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周作民  林敏 《男科学报》1998,4(2):87-89
目的:研究无精子症男子配偶宫颈粘液中的抗精子抗抗体。方法:应用ELISA方法检测宫颈粘液中的抗精子抗体。结果:400例有精子男子配偶中92例为抗精子抗体阳性(23%),200例无精了症男子配偶中42例为抗精子抗体阳性(21%),两组比较差异不显著。结论:无精子症病人配中抗精子抗体的产生可能是精浆中的精子吸附怕的结果。  相似文献   

为探讨抗精子抗体对精子穿越宫颈粘液能力的影响,本文用15份含高滴度抗精子抗体的血清配成不同稀释度的血清标本,用间接精子免疫珠结合试验测定各血清标本的抗体滴度,并用精子宫颈粘液穿透试验检测不同滴度抗精子抗体对精子穿越宫颈粘液能力的影响。结果显示:(1)IgA和IgG类抗精子抗体对精子穿越宫颈粘液的能力均有明显影响(P<0.01),且IgA类较IgG类作用大。(2)头部及全身结合有抗体的精子受损较明显,而仅尾部结合有抗体的精子则无明显受损。(3)当结合抗体的活动精子≥60%或头及全身结合抗体的活动精子≥30%时这种影响变得十分确切。  相似文献   

李世勤  王丁 《男性学杂志》1995,9(3):166-168
为探讨抗精子抗体对精子穿越宫颈粘液能力的影响,本文用15份含高滴度抗精子抗体的血清配成不同稀释度的血清标本,用间接精子免疫珠结合试验测定各血清标本的抗体滴度,并用精子宫颈粘液穿透试验检测不同滴度抗精子抗体对精子穿越宫颈粘液能力的影响。  相似文献   

为了解精子与宫颈粘液相互作用预测生育的价值,对27例不明原因不孕妇女进行性交后试验(PCT)和精子穿透试验(SMPT)。1年后按有无妊娠分为妊娠组(n=14)和非妊娠组(n=13)。两组宫颈粘液评分无显著性差异(P>0.05);妊娠组在性交后2和4小时精子数(19.3±3.3及22.2±4.4个/Hp)明显高于非妊娠组(5.0±22及2.9±1.4个/Hp)(P<0.01);妊娠组PCT正常率(71%)明显高于非妊娠组(0%),(P<0.01);SMPT结果与PCT结果基本一致。提示PCT是有价值的预测生育指标,PCT正常可排除男方因素及宫颈性不孕,PCT异常则可选择人工授精提高妊娠率  相似文献   

ELISA法检测血清抗精子抗体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

患者28岁,农民。2005年5月因婚后4年不育而求治我科。体检:一般体格检查及男性第二性征正常;生殖系统检查:阴茎正常,双侧睾丸位于阴囊内,容积大致相等,大小为22ml,质韧,双侧附睾、输精管均可触及,无触痛,未触及肿块,无疝气及精索静脉曲张。病史:曾在外院多次化验精液后诊为无精  相似文献   

抗精子抗体阳性者其它自身抗体测定邬丽平,黄宇烽,商学军,徐建平关键词抗精子抗体,自身抗体中图法分类号R392.11精子是一种隐蔽抗原,由于在正常情况下男性存在血睾屏障,故对精子不会产生自身免疫反应。但若遇到外伤、感染导致血睾屏障破坏时,精子可以进入男...  相似文献   

SPA混合抗球蛋白试验检测抗精子抗体施云飞,顾永昌关键词抗精子抗体抗精子抗体(AsAb)常用检测方法有固相酶法、免疫珠法、ELISA等。这些方法因各种条件限制,不易在基层医院开展。作者参考有关文献建立了SPA混合抗球蛋白试验(SPA-MAR),用该法...  相似文献   

抗精子抗体对精子顶体酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察抗精子抗体对精子顶体酶活性的影响。方法:选择男性不育者50例,与正常生育者20例。采用固相酶染色法测抗精子抗体,固定明胶薄膜法测精子顶体酶活性。结果:50例不育者抗精子抗体阳性率为52%。不育者精子顶体酶活性明显低于生育者;抗精子抗体阳性者顶体酶活性低于阴性者。结论:抗精子抗体可降低精子顶体酶活性。  相似文献   

本文旨在观察抗精子抗体对精子顶体酶活性的影响。选择男性不育者50例与正常生育者20例,采用固相酶染色法测抗精子抗体,以固定明胶薄膜法测精子顶体酶活性。结果发现50例不育者抗精子抗体阳性率为52%。不育者精子顶体酶活性明显低于生育者;抗精子抗体阳性者须体酶活性明显低于阴性者,表明抗精子抗体可降低精子顶体酶活性。  相似文献   

本文采用Kibrick、Franklin-Dukes和Isojima三种试验法,对输精管结扎术后无并发症者253例,有痛性结节和附睾郁积症者20例,以及未作输精管结扎的正常对照者319例的血清进行了检测。其结果显示输精管结扎术后这三种方法的阳性率和滴度都有非常显著的提高,但在输精管结扎术后有和无痛性结节及附睾郁积症两组间,这三种方法的阳性率无显著差异。在有这两种并发症组中,Franklin-Dukes试验的滴度高而kibrick和Isojima试验的滴度却低。因此,测定血清中的抗精子抗体对诊断痛性结节和附睾郁积症以及估价其严重程度是无助的。  相似文献   

H. Jiang  W.‐J. Zhu 《Andrologia》2013,45(5):305-309
Testicular microlithiasis (TM) is a pathological event characterised by the presence of microliths within the testicular entities, and such calcium deposition is thought to have deleterious impacts on the structure of blood–testis barrier (BTB). Breaches in the BTB appear to be a risk factor for antisperm antibody (ASA) production, which is reported to have negative influence on human fertility. Thus, the theories are provocative that ASA formation is elicited in TM men, and the resultant ASA will accordingly affect the fecundity in these men. To illustrate these hypotheses, this study enrolled 22 infertile men incidentally diagnosed with TM by testicular ultrasound evaluation. Sperm samples were collected, and direct immunobead test was used to determine the ASA levels. None of the infertile men with TM were found to display significant levels of ASA, whilst relatively abnormal sperm parameters in these cases were revealed by semen analysis. These observations suggest that TM exposure does not increase the risk of ASA production in infertile men, and therefore, ASA is discarded as an active participant in the development of infertility in TM men. Nevertheless, disrupted spermatogenesis resulting from TM may, at least in part, have certain implications for the pathogenesis of TM‐associated infertility.  相似文献   



This study aimed to evaluate the effect of P/E-selectin blockage on antisperm antibody (ASA) development and histopathological alterations in experimental orchitis.

Materials and Methods

Thirty-six Wistar albino-type male rats weighing 100–150 g were included in the study. Rats were allocated into six groups (n = 6) including control (CG), sham (SG), orchitis (OG), antimicrobial treatment (AG), P/E-selectin blockage (PESG), and both antimicrobial and P/E-selectin treatment (TG) groups. In CG, serum samples were taken from the tail vein prior to the procedure and followed by extraction of both testes. In SG, 1 ml of saline solution was injected in testicular parenchyma. OG was obtained by injecting 0.1 ml 106 cfu/ml Escherichia coli (0:6 strain) and 1 ml saline solution into the right testes. AG received ciprofloxacin (50 mg/kg/day) twice a day through gastrogavage 24 hours after generating orchitis. In PESG, P/E-selectin antibody (100 μg) was administered intravenously via the tail vein 24 hours after the induction of orchitis. Finally, both ciprofloxacin and P/E-selectin antibody were administered in TG 24 hours after the induction of orchitis for 14 days. At the end of treatment, 1 ml of serum sample was obtained to evaluate the ASA, P-selectin and E-selectin levels. In order to evaluate spermatogenesis (Johnsen score) and testicular injury (Cosentino score), both testes were extracted at the end of the 14th day.


In orchitis-induced groups (OG, ATG, PSEG, TG), ASA levels were significantly increased at the 14th day when compared to SG (p < 0.05). In TG, ASA levels were decreased when compared to AG. However, similar alteration in ASA levels was not detected in PSEG (p > 0.05). In OG and AG, P-selectin levels were decreased at the 14th day when compared to levels observed on 0 day (p < 0.05). E-selectin levels on 0 day showed that each group had higher levels of E-selectin when compared to CG (p > 0.05). There was no significant difference regarding E-selectin when compared to CG (p > 0.05). No significant differences regarding E-selectin levels were detected on the 0th and 14th days between AG and CG (p > 0.05). When the Cosentino and Johnsen scores were compared among groups, TG and PSEG has decreased scores of Cosentino than OG on the right testicle (p < 0.05). In contrast, an increased Johnsen score was detected in TG and PSEG when compared to OG (p < 0/05). No significant difference was detected for both Cosentino and Johnsen scores on the left testicle (p > 0.05). There was no difference with regard to the right and left testicular injury in TG. In P/E-blocked groups, decreased histopathological alterations were observed in the contralateral testis.


P/E-selectin blockage may reduce ASA production after orchitis when combined with antimicrobial treatment. P/E-selectin blockage not only has a protective effect on blood–testis barrier but also decreases the histopathological alterations in both the affected and contralateral testis. Histopathological parameters of spermatogenesis may also be prevented by P/E-selectin blockage in experimental orchitis.  相似文献   

目的:探讨在男性不育症中解脲支原体感染与抗精子抗体阳性的关系。方法:采用混合抗球蛋白反应方法检测50例尿道分泌物解脲支原体Uu阳性不育症患者精液中抗精子抗体与56例尿道分泌物解脲支原体Uu阴性不育症患者精液中抗精子抗体。结果:在106例不育症患者中,解脲支原体Uu阳性组患者精液中抗精子抗体阳性率是68%,明显高于解脲支原体Uu阴性组患者精液中抗精子抗体阳性率16.1%(P〈O.01)。结论:男性生殖道解脲支原体Uu感染与精液中抗精子抗体的产生有相关性,对男性生育有不良影响。  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood mononuclear (PBMs) cells were introduced into the peritoneal cavity of severely‐combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice in concentrations of 2.5–4.0 × 107 cells per mouse. Whole mononuclear cell suspensions were used either unstimulated or following primary in vitro culture with human spermatozoa. In some experiments, immunodepletion of CD8+ cells was carried out prior to grafting. Lymphocytes were obtained from nonsensitized (to antigen) human subjects or from individuals who were primed in vivo (vasectomized individuals in case of sperm antigens). An enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay was employed to assess total human immunoglobulin (G or M) levels as well as the specificity of the antibodies generated. We have been successful by generating primary and secondary immune responses with ‘naïve’ human lymphocytes, challenged with chlamydia or ovalbumin but without adjuvant or CD8+ immunodepletion; however, we were unable to induce specific antibodies to spermatozoa under this regime in SCID male mice. We then employed female SCID mice, treated with sperm antigen extracts (glycosylated or deglycosylated) encapsulated in liposomes and human lymphocytes obtained from ‘naïve’ or pre‐sensitized in vivo subjects. It was found that the most pronounced humoral response to sperm antigens was obtained with deglycosylated antigens and PBMs from vasectomized (in vivo pre‐primed to spermatozoa) individuals. A presented SCID mice model can be helpful at understanding of antisperm antibody development and the molecular nature of generated antibodies to modified sperm antigenic entities.  相似文献   

用ELISA法检测精浆中的C3d、C3含量,并计算C3d/C3的比值.结果表明,抗精子抗体(AsAb)阳性的不育病人精浆C3d含量及C3d/C3比值明显高于生育组,而AsAb阴性的不育病人糖浆C3d、C3及C3d/3的比值与生育组间则无明显差异。以C3d高于0.8mg/L为阳性,AsAb阴性和AsAb阳性的不育者C3d阳性率分别为19.2%和81.3%,二者差异非常显著(P<0.01)。提示ASAb可能与补体活化有关,导致C3裂解增加,因此精浆C3d、C3的检测可反映精浆内补体激活的水平,可作为男性免疫性不育的一个重要指标.  相似文献   

男女性不育症8331例血清抗精子抗体检测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 观察男性和女性血清抗精子抗体的阳性率、滴度及其差异性.方法 样本获自男科和妇科就诊的不育患者,血清分离后用精子浅盘凝集试验(TAT)和精子制动试验(SIT)检测,并用已知阳性和阴性血清作质控对照.结果 男女性不育症8331例中,抗精子抗体阳性率26.8%,其中男性25.2%,女性29.9%,其差异有统计学意义(x2=20.13,P<0.005).抗精子抗体阳性的2232例中,单一TAT阳性90.4%,TAT和SIT均阳性9.6%,无单独SIT阳性检出.TAT阳性率,男性不育症为25.2%,女性不育症为29.9%,其差异有统计学意义(x2=26.29,P<0.001).SIT阳性率,男性不育症为3.3%,女性不育症为1.3%,其差异有统计学意义(P<0.001).结论 免疫性不育在不育症诊疗中占有非常重要的地位.  相似文献   

对1986年12月~1992年12月期间门诊的391对不育夫妇检测AsAb的结果进行分析,发现不育≤2年的夫妇以男方AsAb阳性率(43%)最高。经过治疗后不育年限越短妊娠率越高(不育≤2年的夫妇妊娠率为36.6%)。在198对AsAb阳性的夫妇中,治疗后转阴率为34.8%,妊娠率为24.2%,与双方AsAb阴性的不育夫妇妊娠率(23.2%)相近。在女方不育的原因中,以生殖器官炎症者AsAb阳性率最高(71.2%),其次为习惯性流产(60%)。治疗以中药抑抗汤为主,具有温阳、养气补血、活血化瘀,以及时对免疫功能有双向调节作用。  相似文献   

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