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目的:明确农村患者医疗服务机构级别选择偏好,为引导患者就医流向与规范就医选择提供依据与建议。方法:运用Excel 2013对麻城市2012—2014年新农合患者门诊及住院数据进行处理和分析,并运用SPSS 22.0对不同类型人群就诊机构选择差异进行卡方检验。结果:农村患者对于门诊服务偏好选择村级医疗机构,但占比由2012年的67.17%降到了2014年的37.35%;住院服务患者偏向选择县级医疗机构,50.10%的患者住院直接选择县级医疗机构。65岁及以上患者门诊选择村级医疗机构比例达到63.45%;乡镇卫生院服务能力低的地区,仅22.78%的具有选择偏好的门诊患者选择乡级医疗机构。结论:农村患者在门诊选择时更倾向于村级医疗机构,但选择村级机构的偏好逐年下降,而住院机构选择更倾向于县级医疗机构,患者在较高级别医疗机构就诊偏好逐年升高,老年患者更倾向于利用基层医疗机构服务,乡镇卫生院服务能力对门诊患者的选择影响较大。患者就医机构选择存在不合理性,呈现趋高态势。  相似文献   

目的了解当前江苏省农村老年人对医疗资源的利用情况及其影响因素,为政府适度调整医疗资源的分配,帮助农村老年人更好地利用医疗资源提供数据支持。方法利用SPSS20.0对2011—2012年进行的有关江苏省农民就医行为与农村医疗服务体系的问卷调查数据进行分析。结果在对门诊治疗的机构选择中,53.8%的选择在村卫生室看病;在对住院治疗的机构选择中,有过住院经历的69.4%选择在县级及以上住院。42.2%接受过预防保健服务。在上年度参加新农合的过程中,有85.0%报销过1次。老年人的就医机构选择收到诸多因素的影响,性别、受教育程度、经济收入水平等个人特征,以及医疗制度和就医环境等都会影响农村老年人对于医疗资源的利用。正规医疗机构相较于非正规医疗机构治疗花费较多,使得老年人更愿意选择非正规医疗机构就诊。文化程度、家庭经济因素、就医机构距离因素和新农保报销因素对于农村老年人医疗资源的利用有很大的影响。结论政府应进一步改进农村医疗保障制度,对于农村老年人制定更多的费用补偿机制,使农村老年人能够更好地利用医疗资源。  相似文献   

[目的]分析患者门诊服务和住院服务的就医机构选择意愿,探讨其影响因素,为引导患者有序就医、完善分级诊疗提供参考依据。[方法]采用典型抽样方法,根据经济发展水平和医疗改革效果的代表性选取浙江省D县、安徽省F县及贵州省Y县县级医院就诊的患者共1080例进行问卷调查,运用卡方检验、秩和检验及多因素Logistic回归分析影响其就医机构选择的因素。[结果]门诊就医机构选择中,75.12%的患者选择基层医疗机构,14.66%选择县级及以上医院,10.22%选择药店;住院就医机构选择中,90.82%的患者选择县级医院,7.66%选择市级及以上大医院,1.51%选择基层医疗机构。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄、户口性质、家庭年收入、有无转诊经历、对分级诊疗的态度是患者门诊服务时就医机构选择的因素(P<0.05);年龄、家庭年收入、对分级诊疗的态度是影响患者住院服务时就医机构选择的因素(P<0.05)。[结论]患者门诊选择基层医疗机构、住院选择县级医院意愿高,门诊和住院就医机构选择的影响因素并不完全一致,在分级诊疗的推进中,应根据门诊和住院患者不同需求的影响因素精准施策,引导...  相似文献   

目的 了解慢性病共病对中国老年人就医机构选择行为的影响,为优化就医秩序、增强基层慢性病管理能力提供理论依据。方法 收集2020年中国家庭追踪调查数据(CFPS)中4 508名≥60岁老年人的相关数据,应用Stata 17.0统计软件采用Probit回归模型和倾向得分匹配(PSM)方法分析慢性病共病对中国老年人就医机构选择行为的影响。结果 中国4 508名≥60岁老年人中,慢性病共病者748例,慢性病共病率为16.59%;选择基层医疗机构就医者2 536人(56.26%),选择非基层医疗机构就医者1 972人(43.74%)。在控制了性别、年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、户籍类型、月退休金、就医满意度、是否参加医疗保险、与子女的感情、子女是否提供经济支持、子女是否提供照料支持、自评健康状况、健康变化情况、近2周是否身体不适和是否能自我照顾等倾向、使能、需求因素后,Probit回归分析结果显示,中国慢性病共病老年人更倾向于选择非基层医疗机构就医(β=–0.130,95%CI=–0.237~–0.022);慢性病共病对老年人就医选择的平均处理效应估计结果显示,使用K近邻匹配、核匹配和半径匹配3种方...  相似文献   

目的 了解我国城乡居民就医行为差异及其影响因素,为政策实施提供参考。方法 基于2020年全国家庭追踪调查数据,运用Stata 17.0对调查对象的基本情况进行描述性分析、χ2检验、二元logistic回归和Shapley值分解。结果 13 570名调查对象中,城乡居民选择基层医疗机构的比例分别为43.01%和65.61%,选择医院的比例分别为56.99%和34.39%。Logistic回归结果显示,年龄、文化程度、年工作收入、自评健康状况、半年内是否有慢性疾病、就医条件满意度、就医点医疗水平和医保报销比例是影响城乡居民就医行为的共同因素(P<0.05)。结论 城乡居民就医行为存在差异,农村居民基层就诊率更高。政府需关注不同群体之间的就医差距,提供更多元化的医疗服务。建议对农村居民定期进行健康宣传教育,从媒体层面加强城镇居民对分级诊疗的宣传力度,改变城乡居民就医观念;继续加强基层医疗机构对于慢性病的健康管理;提升基层医疗服务能力,进一步扩大不同等级医疗机构的报销比例差距,对基层医疗机构实行差异化激励。  相似文献   

目的分析北京市医保高血压患者门诊就医机构选择现状及其影响因素, 为推动高血压慢性病的分级诊疗、引导患者基层就诊提供依据。方法提取2019年4月至2020年1月北京市基本医疗保险数据库中所有门诊高血压患者就医数据, 分析患者的主要人口学特征、患者门诊就医机构的选择及其影响因素。组间比较采用χ2检验, 影响因素采用多因素logistic回归分析。结果共纳入高血压患者284.21万例, 其中39.03%仅在基层医疗机构门诊就医, 5.16%仅在二级医疗机构门诊就医, 17.34%仅在三级医疗机构门诊就医, 其余38.47%在两种及以上类别的医疗机构门诊就医。影响北京市医保高血压患者门诊就医选择的因素包括性别、年龄、医保类型、居住地、中草药使用、中成药使用、多重用药、门诊化验检查需求。结论目前北京市医保高血压患者基层就诊格局已初步形成, 但影响患者门诊就医机构选择的因素较多。未来应进一步优化医疗资源配置, 推动医保支付方式改革, 加强基层医疗机构建设, 拓展家庭医生签约覆盖面, 引导患者基层就诊。  相似文献   

目的了解我国贫困老年人群的卫生服务需求和利用现状及其影响因素。方法利用2015年中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)全国数据,以国家贫困线标准筛选4041名贫困老年人作为研究对象,分析其卫生服务需求和利用的现状,运用Andersen健康行为模型和两部模型法,从倾向特征、能力资源和需要因素等方面分析我国贫困老年人门诊服务利用的影响因素。结果所调查的贫困老年人过去一个月的患病率为15.5%,慢性病患病率为78.8%,而就诊率仅为12.0%,应就诊未就诊比例高达86.7%,门诊费用中位数为350元。两部模型结果显示,个人特征、地区及家庭因素、身体健康状况及健康行为是影响贫困老年人是否就诊的主要因素,而疾病严重程度是影响患者就诊费用的最重要因素。贫困老年人的非条件门诊期望费用为183元,自评健康差的老人比自评健康一般或好的老人分别高出249元和336元,比患有慢性病和ADL功能受损的贫困老人门诊费用分别高119元和89元。结论我国贫困老年人的门诊服务需求较高,但利用不足。应从倾向特征、能力资源和需要因素提高老年人卫生服务利用以改善健康状况,尤其重点关注高龄、低教育程度、非在婚、自评健康状况差、慢性病患者和ADL功能受损贫困老年人的卫生服务利用,发展针对性的养老保险和医疗救助制度,同时持续扩大医保报销范围、提高报销比例,完善贫困落后地区的医疗卫生服务体系。  相似文献   

目的 分析我国居民就医机构选择及影响因素,并探讨倾向特征、使能资源和需求因素的贡献程度,为引导居民合理就医提供科学依据。方法 利用2018年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据,建立Anderson卫生服务利用模型,运用Stata 16.0软件进行统计描述、χ2检验、二元Logistic逐步回归分析和Shapley值分解。结果 23359名调查对象中,14298名(61.21%)居民选择基层医疗机构就诊。Logistic回归结果显示,60岁及以上、文化程度低、农村、年工作收入低、参保新农合、认为看病点诊疗水平一般或差、健康状况好、半年内未确诊慢性病、一年内未因病住院、自付医疗费用低的居民更倾向于选择基层医疗机构就诊(P<0.05)。Shapley值分解结果显示,Anderson模型各维度对居民就医机构选择的解释贡献率依次为使能资源(49.57%)、倾向特征(27.18%)、需求因素(23.25%),影响较大的变量是文化程度(25.50%)、居住地(15.13%)和医疗保险类型(13.47%)等。结论 居民就医机构选择的影响因素中,使能资源维度解释力度最大,影响最...  相似文献   

目的:回顾医改前后我国居民门诊服务就医行为的变化,分析医疗卫生体系发展对就医行为的影响。方法:将2008年和2013年国家卫生服务调查的家户数据和各调查县(区)的医疗卫生服务体系数据对接,采用两水平零膨胀负二项回归分析医疗卫生体系对居民门诊医疗服务利用行为的影响,采用两水平多项logit模型分析医疗卫生体系对居民门诊医疗机构选择行为的影响。结果:卫生院(社区中心)和县(区)千人口执业医师的增加会提高患者的就诊次数,卫生院(社区中心)的作用更大。卫生院(社区中心)卫生资源的增加,可提高基层医疗机构的就诊率。结论:基层医疗卫生机构的卫生资源投入,对改善居民医疗服务利用、合理引导居民就医机构选择起到关键作用。  相似文献   

目的:分析医保差异化报销政策下北京市居民就医流向的影响因素,为促进与完善分级诊疗制度提供理论依据和政策参考。方法:自行设计调查问卷对北京市550位参保人进行随机抽样调查,采用单因素分析和二元Logistic回归模型,探究差异化医保报销下居民就医选择偏好及影响因素。结果:若参保人因常见病或多发病就医,门诊或者住院实施差异化医保报销政策时,分别有63.82%和59.09%的参保人认为该政策会影响其门诊或住院行为。家庭人均可支配收入、基层服务能力对居民在差异化医保报销政策下的就医选择行为有显著作用(P<0.05)。结论:差异化医保补偿方式对居民基层就诊和住院有一定引导作用,但鉴于目前医保报销比例差距不明显,且易受个体经济状况、倾向特征和不同等级医疗机构服务质量异质性的影响,该政策不足以引导居民合理就医。  相似文献   

目的了解退休对老年人医疗服务利用的影响。方法基于模糊断点回归模型,利用中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)2013年、2015年数据,使用两阶段最小二乘法(2SLS)分析退休对门诊服务、住院服务、自我治疗以及医疗服务满意度的影响,并分析退休对老年人的健康、健康行为、收入和时间成本的影响机制。结果本研究共纳入2044个男性老年人样本,退休率在60岁出现了明显跳跃。门诊服务利用方面,退休减少了14%的门诊放弃率,看医生的次数每月增加0.3次以上,门诊就诊率提高14%,门诊自付费用占总费用的比重增加42.3%。住院服务利用方面,退休使得放弃住院率增加13.4%。自我治疗方面,退休后男性老年人自我治疗总费用和自付费用显著增加。医疗服务满意度方面,退休后的老年人降低了对本地医疗服务的质量、成本和方便程度的满意度。从影响机制上看,退休后个体生理健康、心理健康、自评健康均呈下降趋势,其中退休后其认知功能、日常生活能力、生活满意度明显下降,患慢性病病种数量增加9.8%、患抑郁的风险增加9.1%、自评健康下降49.8%。退休后社交参与率和吸烟概率显著上升。退休后随着时间成本变化私营部门员工门诊放弃率、住院放弃率相较于公共部门显著下降。结论退休后男性老年人医疗服务利用呈上升趋势。退休通过对健康和健康行为产生负面影响,降低就医时间成本来促使个体提升医疗服务利用。相关部门应采取措施提高就医服务的便捷性、可及性以及满意度,进一步完善社会保障体系,并关注劳动者和退休人员身心健康,保障不同部门职工休息休假的权利,加强健康教育以促进健康行为,为推动健康老龄化、保障老年人医疗服务利用提供重要基础。  相似文献   

The growth of healthcare expenditure provokes constant comments and discussions, as countries battle the issues on cost containment and cost effectiveness. Prior to 1978, medical institutions in China were either state‐owned or were collective public hospitals. Since 1978, China has been trying to rebuild its healthcare system, which was destroyed during the ‘cultural revolution’, allowing private medical institutions to deliver healthcare services. As a result, private medical institutions have grown from 0% to 28.57% between 1978 and 2010. In this context, we compare outpatient healthcare expenditures between public and private medical institutions. The central problem of this comparison is that the choice of medical institution is endogenous. So we apply an instrumental variable (IV) framework utilizing geographic information (whether the closest medical institution is private) as the instrument while controlling for severity of health and other relevant confounding factors. Using China's Urban Resident Basic Medical Insurance Survey 2008–2010, we found that there is no difference in expenditure between public and private medical institutions when IV framework is used. Our econometric tests suggest that our IV model is specified appropriately. However, the ordinary least square model, which is inconsistent in the presence of endogenous regressor(s), reveals that public medical institutions are more expensive. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examined for the presence of moral hazard among those covered by medical benefits or insurance schemes, whether provided for by employers or privately purchased and stratified by health care provider sector in Hong Kong. Data for this study were derived from the 2002 Thematic Household Survey, covering 24,610 non-institutional residents aged 15 and over, representing 5,353,666 persons after applying population weights. Zero-inflated Poisson or negative binomial models were constructed to examine the association between predisposing, need and enabling factors with inpatient and outpatient utilisation patterns as per Andersen's health behavioural framework. Individuals with insurance or medical benefits were more likely to have been ever admitted in the previous year but did not incur more bed-days. Similarly, those who were covered by insurance or medical benefits had a higher probability of ever visiting a doctor in the previous month but not consuming more episodes. These findings were consistent across the public and private sectors. We propose that our observations mostly reflected realised access that met genuine health need rather than inappropriate overuse of services. A supply-driven public sector and high out-of-pocket co-payments for private services likely explained these findings.  相似文献   

Despite efforts to create a universal, single-tiered Irish health system, an unequal "two-tiered" system persists. The future blueprint for Irish health care, Sláintecare, recommends a separation of public and private hospital treatment. This study examines patterns of overall and private hospital utilisation in Ireland that could help identify some of the impacts of the proposed separation of public and private hospital treatment. Using data from EU-SILC (2016) (n = 10,131) the factors associated with inpatient hospitalisation and private inpatient hospitalisation are estimated using probit models.Unsurprisingly, those who are economically inactive are more likely to have had an inpatient stay. Furthermore, those aged over 65, with a chronic illness, with a medical/ GP visit card and private health insurance and those with only private health insurance are also more likely to have had an inpatient stay. Those with only primary education are less likely to report an inpatient stay in private hospital. Those aged over 25 and less than 65, those with a medical/ GP visit card and private health insurance and those with only private health insurance are significantly more likely to opt for a private hospital. Understanding overall and private hospital utilisation patterns is imperative for implementing universal health care and associated resource planning and fulfilling policy recommendations.  相似文献   

深圳市践行"以人为本的一体化服务"模式,探索建立"区域医疗中心+基层医疗集团"为主体的整合型医疗卫生服务体系,推动全市按照网格管理组建20家基层医疗集团,通过做强社区健康服务机构、做实家庭医生服务和优化基本公共卫生服务,建立医保、价格、财政和人事薪酬等综合激励机制,成为支撑居民健康守门人制度的强大后盾;并与23家区域医疗中心联网组团运营,形成医教研协作共同体。2018年,深圳市区属医疗机构和社会办基层医疗机构诊疗量占比为74.42%,主要健康指标达到国际发达国家水平,居民个人卫生支出占卫生总费用的比例为14.42%,医疗费用处于全国较低水平。在构建整合型医疗卫生服务体系过程中,关键要以综合改革推动医疗卫生资源下沉,以"院办院管"体制强化医联体建设,以激励机制促进医疗卫生服务高质量发展,以基层服务体系托起全民健康的基石,以加强全科医生队伍建设作为改革重点。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe factors associated to inequalities in access to health care services and utilization for the elderly. METHODS: Study part of the Health, Well-being and Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean ("SABE") Survey that included 2,143 elderly individuals aged 60 or older in the city of S?o Paulo, southeastern Brazil, in 2000. A two-step sampling procedure with probability proportional to size was carried out using census tracts with replacement. To achieve the desired number of respondents aged 75 or older, additional households close to the selected census tracts were sampled. Access to health services and utilization were measured for outpatient and hospital services during a 4-month period prior to the interview, and correlated to factors related to ability, need and predisposition (total income, schooling, health insurance, reported medical condition, self-perception, gender and age).Multivariate logistic regression was performed in the analysis. RESULTS: Of all respondents, 4.7% reported being hospitalized and 64.4% seeking outpatient care in the four months prior to the study. As for public outpatient care provided, 24.7% were in hospital clinics and 24.1% in other public outpatient services. As for private care, 14.5% received care in hospitals and 33.7% in health clinics. The multivariate analysis showed an association between health service utilization and sex, medical condition, self-perceived health, income, schooling, and health insurance. However, an inverse effect was found for the variable "schooling". CONCLUSIONS: The study results show inequalities in access to health services and utilization as well as a deficient health care system. Public policies should take into account the specific needs of the elderly population to facilitate access to health care services and reduce inequalities.  相似文献   

This paper develops an empirical strategy to estimate whether subsidies to private medical insurance are self-financing in countries where public and private insurance coexist and the latter covers the same treatments as the former. We construct a simulation routine based on a micro-econometric discrete choice model that allows us to evaluate the impact of premium changes on the utilization of outpatient and inpatient health care services. As an application, we estimate the budgetary effects of scrapping a subsidy from the purchase of individual private policies, using micro-data from Catalonia. Our results suggest that the subsidy is not self-financing. This result is driven by the fact that private medical insurance holders make concurrent use of public and private services, and by the price inelasticity of the demand for private policies.  相似文献   

目的:评价南京区级公立医院医药价格改革方案的合理性和可行性。方法:通过对南京市区级公立医院医药价格改革前后医疗费用数据的测算调研,模拟分析医保基金支出等重点指标的变化。结果:已试点的江宁区医院门诊和住院次均费用均下降,个人负担率住院持平、门诊有升有降。经模拟测算,即将推进改革的其它4个区级医院门诊和住院药占比、次均门诊费用均有所下降,次均住院费用上升,住院费用个人负担下降3.21个百分点,住院费用医保统筹基金增加支出占实际基金支出的7.74%。结论:医药价格改革减轻了患者个人负担;医保基金支出增加,风险有待防范;医药价格结构调整趋向合理,医疗技术和医护服务价值得到体现,补偿率偏高地区个人和医保统筹基金支出均增加。建议:破除“以药补医”机制,引导参保人员合理分流,推进医保支付方式改革,医保基金市级统筹、城乡统筹相结合,促进县级公立医院改革良性发展。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To promote access to mental health services, policy makers have focused on expanding the availability of insurance and the generosity of mental health benefits. Ethnic minority populations are high priority targets for outreach. However, among persons with private insurance, minorities are less likely than whites to seek outpatient mental health treatment. Among those with Medicaid coverage, minorities continue to be less likely than whites to use services. AIMS OF THE STUDY: The present study sought to determine if public insurance is as effective in promoting outpatient mental healthtreatment as private coverage for ethnic minority groups. METHODS: The analysis uses data from the 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey to model mental health expenditures as a function of minority status and private insurance coverage. An interaction term between the two highlights any differences in response to private and public insurance coverage. The analysis uses a two stage least squares method to account for endogeneity of insurance coverage in the model. RESULTS: Minorities are less responsive to private insurance than whites in two ways. First, minorities are less responsive to private insurance than to public insurance whereas whites do not show this difference. Second, minorities are less responsive to private insurance than whites are to private insurance. DISCUSSION: Results suggest that there is a difference in the effectiveness of public and private health insurance to encourage use of mental health services. Among minorities but not among whites, those with private coverage used fewer mental health services than those with public coverage. Minorities were not only less responsive to private insurance than public insurance, but among those who were privately insured, minorities used fewer mental health services than whites. These results imply that insurance may not be as effective a mechanism as hoped to encourage self-initiated treatment seeking particularly among minority and other low income populations. IMPLICATIONS FOR HEALTH CARE PROVISION AND USE: These results suggest that increasing private insurance coverage to minority populations will not eliminate racial and ethnic gaps in professional help-seeking for outpatient mental health care. Although the total number of people receiving treatment might increase, these results suggest that whites would seek care in greater numbers than minorities and the size of the minority-white differential might grow. IMPLICATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH: Areas for further research include the impacts of alternative definitions of mental health services, the dynamics of the substitution of inpatient for outpatient mental health care, elucidation of nonfinancial barriers to care for minorities, and determinants of timely help-seeking among minorities.  相似文献   

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