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The kinetics of inhaled methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) at a concentration of 200 ppm for four hours were studied in volunteers after swallowing ethanol at a dose of 0.8 g/kg. Ethanol was given either before or at the end of the exposure to MEK. The blood concentrations of MEK, 2-butanol, and 2,3-butanediol were monitored during and after the exposure. MEK concentrations in exhaled air and MEK and 2,3-butanediol concentrations in urine were also measured. Ethanol inhibited the primary oxidative metabolism of MEK and caused an increase in the blood concentrations of MEK and 2-butanol after ingestion. Ethanol ingestion, through higher blood MEK concentrations, also increased the elimination of MEK in the urine and exhaled air. Ethanol taken before exposure to MEK reduced the serum concentration of 2,3-butanediol initially but there was an increase about eight hours after the exposure. Urinary excretion of 2,3-butanediol followed the same pattern. Prior ingestion of ethanol thus seemed to interfere with the metabolism of 2,3-butanediol during and after exposure to MEK.  相似文献   

In a study of the kinetics and metabolic interaction of xylene and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) eight male volunteers were exposed to m-xylene (100 ppm) and MEK (200 ppm). The exposures to the two compounds were carried out both separately and in combination. Respiratory uptake and blood concentration, as well as urinary metabolites (methyl hippuric acid and 2,3-butanediol), were monitored. Coexposure to xylene and MEK resulted in inhibited xylene metabolism. The xylene concentration in blood increased significantly, and the urinary excretion of methyl hippuric acid decreased. The combined exposure did not cause any change in the concentration of MEK in the blood or the excretion of 2,3-butanediol in the urine. Exposure to MEK 20 h before the m-xylene exposure had no detectable effect on the kinetics of m-xylene.  相似文献   

Summary Head space gas chromatography (GC) was applied to measure methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) in urine from 62 MEK-exposed male workers, whose individual intensity of exposure to MEK was monitored utilizing the carbon felt dosimeter. The urinary MEK level increased rapidly to reach a plateau in the first quarter of the daily 8-h work, while very little MEK was detected in the preshift urine. When the MEK levels in the urine at the end of the shift were compared with the afternoon MEK-TWA values, the uncorrected MEK in urine correlated best with MEK in air (r=0.774, n=62), while correction for creatinine gave a comparable result and the correlation was poorer when corrected for a specific gravity of urine or for the lapse of time after preceding passage of urine. Balance of MEK absorption via inhalation and MEK excretion into urine revealed that only 0.1% of MEK absorbed will be excreted unchanged into urine. Wider application of head space GC is discussed for the analysis of unmetabolized solvents in urine.  相似文献   

Summary Organic solvents are used frequently in industry and workers are often exposed to various combinations of these chemicals. Several are CNS depressants, and the purpose of this experiment was to assess the behavioral effects of 4-hour inhalation exposures to two solvents, toluene and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) alone and combined. Ethanol at 0.08% blood levels was used as a positive control. A total of 144 paid volunteers were randomly assigned to one of eight treatment combinations in a series of four two-group between subjects studies. Testing was carried out in an exposure chamber, and participants were tested before, during, and after the treatment or control condition on three performance tasks. The tasks measured alertness and psychomotor function and produced a total of 28 measures on each individual over the approximate 8 h of testing. Results indicated that toluene at 100 ppm produced a small but significant impairment on one measure of a visual-vigilance task by lowering the percentage of correct hits. MEK at 200 ppm produced no interpretable significant effects on any of these measures. Additivity was not evident when individuals were exposed to MEK (100 ppm) and toluene (50 ppm) in combination, as no significant performance differences were noted. Ethanol, at 0.08%, affected both the visual-vigilance and a choice-reaction time task at statistically significant levels on two measures, confirming the sensitivity of these two tasks to CNS depressants.  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of inhaled methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) in human volunteers was studied in an exposure chamber. Relative pulmonary uptake was about 53% throughout a 4-h exposure period at 200 ppm. Blood MEK concentration rose steadily until the end of exposure. Repeated bicycle exercise increased the overall blood MEK level markedly in comparison to sedentary activity, with transient peaks in association with cycling; thus blood MEK concentration depended both on the rate of uptake and the amount taken up. Only 3% of the absorbed dose was excreted unchanged by exhalation. A well-known metabolite of MEK, 2,3-butanediol, was detected in the urine with maximum rates of excretion at about 6 to 12 h from the beginning of exposure. About 2% of the MEK dose taken up by the lungs was excreted in the urine as 2,3-butanediol. The main part of inhaled MEK is supposedly metabolized in the intermediary metabolism. Elimination of MEK in blood appeared to exhibit two phases: the initial alpha-phase (T1/2 = 30min; kel alpha = 0.023) over the first post-exposure hour, followed by the terminal beta-phase (T1/2 = 81 min; kel beta = 0.009).  相似文献   

Summary This study was conducted to evaluate the usefulness of three commonly used methods of biological monitoring for worker exposed to methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) under field conditions using blood, breath and urine. Environmental MEK exposures were measured by personal sampling with carbon-felt dosimeters. The correlation coefficient (r) between the time-weighted average (TWA) MEK concentration in air and the MEK concentration in blood collected at the end of the work shift was 0.85. The correlation coefficient between the TWA MEK level in air and the concentration exhaled in the breath of workers at the end of the work shift was 0.71. The end-of-shift urinary MEK excretion correlated best with the environmental concentration (r = 0.89). Correlations became lower after urine samples had been corrected for urinary creatinine (r = 0.83) or specific gravity (r = 0.73). After 8 h exposure to 200 ppm MEK, the corresponding end-of-shift urinary excretion was 5.11ol/l or 4.11 mg/g creatinine. This value is higher than that previously found in some studies, the difference probably being due to the physical acitivites of the present workers and their extensive skin contact with the solvent. The kinetics of inhaled MEK was also studied in eight subjects. Breath and urine samples were collected during the 8-h work shift on 2 consecutive Mondays. The results showed that urinary MEK excretion rose steadily until the end of exposure, whereas the MEK concentration in exhaled air varied markedly throughout the day. These findings suggest that the determination of MEK levels in end-of-shift urine samples appears to be the most reliable biological indicator of occupational exposure.  相似文献   

目的 建立工作场所空气中脂肪族酮类化合物丙酮、丁酮、甲基异丁酮的时间加权平均浓度(TWA)气相色谱测定方法。方法通过活性炭管采样,溶剂解吸气相色谱法测定空气中丙酮、丁酮、甲基异丁酮。按照工作场所空气中毒物检测方法研制规范的要求进行实验研究,并对其测定条件和气相色谱条件进行优化选择。结果方法线性范围为丙酮0.02-1.0mg/ml、丁酮0.015-1.5mg/ml、甲基异丁酮0.025-1.0mg/ml。相关系数介于0.9994-0.9998之间。检出限为丙酮20μg/ml,丁酮15μg/ml,甲基异丁酮25μg/ml,相对标准偏差在3.8%-7.0%之间。每100mg活性炭对丙酮的穿透容量为21.6mg、丁酮26.9mg、甲基异丁酮19.8mg。样品在活性炭管中稳定至少可保存7d,方法重现性好。结论此方法的各项指标均达到了工作场所空气中毒物检测方法研制规范的要求,适用于测定工作场所空气中丙酮、丁酮、甲基异丁酮的时间加权平均浓度。由此为2002年新颁布的《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值》(PC-TWA)积累丙酮、丁酮、甲基异丁酮相配套的检验方法。  相似文献   

Summary Exposure to methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) was studied in workers occupationally exposed in industrial workplaces. Alveolar concentrations of MEK were compared with environmental exposure and with blood MEK concentrations. Urinary excretion of MEK and its metabolite, acetylmethylcarbinol, were compared with environmental exposure. The solubility of MEK was also studied in human body tissues which allowed us to estimate the distribution and kinetics of MEK by means of data computing on a multicompartimental mathematic model. The alveolar MEK concentration was correlated with the environmental MEK concentration and corresponded to 30% of it. Blood MEK concentration was correlated with alveolar MEK concentration and corresponded to 104–116 times the alveolar concentration and 31–35 times the environmental concentration. Urinary MEK excretion was correlated with environmental MEK exposure and the urinary excretion of acetylmethylcarbinol. The mean urinary MEK concentration was 4.8 times the mean environmental MEK concentration. The MEK solubility in the human tissues (brain, kidney, lung, fat, heart, muscles and liver) turned out to be similar to that found in blood (blood/air = 183). The amount of MEK and its metabolite, acetylmethylcarbinol, eliminated by the kidney corresponded together to 0.1% of the alveolar MEK uptake.Presented in part at the IV Congr. sulla Patologia da tossici ambientali ed occupazionali Cagliari 26/28 May, 1983  相似文献   

The relationship between occupational exposure to methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and its concentration in urine and blood was studied in a group of 72 workers in a printing factory. Personal exposure monitoring was carried out with passive samplers during the workshifts. The time weighted average (TWA) concentration of MEK ranged from 1.3 to 223.7 ppm, with a mean concentration of 47.6 ppm. In addition to MEK, toleuene, xylene, isopropyl alcohol, and ethyl acetate were detected as the main contaminants in all samples.At the end of the workshift, urine samples were collected to determine the urinary MEK, hippuric acid (HA), and creatinine, and blood samples were also collected at the same time for determination of MEK. The concentrations of urinary MEK ranged from 0.20 to 8.08 mg/L with a mean of 1.19 mg/L and significantly correlated with TWA concentrations of MEK in the air with a correlation coefficient of 0.889 for uncorrected urine samples. The concentration of MEK in the blood was also significantly correlated with the TWA concentration of MEK with a correlation coefficient of 0.820.From these relationships, MEK concentrations in urine and blood corresponding to the threshold limit value-TWA (200 ppm; ACGIH 1992) were calculated to be 5.1 mg/L and 3.8 mg/L as a biological exposure index (BEI), respectively. Although the BEI for urinary MEK obtained from the present study was higher than that of previous reports and ACGIH's recommendation (2.0 mg/L), the BEI agreed well with a previous study in Japan. On the other hand, the relationship between toluene exposure and urinary HA level, an index of toluene exposure, was also studied at the same time. The urinary concentration of HA corresponding to TWA at 100 ppm was 2.6 g/g creatinine as BEI. This value agreed well with both ACGIH's recommendation (2.5 g/g creatinine) and the values reported by Japanese researchers who have studied Japanese workers. Ethnic differences of MEK metabolism may affect the relationship between exposure and BEI.  相似文献   

过氧化甲乙酮(MEKP)是世界上应用最为广泛的不饱和聚酯树脂固化剂,职业和非职业接触人数逐年增多,不断出现中毒的个案报道,目前我国尚未制定MEKP职业接触限值.该文就过氧化甲乙酮的毒性以及国外对其职业接触限值的研究情况作一简要综述,为制定过氧化甲乙酮的职业接触限值提供参考.  相似文献   

This study was intended to determine whether or not methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) enhances the neurotoxicity of n-hexane at low concentration and after long term exposure. Separate groups of eight rats were exposed to 100 ppm n-hexane, 200 ppm MEK, 100 ppm n-hexane plus 200 ppm MEK, or fresh air in an exposure chamber for 12 hours a day for 24 weeks. The body weight, motor nerve conduction velocity (MCV), distal motor latency (DL), and mixed nerve conduction velocities (MNCVs) were measured before exposure and after four, eight, 12, 16, 20, and 24 weeks' exposure. One rat of each group was histopathologically examined after 24 weeks' exposure. Exposure of 100 ppm n-hexane did not significantly decrease the functions of the peripheral nerve throughout the experiment. Exposure to 200 ppm MEK significantly increased MCV and MNCVs and decreased DL after four weeks' exposure, but at this later stage no significant changes were found throughout the experiment by comparison with the controls. Mixed exposure to 100 ppm n-hexane plus 200 ppm MEK significantly decreased by comparison with the controls. On histopathological examination of the tail nerve, however, no changes were found in any of the exposed groups or the controls. These results suggest that MEK might enhance the neurotoxicity of n-hexane at a low concentration, and mixed exposures to n-hexane and MEK should be avoided.  相似文献   

A total of 137 volunteers were recruited and tested for neurobehavioural performance before, during, and after a short duration (4 h) exposure to acetone at 250 ppm, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) at 200 ppm, acetone at 125 ppm with MEK at 100 ppm, or a placebo. Ethanol (95%-0.84 ml/kg) was used as a positive control. Performance testing was computer controlled and took place in an environmental chamber with four test stations. The total test regimen before, during, and after exposure covered 10 hours and 32 measures were collected. The measurements were extracted from two biochemical (venous blood and alveolar breath) tests, four psychomotor (choice reaction time, visual vigilance, dual task (auditory tone discrimination and tracking), memory scanning) tests, one sensorimotor (postural sway) test, and one psychological (profile of mood states (POMS] test. The exposure to 250 ppm acetone produced small but statistically significant changes in performance from controls in two measures of the auditory tone discrimination task and on the anger hostility scale (men only) of the POMS test. Neither MEK nor the combined acetone/MEK exposures produced statistically significant interpretable results. The combination exposure provides some indication that there was no potentiation of the acetone effects with the coexposure to MEK or vice versa. More pronounced performance decrements occurred with ethanol at 0.07-0.08% BAC. Significant (less than 0.05) differences were evident on both the auditory tone and tracking tests in the dual task and there was partial significance on the visual vigilance test (0.05-0.06) and some postural sway measures (less than 0.09). These findings agree with an earlier Japanese study in showing some mild decrements on behavioural performance tests with exposures to acetone at 250 ppm.  相似文献   

This study was intended to determine whether or not methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) enhances the neurotoxicity of n-hexane at low concentration and after long term exposure. Separate groups of eight rats were exposed to 100 ppm n-hexane, 200 ppm MEK, 100 ppm n-hexane plus 200 ppm MEK, or fresh air in an exposure chamber for 12 hours a day for 24 weeks. The body weight, motor nerve conduction velocity (MCV), distal motor latency (DL), and mixed nerve conduction velocities (MNCVs) were measured before exposure and after four, eight, 12, 16, 20, and 24 weeks' exposure. One rat of each group was histopathologically examined after 24 weeks' exposure. Exposure of 100 ppm n-hexane did not significantly decrease the functions of the peripheral nerve throughout the experiment. Exposure to 200 ppm MEK significantly increased MCV and MNCVs and decreased DL after four weeks' exposure, but at this later stage no significant changes were found throughout the experiment by comparison with the controls. Mixed exposure to 100 ppm n-hexane plus 200 ppm MEK significantly decreased by comparison with the controls. On histopathological examination of the tail nerve, however, no changes were found in any of the exposed groups or the controls. These results suggest that MEK might enhance the neurotoxicity of n-hexane at a low concentration, and mixed exposures to n-hexane and MEK should be avoided.  相似文献   

A total of 137 volunteers were recruited and tested for neurobehavioural performance before, during, and after a short duration (4 h) exposure to acetone at 250 ppm, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) at 200 ppm, acetone at 125 ppm with MEK at 100 ppm, or a placebo. Ethanol (95%-0.84 ml/kg) was used as a positive control. Performance testing was computer controlled and took place in an environmental chamber with four test stations. The total test regimen before, during, and after exposure covered 10 hours and 32 measures were collected. The measurements were extracted from two biochemical (venous blood and alveolar breath) tests, four psychomotor (choice reaction time, visual vigilance, dual task (auditory tone discrimination and tracking), memory scanning) tests, one sensorimotor (postural sway) test, and one psychological (profile of mood states (POMS] test. The exposure to 250 ppm acetone produced small but statistically significant changes in performance from controls in two measures of the auditory tone discrimination task and on the anger hostility scale (men only) of the POMS test. Neither MEK nor the combined acetone/MEK exposures produced statistically significant interpretable results. The combination exposure provides some indication that there was no potentiation of the acetone effects with the coexposure to MEK or vice versa. More pronounced performance decrements occurred with ethanol at 0.07-0.08% BAC. Significant (less than 0.05) differences were evident on both the auditory tone and tracking tests in the dual task and there was partial significance on the visual vigilance test (0.05-0.06) and some postural sway measures (less than 0.09). These findings agree with an earlier Japanese study in showing some mild decrements on behavioural performance tests with exposures to acetone at 250 ppm.  相似文献   

目的 探讨大鼠吸入过氧化甲乙酮(MEKP)气溶胶后主要器官的病理学改变,为研究过氧化甲乙酮损伤机制提供线索.方法 建立大鼠MEKP亚慢性染毒模型,SD大鼠100只,雌雄各半,随机分为空白对照组、溶剂对照组、50、500和1000 mg/m3MEKP染毒组,每组10只.对照组吸入清洁空气和溶剂气溶胶,6 h/d,5 d/周,共13周,记录染毒期间临床表现,计算肾脏、胸腺、睾丸等脏器的脏器系数,HE染色观察各组大鼠的肺、肝、睾丸等脏器组织病理学改变.结果 1000 mg/m3MEKP染毒组雄性大鼠肾脏、睾丸脏器系数明显低于空白对照组、溶剂对照组及50、500 mg/m3MEKP染毒组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05); 1000 mg/m3 MEKP染毒组大鼠胸腺脏器系数明显低于空白对照组、溶剂对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).500和1000 mg/m3 MEKP染毒组中部分大鼠肺脏、肝脏、睾丸出现明显损伤,呈现病变程度随着剂量增加而加重的趋势.肺部损伤主要表现为过度充气,充血,出血,间质性肺炎,甚至肺脓肿症状;肝脏损伤表现为肝脏汇管区细胞核浓缩,细胞内脂肪变性,细胞轻度水肿;睾丸损伤主要表现为局部多级生精细胞变性,坏死,发育不良,生精细胞内的精子数目显著减少.在空白对照组、溶剂对照组及各剂量组雌性大鼠中未发现卵巢异常病变.结论 大鼠吸入MEKP气溶胶可对肝脏、肺脏、肾脏、胸腺、睾丸造成损伤作用,尤其对雄性大鼠睾丸的损害作用较为明显.  相似文献   

Headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography/flame ionization detection was developed to measure urinary methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). A fused silica fiber coated with 75 microns carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane was used to extract urinary MEK. The optimal extraction conditions were obtained when temperature was 50 degrees C, extraction time was 15 minutes, and ammonium sulfate concentration was 0.5 g/mL. The optimal desorption temperature and time were 200 degrees C and 5 minutes, respectively. The concentration range of calibration curves was 27 to 8000 ng/mL of MEK. The within-day and between-day pooled coefficients of variation (9 concentrations, triplicate samples) were 5.4% and 8.8%, respectively. The limit of detection and limit of quantitation were 4.2 ng/mL and 21.6 ng/mL, respectively. The recovery (+/- standard deviation) of MEK was 100.2% +/- 8.6% (n = 3). MEK in urine was stable for at least 1 month when stored at -20 degrees C. This method proved to be applicable for the analysis of urinary MEK of exposed workers in a plastic material printing plant. We concluded that this new method is sensitive, inexpensive, simple, and reliable for measuring the occupational exposure of MEK.  相似文献   

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