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The dietary intake of homeless males sleeping rough in Central London   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data concerning the food and beverage intake (including alcohol) of 79 males, aged 19–50 years, sleeping rough in Central London, who did not appear to be under the influence of drink, drugs or suffering from mental illness were collected by prompted 24-h recall and food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ). The source of food was noted and the subjects were asked about food availability and food needs. The group had intakes significantly lower than Dietary Reference Values (DRV) for the UK for energy, carbohydrate, non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), folate, zinc and magnesium. Significantly higher values were seen for protein, fat, vitamin B12, calcium and iron. Alcohol intake was higher than that assumed to approximate current intakes of the UK population. Mean macronutrient intakes for the group were similar to means for British adult men (OPCS, 1990), only protein and NSP were significantly lower. The FFQ showed very low consumption/week of fruit, vegetables, salad, fruit juice and wholewheat/brown products. Organized charities provided the major source of food energy for the group as a whole. Self-supplied sources provided the major source of total energy. It is suggested that the group may benefit from an increase in dietary fibre and energy, with an increase in the proportion of energy supplied by carbohydrate and a reduction in energy from fat and alcohol. A varied supply of food and hot meals during weekends as well as during the week may benefit the group both aesthetically and nutritionally. It may be advisable to increase the supply of wholemeal/brown bread, fruits, vegetables and salad foods without decreasing the energy content of the food available.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the prevalence and correlates of violent victimisation among homeless people in inner-Sydney.
Method: Cross-sectional design. Clients of a shelter for homeless, substance-using adults were interviewed about their drug use, mental health and violent victimisation in the previous 12 months. Logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with victimisation.
Results: Participants reported complex drug use histories and high levels of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders. Forty-eight per cent of participants reported past year victimisation. In univariate analyses, being female, schizophrenia/psychotic disorder, PTSD, depression and regular use of psychostimulants were associated with increased risk of victimisation. In multivariate analyses, regular use of psychostimulants (odds ratio [95% CI] 5.07 [1.53-16.84]), schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder (3.13 [1.24-7.9], and depression (2.65 [1.07-6.59]) were associated with increased risk of victimisation.
Conclusions and implications: This sample of homeless, substance-using adults experienced high levels of violence. People with poor mental health and regular psychostimulant users were at greater risk of victimisation. A longitudinal study to determine whether victimisation prolongs homelessness is warranted. Clinical staff working with homeless populations need to be aware of the likelihood of past and future victimisation and its effects on mental health. Homeless persons may benefit from learning to identify risk situations for victimisation and how to de-escalate potentially violent situations.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional survey of 2819 adults aged 20 years and above was undertaken in 2002 in Jiangsu Province. Zinc intake was assessed using a consecutive 3-day 24-h dietary recall method. Insufficient and excess intake was determined according to the Chinese Dietary Recommended Intakes. Four distinct dietary patterns were identified namely "traditional", "macho", "sweet tooth", and "healthy". Intake of zinc from biofortified rice was simulated at an intermediate zinc concentration (2.7 mg/100 g) and a high zinc concentration (3.8 mg/100 g) in rice. Average total zinc intake was 12.0 ± 3.7 mg/day, and insufficiency of zinc intake was present in 15.4%. Simulated zinc intake from biofortified rice with intermediate and high zinc concentration decreased the prevalence of low zinc intake to 6.5% and 4.4%, respectively. The effect was most pronounced in the "traditional" pattern, with only 0.7% of insufficiency of zinc intake remaining in the highest quartile of the pattern. Zinc intake was inversely associated with the "sweet tooth" pattern. Zinc biofortifed rice improves dietary zinc intake and lowers risk for insufficient zinc intake, especially for subjects with a more "traditional" food pattern, but less for subjects with a "sweet tooth" food pattern.  相似文献   

Purpose  It is known that a moderate to large volume of alcohol produces deterioration in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), however, no consensus has been achieved with respect to the influence of a moderate volume of alcohol on mild to moderate OSA. In this study, we investigated the influence of alcohol on OSA-associated parameters in healthy middle-aged males drinking a moderate volume of alcohol (<1 g alcohol/kg bodyweight per day). Methods  Subjects were 23 healthy males (mean age of 46.0) with a habitual ingestion of moderate a mounts of alcohol. Respiratory sleep parameters were measured through the fitting of an Apnomonitor III (Chest Inc.) and portable sleep monitoring device (Actiwatch: AMI Inc.) to subjects on three nights; an alcohol-free night, a night on which they drank alcohol with dinner, and a night on which they drank alcohol within 30 minutes before retiring to bed. The measurements were categorized into the early and late halves of assumed sleep for analysis. Results  The apnea-hypopnea index was significantly higher when drinking alcohol before retiring [mean (SD): 7.8 (8.2) events/hour] than the values on the alcohol-free day [2.9 (4.5) events/hour] and when drinking alcohol with dinner [3.8 (5.3) events/hour]. Furthermore, drinking alcohol before retiring resulted in lower arterial blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) during the early half of sleep [94.8 (1.4) %] when compared to the values on the alcohol-free day [95.7 (1.3) %] and drinking alcohol with dinner [95.4 (1.6) %]. In addition, the percentage of time with SpO2<92% (hypoxic event) during the early half of sleep [4.9 (9.3) %] was significantly higher than the values on the alcohol-free day [1.2 (1.8) %] and when drinking alcohol with dinner [1.4 (1.8) %]. Conclusion  These results suggest that moderate ingestion of alcohol within 30 minutes before retiring aggravates OSA-associated parameters in healthy males.  相似文献   

Pattern analysis of children’s diet may provide insights into chronic disease risk in adolescence and adulthood. This study aimed to assess dietary patterns of young Singaporean children using cluster analysis. An existing dataset included 15,820 items consumed by 561 participants (aged 6–12 years) over 2 days of dietary recall. Thirty-seven food groups were defined and expressed as a percentage contribution of total energy. Dietary patterns were identified using k-means cluster analysis. Three clusters were identified, “Western”, “Convenience” and “Local/hawker”, none of which were defined by more prudent dietary choices. The “Convenience” cluster group had the lowest total energy intake (mean 85.8 ± SD 25.3% of Average Requirement for Energy) compared to the other groups (95.4 ± 25.9% for “Western” and 93.4 ± 25.3% for “Local/hawker”, p < 0.001) but also had the lowest calcium intake (66.3 ± 34.7% of Recommended Dietary Allowance), similar to intake in the “Local/hawker” group (69.5 ± 38.9%) but less than the “Western” group (82.8 ± 36.1%, p < 0.001). These findings highlight the need for longitudinal analysis of dietary habit in younger Singaporeans in order to better define public health messaging targeted at reducing risk of major noncommunicable disease.  相似文献   

Throughout the world, homelessness is generally increasing. This paper examines some of the historical precedents and, in an Australian sample, some of the factors leading to ill-health in this group. All studies have shown the ill-effects on health of being homeless and in this group drinking alcohol and length of time on skidrow appear to be the major factors. It is also suggested that the homeless are generally from comparatively disadvantaged backgrounds before becoming homeless, and more likely to be migrants. They were also less likely to have ever married and more likely to have been in jail or psychiatric institutions.  相似文献   

Dietary habits and food intake of the six basic food groups (milk, meats, cereals, fruits, vegetables and fats) were investigated in a random sample of 206 adolescents (aged 10–15 years) from a region of south-east Spain (Murcia). Adolescents were interviewed on their recall of food intake over the previous 24 h. The results showed a very low consumption of vegetables, some deficiencies in the intake of the milk and fruits, and an excessive intake of fats. Intake of foods belonging to the cereal and meat groups was adequate, agreeing with the recommendations for the adolescent population. Within the meat group, the distribution of foods consumed was not satisfactory; an excessive consumption of meats and sausages was observed, while the intake of fish and pulses was insufficient. In our study, nutritional advice was given to mothers and adolescents. The use of Spanish portions from the six basic food groups proved to be a very helpful method to popularize the principles of balanced diet in our population. Our results seem to indicate some nutritional imbalances in the diets of the adolescents in the study, especially deficits in fibre and calcium and an excess in saturated fats. The study reveals that although Murcia is a typically Mediterranean Region, the characteristics of the diet of Murcian adolescents are quite different in some respects from the typical alimentary habits of the Mediterranean diet.  相似文献   

Evaluation and improvement of nutritional status should be among the research priorities aimed towards a better life for the elderly. In a cohort study of about 1 ,000 elderly subjects in Hong Kong, a 24-hour dietary recall and dietary consumption pattern were obtained in the first phase cross-sectional study. This paper reports on the 695 men and women living outside institutions. All subjects were aged 70 and above. They were either living with their spouse, with children or grandchildren, or with relatives or friends. Based on Recommended Dietary Allowances for East Asia, the dietary intakes in general were adequate in terms of energy and nutrients except for calcium, vitamin A, riboflavin and niacin. The general low intake of these nutrients, especially calcium, were supported by the dietary consumption pattern and deserves attention from health care providers. Practical dietary recommendations can be given to improve the nutritional intake of the ageing Chinese population in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Aim:  To quantitatively analyse energy intake reported by young men and the accuracy of the Goldberg cut-off method for identifying misreporters.
Methods:  This was a cross-sectional study in which: food intake was assessed by a four-day food record; resting metabolic rate was assessed by indirect calorimetry; percentage body fat was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; and energy expenditure was assessed by physical activity record completed simultaneously with food intake measurements. Energy intake was analysed by direct comparison of energy intake and energy expenditure and by the Goldberg cut-off. Subjects: 34 healthy men aged 18–25 years. Setting: Queensland University of Technology, Queensland, Australia. Main outcome measures: percentage of misreporters in a group of young men using different methods. Statistical analyses: data are presented as means and standard deviations. The analyses were conducted using Statistic for Windows 5.5 software.
Results:  Seven underreporters were identified by direct comparison of energy intake and energy expenditure. The Goldberg cut-off found six out of the seven underreporters identified by direct comparison of energy intake and energy expenditure, but wrongly identified two acceptable reporters as underreporters. The sensitivity and specificity of the Goldberg cut-off method were 0.86 and 0.93, respectively.
Conclusions:  Seven out of 34 participants underreported their energy intake. In the absence of physical activity measurements, the Goldberg cut-off method identified underreporters in this group of young men with assessed resting metabolic rate.  相似文献   

Alcohol is energy-dense, elicits weak satiety responses relative to solid food, inhibits dietary fat oxidation, and may stimulate food intake. It has, therefore, been proposed as a contributor to weight gain and obesity. The aim of this narrative review was to consolidate and critically appraise the evidence on the relationship of alcohol consumption with dietary intake and body weight, within mainstream (non-treatment) populations. Publications were identified from a PubMed keyword search using the terms ‘alcohol’, ‘food’, ‘eating’, ‘weight’, ‘body mass index’, ‘obesity’, ‘food reward’, ‘inhibition’, ‘attentional bias’, ‘appetite’, ‘culture’, ‘social’. A snowball method and citation searches were used to identify additional relevant publications. Reference lists of relevant publications were also consulted. While limited by statistical heterogeneity, pooled results of experimental studies showed a relatively robust association between acute alcohol intake and greater food and total energy intake. This appears to occur via metabolic and psychological mechanisms that have not yet been fully elucidated. Evidence on the relationship between alcohol intake and weight is equivocal. Most evidence was derived from cross-sectional survey data which does not allow for a cause-effect relationship to be established. Observational research evidence was limited by heterogeneity and methodological issues, reducing the certainty of the evidence. We found very little qualitative work regarding the social, cultural, and environmental links between concurrent alcohol intake and eating behaviours. That the evidence of alcohol intake and body weight remains uncertain despite no shortage of research over the years, indicates that more innovative research methodologies and nuanced analyses are needed to capture what is clearly a complex and dynamic relationship. Also, given synergies between ‘Big Food’ and ‘Big Alcohol’ industries, effective policy solutions are likely to overlap and a unified approach to policy change may be more effective than isolated efforts. However, joint action may not occur until stronger evidence on the relationship between alcohol intake, food intake and weight is established.  相似文献   

Seventy-three patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) were randomly allocated into one of the following three groups: dietary advice with follow up (DAF) had repeated dietary advice from an experienced senior-dietitian, dietary advice (DA) a single interview with the dietitian and no dietary advice (NDA) a diet-sheet alone without explanation. An age, sex-matched control group was recruited from staff at an institute for higher education. Fibre was assessed by a food-frequency questionnaire at the beginning and end of the 6-month study, and by a 7-day weighed food inventory at the end of the study.
There was no difference between the fibre intake of the patients and controls at the beginning of the study. After 6 months there was a mean increase of 7 g fibre/day by the patients (P<0.001) but no increase by the controls. There was no difference in the intake of the three dietary-treatment groups either at the beginning or end of the study, whether assessed by questionnaire or weighed inventory. Only 14 patients achieved a daily intake of 30 g fibre during the week they weighed their food.
This study suggests that although simple diet-sheets given to patients without further explanation have their limitations, currently employed methods of dietetic counselling appear to offer little additional advantage.  相似文献   

ObjectiveDietary strategies in heart failure (HF) are focused on sodium and fluid restriction to minimize the risk for acute volume overload episodes. However, the importance of dietary factors beyond sodium intake in the prognosis of the disease is uncertain. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association of macro- and micronutrients intake on 1-y mortality in patients with HF.MethodsA secondary analysis of 203 patients with chronic HF enrolled in a randomized trial of sodium reduction was completed. Patients with a complete 3-d food record at baseline were included in this analysis (N = 118); both control and intervention arms were combined. Three-d mean dietary intake was estimated. Cox multivariable regression analysis was used to evaluate the association between dietary factors and 1-y mortality.ResultsAmong the 118 included patients, 54% were men, median (25th–75th percentiles) age 66 y (52–75 y), median ejection fraction 45% (30%–60%), and ischemic etiology present in 49% of patients. The association with 1-y mortality was significant for both polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA; adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 0.67; 95% confidence interval [CI]. 0.51–0.86 for intake as percentage of daily energy) and saturated fatty acids (SFA; adjusted HR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.03–1.30 for intake as percentage of daily energy). Median of intake as percentage of daily energy was 5.3% for PUFAs and 8.2% for SFAs.ConclusionsIntake of PUFAs and SFAs was independently associated with 1-y all-cause mortality in patients with chronic HF. Limiting dietary SFA and increasing PUFA intake may be advisable in this population.  相似文献   

目的 了解浙江省城乡及不同地域居民的膳食纤维摄入现状、食物来源等情况.方法 采用连续3 d24 h回顾法和称重法对9 798名≥2岁居民进行个人食物摄入量调查及调味品消费量调查.结果 浙江省每日人均膳食纤维摄入量为10.12 g,城市和农村分别为11.23、9.00g,总体上呈现男性>女性,城市>农村;18岁以前摄入量随年龄的增加而上升,老年组略有下降;平原、山区、海岛每日人均摄入量分别为10.58、9.64、8.94g,且中、青年组均呈现平原>山区>海岛的分布趋势(P<0.05);膳食纤维主要食物来源为蔬菜、谷类、干豆、菌藻和调味品,总摄入量分别为36 624.31、27 616.97、15 024.92、8 835.47、8 175.03g,分别占33.89%、25.56%、13.90%、8.18%、7.57%.结论 浙江省城乡居民膳食纤维摄入量普遍不足,农村和海岛地区更为缺乏,膳食纤维的摄入量有待提高.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine whether self rated health confounds or modifies the relation between a prudent food intake pattern and mortality and to study whether the prudent food intake pattern predicts subsequent changes in self rated health. DESIGN: A prospective cohort study with follow up of total mortality and changes in self rated health. Food intake patterns were identified by principal component analysis from a 28 item food frequency questionnaire, collected at baseline. SETTING: MONICA surveys, Copenhagen County, Denmark. PARTICIPANTS: A random sample of 3698 men and 3618 women aged 30-70 years were followed up from 1982 to 1998 (median 15 years). MAIN RESULTS: Among participants with complete information on all variables 18% had rated their health as poor (average or bad) at the baseline examination. Poor self rated health was related to a low score on the prudent food intake pattern, which was characterised by a frequent intake of wholemeal bread, fruit and vegetables. Three hundred and seventy six men and 210 women died during follow up. Poor self rated health and a low prudent food score were associated with increased mortality in both men and women. Self rated health did not modify the relation between diet and mortality. Of the 1098 men and 1048 women with good self rated health at baseline, 243 men and 297 women reported poor health during follow up. Low prudent food score, smoking, and high BMI increased the risk of developing poor health in both men and women, but in multivariate analysis the associations attenuated and were only significant for BMI. CONCLUSION: Both prudent food intake pattern and self reported health are independent predictors of mortality. Self rated health does not seem to modify the relation between diet and mortality.  相似文献   

目的 了解不同训练类型潜艇人员的膳食营养及机体脂质过氧化的状况.方法 选择某潜艇部队海训艇人员20人,陆训艇人员16人,后勤人员20人,通过膳食调查了解能量和营养素摄入情况.采集血样,测定超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)含量、红细胞溶血度和淋巴细胞增殖活性等.结果 海训艇与陆训艇人员的蛋白质、维生素C(VC)、维生素E(VE)、硒的营养素摄入量充足,维生素A(VA)、维生素B1(VB1)、维生素B2(VB2)摄入量不足.海训艇人员SOD值和淋巴细胞增殖活性低于陆训艇和后勤人员,而MDA含量和红细胞溶血度则较二者升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 潜艇人员抗氧化维生素摄入不足,海训艇人员脂质过氧化水平较陆训艇和后勤人员升高.  相似文献   

目的 了解长沙市岳麓区居民膳食结构和营养素摄入现况,为针对性开展营养健康教育提供参考依据。方法 调查长沙市岳麓区3岁及以上居民2020年食物消费状况,采用Kruskal-Wallis H检验分析各年龄组居民平均每标准人日膳食和营养素摄入量差异,并与2010—2013年中国居民营养与健康状况、中国居民膳食指南和膳食营养素参考摄入量进行比较。结果 共计392人纳入数据分析,其中男性192人、女性200人,平均年龄(37.39±19.93)岁。2020年岳麓区居民平均每标准人日谷类(341.9 g)、大豆(33.6 g)、蛋类(39.9 g)和鱼虾蟹贝类(47.3 g)摄入量基本达到膳食宝塔推荐量;但薯类(19.5 g)、水果(34.9 g)、乳及乳制品(58.9 g)的摄入严重不足,畜禽肉类(159.7 g)、食用油(44.5 g)和盐(6.4 g)的摄入量超标。平均每标准人日营养素摄入量中,蛋白质、B族维生素、维生素E、钠、磷、铁的摄入量达到了推荐摄入量(RNI)要求,碳水化合物和脂肪供能比分别为41.3%和45.0%,比2012年全国平均水平下降了13.7%和上升12.1%。不同年龄组...  相似文献   

The variability of nutrient intake within individuals has been examined using data from a 7-d weighed inventory record from a population sample of 164 middle-aged men. Four main aspects of within-person variation were examined: variation according to day of the week, daily variation as a proportion of individual mean values, daily variation in relation to betweenperson variation, and long-term variation, in mean daily intake.
The intake of some nutrients showed a significant day of the week variation, but apart from alcohol and energy, most of these variations were small. The within-person coefficient of variation generally showed wide ranges for most nutrients.
To assess the individual intake of 90% of the men, to within a s.e. of 10% a weighed record of seven days was sufficient for the calculation of the percentage of energy derived from protein, fat and carbohydrate, but not for nutrients such as linoleic acid and fibre. Seven days was adequate to classify 80% of these men into their appropriate third of true rank order of intake for all dietary constituents studied, except for amounts of linoleic acid and cholesterol.
Considerable long-term stability in mean nutrient intake was shown in the 30 men who completed a 7-d weighed record after a period of two years but evidence of long term changes in dietary habit was also found.  相似文献   

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