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This study reports the levels and distribution patterns of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in fish samples of the Gomti river, India, collected from three sites during the pre- and post-monsoon seasons of the years 2004–2005. In the fish muscles, ∑PAHs ranged between 12.85 and 34.89 ng g−1 wet wt (mean value: 23.98 ± 6.70 ng g−1). Naphthalene was the most prevalent compound both in terms of detection as well as levels, while, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, and indeno(123-cd)pyrene + benzo(ghi)perylene could not be detected in any of the sample. Low-molecular weight PAHs were observed dominating over the high molecular weight PAHs.  相似文献   



Acanthocephalans are fish parasites of worldwide distribution, penetrate their thorny proboscis into the intestinal wall of host and absorb nutrients. No diagnostic tool is available except postmortem investigations and identification by parasitologists. The aim of present study was to explore and assign taxonomical status to Pallisentis species prevalent in food fishes of river Gomti, Lucknow, India.


A survey of fishes of river Gomti was carried out during the year 2011–2013. Acanthocephalans recovered from the intestine of Channa punctatus were kept in refrigerator for eversion of proboscis, fixed in A.F.A. fixative (50% alcohol, formalin and acetic acid in ratio of 100: 6: 2.5) for 24 hours further preserved in 70% ethanol. Camera Lucida diagrams of acetoalum carmine stained permanent mounts were made for morphometric studies.


Two new species of genus Pallisentis were identified and named as P. channai n. sp. and P. vinodai n. sp., their taxonomical status is based on major characters of proboscis hooks, spines of collar and trunk region, cement gland nuclei. On average 9 fishes were found infected with Pallisentis spp. out of 60 fishes examined randomly.


Pallisentis spp. are important parasitic infection in Channidae fishes with the prevalence rate of 15%. Two new species of Pallisentis recognized from Channa punctatus of river Gomti, Lucknow, India and diagnostic features of genus are given.  相似文献   

The levels of organochlorine pesticides residues were determined in five freshwater fish species in Punjab State, India. These species were selected in view of their importance to local human fish consumer. DDTs were the predominant organochlorine contaminants in all species with pp DDT and pp DDE as the main pollutants. Other organochlorines, such as HCH isomers and dieldrin were also found at lower levels in fish species. The α-HCH was the dominant isomer of HCH in all fish species followed by γ-, β- and δ-HCH. The residues of aldrin, chlordane, heptachlor and endosulphan were not detected in any fish sample. The levels of organochlorines detected in present study were below the tolerance limits recommended at National and International standards.  相似文献   

The histopathological effects of hexavalent chromium (Cr VI) in the ovary of a fresh water teleost, Channa punctatus were investigated. An exposure-dependent alteration in ovarian histology is reported. For both acute and chronic exposures to Cr (VI), the percentages of atretic oocytes were increased; this increase was more pronounced in the acute exposure group. A decrease in percentage of vitellogenic oocytes was observed in the chronic exposure group indicating impairment of vitellogenesis. The hepatocellular vacuolization and atrophy along with pyknotic nuclei in both acute and chronic chromium exposed fish liver supports the vitellogenic impairment. The observed alterations may be due to both direct cytotoxic effect of Cr (VI) on the ovary as well as mediation by overall systemic toxicity affecting other vital organs.  相似文献   

目的 了解我国非职业暴露人群有机氯农药及其残留物的体内暴露水平、相关因素和性别差异.方法 于2004年3-7月,运用横断面研究方法,调查了在成都市某综合性医院体检的107名男性和142名女性,均为社区健康人群.运用气相色谱-电子捕获的方法检测其血清中有机氯农药(DDTs和HCHs)水平.运用线性回归分析有机氯农药与年龄和身高体重指数的关系.结果 血清中高检出率的有机氯农药及其代谢产物有p,p'-DDE(≥94.4%)、p,p'-DDT(≥91.6%)、β-HCH(≥82.2%).女性的血清中上述3种物质水平高于男性(经Mann-Whitney检验,P<O.05).随着年龄增长,这些物质的蓄积量增加(男性:标准偏回归系数≥0.214,P<0.05;女性:标准偏回归系数≥0.321,P<0.05),增长趋势在女性中更为突出.结论 有机氯农药及其残留物在本次调查的非职业暴露人群中有一定蓄积,应重点关注有机氯农药蓄积对女性远期健康的影响.  相似文献   

The concentration of organophosphorus pesticides in fish samples from different tributaries of the Nile River in Egypt was monitored. Fish samples were collected from El Menofiya, canal water supplies (El-Sarsawia, El-Bagoria and Bahr Shebin), in addition to El-Embaby, El-Menofi and Miet Rabiha drainage canals each 2 month during periods of 16 month, June 2007–Septemper 2008. Chloropyrifos, cadusafos, diazinon, prothiphos and malathion were detected in fish tissues samples at level below the maximum residue limit. The highest average amount of chlorpyrifos (9.38 ng g−1) and malathion (8.31 ng g−1) were detected in El-Embaby drain. Prothiphos were found in tissues collected from El-Sarsawia canal and Miet-Rabiha drain at mean concentration of 4.91 and 6.55 ng g−1, respectively. Diazinon was only found in one fish sample that collected from El-Menofi drain at the level of 9.23 ng g−1.  相似文献   

Although, the Yaqui and Mayo valleys are the most important agricultural areas in Sonora, there is only limited data of the pesticides residue in soils in these valleys. This study measured the organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in 234 soil samples (residential and agricultural) from 24 communities. The global results (mean, range) indicated that benzene hexachloride (19.2, ND-938.5 μg g−1), endrin (6.6, ND-377.3 μg g−1) and DDTs (36.45, ND-679.7 μg g−1) were the dominant contaminants. Soil is one of the most important routes of exposure to OCPs in the population of southern Sonora and this study can be used to establish background levels of OCPs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the levels of organochlorine pesticides HCB, α-β-γ-HCH, p,p′-DDE, o,p′-DDT and p,p′-DDT in 150 adipose tissue of inhabitants of Tabasco, Mexico. The following pesticides were detected: p,p′-DDE in 100 % of samples at mean 1.034 mg/kg; p,p′-DDT in 96.7 % at mean 0.116 mg/kg; o,p′-DDT in 78.7 % at mean 0.022 mg/kg and β-HCH in 58.0 % at mean 0.049 mg/kg. The pooled sample was divided according to sex of donors (75 female and 75 male). Significantly higher levels of all organochlorine pesticides in females were found. The sample was divided into three age’s ranges (15–28, 29–45 and 46–84 years). The mean and median levels of β-HCH, p,p’-DDE and Σ-DDT increase significantly (p < 0.05) from the first to the second and third group. The presence of organochlorine pesticide residues in Tabasco inhabitants is still observed, indicating sources of exposure to the pesticides.  相似文献   

We determined and compared the levels of BHC and DDT isomers and metabolites and HCB in the adipose tissue of 82 cases of autopsies performed at the Morgue Department of Adana Branch of the Council of Forensic Medicine. The relationships between the age, gender, and body mass indexes of cases, and the accumulation of OCs residues were also investigated. Detectable concentrations of p,p′-DDE were found in 100% of adipose tissue samples. Concentrations of OCs in female adipose tissues were significantly higher than male adipose tissues (p < 0.05). The presented work is highly significant, being the first study pointing out the chronic exposure to organochlorine pesticides in Cukurova region.  相似文献   

上海和宜兴地区食品和人乳腺组织中有机氯农药污染现状   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
[目的]了解上海和宜兴地区环境和人体中有机氯农药的污染现状。[方法]分别在上海和宜兴两城市采集20种食物样品及5份人乳腺组织,采用GC-ECD方法对样品中有机氯含量进行测定。[结果]滴滴涕及其代谢物(DDTs)是此次检测到的主要有机氯农药污染物,DDTs、六六六(HCHs)、六氯苯及其代谢物(HCB)、氯丹(CHLs)在食品中的检出率分别为85%、64%、59%和53%,食品中HCHs,HCB,CHLs含量较低;而人乳腺组织中DDTs和HCHs的含量很高,可分别达19000ng/g脂肪和17000ng/g脂肪。[结论]上海及宜兴地区食物和人乳腺组织中普遍还能检测到有机氯农药的残留,但较前期监测数据已有明显下降。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of three different pesticides (carbendazim, dimethoate, and glyphosate) and their mixture on the growth and reproduction of the earthworm species, Eisenia fetida. The study was conducted following the suggestion of the International Workshop on Earthworm Ecotoxicology. The results showed that the pesticide treatment had a marked negative impact on the growth and reproduction of earthworms. Carbendazim and dimethoate were found to cause greater harm to the selected earthworm species than glyphosate.  相似文献   

Lake Burullus is one of the Delta lakes, connected with the Mediterranean Sea through El Boughaz opening. Concentrations of organochlorine contaminants were measured in water, sediments and biota of the lake because of concerns about their effects on its productivity. The concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons decreased in the order of PCBs > DDTs > TC > HCHs for all water samples collected from Lake Burullus during 2006. Higher concentrations were recorded during summer season, this clearly affected by higher agricultural and sewage activities. The concentrations of DDTs in water were ranged from 0.07 to 221.9 ng L(-1); 46.3-656.5 ng L(-1); 94.3-882.6 ng L(-1) and 24.8-233 ng L(-1) during winter, spring, summer and autumn, respectively. Among DDTs metabolites p,p-DDE was the most dominant with a maximum of 520.13 ng L(-1) recorded at station 10 (El Boughaz opening). In sediment samples, PCBs concentrations were ranged from 4.6 to 213.9 ng g(-1) with an average 47.2 ng g(-1); dry weight. Total pesticides were higher than PCBs for mostly all sediment samples of Lake Burullus. Concentrations of DDTs in fish tissues were ranged from 2.76 to 24.23 ng g(-1) and from 14.16 to 45.13 ng g(-1); wet weight for Oresochromus niloticus and Clarries sp., respectively.  相似文献   

Accumulation of cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), hexachlorobenzene, γ-HCH, DDTs, and PCBs has been investigated in the muscle of Ameiurus melas sampled during the same period from Lake Corbara, Alviano, and Trasimeno. Glutathione content and the enzymatic activities of glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase, glutathione S-transferase, and glyoxalase I were examined in gills, liver, and kidneys of each specimen. Catfish from Alviano, compared to those of Corbara and Trasimeno, showed the highest contamination of DDTs and PCBs and the lowest levels of biochemical parameters. Most likely, OCPs and PCBs content might be responsible for the compromised antioxidant status in these specimens.  相似文献   

The Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) is at risk of extinction throughout its range as a result of incidental catches, habitat degradation, and pollution. Populations of Irrawaddy dolphins are constrained by the species’ narrow habitat requirement—lagoons, estuaries, rivers, and lakes—and are therefore particularly vulnerable to the effects of human activities. In this study, for the first time, concentrations of organochlorine (OC) pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were determined in tissues of Irrawaddy dolphins collected from Chilika Lake, India, to understand the status of contamination. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs) were the predominant contaminants found in Irrawaddy dolphins; the highest concentration found was 10,000 ng/g lipid weight in blubber. Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) were the second most prevalent contaminants in dolphin tissues. Concentrations of PCBs, chlordanes, hexachlorobenzene, tris(4-chlorophenyl)methane, and tris(4-chlorophenyl)methanol were in the ranges of few ng/g to few hundreds of ng/g on a lipid-weight basis. In general, concentrations of OC pesticides and PCBs in Irrawaddy dolphins were lower than the concentrations reported for coastal and riverine dolphins collected in Asia. PBDEs were detected in the blubber of Irrawaddy dolphins at concentrations ranging from 0.98 to 18 ng/g lipid weight. BDE congener 47 accounted for 60% to 75% of the total PBDE concentrations. Although these results establish the baseline levels of persistent organic pollutants in Irrawaddy dolphins, efforts should be made to decrease the sources of contamination by DDTs and HCHs in Chilika Lake.  相似文献   

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