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The current study assessed the attitudes of the desire for hastened death in terminally ill cancer patients and whether these are determined by their physical and psychological symptoms. The final sample consisted of 106 terminally ill cancer patients attending a Palliative Care Unit, in University of Athens, Greece, between June and October 2004. Significant associations were found between the desire for hastened death (D.H.D.) and 'pain' (r=0.469, p<0.005), 'fatigue' (r=0.591, p<0.0005), 'loss of appetite' (r=0.622, p<0.0005) and 'feeling sad' (r=0.635, p<0.0005). Statistically significant associations were also found between Schedule of Attitudes towards Hastened Death (SAHD) scores, age (r=0.300, p=0.002) and ECOG (p<0.0005). Twenty-six percent of the patients reported high D.H.D. while 41% reported moderate desire. In the prediction of SHAD the contribution of 'pain' (p=0.011), 'lack of appetite' (p=0.012) and 'sadness' (p=0.011) is high (42% of variance). Further findings suggest that D.H.D. is significantly related to 'feeling sad', 'lack of appetite', 'pain' and 'fatigue' after controlling for age, gender and performance status according to ECOG in terminally ill cancer patients.  相似文献   

Objective: Several studies carried out over the last years show that patients' adjustment is very important to the past experiences of people with cancer. In our study of 96 subjects with cancer, we examined whether patient's working model of attachment anxiety/avoidance and perceptions of social support predicts adjustment to cancer. Methods: All participants filled in a demographic questionnaire, the Relationship Scale Questionnaire (RSQ), the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and the Mental Adjustment to Cancer (MAC). Results: Anxious attachment predicted psychological adjustment: patients with high levels of anxious attachment showed high levels of helplessness/hopelessness and anxious preoccupation (p<0.01, and p<0.05, respectively). With regard to the function of perceived social support, the patient's perception of social support from friends was predictive of both fighting spirit and stoic acceptance (p=0.01, and p<0.001, respectively). Conversely, the patient's perception of support from family members was not predictive of adjustment to cancer. Patients in the advanced stages of the illness showed higher levels of helplessness/hopelessness (p<0.05). Conclusions: Anxious attachment and perceived social support predicted different domains of psychological adjustment to cancer. Perceived support from friends may predict the patient's tendency to consider cancer as a challenge and to take an active role in therapy and recovery, whereas social support from family was not predictive of various states of adjustment to cancer. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Objective: Attachment security has been identified as an important buffer of distress in patients with cancer and other medical illnesses but current measures have not been adapted for this population who may be older, in long‐term stable relationships, and suffering from considerable disease burden. This study reports on (1) the psychometric properties of a modified 36‐item Experiences in Close Relationships scale (ECR), adapted for this population; and (2) the validity of a brief 16‐item version of our modified scale. Methods: A modified ECR (ECR‐M36) was constructed by rephrasing relevant items to refer more generally to people with whom one feels close, instead of specifically in relation to one's romantic partner(s). Patients with metastatic gastrointestinal (GI) and lung cancer completed the ECR‐M36 and other scales tapping self‐esteem, social support, and depressive symptoms on two occasions within a period of 4–6 months. Based on factor analyses of the ECR‐M36, 16 items were selected to form a brief measure (ECR‐M16). Results: Factor analyses of both ECR forms revealed a higher‐order factor structure in which four first‐order factors (Worrying about Relationships, Frustration about Unavailability, Discomfort with Closeness, Turning Away from Others) loaded onto two second‐order factors tapping Attachment Anxiety and Avoidance. Both ECR forms were reliable and valid. Conclusion: The ECR‐M36 and ECR‐M16 are good measures of attachment orientations for use with medically ill, older populations. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this systematic review was to examine studies that have investigated sustaining hope during prognostic and end-of-life issues discussions with terminally ill patients and their families. A comprehensive search of databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsychINFO, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) and handsearching, from 1985 to June 2006, identified 27 studies. This review suggests that the issues surrounding hope in this context are complex. Despite the lack of unanimity among researchers regarding the definition of hope, findings suggest that balancing hope with honesty is an important skill for health professionals (HPs). Many patients seem to be able to maintain a sense of hope despite acknowledging the terminal nature of their illness. Patients and caregivers mostly preferred honest and accurate information, provided with empathy and understanding. Many different sources of hope were identified in this context in broad aspects of life, not just the medical situation. HPs need to recognize this spectrum of hope and appreciate that patients may simultaneously hope for 'cure' while acknowledging the terminal nature of their illness. HPs may help patients to cope with their terminal prognosis by exploring and fostering realistic forms of hope that are meaningful for the particular patient and their family.  相似文献   

Population-based surveys have shown that health-related quality of life (HRQL) is influenced by patients' characteristics such as age, gender, living situation and diagnoses. The present study explores the impact of such factors on the HRQL of severely ill cancer patients. The study sample included 395 cancer patients who participated in a cluster randomised trial of palliative care. Median survival was 13 weeks. HRQL assessments (using the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire) were compared among subgroups of relevant patients' characteristics (ANOVA), and the significance of individual covariates was explored by multivariate linear regression. Most EORTC QLQ-C30 scores showed minor differences between genders. Higher age was associated with less sleeping disturbance, less pain and better emotional functioning. No positive impact of living with a partner was found. Performance status and/or time from assessment to death were significantly associated with most functioning and symptom scores. We concluded that although the overall impact of sociodemographic characteristics may seem less important to HRQL scores among advanced cancer patients than in general populations, age and gender should be allowed for. Performance status and closeness to death also need to be reported.  相似文献   

The impact of attachment style and emotional support on negative affect in 67 end-stage cancer patients was examined via self-report inventory. Path analysis revealed high levels of both attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance were associated with lower levels of emotional support which, in turn, had a major adverse influence on patients' negative affect. In addition, attachment anxiety was also directly associated with distress. The discussion emphasises the importance of attachment theory and emotional support within the context of terminal cancer.  相似文献   

Background: Hereditary breast cancer has a profound impact on individual family members and on their mutual communication and interactions. The way at‐risk women cope with the threat of hereditary breast cancer may depend on the quality of family communication about hereditary breast cancer and on the perceived social support from family and friends. Objective: To examine the associations of family communication and social support with long‐term psychological distress in a group of women at risk for hereditary breast cancer, who opted either for regular breast surveillance or prophylactic surgery. Methods: The study cohort consisted of 222 women at risk for hereditary breast cancer, who previously participated in a study on the psychological consequences of either regular breast cancer surveillance or prophylactic surgery. General and breast cancer specific distress, hereditary cancer‐related family communication, perceived social support, and demographics were assessed. Results: Using structural equation modelling, we found that open communication about hereditary cancer within the family was associated with less general and breast cancer specific distress. In addition, perceived support from family and friends was indirectly associated with less general and breast cancer‐specific distress through open communication within the family. Discussion: These findings indicate that family communication and perceived social support from friends and family are of paramount importance in the long‐term adaptation to being at risk for hereditary breast cancer. Attention for these issues needs to be incorporated in the care of women at risk for hereditary breast cancer. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study examines the association between disease-related factors, perceived social support, attachment security (i.e. attachment anxiety and avoidance), and the occurrence of depressive symptoms in a sample of patients with metastatic gastrointestinal or lung cancer. Results from a sample of 326 cancer outpatients with advanced disease indicate that disease-related factors are significantly associated with the occurrence of depressive symptoms, and the latter are inversely related to the degree of attachment anxiety and avoidance, and perceived social support. Attachment security (on the dimension of anxious attachment) significantly buffered the effect of disease-related factors on depressive symptoms, and perceived social support mediated the relationship between attachment security and depressive symptoms. The buffering effect of attachment security on depressive symptoms and its partial mediation through social support suggest that the interaction of individual, social, and disease-related factors contribute to the emergence of depressive symptoms in patients with metastatic cancer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Preparatory grief encompasses grief for losses that have already occurred, are currently being experienced, and losses that will or might ensue in the future after the death, as a consequence of it. AIM: To examine the relative contribution of demographic and clinical variables in predicting cancer patients' preparatory grief as recorded from the Preparatory Grief in Advanced Cancer Patients (PGAC) scale. Moreover, researchers were interested in determining whether these dimensions were independently and uniquely associated with preparatory grief. METHODS: Two hundred advanced cancer patients treated in a Pain Relief and Palliative Care Unit completed the PGAC scale, while researchers recorded data on demographic characteristics, disease status and treatment regimen. RESULTS: The analyses showed that the most significant correlations were found between preparatory grief and age (r = -0.227, p = 0.001), gender (p = 0.006), family status (p = 0.019), performance status (p = 0.010), surgery (p = 0.029), opioids (p = 0.019), and diagnosis (p = 0.038). In the prediction of preparatory grief, the contribution of age, performance status, history of other surgery, gender and opioids is high. CONCLUSIONS: Awareness of the specific patients' demographic and medical characteristics, such as old age, poor performance status, history of other surgery, female gender, and strong opioids, contribute to the prediction of patients' preparatory grief.  相似文献   

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