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Individual interviews with 25 nurses and midwives revealed their experiences with providing maternity care in rural Zimbabwe. These first-hand accounts especially illuminate the complexities of providing maternity care in the context of HIV/AIDS. The caregivers described feeling troubled by knowing statistics about the magnitude and high prevalence of HIV (from official sources and the media) while they witnessed the increase in disease and the deaths of women, children and colleagues around them. They expressed frustration with a lack of information regarding the HIV status of their female patients — a situation exacerbated by HIV stigma and poor healthcare organisation. The social relationships between the caregivers and women in the study area sometimes meant that the caregivers did not effectively apply universal precautions, such as use of gloves during births. The situation described by the caregivers emphasises that contextual factors must be addressed to meet the increased demands and challenges of providing maternal healthcare in endemic HIV/AIDS countries such as Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

As part of the Microbicides Development Programme, we conducted formative research to explore gender relations at a site in rural KwaZulu-Natal. We were interested in gender relations and in assessing their implications for emerging female initiated and controlled HIV prevention methods in the form of microbicides. Eleven focus group discussions were conducted with men and women in the community. Participants were asked about decision making about sex, family planning and the use of condoms in heterosexual relationships. Findings suggest that gender relations in the context of HIV are complex. The findings suggest that both men and women feel that the final decision about child-bearing and the use of contraceptives and rests with women since they are the ones who bear the burden of child care. This implies that it is feasible for couples to use women-initiated and controlled methods of HIV prevention.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of a prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV advocacy and mobilization campaign on awareness and knowledge levels within the community. METHOD: We used a knowledge, attitudes and practices survey to collect baseline data in November 2002 and again in July 2004 for evaluation purposes. RESULTS: A total of 351 women attending healthcare services were interviewed each time. The proportion of women aware of the service increased from 48.0% in 2002 to 82.8% in 2004 (OR = 4.9, 95% CI 3.3-7.3, P = 0.001). Exclusive breastfeeding was identified as a mother-to-child transmission risk factor by 27.1% in 2002 and by 55.8% of respondents in 2004 (OR = 2.9, CI 2.1-4.2, P = 0.001). Although most interviewees agreed that the prevention of sexual transmission of HIV was the best strategy for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (88.3% in 2002 and 96.4% in 2004), few reported having ever used a male condom (24.8% in 2002 vs. 29.8% in 2004, P = 0.16). DISCUSSION: Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV strategies at both individual and community level were still insufficiently understood and applied. Targeted educational messages and communication for social change need to be combined. Knowledge, attitudes and practices surveys can be used to monitor programme progress.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report on activities and lessons learned during the first 18 months of a rural programme of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) in Zimbabwe. METHODS: The PMTCT services were introduced in Murambinda Mission Hospital (120 beds), Buhera, in 2001. Programme strategies consisted in recruiting counselling staff, training health professionals, improving mother-child health (MCH) facilities and conducting information, education and communication activities within the community to address HIV/AIDS awareness and stigma. The following components were implemented within MCH services: voluntary counselling and testing of HIV using rapid testing, nevirapine short regimen proposed to all HIV-infected mothers identified and their newborns, support to exclusive breastfeeding for 6- and 18-month mother-child follow-up. Routine monitoring data collected from August 2001 to February 2003 were used to estimate programme uptake. RESULTS: Of 2471 pregnant women using antenatal services, 2298 were pre-test counselled, the acceptance of HIV testing reached 92.9%. Of the women who decided to take an HIV test, 1588 (74.3%) returned to collect their result. Overall HIV prevalence was 20.4% (n = 437); 326 of the HIV-positive women were counselled and 104 (24%) received complete mother-child antiretroviral prophylaxis. CONCLUSIONS: Acceptability of HIV testing after counselling has remained above 90% since the onset of the programme. Collection of test results and mother-child follow-up are among the most challenging activities of the programme. A district approach and community participation are critical to develop PMTCT programmes in rural settings, even with reasonably good MCH services.  相似文献   

The external environment of an organisation influences the desired goals and interventions of that organisation in many ways. However, strategies for influencing the external context to create a more enabling environment for the interventions of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are often inadequately addressed. This article draws on an empirical multiple-case study conducted in 2007/08 of four NGOs providing HIV-prevention services to young people in several low-resource, high-HIV-prevalence communities in Cape Town, South Africa. In an earlier study, young people reported that the external environment hampered their ability to institutionalise HIV-prevention messages. The current study explored how the NGOs endeavoured to influence the external environment, and the challenges they faced. The findings show that the NGOs practised a combination of strategies, encompassing inter-organisational relationships, influencing policy, and championing by example. Key constraints to their influencing practices included fear of losing legitimacy as a service provider; inadequate knowledge, skills and opportunity; perceived deviation from their usual work; inadequate funding; conflicts over values and messages; and a habit of focusing more on young people's individual behaviours and less on context. The development management task of influencing the external environment to create an environment more conducive to HIV prevention seemed constrained mainly because: 1) donors focused on funding and monitoring the activities they were interested in and conceptualised as HIV-prevention services; 2) NGO efforts were restricted to programme implementation based on agreed deliverables, thus influencing was mainly confined to championing by example; consequently, 3) ‘influencing efforts’ to create an environment more conducive to HIV prevention were left mainly to young people themselves, who can affect their peers only to a narrow, albeit crucial extent. The external environment thus remains adverse to HIV prevention.  相似文献   

自1981年美国报道第一例艾滋病(AIDS)至今,艾滋病已在世界范围内迅速蔓延,成为威胁人类生存的重大传染病。全球现存HIV/AIDS患者近4000万人。通过各国研究人员28年的不懈努力,已在艾滋病的病毒学、流行病学、免疫学、分子生物学和临床治疗方面取得了重大突破,特别是1996年高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(highly active antiretrovival therapy,HAART)的出现,极大地改写了HIV/AIDS患者的疾病进程,艾滋病从不治之症成为了一种可以医治的慢性传染病。  相似文献   

This study explored the food challenges facing people living with HIV/AIDS in Tsholotsho, Zimbabwe. Tsholotsho is a socio-economically disadvantaged, rural district in Zimbabwe and has one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in the country. For this study, face to face in-depth interviews were held with men and women living with HIV/AIDS. The findings of the study indicate that the economic situation in the country coupled with the lack of adequate rainfall has posed challenges to the ability of HIV/AIDS patients to maintain a healthy diet. In addition, there were concerns about the departure of non-government organisations which used to provide them with food parcels. The interviews also reveal that indigenous foods are being replaced by processed foods that are less healthy. Lack of employment opportunities and safety networks were some of the other factors leading them to experience food challenges in their everyday lives particularly in terms of access. As food security and good nutrition are key for maintaining physical and emotional health, the cumulative effects of these factors create a difficult environment to access food.  相似文献   

When human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) are framed within an intersectional approach, they have the potential to transform understandings of social justice within the curriculum and education policy and practice in general. Yet, this transformative potential is often hampered by official narratives that fail to position HIV and AIDS as an integral component of overlapping systems of oppression, domination and discrimination. This article explores how official HIV and AIDS narratives tend to promote systemic injustice and inequality within education policy and practice in both Scotland and Zimbabwe, despite their good intents. We frame our argument within a transformative education discourse which seeks to create participatory and emancipatory HIV-related messages at school, tertiary and community levels. Using a narrative enquiry design, a Foucauldian theoretical lens was used to analyse the narratives derived from key informant responses, supplemented by analysis of key documents that deal with HIV and AIDS in both Scotland and Zimbabwe. Four broad narratives emerged: the ‘Gay’ Narrative; the Migration Narrative; the Conspiracy Narrative; and the Religious Narrative. We discuss how each of these narratives entrench stigma across both developed and developing world contexts, and propose how a more intersectional interpretation would contribute to a deeper and less stigmatizing understanding of HIV, thus offering more useful insights into related policy and educational practices. This article will thus contribute to the growing body of intersectional HIV and AIDS knowledge that is relevant for schools, teacher education, public health and community settings, not only in the countries studied, but the world over.  相似文献   

Haney E  Singh K 《AIDS care》2012,24(7):877-885
The AIDS epidemic has contributed to a drastic increase in the number of orphans in Zimbabwe. Female adolescent orphans are particularly in jeopardy of contracting HIV due to disadvantages including extreme poverty, low education, and the absent of parental oversight which can lead to higher risk-taking sexual behaviors. By understanding where girls receive education about HIV and who they rely on for information, organizations can effectively modify existing programs to better target this at-risk population. For this study a household survey was conducted which included 216 orphans and 324 non-orphans (n=540), aged 12-17 years, in the resource-poor setting of Hwange District, Zimbabwe. The aims of this article were to examine the differences between orphans and non-orphans in HIV prevention message exposure, level of motivation for learning about HIV, and communication with caregivers about safe sex. The household survey revealed that younger orphans, aged 12-15 years, were more motivated to learn about HIV and had greater HIV messaging exposure in school than non-orphans. These exposure and differences in the levels of motivation between groups dissipated at older ages. Our research also discovered less caregiver communication among orphans than non-orphans. Our findings suggest that HIV programs targeting orphans need to do a better job at keeping older orphans interested in HIV prevention at a time when it matters most. Furthermore, intervention strategies that provide caregiver support are instrumental in effectively delivering prevention messages to girls at home.  相似文献   

Despite current efforts to combat HIV/AIDS through behavioural change, ingrained socio-cultural practices such as widow inheritance in south-western Uganda has not changed. Low education, unemployment, dowry, widows' socioeconomic demands and the inheritor's greed for the deceased's wealth, influence widow inheritance. Voluntary counselling and testing is needed for the widows and their inheritors; formal dowry should be removed from marriage and widow inheritance stripped of its sexual component.  相似文献   

Reif S  Golin CE  Smith SR 《AIDS care》2005,17(5):558-565
Many HIV-positive individuals face multiple barriers to care and therefore frequently experience unmet medical and support services needs. Rural areas often lack the infrastructure to support the delivery of comprehensive HIV services; however, few studies have examined service barriers faced by rural residents with HIV/AIDS, particularly in the South where two-thirds of people living with HIV/AIDS in rural areas reside. We surveyed North Carolina HIV/AIDS case managers (N = 111) employed at state-certified agencies regarding barriers to medical and support services that influence medication adherence for their rural and urban-living clients. For each of the seven barriers assessed (long travel for care, HIV-related stigma, and a lack of transportation; HIV-trained medical practitioners; housing; mental health services and substance abuse treatment), a substantial proportion of case managers (29-67%) reported it was a 'major problem'. For five of the seven barriers, rural case managers were significantly more likely to identify the barrier as a 'major problem'. Multivariate analysis revealed that rural case managers and case managers with more female clients reported a greater number of barriers. Because unmet medical and support service needs may result in poorer outcomes for HIV-positive individuals, barriers to these services must be identified and addressed, particularly in rural areas which may be highly underserved.  相似文献   

Statement of Retraction The following article has been retracted from publication in SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, 2010, volume 7, issue 1: “To tell or not to tell: Managing HIV/AIDS disclosure in a low-prevalence context” by Adebola A Adedimeji (pages 16-23, DOI 10.1080/17290376.2010.9724951).  相似文献   

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