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本文用文献计量学的方法,通过ISI的数据,对国际护理类期刊的各项指标进行统计与分析,并从国家、机构和研究重点等角度对论文产出的情况进行分析。与其他学科相比,72种国际护理类期刊的影响因子和总被引频次的平均值偏低,目前JCR还没有收录我国的护理类期刊,且国内研究人员在国际护理类期刊上发表论文较少。 相似文献
国外护理学研究热点分析 总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33
为帮助国内护士了解国外护理研究状况,促进我国护理科研的开展,应用文献计量学方法对权威医学文献检索数据库中收录的护理研究文献进行分析,认为国外护理学研究热点包括六个方面①护理人员对护理知识及临床实践的心理和态度;②护理本科教育的研究;③各类型护士的组织管理及其专业自主性的研究;④母亲对健康的看法及其心理调适;⑤同理心、护患关系对病人满意度的影响;⑥护理理论研究. 相似文献
护理科研论文撰写、发表现状与分析 总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33
目的通过对近年护理论文撰写和发表的现状回顾,探析临床护士开展护理科研、护理论文撰写中的问题、难点和应对方法.方法分析2001~2003年刊于国内3种护理核心期刊的571篇护理论著,调查上海第二医科大学各附属医院近3年来护理论文的撰写与发表情况.结果①所发表论文的内容涉及面较广,以专科护理和基础护理为多(46.76%);属前瞻性研究达38.18%,实验性研究占23.99%.②研究样本数较小,其中小于或等于100的达57.44%;有统计学处理和描述的占58.67%.③有科研基金资助的仅为9.98%.④论文撰写数多,但发表率低(20.51%),在护理核心期刊的刊登率更低(5.13%).结论护理学术论文的内涵质量有待提高,应采取多种措施促进护理科研的发展和提高护理学术论文质量. 相似文献
目的 描述我国非实验性护理研究论文的引文情况,反映非实验性护理研究论文的学术水平及研究者对文献信息吸收利用能力.方法 采用文献计量法通过手工检索对<中华护理杂志>及<实用护理杂志>(于2003年更名为<中国实用护理杂志>)1990~2006年共466期期刊中刊载的2547篇非实验性护理研究论文全文逐篇分析其引文量、普莱斯指数、引文类型、引文来源、引文语种等.结果 非实验性护理研究论文平均引文量为4.4条,随时间推进逐渐增加;普莱斯指数为55.6%;引文类型以期刊文献为主(73.4%),且随时间推进其比例逐渐增加;来源于护理专业以外的其他医学专业的引文所占比例最高(59.1%),来自护理专业的引文所占比例有逐渐增高的趋势;中文语种的引文所占比例最高(73.6%),英文语种引文的比例在整体上呈现逐渐升高的趋势.结论 随着护理专业的发展,护理研究者吸收文献信息的能力逐渐增强,对外文信息的获取能力亟待提高. 相似文献
目的分析PubMed数据库中2009年1月-2019年5月国际护理管理的研究热点,以期对我国护理管理研究提供全面的数据参考。方法将“Nursing Administration Research;Nursing Administration”作为检索词在PubMed数据库中进行系统检索,采用BICOMB 2.0软件对纳入文献进行高频主题词的提取并形成词篇矩阵,使用SPSS 24.0软件对词篇矩阵进行系统聚类分析。结果共纳入1085篇相关文献,获得高频主题词20个,并根据共词聚类结果分析得到5个热点,分别为急救护理管理、护理领导力、护士工作环境、护理人力资源配置以及护理质量。结论通过对国际近10年护理管理研究热点的分析,有助于了解护理管理研究现状及发展走向,为我国护理管理研究提供借鉴及指导。 相似文献
To (a) assess the statistical power of nursing research to detect small, medium, and large effect sizes; (b) estimate the experiment-wise Type I error rate in these studies; and (c) assess the extent to which (i) a priori power analyses, (ii) effect sizes (and interpretations thereof), and (iii) confidence intervals were reported.Design
Statistical review.Data sources
Papers published in the 2011 volumes of the 10 highest ranked nursing journals, based on their 5-year impact factors.Review methods
Papers were assessed for statistical power, control of experiment-wise Type I error, reporting of a priori power analyses, reporting and interpretation of effect sizes, and reporting of confidence intervals. The analyses were based on 333 papers, from which 10,337 inferential statistics were identified.Results
The median power to detect small, medium, and large effect sizes was .40 (interquartile range [IQR] = .24–.71), .98 (IQR = .85–1.00), and 1.00 (IQR = 1.00–1.00), respectively. The median experiment-wise Type I error rate was .54 (IQR = .26–.80). A priori power analyses were reported in 28% of papers. Effect sizes were routinely reported for Spearman's rank correlations (100% of papers in which this test was used), Poisson regressions (100%), odds ratios (100%), Kendall's tau correlations (100%), Pearson's correlations (99%), logistic regressions (98%), structural equation modelling/confirmatory factor analyses/path analyses (97%), and linear regressions (83%), but were reported less often for two-proportion z tests (50%), analyses of variance/analyses of covariance/multivariate analyses of variance (18%), t tests (8%), Wilcoxon's tests (8%), Chi-squared tests (8%), and Fisher's exact tests (7%), and not reported for sign tests, Friedman's tests, McNemar's tests, multi-level models, and Kruskal–Wallis tests. Effect sizes were infrequently interpreted. Confidence intervals were reported in 28% of papers.Conclusion
The use, reporting, and interpretation of inferential statistics in nursing research need substantial improvement. Most importantly, researchers should abandon the misleading practice of interpreting the results from inferential tests based solely on whether they are statistically significant (or not) and, instead, focus on reporting and interpreting effect sizes, confidence intervals, and significance levels. Nursing researchers also need to conduct and report a priori power analyses, and to address the issue of Type I experiment-wise error inflation in their studies. 相似文献8.
刘莉燕 《中华现代护理杂志》2014,(30):3834-3836
目的:了解近年来我国临床路径研究趋势和发展现状,为临床路径的进一步研究和发展提供参考。方法以CMB、CNKI、VIP、万方学术论文数据库为平台,检索我国临床路径研究的相关文献。结果共检索出相关文献4811篇,文献刊载量呈逐年上升趋势,核心文献刊载量1929篇,核心文献刊载比率呈下降趋势;研究内容涉及临床、护理、医院管理、教育培训等多个方面,护理类临床路径相关研究刊载量最大,共1567篇,占32.57%。结论临床路径的相关研究发展迅速,内容向纵深扩展,但各研究领域发展不平衡;临床路径相关配套制度、信息化管理设施不到位,缺乏有效临床路径实施效果评估系统。 相似文献
目的:分析我国手术室护理信息化研究,归纳目前研究的特征及热点,为进一步开展手术室护理信息化研究提供参考。方法:系统检索中国知网、万方数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库和维普网中关于手术室护理信息化的研究,检索时限为建库至2021年3月20日,文献纳入类型设定为定量研究中的实验类研究或类实验研究。采用EndNote 22.0... 相似文献
目的探索并分析当前国际乳腺癌护理领域的现况和热点,为我国乳腺癌护理的进一步研究提供借鉴。方法通过PubMed检索2014—2019年发表的乳腺癌护理文献,利用书目信息数据挖掘系统软件和SPSS 22.0软件进行文献计量及共词聚类分析。结果共纳入文献948篇,提取频次≥13次的高频词40个,聚类分析后获得4个研究热点:药物使用、不良反应管理和护士角色;决策共享和医患沟通;幸存者心理状况和生活质量;知信行模式与早期筛查。结论本研究较为客观真实地反映了国际乳腺癌护理领域的研究热点,为国内该领域研究和资助重点提供了一些方向。 相似文献
目的 对我国居家肿瘤患者的护理状况进行文献回顾和分析,了解其研究现状和存在的问题,为我国居家护理实践和护理科研提供参考。方法 分别以“居家”、“肿瘤”、“护理”为关键词或主题词”对中国知网、万方、维普、中国生物医学文献数据库公开发表的我国肿瘤患者居家护理的相关文献进行检索分析,检索时限为建库至2020年4月。对题名、发表年份、期刊、著者数、第一作者(地域、机构、机构属性)、通讯作者、基金情况、文献类型、研究内容,关键词、资料收集方法等进行统计分析。结果 共获得201篇期刊文献,发文量随年份变化呈递增趋势,纳入期刊发表文献种类众多,共发表在108种期刊上,文献第一作者所属省份地区差异大,以江苏,上海等地居多。有基金支持的文献占比37%,研究类型以类试验性研究为主,研究内容集中于癌痛、PICC、用药和居家宁养等方面。结论 我国肿瘤患者居家护理相关的实验性研究质量相对较差,有待提高,且发文量地域差异大,居家护理实践需借助互联网的独特优势,突破地域限制。同时居家肿瘤患者重点护理问题突出,我国护理管理者应进一步规范相关护理技术规范,保证居家护理的规范性、安全性。 相似文献
Exploratory factor analysis (hereafter, factor analysis) is a complex statistical method that is integral to many fields of research. Using factor analysis requires researchers to make several decisions, each of which affects the solutions generated. In this paper, we focus on five major decisions that are made in conducting factor analysis: (i) establishing how large the sample needs to be, (ii) choosing between factor analysis and principal components analysis, (iii) determining the number of factors to retain, (iv) selecting a method of data extraction, and (v) deciding upon the methods of factor rotation. The purpose of this paper is threefold: (i) to review the literature with respect to these five decisions, (ii) to assess current practices in nursing research, and (iii) to offer recommendations for future use. The literature reviews illustrate that factor analysis remains a dynamic field of study, with recent research having practical implications for those who use this statistical method. The assessment was conducted on 54 factor analysis (and principal components analysis) solutions presented in the results sections of 28 papers published in the 2012 volumes of the 10 highest ranked nursing journals, based on their 5-year impact factors. The main findings from the assessment were that researchers commonly used (a) participants-to-items ratios for determining sample sizes (used for 43% of solutions), (b) principal components analysis (61%) rather than factor analysis (39%), (c) the eigenvalues greater than one rule and scree tests to decide upon the numbers of factors/components to retain (61% and 46%, respectively), (d) principal components analysis and unweighted least squares as methods of data extraction (61% and 19%, respectively), and (e) the Varimax method of rotation (44%). In general, well-established, but out-dated, heuristics and practices informed decision making with respect to the performance of factor analysis in nursing studies. Based on the findings from factor analysis research, it seems likely that the use of such methods may have had a material, adverse effect on the solutions generated. We offer recommendations for future practice with respect to each of the five decisions discussed in this paper. 相似文献
目的:分析国内外护理大数据相关研究,了解其应用现状与发展趋势,为我国护理大数据的发展提供借鉴。方法:以CNKI、万方数据库和Web of Science核心合集收录的护理大数据相关文献为数据来源,检索时限为建库至2019年9月30日。采用Excel软件对文献的发表年份、国家、机构及期刊进行统计分析,采用VOSviewe... 相似文献
AimThis study performed a bibliometric analysis of studies related to mobile learning in the field of nursing education.MethodsThe Scopus database was used to determine the most frequently cited studies on mobile learning in nursing education. VOSviewer and Bibliometrix were employed for bibliometric analysis and visualization. Science mapping and performance analysis was adopted from bibliometric analysis techniques. In addition, a synthetic knowledge synthesis approach was used.ResultsA total of 234 publications were published in 107 sources in 2002–2023. The publications had 8797 citations, an average of 88 citations per publication. In terms of total link strength (TLS), links, a number of articles and citations, the US led all other countries in the field. Regarding authors, Hwang was the most frequently cited authors (n = 348). According to trend topics analysis, the keywords "gamification", "simulation", "attitude", “clinical competence” and "online learning" have emerged in the field.ConclusionResearch on mobile learning in nursing education has been increasing in recent years. The findings of this study can provide new ideas in the applications of mobile learning in nursing education to researchers or nursing faculties in the field. 相似文献
中国内地实验性护理研究发展的研究分析 总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14
目的揭示中国内地改革开放20多年来实验性护理研究的发展现状和局限性,并展望发展趋势.方法以我国核心和引证护理期刊中刊载的实验性护理研究论文为研究对象,采用文献计量学方法.手工查阅<中华护理杂志>(1981~2003年)、<实用护理杂志>(1985~2003年)、<护理学杂志>(2000~2001年)、<护理研究>(2002~2003年)共509期,从中检出实验性护理研究论文1263篇.应用自行编制的资料收集记录表,从作者基本情况,到论文的研究问题、研究对象、研究方法以及存在的局限性等指标进行资料收集,根据统计结果进行描述和分析.结果近十年来中国内地实验性护理研究的发展非常迅速,论文数量快速增长,质量有了长足的进步,实验性护理研究的范围日益扩大,向着多元化方向发展,护理领域的动物实验研究也迈出了可喜的一步,护理科研基金资助课题逐年增加.结论21世纪对广大护理人员提出了许多新的问题和挑战.通过严格规范的科学研究去解决这些新问题,同时加强护理基础理论研究,扩大科研领域的地区、行业协作,构筑学科的理论体系,才能使护理学真正成为一门独立的学科. 相似文献
Derek R. Smith 《International journal of nursing studies》2010,47(12):1491-1499
Although bibliometric analysis affords significant insight into the progression and distribution of information within a particular research field, detailed longitudinal studies of this type are rare within the field of nursing.Objectives
This study aimed to investigate, from a bibliometric perspective, the progression and trends of core international nursing journals over the longest possible time period.Methods
A detailed bibliometric analysis was undertaken among 7 core international nursing periodicals using custom historical data sourced from the Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports®.Results
In the 32 years between 1977 and 2008, the number of citations received by these 7 journals increased over 700%. A sustained and statistically significant (p < 0.001) 3-fold increase was also observed in the average impact factor score during this period. Statistical analysis revealed that all periodicals experienced significant (p < 0.001) improvements in their impact factors over time, with gains ranging from approximately 2- to 78-fold.Conclusions
Overall, this study provides one of the most comprehensive, longitudinal bibliometric analyses ever conducted in the field of nursing. Impressive and continual impact factor gains suggest that published nursing research is being increasingly seen, heard and cited in the international academic community. 相似文献17.
AIMS: To analyse the research published in refereed nursing journals by Australian authors from 1995 to 2000. BACKGROUND: Analysis of the research topics and types of methodologies used by Australian nurse researchers has not been recently undertaken. The study was similar to an analysis of United Kingdom (UK) nursing research between 1988 and 1995 to allow comparison between the two countries. DESIGN: A quantitative approach analysed the research abstracts for the topic researched, source of data, location of data collection, paradigm and methodology used and funding source. RESULTS: A total of 509 articles from 11 generalist Australian and UK nursing journals were analysed. The highest numbers of articles were published in Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing and Journal of Advanced Nursing. The most popular topics were education of nurses (18.7%, n=95) and practice issues relating to patient care (15.3%, n=78). However, scant attention was paid to major Australian health issues. Most research was undertaken in the hospital setting (55.8%, n=247). Data were most often drawn from nurses themselves (40.7%, n=206), followed by patients (25.5%, n=129). Both quantitative (41%, n=203) and qualitative approaches (47%, n=230) were employed. A minority of studies acknowledged any funding (14.9%, n=76). CONCLUSIONS: Research findings need to be applied in practice to improve patient care. Nurse researchers need to publish their findings and align their research interests to meet national health priorities. They need to be involved in setting these health priorities to ensure that nursing has a place in health research. 相似文献
目的描绘国内静脉血栓栓塞症护理研究的发展现状和演变规律,揭示研究热点及前沿。方法检索中国知网和万方数据库自建库至2019年,以"静脉血栓栓塞症"和"护理"为主题的期刊文献,借助CiteSpace软件对其进行文献计量和聚类分析。结果静脉血栓栓塞症护理研究发文量整体呈增长趋势,静脉血栓栓塞症护理研究的方向涉及到高危人群识别和开展预防护理2个方面。其中老年人、关节置换术后患者、恶性肿瘤患者、PICC置管后患者一直是静脉血栓栓塞症预防的研究热点。结论静脉血栓栓塞症护理作为一个专科护理方向正逐渐受到越来越多护理人员的重视与关注。未来研究可探讨有效方法提高护士静脉血栓栓塞症预防知识,制订干预方案,促进"无缺陷"静脉血栓栓塞预防的实现。 相似文献
[目的]分析以家庭为中心的护理(FCC)模式在我国儿科护理的相关研究文献,为该模式的进一步研究和发展提供参考依据。[方法]在中国知网数据库、维普数据库、万方数据知识服务系统、中国生物医学数据库上全面检索从建库至2016年9月30日国内公开发表的有关FCC模式在儿科护理研究的文献,用文献计量学方法分析文献的年份、期刊分布、科研基金资助情况及研究方法。[结果]共纳入文献197篇,总体呈上升趋势,分布在91种期刊上,但核心期刊较少,基金资助率相对较低,研究方法以实验性研究为主。[结论]FCC模式在我国儿科护理研究的应用广泛,但在研究的质量上有待提高。 相似文献