical option.  相似文献   

目的 总结婴幼儿主动脉缩窄或离断合并心内畸形胸骨正中切口一期纠治的外科治疗策略.方法 2004年5月至2010年3月,采用胸骨正中切口一期纠治主动脉缩窄或离断合并心内畸形患儿52例.其中男性32例,女性20例;年龄25 d~7个月,平均(2.03±0.15)个月;体质量3.5~8.0 kg,平均(3.9±0.5)kg.采用自体心包片修补心内缺损;主动脉缩窄者40例,34例采用端侧吻合或扩大端侧吻合术,3例行纵切横缝术,3例假性主动脉缩窄行导管韧带切断主动脉松解;主动脉离断12例,均采用扩大端侧吻合.结果 所有病例心肺转流时间平均为(98±41)min,术中出血量(78±13)ml.1例主动脉离断合并右心室双出口患儿术后因左侧支气管狭窄,脱离呼吸机困难,于术后43 d死亡.其余病例术后生存良好,随访1~6年,术后再缩窄率为11%.结论 采用胸骨正中一期切口纠治主动脉缩窄或离断近期手术效果显著,可避免二次手术.
Objective To sum up one-stage complete correction of infantile aortic coarctation (CoA) or interrupted aortic arch (IAA) associated with intracardiac anomailes through median sternotomy.Methods The clinical data of 52 infants with CoA or IAA associated with intracardiac anomalies from May 2004 to March 2010 was analyzed. There were 32 male and 20 female, aged from 25 d to 7 months with a mean of (2.03 ±0. 15) months, weighted from 2.5 to 8.0 kg with a mean of (3.9 ±0.5) kg. All of intracardia defect were corrected by self-arcula cordisand. Forty cases with CoA were underwent by operative techniques, including resection with end to side anastomosis, extented end to side anastomosis (n = 34),and vertical incision and cross joint ( n = 3). Three cases of pseudo-CoA were cuted and ductus arterissus or ligamentum arteriosus and dissected aorch. Twelve cases of IAA were underwent by extented end to side anastomosis. Results The time of cardiopulmonary bypass was (98 ± 41 ) min, and all patients hemorrhaged (78 ± 13) ml during operation. One case of IAA associated with double outlet right ventricle died after 43 d post-operation because of left bronchinal stenosis. The other patients were in good condition.The rate of aneurysm formation was 11% in 1 to 6 years' follow-up. Conclusions One-stage complete correction of infantile CoA or IAA associated with intracardiac anomailes through median sternotomy yieldes excellent intermediate surgical results. This operative approach is beneficial, not only with shorten period of therapy and loss operative cost.  相似文献   

正孕妇29岁,孕2产1,体健,平素月经规律。孕24周~(+2)超声检查示胎儿心脏位于左侧胸腔内,心轴左移,四腔心对称,十字交叉结构存在,心房正位,心室右襻,房室连接一致;室间隔膜周部中断约3.5mm,主动脉内径明显增宽约7.7 mm,前移骑跨于室间隔之上(图1A);降主动脉短轴切面示降主动脉两侧探及体肺动脉侧支(图1B)。超声诊断:胎儿肺动脉瓣闭锁伴  相似文献   

Objective: Previous reports have suggested that prematurity and low birth weight are risk factors for definitive surgical intervention in congenital cardiac malformations. The following data review our experience with primary repair of the complex malformation of aortic arch obstruction with ventricular septal defect (VSD) in this patient population. Methods: Since 1988, 21 consecutive preterm (≤36 weeks) and/or low birth weight (<3000 g) infants with interrupted aortic arch (IAA; n=10), or aortic coarctation (n=11) with VSD, underwent primary arch repair and VSD closure. The mean weight at operation was 2310 g (range, 1200–2900 g), including 12 patients at ≤2500 g. The gestational age ranged from 30 to 41 weeks (mean, 36.4 weeks). Five patients with interrupted arch and two patients with coarctation also had severe subaortic stenosis, which was relieved by transatrial incision of the infundibular septum. Results: The overall hospital mortality was 14% (3/21). Death was related to low cardiac output in association with severe subaortic stenosis (n=2) and sepsis (n=1). Late mortality occurred in three patients, two of which were non-cardiac. The mean follow-up was 33 months. Two patients had significant recurrent arch obstruction, which was successfully relieved by balloon angioplasty and surgical correction in one each. The survival at 30 days, and at 1 and 3 years was 86, 76 and 70%, respectively. Conclusions: Complete primary repair of aortic arch obstruction with VSD can be achieved with good results, even in the preterm and low birth weight infant. Therefore, early surgical repair of this congenital malformation is recommended.  相似文献   

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