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OBJECTIVE: Mental illness is prevalent among general hospital ward patients but often goes unrecognised. The aim of this study was to validate the SCL-8d as a brief questionnaire for mental disturbances for use in general hospitals. METHODS: The study included 2040 patients, 18 years or older, consecutively admitted to 11 general internal medicine wards in seven European countries. All patients were screened on admission by means of the SCL-8d questionnaire. The psychometric performance (i.e., the internal validity) of the SCL-8d scale was tested using modern item response theory (IRT) in the form of the Rasch model. RESULTS: Differences between sample characteristics were considerable. Even so, the SCL-8d scale showed a remarkable, statistically significant fit in terms of internal homogeneity (P>.01) in all individual settings, except in Spain and Germany where the item "Everything is an effort" had to be excluded to obtain a fit. When pooling data from all centres, an excellent statistical significance of fit (P>.05) was obtained by exclusion of the "Effort" item. The scale was homogeneous as to gender (P>.05), but not age as it performed better among young patients than among patients older than 60 years (P<.01). In these two patient groups both internal and external homogeneity (gender, median age) was achieved. The SCL-8d sum score showed a marked correlation with current and previous treatment for mental illness. CONCLUSION: Apart from the "Effort" item ranking differently on the latent severity dimension as to age, the SCL-8d seems very robust from a psychometric point of view. Besides being short, the SCL-8d scale contains only emotional symptoms. It would therefore seem to be an excellent diagnostic tool for use in medical settings.  相似文献   

In the past, a German Computerized Adaptive Test, based on Item Response Theory (IRT), was developed for purposes of assessing the construct depression [Computer‐adaptive test for depression (D‐CAT)]. This study aims at testing the feasibility and validity of the real computer‐adaptive application. The D‐CAT, supplied by a bank of 64 items, was administered on personal digital assistants (PDAs) to 423 consecutive patients suffering from psychosomatic and other medical conditions (78 with depression). Items were adaptively administered until a predetermined reliability (r ≥ 0.90) was attained. For validation purposes, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), the Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CES‐D) scale, and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were administered. Another sample of 114 patients was evaluated using standardized diagnostic interviews [Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI)]. The D‐CAT was quickly completed (mean 74 seconds), well accepted by the patients and reliable after an average administration of only six items. In 95% of the cases, 10 items or less were needed for a reliable score estimate. Correlations between the D‐CAT and the HADS, CES‐D, and BDI ranged between r = 0.68 and r = 0.77. The D‐CAT distinguished between diagnostic groups as well as established questionnaires do. The D‐CAT proved an efficient, well accepted and reliable tool. Discriminative power was comparable to other depression measures, whereby the CAT is shorter and more precise. Item usage raises questions of balancing the item selection for content in the future. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Introduction: In this study we evaluated the suitability of a caregiver‐reported functional measure, the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory–Computer Adaptive Test (PEDI‐CAT), for children and young adults with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Methods: PEDI‐CAT Mobility and Daily Activities domain item banks were administered to 58 caregivers of children and young adults with SMA. Rasch analysis was used to evaluate test properties across SMA types. Results: Unidimensional content for each domain was confirmed. The PEDI‐CAT was most informative for type III SMA, with ability levels distributed close to 0.0 logits in both domains. It was less informative for types I and II SMA, especially for mobility skills. Item and person abilities were not distributed evenly across all types. Conclusions: The PEDI‐CAT may be used to measure functional performance in SMA, but additional items are needed to identify small changes in function and best represent the abilities of all types of SMA. Muscle Nerve 54 : 1097–1107, 2016  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nine DSM-IV-TR criterion symptom domains are evaluated to diagnose major depressive disorder (MDD). The Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (QIDS) provides an efficient assessment of these domains and is available as a clinician rating (QIDS-C16), a self-report (QIDS-SR16), and in an automated, interactive voice response (IVR) (QIDS-IVR16) telephone system. This report compares the performance of these three versions of the QIDS and the 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD17). METHODS: Data were acquired at baseline and exit from the first treatment step (citalopram) in the Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) trial. Outpatients with nonpsychotic MDD who completed all four ratings within +/-2 days were identified from the first 1500 STAR*D subjects. Both item response theory and classical test theory analyses were conducted. RESULTS: The three methods for obtaining QIDS data produced consistent findings regarding relationships between the nine symptom domains and overall depression, demonstrating interchangeability among the three methods. The HRSD17, while generally satisfactory, rarely utilized the full range of item scores, and evidence suggested multidimensional measurement properties. CONCLUSIONS: In nonpsychotic MDD outpatients without overt cognitive impairment, clinician assessment of depression severity using either the QIDS-C16 or HRSD17 may be successfully replaced by either the self-report or IVR version of the QIDS.  相似文献   

We performed a prospective study designed to examine whether or not evaluation of the severity and prediction of treatment outcome in major depressive disorder would be enabled by simultaneous use of the thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) test and the combined dexamethasone/corticotropin-releasing hormone (DEX/CRH) test. We studied consecutive patients hospitalized for major depressive disorder. The patients received the TRH test and the DEX/CRH test on the 4th through the 7th hospital days and at the time of improvement. None of the indices in these tests at the time of admission correlated with the Hamilton rating scale for depression (HRSD) or the Global Assessment for Function (GAF). However, since the DeltaMAXACTH, ACTHAUC, DeltaMAXcortisol, and CortisolAUC showed significant decreases at the time of improvement compared with the time of admission, suggesting that the DEX/CRH test can be a state marker. DeltaMAXTSH showed no significant change. Prediction of improvement within 3 months after admission was not possible with either test alone. However, the quotient which divided DeltaMAXACTH by DeltaMAXTSH was predictive of clinical improvement with a sensitivity of 50% and a specificity of 100%. The simultaneous use of the TRH test and the DEX/CRH test seems to provide a more useful biological marker than the separate use of either test alone in patients with major depressive disorder.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the impact of childhood trauma on HPA axis activity both in depression patients and healthy controls in order to determine the role of HPA axis abnormalities in depression and to find the differences in HPA axis functioning that may lead certain individuals more susceptible to the depressogenic effects of childhood trauma. Eighty subjects aged 18–45 years were recruited into four study groups (n = 18, depression patients with childhood trauma exposures, CTE/MDD; n = 17, depression patients without childhood adversity, non-CTE/MDD; n = 23, healthy persons with childhood trauma, CTE/non-MDD; and n = 22, healthy persons without childhood adversity, non-CTE/non-MDD). Each participant collected salivary samples in the morning at four time points: immediately upon awakening, 30, 45, and 60 min after awakening for the assessment of CAR and underwent a 1 mg-dexamethasone suppression test (DST). Regardless of depression, subjects with CTE exhibited an enhanced CAR and the CAR areas under the curve to ground (AUCg) were associated with their childhood trauma questionnaire (CTQ) physical neglect scores and CTQ total scores. In addition, the CTE/MDD group also showed a highest post-DST cortisol concentration and a decreased glucocorticoid feedback inhibition among four groups of subjects. The present findings suggested that childhood trauma was associated with hyperactivity of HPA axis as measured with CAR, potentially reflecting the vulnerability for developing depression after early life stress exposures. Moreover, dysfunction of the GR-mediated negative feedback control might contribute to the development of depression after CTE.  相似文献   

The DSM‐IV and ICD‐10 are both operational diagnostic systems that classify known psychological disorders according to the number of criteria symptoms. Certain discrepancies between the criteria exist and may lead to some inconsistencies in psychiatric research. The purpose of this study was to investigate these differences in the assessment of depression with item response theory (IRT) analyses. The World Mental Health‐Japan (WMHJ) Survey is an epidemiological survey of the general population in Japan. We analyzed data from the WMHJ completed by 353 respondents who had either depressive mood or diminished interest. A two‐parameter logistic model was used to evaluate the characteristics of the symptoms of the DSM‐IV and ICD‐10. IRT analyses revealed that the symptoms about psychomotor activity, worthlessness and self‐reproach were more informative and suggestive of greater severity, while the symptoms about dietary habits were less informative. IRT analyses also revealed that the ICD‐10 seems more sensitive to the mild range of the depression spectrum compared to the DSM‐IV. Although there were some variations in severity among respondents, most of the respondents diagnosed with a severe or moderate depressive episode according to the ICD‐10 were also diagnosed with a major depressive episode according to the DSM‐IV.  相似文献   

Currently, it is unclear whether Self‐Determination Theory (SDT) applies to the mental health care of patients with severe mental illness (SMI). Therefore, the current study tested the process model of SDT in a sample of outpatients with SMI. Participants were 294 adult outpatients with a primary diagnosis of a psychotic disorder or a personality disorder and their clinicians (n = 57). Structural equation modelling was used to test the hypothesized relationships between autonomy support, perceived competence, types of motivation, treatment engagement, psychosocial functioning and quality of life at two time points and across the two diagnostic groups. The expected relations among the SDT variables were found, but additional direct paths between perceived competence and clinical outcomes were needed to obtain good model fit. The obtained process model was found to be stable across time and different diagnostic patient groups, and was able to explain 18% to 36% of variance in treatment engagement, psychosocial functioning and quality of life. It is concluded that SDT can be a useful basis for interventions in the mental health care for outpatients with SMI. Additional experimental research is needed to confirm the causality of the relations between the SDT constructs and their ability to influence treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

Descilo T, Vedamurtachar A, Gerbarg PL, Nagaraja D, Gangadhar BN, Damodaran B, Adelson B, Braslow LH, Marcus S, Brown RP. Effects of a yoga breath intervention alone and in combination with an exposure therapy for PTSD and depression in survivors of the 2004 South‐East Asia tsunami. Objective: This study evaluated the effect of a yoga breath program alone and followed by a trauma reduction exposure technique on post‐traumatic stress disorder and depression in survivors of the 2004 Asian tsunami. Method: In this non‐randomized study, 183 tsunami survivors who scored 50 or above on the Post‐traumatic Checklist‐17 (PCL‐17) were assigned by camps to one of three groups: yoga breath intervention, yoga breath intervention followed by 3–8 h of trauma reduction exposure technique or 6‐week wait list. Measures for post‐traumatic stress disorder (PCL‐17) and depression (BDI‐21) were performed at baseline and at 6, 12 and 24 weeks. Data were analyzed using anova and mixed effects regression. Results: The effect of treatment vs. control was significant at 6 weeks (F2,178 = 279.616, P < 0.001): mean PCL‐17 declined by 42.5 ± 10.0 SD with yoga breath, 39.2 ± 17.2 with Yoga breath + exposure and 4.6 ± 13.2 in the control. Conclusion: Yoga breath‐based interventions may help relieve psychological distress following mass disasters.  相似文献   

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