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目的 提高填写病案首页信息质量,保证统计数据准确.方法 通过对病案首页填写存在问题进行分析.结果 加强住院科室病案首页的管理,明确首页数据质量的重要性.结论 不断提高医生业务水平,强化病案质量,确保统计数据的真实性、准确性.  相似文献   

赵雯  刘敏荣等 《医学信息》2001,14(3):165-166
病案是医院进行医疗统计、疾病分类管理的基础 ,是疾病治疗、预防及开展科研的原始资料 ,是医院进行科学管理的客观依据。随着信息时代的到来 ,电子计算机在病案管理上的应用越来越广泛 ,全军也推广使用《医院信息管理系统》的软件 ,病案首页成为《医院信息管理系统》中每一名病员唯一的信息来源。病案首页是否规范化填写 ,直接影响到每位病员、每个科室 ,包括全院的工作效率、诊断质量、治疗质量、经济效益等医院管理方面的指标 ,影响指标的准确性、完整性、连续性。我们从 1995年开始 ,将出院病历的病案首页填写情况列入科室季度质量考评…  相似文献   

单双双 《医学信息》2010,23(17):3265-3265
随着科学技术的发展,计算机在病案管理中的广泛应用,住院病案信息现代化应用大大提高了使用病案信息的方便、快捷性,病案首页的计算机录入更好的为临床科研提供报务。因此,病案首页的不规范填写,就难以确保医疗质量的正确评价,统计医疗数据的完整可靠和疾病分类的准确无误。所以,完整地、准确地书写病案首页是确保正确评价医疗质量、统计医疗数据资料的重要基础。  相似文献   

李薇  赵明 《医学信息》2006,19(3):399-400
目的针对病案首页质量缺陷客及原因进行分析,制定相应的病案首页规范化管理措施。方法对3823份病案首页填写情况进行回顾性分析,对其质量缺陷内容进行分类统计剖析。结果在抽查的3823份出院病案首页中,存在填写不规范缺陷的病案首页占1606份,缺陷率为42%。平均每份病案首页填写缺陷0~2处,最多达4~5处,主要表现在姓名、年龄、职业、住院号及疾病诊断与病理报告不符等。结论提高医师对病案首页重要性的认识,营造全员抓病案质量并层层把关的氛围,才能确保信息数据质量。  相似文献   

病案首页填写质量管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘红云 《医学信息》2009,22(5):615-616
目的 提高病案首页的书写质量.方法 对医院2008年2月份病案首页进行统计,发现首页缺项、漏项问题比较严重.结果 经过一系列整改措施后,10月份用同样的方法进行统计比较.结论 病案首页的书写质量有明显提高.  相似文献   

“军字一号”工程病案首页录入存在的主要问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
病案首页是病案质量的窗口 ,是病人住院期间主要医疗数据的汇总 ,是进行病案检索、医疗统计的基础数据 ,是提高病案使用率的前提。“军字一号”工程的实施 ,促进了病案首页信息收集、利用、管理的现代化和规范化 ,对医院质量建设、领导决策、对外服务等都具有十分重要的价值。但由于多方面因素 ,使病案首填写在实际运用中存在较多问题。结合我院实行“军字一号”工程工程 2年来的实践 ,就问题和对策进行探讨。1 问题1.1 主要诊断选择不当 由于 ICD- 9知识的强化教育培训不够 ,使临床医师相关知识缺乏 ,对其重要性认识不足 ,主要诊断选…  相似文献   

许春芝 《医学信息》2010,23(18):3283-3284
病案质量是衡量医疗质量的客观依据,也是医疗质量管理的热点和难点工作。病案首页浓缩了整份病案中的重要内容,是医院医疗质量和管理质量的集中体现。病案首页是病人出院后诊断与治疗的总结,也是疾病分类和医疗统计工作的原始资料。病案首页的设计集中体现了病人身份识别、病案资料检索、医院管理、医疗质量评价、统计等各方面的需要。因此病案首页的填写准确、完整与否对病案管理及医院管理影响很大。  相似文献   

病案首页的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

我院病案室自1993年运用《军队医院医疗信息管理软件》(简称《软件》)以来,出院病案首页均输人计算机,用计算机处理病案首页中大量的信息既准确又可靠,统计、检索、查询等极为快捷、方便,对于提高病案管理水平也有相当大的促进作用,以下是我们在应用过程中的体会。1实现医疗信息计算机管理将有利于促进医院病案工作的标准化、程序化、规范化病案首页中的各项为总后卫生部规定全军医院必须填写的基本内容,所填项目均有统一规定,各单位不能改变或减少,也不得有空项。所填疾病、手术名称和医学术语做到规范、标准,疾病编码采用…  相似文献   

病案管理工作中存在的问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在论述病案质量重要性的基础上,较系统全面地分析了病案质量和病案管理工作中存在的问题,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

本文通过对电子病历现状的分析,针对性地查找原因,阐述了作者所在医院电子病历质量管理工作的主要做法和体会,提出了一些行之有效的管理办法,有效地促进了医院医护质量的提高。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The present study reports the current status of computerizing medical records in Japan. In 2001, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare formulated the Grand Design for the Development of Information Systems in the Healthcare and Medical Fields. The Grand Design stated a numerical target for "spreading the use of electronic medical records (EMR) in at least 60% of Japan's hospitals with 400 or more beds by 2006." The objective of this study was to examine the extent to which EMR and order entry systems (OES) have been adopted as of February 2007 and to evaluate the Japanese government's policy regarding the computerization of medical records. METHODS: We conducted a postal survey targeting medical institutions throughout Japan. In February 2007, we mailed self-administered questionnaires to all 1574 hospitals with 300 or more beds, and to a random selection of 1000 hospitals with less than 300 beds in addition to 4000 clinics. Responses were received from 812 (51.6%), 504 (50.5%), and 1769 (44.8%), respectively. We asked questions concerning: (i) the extent to which EMR and OES had been introduced; (ii) the reasons why certain institutions had not introduced EMR and (iii) the subjective evaluation of the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of EMR. RESULTS: The percentage of institutions that had introduced EMR as of February 2007 was 10.0% for hospitals and 10.1% for clinics. Even the percentage for hospitals with 400 or more beds was just 31.2%, illustrating that the government's target had not been reached. The most common reason given for not introducing EMR was: "The cost is high" which was observed in 82.0% of hospitals. It was considered that the introduction of EMR could improve 'inter-hospital networks', and 'time efficiency for physicians' by around 45% and 25% of hospitals, respectively. CONCLUSION: Healthcare information computerization in Japan is behind schedule because the introductory costs are high. For the computerization of healthcare information to be further promoted, prices of EMR systems should be lowered to a level which individual hospitals can afford. Furthermore, the communication between EMR systems should be further standardized to secure functional and semantic interoperability in Japan.  相似文献   

Electronic medical records (EMRs) are being quickly adopted in clinics around the world. This advancement can greatly enhance the clinical care of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) by providing formats that allow easier review of medical documents and more structured avenues to store relevant information. MS clinicians should be involved with implementing and updating EMRs at their institutions to ensure EMR formats that benefit MS clinics. EMRs also provide opportunities for research studies of MS to access detailed, longitudinal data of MS disease course that would otherwise be difficult to collect.  相似文献   

硕士研究生毕业论文的设计和写作是医学院教学工作的一个重要环节,其质量优劣是检验医学生综合素质和医学院教学质量的主要依据。本文分析了医学院硕士研究生毕业论文中存在的常见问题及论文质量影响因素,对如何提高研究生论文质量提出合理化建议。通过激发内在动力,提升学生科研素质;加强师生有效沟通,提高学生培养效率;强化论文过程管理,确保硕士学位论文质量。医学院硕士研究生论文写作水平及科研水平的提高将带动医学事业的发展。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo precisely define the utility of tests in a clinical pathway through data-driven analysis of the electronic medical record (EMR).Materials and methodsThe information content was defined in terms of the entropy of the expected value of the test related to a given outcome. A kernel density classifier was used to estimate the necessary distributions. To validate the method, we used data from the EMR of the gastrointestinal department at a university hospital. Blood tests from patients undergoing surgery for gastrointestinal surgery were analyzed with respect to second surgery within 30 days of the index surgery.ResultsThe information content is clearly reflected in the patient pathway for certain combinations of tests and outcomes. C-reactive protein tests coupled to anastomosis leakage, a severe complication show a clear pattern of information gain through the patient trajectory, where the greatest gain from the test is 3–4 days post index surgery.DiscussionWe have defined the information content in a data-driven and information theoretic way such that the utility of a test can be precisely defined. The results reflect clinical knowledge. In the case we used the tests carry little negative impact. The general approach can be expanded to cases that carry a substantial negative impact, such as in certain radiological techniques.  相似文献   

Electronic medical records (EMR) represent a convenient source of coded medical data, but disease patterns found in EMRs may be biased when compared to surveys based on sampling. In this communication we draw attention to complications that arise when using EMR data to calculate disease prevalence, incidence, age of onset, and disease comorbidity. We review known solutions to these problems and identify challenges for future work.  相似文献   

It has always been a research interest to solve hospital management problems with systematic approach by using modern management tools. Almost all the Hospital Information System (HIS) software packages in Turkey keep track of local transactions in administrative activities and material flow. In state hospitals in Turkey, very little medical information is processed and most of the records are still kept manually and archived on papers.

In this paper, a cost-effective, flexible and easy-to-use Hospital Information System model is proposed in order to give better diagnostic and treatment services. It is also demonstrated that this model makes it possible to exchange information between and within the hospitals over Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) network. User needs are taken into consideration during model development and the benefits of model implementation to the hospital administration are stated. According to the model proposed in this paper, only a single health care record number (HCRN) is required for a patient to access all her/his medical records stored in different locations, from any state hospital in Turkey.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The National Library of Medicine's Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) is a rich source of knowledge in the biomedical domain. The UMLS is used for research and development across wide range of different applications. In this paper, we evaluated the coverage of UMLS as compared with medical terms extracted from Korean medical records and identified differences in concept representation between two terminology sets. DESIGN AND MEASUREMENT: We measured the concept coverage of the UMLS. For this study, we mapped the clinical terms extracted from the discharge records of Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH) to the UMLS. RESULTS: Thirty-five percent of the entry terms used in chief complaint of SNUH were conceptually matched with the UMLS 'Sign or Symptom' concepts. Fifty-eight percent of the terms were found to be matched with the UMLS 'Disease or Syndrome' concept rather than the 'Sign or Symptom' concept. The remaining 7% were not found in the UMLS concepts. We then analyzed some of different expression patterns used by the two term sets and addressed issues to be taken into consideration. CONCLUSION: We found out that the UMLS was comparable with Korean medical records, since most of concepts of Korean medical records were covered with the UMLS concepts.  相似文献   



Culture is known to impact expectations from medical treatments. The effects of cultural differences on attitudes toward Electronic Medical Records (EMR) have not been investigated. We compared the attitudes of Jewish and Bedouin responders toward EMR's use by family physicians during the medical encounter, and examined the contribution of background variables to these attitudes.


86 Jewish and 89 Bedouin visitors of patients in a regional Israeli University Medical Center responded to a self-reporting questionnaire with Hebrew and Arabic versions.


T-tests and a linear regression analysis found that culture did not predict attitudes. Respondents’ self-reported health status, Internet and e-mail use, and estimates of their physician's typing speed explained a total of 18.6% of the variance in attitudes (p < 0.001).


Bedouins respondents’ attitudes toward EMR use were better than expected and similar to those of their Jewish counterparts. The most significant factor influencing respondents’ attitudes was the physician's typing speed.

Practice implications

(1) Further studies should consider the possible impact of cultural differences between the family physician and the healthcare client on attitudes. (2) Interventions to improve physicians’ skill in operating EMRs and typing will potentially have a positive impact on patients’ satisfaction with physicians’ EMR use.  相似文献   

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