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目的分析青春期少女生育动机及其生育意愿,从而追行有针对性的性教育工作。方法本研究基于Michaels(1993)的研究结果,自编“青春期少女生育动机”的调查问卷,封678名(随机抽样)高中女生进行调查。结果①青少女生育动机的先后排序为:“使个人生命延续”、“获得安全感和创造性”、“得到亲密情感和愉悦”、“获取权力和影响力”、“能够养儿防老”、“获得成人地位”、“能够传宗接代和取得社会认同”与“道德价值的支配”;②青春期少女面对意外怀孕是否生下孩子。除“能够养儿能防老”生育动机影响较低外,其它生育动机均有明颗影响,并显性差异;③由回归分析结果得知,“道德价值的支配”和“获得覜密情感和愉悦”两个生育动机因素可以有效预测青春期少女的生育意愿,其中以“道德价值的支配”影响作用较大。结论青春期少女面对意外怀孕,对于决定是否生下孩于的生育意愿,有不同的生育动机。因此在青春期性教育当中,应当了解青少年生育动机、生育意愿的变化,从而更有针对性来开展性教育。  相似文献   

以往文献中的回顾性报导认为,女性绝育手术后可发生躯体和心理方面的障碍。本文作者对在某城市医院妇科施行绝育手术的192名病人,分别在术前、术后2月和1年进行有关社会、婚姻、性生活、生育史及避孕等情况的调查,并通过一般健康查询表(GHQ)对其精神状况进行筛选,发现有疑问者(GHQ 评分在12以上)则进行标准化的  相似文献   

近几年,职高毕业生就业比例逐年增加,因此,了解职业中学学生的心理状况实属必要。本文对此进行了调查与分析,现将结果报告于后。1对象和方法1.1对象96例均系重庆市某职业中学的学生。其中,城市75例,农村21例;高中58例,初中38例;男性82例,女性1...  相似文献   

精神科青年护士职业心理调查耿甲瑛,邱杨婴调查在市区两所精神病院工作,护龄≤5年的青年护士50名,均系女性,年龄19~24岁,平均21.0±3.6岁。以市属两所综合医院中护龄≤5年的青年护士50名作对照,年龄19~24岁,平均21.0±3.6岁。自制问...  相似文献   

对1457例精神疾病患者进行了婚姻及生育状况调查,并以正常人群作比较。结果发现,精神疾病患者成婚率低,生育能力与正常人相同,子代患病率高,家庭和睦程度及经济状况均低于正常人。提出了对精神疾病患者应控制生育,以及对计划生育队伍进行精神卫生知识的普及培训等对策。  相似文献   

302例妇女经前精神状况调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
302例妇女经前精神状况调查施慎逊张丽珍杨晓敏金友兰骆佩金孙玲月经是妇女的生理现象,许多妇女在行经前有心境不良,多表现为一过性情绪障碍等症状,影响工作、学习、生活和社交。我们对302例妇女经前精神状况进行调查,报告如下。对象和方法调查对象为妇科门诊...  相似文献   

1995年9月,作者按全国流调组制定的标准和神经症流行学调查操作方法,在云南省大理白族自治州境内,选四县一市为框架,以整群分层随机抽样原则,每5户抽1户,分别在城乡各抽200户,其中15~59岁者为调查对象,共查1070人。神经症患病率为27.1‰。其中,女性、农业劳动者、彝族、经济水平差者患病率高,并有统计学差异。50~55岁为患病率高峰组。患病率农村高于城市;少数民族高于汉族。文化水平低、家庭气氛不和睦患病率高,但差异不显著。和全国流调结果比较,神经症患病率有随着时间推移,社会进步而增高的趋势。  相似文献   

精神障碍是导致青年自杀的重要因素,边缘人格障碍BPD作为准自杀行为的一般原因,具有很高的致死性,同时有情感障碍或物质使用障碍者,危险性更大。据报导1961至1980年(BPD)患者自杀数量日益增加,在15至20岁年龄组中,自杀率达7.6%。为此本文对1984年至1987年间58名瑞典城市青少年的自杀情况进行了回顾性研究。方法:研究对象为58例连续发生的瑞典自杀青年,男女之比为2:6,平均年龄23.2岁(15~29岁)。通过与患者、患者父母、同胞  相似文献   

目的 调查女大学生生育价值观、抑郁发生现状,研究其抑郁发生的相关影响因素.方法 采用生育价值观量表、流行病研究中心抑郁量表(center for epidemiologic studies depression scale,CES-D)评估生育价值观和抑郁状况,采用一般资料调查问卷、心理弹性量表(CD-RISC)和压力知觉量表(PSS)测量抑郁影响因素.结果 不同年级女大学生生育价值观除生育价值、生育职责因子得分外,其余因子差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).抑郁发生率为8.72%(45/516),Logistic回归分析结果显示,女大学生抑郁的影响因素为:生活满意度(OR:1.925,95% CI:1.504~2.367)、压力知觉(OR:1.167,95%CI:1.013~1.247)和心理弹性(OR:0.843,95%CI:0.715~0.968).结论 女大学生新政策环境下的生育价值观有所变化,抑郁发生现状值得重视,抑郁影响因素涉及多方面.高校、医院、社会应针对干预,以减少抑郁发生.  相似文献   

监狱警察工作倦怠、心理健康及两者的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 了解监狱警察的工作倦怠、心理健康状况及两者的关系。方法 采用李超平、时勘修订的Maslach倦怠量表一通用版(MBI-GS)、症状自评量表(SCL-90)对506名监狱警察进行调查。结果 不同教育程度的干警在玩世不恭方面有显著差异;不同年龄组、不同工作年限干警在玩世不恭和职业效能方面有显著差异;被试在SCL-90量表上有五个因子分数高于常模,一个因子分低于常模;情绪衰竭和玩世不恭两个维度与SCL-90各因子显著相关。结论 青年干警是工作倦怠的重点预防和干预对象,心理健康水平的提高和工作倦怠的降低密切联系。  相似文献   

Although sex education programmes are thought to be useful in reachitig people with intellectual disabilities, tbere is very little evidence tbat the material taught is retained by clients. This paper reports data whicb has been collected routinely on a sex education programme. Forty-six subjects were assessed on their level of sexual knowledge in seven areas: parts of the body, masturbation, male puberty, female puberty, intercourse, pregnancy and childbirth, and birth control and venereal disease. They were retested after a 9-month sex education programme and tested again at a 3-month followup. A control group of 14 subjects were tested on two occasions, 4 months apart. There were significant and substantial increases in sexual knowledge on all areas for the experimental group. The control group showed no corresponding increases in knowledge.  相似文献   

Sexual and reproductive health in young people with spina bifida   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study aimed to identify the sexual and reproductive health knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour of young people, aged between 14 and 23 years, with spina bifida who had attended the Spina Bifida Clinic at a tertiary centre in Melbourne, Australia within the past 10 years. Subjects participated in a structured interview and their parents completed a written questionnaire. Fifty-one (55%) of 93 eligible young people and 69 of 97 parents (71%) participated. Most young people were satisfied with the amount of general sex education they had received. However, 95% stated they had inadequate knowledge about sexual and reproductive health relating to spina bifida and 59% of parents considered they had inadequate knowledge. Thirty-nine percent of young people and 30% of parents had discussed sexuality issues with a doctor. However, 93% of young people and 100% of parents said that they would definitely talk about these issues if the discussions were initiated by their doctor. A significant degree of sexual intimacy was reported, with 60% reporting an intimate relationship, and 25% (10 females, three males) reporting sexual intercourse. Thirty-seven percent of females had experienced unwanted sexual attention, and 30% reported unwanted sexual touching. This study suggests that health professionals should pay greater attention to sexual and reproductive health issues in young people with spina bifida.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The authors investigated parental perceptions of social interactions, interest in the opposite sex, sexual functions and issues concerning sex education in young persons with Down's syndrome. The evaluation of the data revealed that more than half of the study population showed interest in the opposite sex and are attending social gatherings. Many of the youngsters had expressed a desire to get married, however, only a few had an interest in sexual relationships. Masturbation was observed in 40% of the young men and in 22% of the young women. About half of the parents feel that their children should be sterilized or should have other forms of birth control if they would be able to reproduce. Only a limited number of adolescents had sex education. More parents who have girls with Down's syndrome than those who have boys are worried that their child may be taken advantage of sexually.  相似文献   

Few studies have considered families' views about adolescents' sexual development. The authors compared attitudes and behaviors of mothers of young people with (n = 30) and without intellectual disability (n = 30). Both groups placed similar importance on dealing with their children's developing sexuality and were similarly confident in doing so. Mothers of young people with intellectual disability held more cautious attitudes about contraception, readiness to learn about sex, and decisions about intimate relationships. Mothers expressed concerns about their children with intellectual disability and sexual vulnerability. They had also spoken about fewer sexual topics with their children and began these discussions when their children were older. The findings can inform more sensitive supports and materials to help families deal with the sexual development of their offspring.  相似文献   

目的 了解50岁以上社区人群高血压与卒中防治知识、态度、行为(Knowledge,Attitude,Practice,KAP)状况。方法 在北京崇文和石景山地区,选择各约5万自然人群的社区,按照整群随机抽样的方法,对1352名年龄≥50岁的非卒中人群中进行卒中危险因素与卒中防治KAP水平的调查。结果 崇文组和石景山组除了在文化程度方面崇文组高于石景山组,差异有统计学意义外(P<0.01),性别、年龄以及血压水平的差异均无统计学意义。知晓高血压诊断标准者崇文组高于石景山组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。知晓高血压可引起脑出血和脑梗死者均在90%左右,并且石景山组高于崇文组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。认为有必要经常测量血压者均在80%以上,差异没有统计学意义(P>0.05)。曾经测量过血压者两组均在90%以上,石景山组高于崇文组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。两组的高血压患者能按医嘱治疗高血压者均超过85%。结论 社区≥50岁人群高血压患病率居高不下,继续广泛开展和加强高血压与卒中防治知识的宣传教育十分必要。  相似文献   

Despite greater emphasis in the last decade on sex education programmes for young people who have learning disabilities, there are few reports of sexual counselling or sex therapy. This case study discusses a married couple who had been married for seven months and who had been together for the previous year. Sexual intercourse had only been achieved on two occasions. This was too low in frequency for both partners. No other problems, such as lack of time in foreplay or insufficient enjoyment of the act itself was mentioned, at this time, by either partner. On the two occasions of sexual intercourse, both partners stated that they had reached orgasm. There were no indications of any difficulties in either partner's sexual history (such as abuse), and their knowledge of sexual matters met the standards of routine education packages for people with learning disabilities. A number of standard measures were amended and used to assess current functioning and to chart progress. For treatment, an approach in two phases was used.  相似文献   

This paper presents an evaluation of the experience of parents of children with learning disabilities who took part in workshops focusing on the sex education needs of parents. Parents' concerns prior to the workshops related particularly to dealing with menstruation and masturbation, and to protecting their children from sexual abuse. The workshop experience gave parents greater awareness of their children's sexual needs and feelings, as well as new and relevant information. A major benefit of attendance at the workshops was the support which parents gained from each other. Issues which need to be addressed to maximise the impact of such workshops include increasing the numbers of parents who attend; ensuring that emotive and painful topics are sensitively facilitated; and the production of suitable sex education resources for parents to use with young people with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

Aspects of sexuality in 70-yr-old men and women were investigated as part of a population study in Gothenburg, Sweden. Seventy-six out of 166 men (46%), and 36 out of 266 women (16%) reported that they still had sexual intercourse. For married men the corresponding figure was 66 out of 128 (52%), and for married women 33 out of 91 (36%). The associations between continued sexual intercourse and marital factors, sexual factors, physical health, personality, mental health and some environmental factors were studied in married subjects and the results were as follows. Men who continued to have sexual intercourse had seldom suffered early parental death, seldom woke up during the night, had better mental health according to a global rating, and had a more positive attitude towards sexual activity among the aged. Women who continued to have sexual intercourse had comparatively young husbands, had no increase in emotional lability during recent years, had low levels of anxiety, had better mental health according to a global rating, had a general feeling of being healthy, judged their marriage to be happy and had positive experience of sexual intercourse and a positive attitude towards sexual activity among the aged.  相似文献   

ABSTRACTBackground: Few studies have looked at healthcare professionals' knowledge of and attitudes to later life sexuality in both Western and Eastern cultures. Here we examine the attitudes and knowledge of Turkish medical doctors toward sexuality in older people.Method: Eighty-seven doctors, from various specialties, who were directly involved in the care of older people, were contacted by post and asked to complete the Turkish version of the Aging Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Scale (ASKAS).Results: A majority of physicians indicated that they had limited information and knowledge regarding sexual health issues in older people (69%). Although a small percentage (14.5%) reported that they "always" discuss sexuality and sexual problems with older patients, the majority (69%) indicated that they "sometimes" raise questions about sexuality with these patients. A high percentage (81%) stated that they would be helpful and receptive should an elderly patient initiate a discussion about sexual issues. Most participants (77%) thought that the patient's gender was of no importance when taking a sexual history. Overall, the responses to ASKAS showed that physicians had limited knowledge but their attitude was positive toward sexuality in the elderly. Female physicians had less knowledge than males and had more negative attitudes toward sexuality in this age group. Total and knowledge subscale scores of ASKAS showed that older physicians had more knowledge than younger physicians but similar attitudes. A comparison of the knowledge and attitude scores of psychiatrists, surgeons and non-surgeons showed no significant difference among the three groups.Conclusion: This study identified a low level of awareness of later life sexuality among Turkish medical doctors. These findings identify a need to improve the education and training of doctors at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels to enable them to provide better sexual health care to older people.  相似文献   

This paper reports some findings from a sex education programme run over the last three years. An experimental group is compared with a control group in terms of acquisition of sexual knowledge and the effectiveness of the service is established in those terms. However, the main bulk of this paper is given over to analysis of changes in attitude in clients following a sex education course. These changes in attitude are illustrated in three areas: naivety towards sexual relationships, attitudes towards heterosexual relationships and attitudes towards homosexual relationships. Attitude change is discussed in terms of the effects that they have on the client's life and their relationships with significant others.  相似文献   

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