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颈椎过屈性损伤的MRI诊断   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的分析不同程度颈椎过屈性损伤的影像表现,评价MRI表现的意义。方法31例颈椎过屈性损伤,平均年龄32岁,外伤史明确。全部病例在伤后不同时间行MRI扫描,MRI扫描前常规摄颈椎平片,部分行CT扫描。结果31例中17例伤及C4~6椎体,占55%,同时累及2个椎体4例,占13%。影像表现为棘突骨折、椎体前脱位、椎体宽界面压缩骨折、双侧关节突关节脱位、屈曲泪滴样骨折5种类型。MRI同时显示24例后部复合韧带撕裂,3例后纵韧带和5例前纵韧带撕裂,16例椎间盘受压或碎裂变形,23例颈髓受压、形态信号异常,其中3例横断。结论MRI能反映不同程度不同方向的屈曲外力引起的颈椎和脊髓不同程度的病理变化,MRI对脊髓、间盘、韧带等软组织损伤的评价,是判断不同程度颈椎过屈性损伤椎体稳定性及预后的依据。MRI可反映颈椎过屈性损伤全部损伤机制及其病理基础  相似文献   

颈椎过伸性损伤X线片与MRI比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价对比X钱片与MRI对颈椎过伸性损伤的诊断价值。材料和方法:回顾性分析收治入院的53例颈椎过伸性损伤患者的临床特点、X线片、MRI特点。结果:X线片提示损伤34例,占总数的64.15%;MRI表现有推前血肿和水肿、积液、脊髓受压变形、脊髓内水肿、前纵韧带断裂、椎间盘水平性撕裂、椎间盘突出、脊髓部分及完全性横断等以及椎管狭窄、OPLL、颈椎病等,所有患者的MRI均发现不同的损伤征象,还发现7例椎动脉损伤。结论:MRI优良的软组织成像能力使之对于颈椎过伸性损伤的检出、损伤机制和损伤程度描述均优于其他方法,是目前的最佳方法,对治疗方法的选择亦具有很好的指导意义。  相似文献   

颈椎间盘水平性撕裂伤是颈椎过伸性损伤的特征性损伤,由Taylor等于1948年首次经1例尸体解剖证实,表现为颈椎间盘从上位椎体的下终板水平横断性撕裂,多伴有前纵韧带断裂,提示可能存在瞬间脱位,导致脊髓损伤。但普通x线片显示颈椎排列大多正常,容易引起漏诊、误诊。  相似文献   

目的:分析脊髓损伤的中场强MRI信号特征。材料与方法:收集23例不同时期脊髓外伤患者的MRI检查资料。病程从伤后5小时到10年零4个月,脊髓外伤根据病程分为3期:(1)急性期:伤后3天以内;(2)亚急性期:伤后3~14天;(3)慢性期:伤后14天以后。结果:MRI表现包括:脊髓内信号及脊髓形态的改变,椎体及其附件骨折,椎间盘外伤后脱出,椎管狭窄。结论:MRI对脊髓损伤具有较高的诊断价值。  相似文献   

无骨折脱位颈段脊髓损伤的MRI表现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨无骨折脱闰颈段脊髓损伤的机制及MRI表现。方法:收集15例经X线,CT或MRI检查未见骨折脱位的颈段脊髓损伤的病例。所有病例均行矢状位,轴位扫描,均行SE序列T1WI及FSE序列T2WI。结果:7例有颈椎间盘突出,其中40岁以上的有6例,前纵韧带撕裂5例,4例为40岁以上,脊髓受压7例,为突出间盘及肥厚黄韧带压迫所致。所有病例在T2WI均呈现出明显的异常信号。脊髓挫伤,水肿11例,出血1  相似文献   

颈段脊柱损伤的MRI诊断   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 探讨MRI在颈段脊柱损伤中的应用价值。材料与方法 30例颈椎外伤患者行MRI检查。所有患者均行X线检查,其中6例行CT检查。结果 30例中伤及颈5~7占80%,根据MRI表现将颈段脊柱外伤分为5类:单纯压缩性骨折;泪滴性骨折;爆裂性骨折;骨折脱位,无骨折脱位。全部病例MRI均清楚显示伴有脊髓信号的异常,2例可见脊髓断裂。结论 MRI可以对颈椎损伤形态及脊髓、韧带、间盘等软组织损伤作出准确的评  相似文献   

黄韧带骨化脊髓受压性损伤的MRI评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:探讨MRI评价黄韧带骨化(OLF)导致脊髓受压性损伤的意义。材料与方法:对36例OLF患者的MRI及临床表现进行回顾性分析。结果:脊髓轻度受压11例,中度受压16例,重度受压9例,MRI脊髓受压分度与临床症状和体征关系密切,脊髓重度受压者于T2加权像髓内出现高者预后不良。结论:MRI是评价脊髓受压性损伤的可靠方法,髓内局限性T2高信号为脊髓重度损伤的指征,MRI脊髓受压分度在判断脊髓损伤及预  相似文献   

颈椎间盘水平性撕裂伤是颈椎过伸性损伤的特征性损伤[1],由Taylor等[2]于1948年首次经1例尸体解剖证实,表现为颈椎间盘从上位椎体的下终板水平横断性撕裂,多伴有前纵韧带断裂,提示可能存在瞬间脱位,导致脊髓损伤.但普通X线片显示颈椎排列大多正常,容易引起漏诊、误诊[3].因早期缺乏有效固定和正确治疗,约5%~10%出现神经症状的加重[4].自2006年12月至2008年5月,笔者收治15例颈椎过伸性损伤导致的颈椎间盘水平性撕裂伤患者,采用前路椎间盘切除减压Cage置入融合内固定治疗,疗效满意.现报告如下.  相似文献   

颈椎过伸性损伤的X线和MRI诊断谭军万卫平方健贾连顺屠开元尽管颈椎过伸性损伤非常常见,但由于X线技术的限制,常常被漏诊或误诊,而MRI十分适合颈椎过伸性损伤的诊断和评价.一、临床材料与方法1988~1994年我院收治的53例颈椎过伸性损伤患者中,男4...  相似文献   

CT和MRI对颈椎病的诊断价值   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:评价CT、MRI对颈椎病的诊断价值。材料和方法:复习90例颈椎病患者的术前和术后的CT和MRI(86例超低场,4例超导高场)影像,对其骨性结构和椎管内容物进行对比。结果:MRI对颈椎间盘突出的显示优于CT。颈椎管狭窄的CT显示优于MRI。后纵韧带骨化的CT显示优于MRI。MRI对脊髓受压程度的评估优于CT。CT能较好的评估术后减压范围和椎管扩大程度。MRI在术后六个月可用于预测脊髓功能的恢复。结论:CT和MRI对颈椎病的诊断和术后评估很在价值,二者可互为补充。  相似文献   

目的:探讨三维稳态进动快速成像技术(threedimensionfastimagingwithsteadyprecession,3DFisp)磁共振成像技术对急性颈髓的诊断、治疗和对预后估计的价值。方法:对急性颈段脊髓损伤在MRI常规扫描基础上进行颈髓3DFisp技术成像扫描。结果:3DFisp较常规MRI更能全方位更清晰地反映颈髓各种损伤和病理特征。结论:颈髓三维Fisp技术更能准确评估急性颈髓损伤的程度,并能及早对脊髓损伤进行治疗和预后评估。  相似文献   

目的 探讨过伸性颈髓损伤合并颈椎间盘撕裂伤的诊断和前路手术治疗效果.方法 回顾性分析27例过伸性颈髓损伤合并颈椎间盘撕裂伤患者的临床资料,对其年龄分布、临床表现、X线和MRI表现、术中椎问盘损伤情况进行分析.均采用颈椎前路椎间盘切除、椎体间植骨和内固定术,依据术前、术后Frankel分级情况,ASIA运动功能评分(AMS)和改善率评价治疗效果. 结果 所有患者MRI、X线片均提示不同的病理改变,以椎前阴影增宽、椎前间隙增宽、椎间盘突出、脊髓压迫及水肿为突出特点.除1例Frankel A级患者神经功能无明显恢复外,其余患者术后均有1~3个等级的恢复.随访9~32个月,平均17.5个月.与入院时相比,术后2个月和末次随访时AMS明显增高,运动功能恢复率分别为44.9%和68.1%,差异有统计学意义.未见内置物松动、脱落或断裂等并发症,固定节段均获得骨件融合. 结论 MRI和X线检查是过伸性颈椎损伤合并椎间盘撕裂伤的重要诊断手段,一旦诊断明确应行颈椎前路手术治疗,可获得较理想的脊髓功能恢复.  相似文献   

目的 分析急性颈椎外伤的MRI征象,评价MRI在急性颈椎外伤诊断中的价值及限度。方法收集急性颈椎外伤150例,均有MRI检查和X线平片,15例有CT片,采用14个参数进行分析记录。结果150例中MRI检出骨折51个,小关节脱位30个,椎体脱位35个;外伤性椎间盘突出40个,硬膜外血肿2例;脊髓损伤69例;脊髓受压迫20例;前、后纵韧带损伤21例;棘间韧带和黄韧带损伤15例;椎前血肿或水肿30例;椎旁和背侧软组织损伤40例;X线平片发现椎体骨折55个,椎体脱位35个;小关节脱位35例,附件骨折25个,椎前软组织肿胀20例。15例CT均发现骨折,小关节脱位,椎管狭窄。结论MRI在显示脊髓、韧带、椎间盘和软组织损伤方面优于CT和X线平片。MRI能全面反映颈椎各种损伤的病理特征,为评估颈椎稳定性提供充分的依据;MRI和X线片的骨折检出率没有明显差异,CT应该用于复杂的颈椎骨折检查。  相似文献   

A thin band of intermediate signal intensity behind the cervical vertebral bodies, demonstrated on sagittal MR images, was attributed to the anterior longitudinal epidural venous (AEVP). Percentage visualization and clinical significance of this structure were evaluated in extra-axial lesions of the spinal cord. In review of 50 normal controls, the percentage visualization of this structure at each cervical vertebral level was 25.5% on T1 weighted sagittal SE images, while that of T2 or proton density weighted SE images was 26.0%. AEVP was demonstrated by sagittal MRI in 29 of 128 extra-axial lesions of the cervical cord (22.7%), including cervical spondylosis, ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL), herniated disk and spondylosis at a single level. AEVP in these conditions was often thickened compared with normal controls, probably due to venous engorgement and contribution of the dura mater and PLL. Posterior displacement of this structure or "lifted band appearance" indicated herniated disk or posteriorly protruding osteophyte, demonstrating true anteroposterior diameter of the spinal canal. Demonstration of AEVP on sagittal MRI was important in the diagnosis of extra-axial lesions of the cervical cord.  相似文献   

目的 回顾颈椎前路手术中相关神经损伤的常见原因及治疗方法.方法 2008年1月-2009年12月手术治疗859例颈椎病、颈椎后纵韧带骨化症及颈椎外伤行颈椎前路手术患者,对术后出现脊髓损伤症状加重及相关神经损伤的7例患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 859例患者中共5例发生脊髓损伤,发生率为0.58%;1例发生喉返神经损伤,发生率为0.12%;1例发生喉上神经损伤,发生率为0.12%.术后血肿发生脊髓损伤4例,经过清除血肿、甲基强的松龙等药物、高压氧及时治疗,均逐渐恢复至正常;术后发生脊髓损伤症状加重1例,经气管切开、呼吸机支持治疗及激素、高压氧治疗后脊髓损伤症状逐渐恢复至原有水平.术后发生喉返神经、喉上神经损伤患者2例经过激素、脱水等药物保守治疗,术后3个月内均恢复至正常.结论 颈椎病、颈椎后纵韧带骨化症及颈椎外伤患者行颈椎前路手术中均可能发生脊髓损伤及相关神经损伤,如能注意预防和及时治疗,预后较好.
Objective To review the relevant causes for and treatment of nerve injuries in the anterior cervical surgery. Methods From January 2008 to December 2009,859 cages of cervical spondylosis,ossification of cervical posterior longitudinal ligament and cervical spine trauma were treated by anterior cervical surgery.This study retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of seven cases who were with worsened symptoms of spinal cord injury and related nerve injury. Results Of 859 cases,five cases(0.58%)were with spinal cord injury,one(0.12%)with recurrent laryngeal nerve injury and one (0.12%)with laryngeal nerve injury.Hematoma occurred in four cases after surgery caused spinal cord injury and all the four patients recovered to normal after removal of the hematoma and timely treatment with mythylprednisolone and hyperbaric oxygen.Cervical spine trauma was worsened in one patient after the anterior cervical surgery.The patient restored to its original level of spinal cord gradually through some measures such as tracheotomy,ventilator support,hormone therapy and hyperbaric oxygen treatment.Laryngeal nerve injuries in two cases recovered to normal after conservative treatment with hormone,dehydration and other drugs within three months after surgery. Conclusions Anterior cervical surgery of cervical spondylosis,ossification of cervical posterior longitudinal ligament and cervical spine trauma are likely to induce the related nerve damage.The good prognosis can be obtained under timely prevention and treatment.  相似文献   



The incidence of cervical spine injuries in suicidal hangings with a short-drop has been reported to be extremely low or non-existent. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and pattern of cervical spine injuries in suicidal hanging.


A retrospective autopsy study was performed and short-drop suicidal hanging cases with documented cervical spine injuries were identified. This group was further analyzed with regard to the gender and age of the deceased, the position of the ligature knot, the presence of hyoid–laryngeal fractures, and the level of cervical spine injury.


Cervical spine injuries were present in 25 of the 766 cases, with an average age of 71.9 ± 10.7 years (range 39–88 years). In 16 of these 25 cases, the ligature knot was in the anterior position. The most common pattern of cervical spine injury included partial or complete disruption of the anterior longitudinal ligament and widening of the lower cervical spine disk spaces, associated with absence of hyoid–laryngeal fractures.


Cervical spine injuries are not commonly found in short-drop suicidal hanging, occurring in only 3.3 % of all observed cases. Cervical spine injury may be occurring in 80 % of subjects aged 66.5 years and above. The most common pattern of cervical spine injury included anterior longitudinal ligament disruption of the lower cervical spine, disk space widening, and no vertebral body displacement. These injuries were mainly associated with an anterior knot position, and may be a consequence of loop pressure to the posterior neck and cervical spine hyperextension.  相似文献   


Aim of work

The aim of this work is to assess the role of multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in evaluation of spinal trauma.

Patients and methods

Between January 2013 and April 2014, 98 patients (78 males and 20 females) with spinal injuries were investigated by MDCT and MRI. Assessment of the radiological findings of spinal injury was performed and the following were investigated: vertebral compression fractures, bursts and dislocations, posterior element fractures, C1 and C2 lesions, vertebral listhesis, bone marrow edema, spinal canal compression, disk herniation, extradural hematoma, spinal cord contusions, spinal cord swelling and posterior ligamentous complex injuries.


A total of 271 lesions were diagnosed as follows: 217 lesions were diagnosed using MRI alone, 1 54 lesions were diagnosed using MDCT alone and 100 lesions were diagnosed using MRI and MDCT conjointly. By using MRI 117 more lesions were detected than using MDCT. MRI was significantly superior to MDCT in the diagnosis of bone marrow edema, posterior ligamentous complex injuries, disk herniations, spinal canal compressions, and spinal cord contusions and edema. In cervical spine injuries, MRI was useful for the evaluation of the supporting ligaments and the spinal cord after the patient has been stabilized. The average times required to perform CT and MRI were 1.38 ± 19.83 and 2.00 ± 19.58 days, respectively; this difference was significant (p?0.05) according to the Mann–Whitney test.


MRI was significantly superior to MDCT in the diagnosis of bone marrow edema, posterior ligamentous complex injuries, disk herniations, spinal canal compressions, and spinal cord contusions and edema. In cervical spine injuries, MRI was useful for the evaluation of the supporting ligaments and the spinal cord after the patient has been stabilized.MDCT and MRI are complementary to each other in evaluation of spine injuries.  相似文献   

目的探讨CT、MRI对脊髓型颈椎病(CSM)的诊断价值。方法对32例CSM患者的CT、MRI资料进行回顾性分析。结果 32例患者中,CT显示骨性椎管狭窄5例,其中先天性狭窄3例,椎体缘骨质增生22例,钩突和关节突关节增生20例,有不同程度椎间盘突出23例,后纵韧带及项韧带钙化13例。MRI显示椎间盘突出、变性28例,后纵韧带增厚21例,黄韧带增厚7例,全部病例脊髓不同程度受压,其中脊髓变性6例。结论 CT、MRI是重要的检查CSM的方法,能为临床治疗提供确切依据。  相似文献   

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