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目的总结肢带型肌营养不良症2D型(LGMD2D型)临床表型和基因突变特点。方法报道一家系2例女性LGMD2D型患儿临床表现、肌电图、肌肉MRI、肌肉病理学和基因检测结果,并结合相关文献进行分析。结果先证者及其妹均于3岁发病,以进行性四肢近端无力为主要临床表现;血清肌酸激酶水平显著升高;肌电图呈肌源性损害;肌肉MRI显示部分肌肉萎缩、脂肪化或纤维水肿;其妹肌肉病理学显示局灶性骨骼肌坏死、再生,部分横纹肌消失,肌纤维大小不等。基因检测显示,先证者及其妹存在相同基因突变,即SGCA基因第3外显子移码突变c.262del T(p.Phe88SerfsX123)和第5外显子错义突变c.409GA(p.Glu137Lys),其母为SGCA基因c.409GA(p.Glu137Lys)突变携带者,其中,c.409GA(p.Glu137Lys)为已知突变,c.262del T(p.Phe88SerfxX123)为新发突变。结论对于临床类似Duchenne型肌营养不良症的女性患者,排除DMD基因携带者后,还应行家系分析和肢带型肌营养不良症相关基因检测,以明确具体亚型。  相似文献   

The limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMD) are autosomally inherited neuromuscular diseases. Recently six different loci for LGMD have been reported: 5q (LGMD1A), 15q (LGMD2A), 2p (LGMD2B), 13q (LGMD2C), 17q (LGMD2D) and 4p-14-q21.2 (LGMD2E) respectively. We have studied 79 patients affected by LGMD during the period 1976 to 1995. All patients were examined clinically, and various investigations, including genetics were performed. According to their data we divided them as follow: 1) Cases with autosomal recessive inheritance (34.19%) of these two families are linked to chromosome 2p and the others were subdivided according to the age at onset into childhood LGMD and juvenile-adult LGMD; 2) Cases with dominant inheritance (13.92%); 3) Sporadic cases (51.89%). Onset of symptoms occurs from the first to the third decade. The clinical course varies considerably, as does the degree of disability. Our study allowed to identify two different groups of patients who relatively homogeneous with respect to their clinical and laboratory characteristics.  相似文献   

目的报道1例X连锁遗传的Emery-Dreifuss肌营养不良(X-EDMD)患者家系的临床、病理及基因突变特点。方法总结作者单位收治的1例X-EDMD患者的临床及骨骼肌病理特点,并进行EMD及LMNA基因突变检测,同时对患者家系谱进行分析。结果该家系中有4例患者,主要表现为缓慢型心律失常,2例已猝死,先证者同时有轻度肘关节挛缩及肌萎缩。先证者心电图检查示房性心动过速合并Ⅲ度房室阻滞,交界区逸搏心律;超声心动图检查示全心扩大,二尖瓣及三尖瓣A峰消失,射血分数60%。肌电图检查示右肱二头肌、左第一骨间肌、左腓肠肌、左股四头肌运动单位电压均增高,神经传导未见异常。左肱二头肌活检示肌营养不良样改变,免疫组化染色显示肌核无伊默菌素蛋白表达。基因分析显示先证者存在EMD基因插入突变c.650_654dupTGGGC,为已报道的致病性突变,LMNA基因均未发现致病性突变。结论 EMD基因c.650_654dup TGGGC插入突变导致的X-EDMD患者心脏损害突出,以心房的电活动-机械活动及结构的严重受累为特征,而肌萎缩及关节挛缩症状相对轻微。  相似文献   

目的 通过总结5例肢带型肌营养不良2A型(LGMD2A)患者的病例资料,探讨其临床和病理特点.方法 对病理诊断排除LGMD2B(7例)之后的30例分型未明的LGMD患者的肌肉标本进行免疫组织化学染色和钙激活蛋白酶-3(calpain-3)蛋白免疫印迹分析.结果 30例患者肌肉标本中有5例calpain-3蛋白条带缺失或遗留痕迹,从而被确诊为钙蛋白酶肌病,即LGMD2A.该5例患者起病年龄10~45岁,病程2~10年.其中2例的同胞兄妹有相似的临床表现,而父母无异常,提示本病的常染色体隐性遗传方式.5例均以下肢近端肌无力起病,肌萎缩明显;血清肌酸激酶639~8237 U/L,平均2502 U/L,肌电图均为肌源性损害.5例肌肉活体组织检查病理符合典型肌营养不良的病理特点,表现为肌纤维大小明显不等,可见坏死伴吞噬及再生,内核纤维增多,还原型辅酶Ⅰ四氮唑还原酶染色2例见分叶状纤维.5例LGMD2A患者dystrophin、caveolin-3和α-、β-、γ-、δ-sarcoglycan免疫组织化学染色均正常,2例dysferlin染色减低,余3例正常.结论 LGMD2A的临床表现和肌活体组织检查病理均缺乏特异性,免疫印迹分析有助于此病的诊断和鉴别诊断.  相似文献   

We characterized the frequency of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) subtypes in a cohort of 76 Australian muscular dystrophy patients using protein and DNA sequence analysis. Calpainopathies (8%) and dysferlinopathies (5%) are the most common causes of LGMD in Australia. In contrast to European populations, cases of LGMD2I (due to mutations in FKRP) are rare in Australasia (3%). We have identified a cohort of patients in whom all common disease candidates have been excluded, providing a valuable resource for identification of new disease genes. Cytoplasmic localization of dysferlin correlates with fiber regeneration in a subset of muscular dystrophy patients. In addition, we have identified a group of patients with unidentified forms of LGMD and with markedly abnormal dysferlin localization that does not correlate with fiber regeneration. This pattern is mimicked in primary caveolinopathy, suggesting a subset of these patients may also possess mutations within proteins required for membrane targeting of dysferlin.  相似文献   

A case of Seitelberger's infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy (a rare familial neurologic disease of childhood) is described. The clinical picture is characterized by a progressive deterioration of psychomotor functions leading to flaccid paraplegia with hypotonia of axial muscles, complete involution of language, and total loss of communication with the external world; death due to recurrent unassociated disease occurred at the age of 4 years. Histology showed numerous axonal spheroids mainly in the gray matter of the C.N.S. and plurisystemic degenerations of the motor and sensory systems, of the cerebellum, of the basal ganglia, and of specific sensory system such as the optic and (reported here for the first time) of the olfactory and acoustic systems. In particular, the main histopathological findings included: 1) a characteristic distribution of axonal swellings prevailing in the posterior horn of the spinal cord and in the dorsolateral portions of the medulla oblongata, mainly at the level of the sensory nuclei; 2) demyelinization of the pyramidal tracts and of the ascendings pathways of the sensory system with fibrillar gliosis and myelin breakdown products in some areas (internal capsule, pes pedunculi, VPL thalamic nuclei); 3) severe cerebellar atrophy with almost complete loss of granule and Purkinje cells and marked fibrillary gliosis; 4) presence of enormous amount of sudanophilic lipids in the striatum and pallidum; 5) optic, acoustic and olfactory system degeneration with demyelinization and gliosis at all levels examined and, in particular, sudanophilic lipid deposition in the optic radiations, trigone, and olfactory striae. The discussion emphasized the dying-back type of evolution of the degenerative process insofar as a) the spheroids represent a peculiar alteration of presynaptic endings (as demonstrated by electron microscopy) prevailing at the first sensory neuron, and b) in all systems involved, the degeneration is most marked at distal levels. The striato-pallidal lipophanerosis suggests that the sudanophilic lipids are, here as in other systems, parenchymal degeneration products. On the other hand, there are still many unresolved problems in this rare and complex disease, such as a) the predilection of the lesions for the sensory systems which in our case involved all three special senses; b) the extreme cerebellar atrophy; and c) the etiopathogenetic substrate of the process. All biochemical and histochemical studies have not yielded any results up to the present.  相似文献   

目的 报道1个出现神经源性骨骼肌损害的眼咽型肌营养不良(OPMD)家系的临床、骨骼肌病理和基因改变特点.方法 先证者为60岁男性,50岁时出现双下肢近端无力,53岁出现吞咽困难和构音障碍,57岁出现双眼睑下垂和眼球突出.肌酸激酶轻度增加,四肢肌电图为神经源性损伤,周围神经传导速度下降20%~43%.家系3代中除先证者外尚有5例在45岁后出现吞咽困难,4~20年后出现眼睑下垂,其中3例有肢体无力.对先证者左肱二头肌做肌肉活体组织检查,标本进行组织学、酶组织化学以及免疫组织化学染色(以抗结蛋白和泛素蛋白抗体作为一抗)和超微病理检查.对先证者和家系中另外18人进行多腺苷酸结合蛋白(PABPN1)基因检查.结果 先证者肌纤维内出现镶边空泡伴泛素阳性沉积物和成组分布的小角状萎缩肌纤维,个别肌纤维出现再生改变伴随结蛋白沉积,可见细胞色素C氧化酶阴性肌纤维.电镜检查发现约3%的肌纤维核内存在栅栏样细丝包涵体.先证者和另外11名家系成员的PABPN1基因存在(GCG)9异常扩增.结论 杂合(GCG).异常扩增性OPMD可先出现咽喉肌无力,伴随脱髓鞘性神经病.我国患者也存在肌纤维核内包涵体.  相似文献   

The nosographic relationship between Thomsen's and Steinert's disease is still uncertain. There is not agreement in the literature whether these are two different diseases or just different stages in the evolution of a single one. Four members of a family in two generations have been studied: two have a typical Steinert's, one a Thomsen's disease and one a clinical pattern that cannot be clearly considered neither of the first nor of the second type. In this patient a generalized muscular hypertrophy was followed, at the age of 54, by a generalized impairment of the muscular trophism and evolved into a severe wasting. This may be interpreted as an evolution of Thomsen's into a Steinert's disease. Furthermore, the presence in the same family of cases of both Thomsen's and Steinert's disease supports the hypothesis of a single disease. The present study suggests that Thomsen's and Steinert's diseases could be two clinical varieties of a single disease in different stages of development. This conclusion is supported by the similarity in the electromyographic patterns and in the histological picture from muscle biopsy of all patients examined.  相似文献   

In the last five years 48 possible carries and 13 known carriers of the gene for the Duchenne type of muscular dystrophy were studied in the Neurological Institute of the University of Milan. To achieve the most accurate detection, the following tests are recommended: a) the serum creatine kinase (CPK) estimation; b) quantitative EMB test on 3 muscles (deltoid, biceps and vastus medialis), in case of normal CPK level; c) histological and histochemical studies, only if tests a) and b) are uniformative.  相似文献   

The possibility of a close relationship between depression and headache has been investigated by many authors; and supported by clinical, biochemical and pharmacological findings. In the present study the features of headaches were investigated in a sample of 58 depressed inpatients, selected according to Feighner's diagnostic criteria. Head pain was found in over 50% of the depressed, with a greater incidence within the psychogenic group. On the other hand headache did not correlate with the nuclear symptoms of depression (depressed mood, guilt, retardation, inadequacy); it correlated with tension and somatic anxiety. The authors conclude that headache, as a symptom of depressive syndrome, must be considered only an accessory component of depression, but not a central feature of the syndrome.  相似文献   

目的对面肩肱型肌营养不良症(FSHD)患者进行基因诊断并总结其临床特征,以提高FSHD的诊断水平。方法以p13E-11为探针用EcoRⅠ BinⅠ双酶切的Southern杂交方法对50例FSHD患者进行基因诊断,并对其临床特征进行总结。结果50例FSHD患者的基因诊断结果为EcoRⅠ BinⅠ/p13E-11片段大小介于10~33.5 kb,平均(17.70±6.628)kb。家族遗传性患者符合常染色体显性遗传特点。FSHD多在青少年期慢性起病,病情缓慢进展;选择性侵犯面肌、肩带肌和上臂肌,部分患者逐渐累及盆带肌和下肢肌肉,患肌常不对称受累;血清CK水平正常或轻中度增高,肌电图示肌源性损害,肌活检呈肌病特征。结论以p13E-11为探针用EcoRⅠ BinⅠ双酶切的Southern杂交方法可对FSHD患者进行基因诊断,识别FSHD的临床特征以及进行基因诊断可提高FSHD的诊断水平。  相似文献   

We performed an observational prospective analysis to study the clinical characteristics as well as a molecular genetic analysis of 17 members of a Thai family who had visual loss and/or muscle weakness. Their blood mitochondrial DNA were examined for the presence of the G11778A Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) mutation. Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) DNA analysis was performed in four members who had visual loss. Of 17 family members, the eight members who had the 11778 LHON mutation were all from branch 'a'. Three of these eight members had FSHD with a 17-27-kb deletion of a tandem repeat in the 4q35 subtelomere, and two had been clinically diagnosed as FSHD. Four of six examined members in branch 'b' showed muscular dystrophy clinically diagnosed as FSHD. No correlation of blood DNA analysis between LHON and FSHD in affected members was found. We describe the first family with FSHD and G11778A LHON in which a mutation in mitochondrial DNA at nucleotide position 11778 of branch 'a' was found to be the origin of the mutation.  相似文献   

A recombinant DNA study was performed in a three-generation family with 8 typical cases of late onset myotonic dystrophy (DM) and with one case of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). The study with DNA markers for chromosome 19 showed linkage of DM locus to the 3.8 Kb allele of apolipoprotein C2 (APOC2) probe and to 9 Kb allele of pSC11 probe (APOC2 lod score = 0.69 at theta = 0). The 21-year-old DMD patient showed no myotonic signs. His clinical history revealed onset with weakness around 4 years of age, progressive course with wheelchair confinement at 11, and cardiomyopathy. His karyotype was normal (46, XY). The study with 10 DNA markers for the chromosome X found a deletion limited to XJ 1.1, XJ 1.2, and XJ 2.3 probes. His 22-year-old sister with typical clinical, EMG and recombinant DNA findings characteristic for myotonic dystrophy was also a carrier of DMD deletion.  相似文献   

Among 14 limb-girdle muscular dystrophy genes that have been mapped, 10 (three autosomal dominant and seven autosomal recessive) have so far had their product identified. This review will focus on the most recent data in the field and on our own experience of more than 200 patients studied with autosomal recessive-limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, classified from calpainopathy to telethoninopathy. Genotype: phenotype correlations in this highly heterogeneous group show a similar clinical course among patients with different forms, whereas a discordant phenotype may be seen in unrelated patients or in affected sibs carrying the same mutation. Understanding such similarities or differences remains a major challenge. It will depend on future knowledge of gene-protein functions, on protein interactions and on identifying modifying genes and other factors underlying clinical variability.  相似文献   

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