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Objectives:  Among mood disorders, bipolar disorder (BPD) is often noted to involve the highest rates of suicide attempts and possibly of completion. This study sought to determine whether suicide attempters with BPD exhibit suicide attempts with higher lethality than attempters with major depressive disorder (MDD) and to explore differences in clinical features associated with suicidal acts.
Methods:  Mood disordered suicide attempters were interviewed about Axis I and II diagnoses, lifetime history of suicide attempts, suicidal intent, suicidal ideation, the medical lethality of their most severe suicide attempt, severity of depression, hopelessness, lifetime aggression, and impulsivity.
Results:  The maximum lethality of suicidal acts tended to be higher among BPD attempters compared with those with MDD. However, there were no differences in the number of suicide attempts, intent to die or suicidal ideation. Suicide attempters with BPD reported higher levels of aggression and impulsivity but less hopelessness compared with MDD attempters. These differences could not be explained by Cluster B personality disorder comorbidity. Of note, within the BPD group, but not the MDD group, males reported suicidal acts with higher lethality. Multivariate analyses suggested that risk for more lethal suicide attempts is associated with BPD and male sex and that bipolar males appear to be especially vulnerable to these behaviors.
Conclusions:  Males with BPD make more lethal suicide attempts than females with BPD, an effect not observed among the MDD sample. Our findings suggest that higher rates of suicidal behavior in BPD may be due to a specific effect of BPD on males, leading to more dangerous suicidal behaviors. This effect, together with the larger proportion of males in the BPD group compared with the MDD group may lead to higher rates of reported attempted and completed suicide.  相似文献   

The prevalence of anxiety disorders and associated DSM-III-R diagnoses were measured in a sample of 80 female adolescents aged between 15 to 20 years consulting an outpatient psychiatric service for adolescents. The suicide attempt group (SA) included 40 patients evaluated within 24 h after attempted suicide. This is compared to 40 consecutive patients consulting the same center but without any history of suicide attempt (the no attempt group, NA). The global prevalence of anxiety disorders was similar in both groups (SA: 65% vs. NA: 60%, NS) as was the relative importance of the different disorders in each group, generalized anxiety being the most frequent specific anxiety disorder. The most striking difference between the two groups was in the prevalence of affective disorders in 90% (SA) vs. 32.5% (NA) (P < 0.001), leading to high rates of comorbidity on axis I in the SA group. Of the 24 patients with anxiety disorders who attempted suicide, 21 (95%) fulfilled criteria for associated major depression, compared to five out of 21 (24%) patients with anxiety disorders who had not attempted suicide. Adolescents with anxiety disorders developing major depression are at a high risk for suicide. The depression may be of short duration (less than two weeks) when compared to that of the anxiety disorder (greater than six months). To improve suicide prevention, our findings if confirmed should encourage clinicians to perform a close follow-up of adolescents with anxiety disorders for an early detection of sudden depressive breakdowns.  相似文献   

Suicidality in patients with schizophrenia is high. To clarify the characteristics of suicidal behavior in patients with schizophrenia, we investigated suicide attempters with schizophrenia spectrum disorders in comparison with patients with mood disorders. One hundred patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and 155 patients with mood disorders admitted to an emergency department after a suicide attempt were interviewed in detail on items concerning 1) demographic characteristics, 2) previous suicidal behavior, and 3) index suicidal behavior. Differences between the two groups were subsequently analyzed. Patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders showed a lower incidence of previous deliberate self-harm, and a higher incidence of a subsequent suicide attempt more than 1 year after the previous suicide attempt as well as a higher lethality of index suicide attempt compared to patients with mood disorders. Furthermore, the most common motive for making a suicide attempt in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders was having a mental problem. This study revealed the factors associated with suicide attempts among Japanese patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, and the nature of these factors makes it difficult to predict future attempts. This makes clear the importance of continuous long-term follow-up with careful attention to the mental symptoms and psychological burden for such patients.  相似文献   

Disadvantageous decision-making has been reported in patients who had attempted suicide and may represent a cognitive risk factor for suicide. Making decisions necessitates both implicit/associative and explicit/analytic processes. Here, we explored explicit mechanisms, and hypothesized that suicide attempters fail to use explicit understanding to make favorable choices. The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) was used to assess decision-making in 151 non-depressed patients with a history of mood disorder and suicidal act, 81 non-depressed patients with a history of mood disorders but no suicidal act, and 144 healthy individuals. After performing the task, we assessed the explicit understanding of the participants of the contingencies in the task, i.e. which options yielded higher gain or loss. Correct explicit understanding was reported less often in suicide attempters and affective controls than in healthy controls (45.7% and 42.0% vs. 66.0%). Moreover, understanding was associated with better performance in healthy and affective controls, but not in suicide attempters, with no between-group difference among those who did not reach understanding. Patients with histories of suicide attempt, therefore, show a disconnection between what they “know” and what they “do”, possibly reflecting underlying impairments in implicit associative processes. These cognitive alterations should be addressed in preventative interventions targeting suicide.  相似文献   

Acute alcohol ingestion and alcohol dependence are known to increase the risk of impulsive suicide attempt even in non-depressed patients. The relation between alcohol and suicide risk needs, however, to be clarified. We assessed for this purpose prevalence of recent alcohol intake among suicide attempters and compared suicide attempts preceded (“Alcohol + ”) or not by alcohol intake. We included 160 patients examined in the emergency service of a French general hospital after a suicide attempt. Psychiatric disorders were identified according to the DSM-IV criteria. Patients were rated for depression and alcohol use disorder (MAST). Prevalence of alcohol consumption was 40%. Patients from the “Alcohol + ” group were significantly older (40 versus 34.8 years, p = 0.03). Alcohol abuse was more frequent among suicide attempters with prior alcohol ingestion (49% versus 12%,). Alcohol dependence was also more frequent in the “Alcohol + ” group (43% versus 9%). Patients from the “Alcohol + ” group drank more alcohol each day (6.1 versus 1.3 drinks) and more often during the week (3.6 days per week versus 1.4). They had a higher number of alcohol intoxications each week (0.9 versus 0.3). They drank more often alone (41% versus 12%, p < 0.005) and in the morning (21% versus 3%). They had higher scores on the Michigan Alcohol Screening test (14.8 versus 2.9). Prevalence of drug dependence was higher in the “Alcohol + ” group (21% versus 3%, respectively). Suicide attempts must be asked about their recent alcohol intake. This alcohol intake is often the symptom of an alcohol abuse or dependence disorder.  相似文献   

Suicide attempters often perform poorly on tasks linked to ventral prefrontal cortical (VPFC) function. Object Alternation (OA) – a VPFC probe – has not been used in these studies. In this study, currently depressed medication-free past suicide attempters whose most severe attempt was of high (n=31) vs. low (n=64) lethality, 114 medication-free depressed non-attempters, and 86 non-patients completed a computerized OA task. Participants also completed comparison tasks assessing the discriminant validity of OA (Wisconsin Card Sort), its concurrent validity relative to tasks associated with past attempt status (computerized Stroop task, Buschke Selective Reminding Test), and its construct validity as a VPFC measure (Go-No Go and Iowa Gambling Task). Against expectations, high lethality suicide attempters – the majority of whom used non-violent methods in their attempts with some planning – outperformed other depressed groups on OA, with no group differences observed on Wisconsin Card Sort. Despite intact performance on OA, past attempters exhibited deficits on the Stroop and Buschke. OA performance was associated with performance on Go-No Go and Iowa Gambling, confirming that OA measures a similar construct. VPFC dysfunction may not be a characteristic of all suicide attempters, especially those who make more carefully planned, non-violent – though potentially lethal – attempts.  相似文献   



Unbearable mental pain, depression, and hopelessness have been associated with suicidal behavior in general, while difficulties with social communication and loneliness have been associated with highly lethal suicide attempts in particular. The literature also links aggression and impulsivity with suicidal behavior but raises questions about their influence on the lethality and outcome of the suicide attempt.


To evaluate the relative effects of aggression and impulsivity on the lethality of suicide attempts we hypothesized that impulsivity and aggression differentiate between suicide attempters and non-attempters and between medically serious and medically non-serious suicide attempters.


The study group included 196 participants divided into four groups: 43 medically serious suicide attempters; 49 medically non-serious suicide attempters, 47 psychiatric patients who had never attempted suicide; and 57 healthy control subjects. Data on sociodemographic parameters, clinical history, and details of the suicide attempts were collected. Participants completed a battery of instruments for assessment of aggression–impulsivity, mental pain, and communication difficulties.


The medically serious and medically non-serious suicide attempters scored significantly higher than both control groups on mental pain, depression, and hopelessness (p < .001 for all) and on anger-in, anger-out, violence, and impulsivity (p < .05 for all), with no significant difference between the two suicide attempter groups. Medically serious suicide attempters had significantly lower self-disclosure (p < .05) and more schizoid tendencies (p < .001) than the other three groups and significantly more feelings of loneliness than the medically non-serious suicide attempters and nonsuicidal psychiatric patients (p < .05). Analysis of aggression–impulsivity, mental pain, and communication variables with suicide lethality yielded significant correlations for self-disclosure, schizoid tendency, and loneliness. The interaction between mental pain and schizoid traits explained some of the variance in suicide lethality, over and above the contribution of each component alone.


Aggression–impulsivity and mental pain are risk factors for suicide attempts. However, only difficulties in communication differentiate medically serious from medically non-serious suicide attempters. The combination of unbearable mental pain and difficulties in communication has a magnifying effect on the risk of lethal suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

Acute alcohol ingestion and alcohol dependence are known to increase the risk of impulsive suicide attempt even in non-depressed patients. The relation between alcohol and suicide risk needs, however, to be clarified. We assessed for this purpose prevalence of recent alcohol intake among suicide attempters and compared suicide attempts preceded ("Alcohol + ") or not by alcohol intake. We included 160 patients examined in the emergency service of a French general hospital after a suicide attempt. Psychiatric disorders were identified according to the DSM-IV criteria. Patients were rated for depression and alcohol use disorder (MAST). Prevalence of alcohol consumption was 40%. Patients from the "Alcohol + " group were significantly older (40 versus 34.8 years, p = 0.03). Alcohol abuse was more frequent among suicide attempters with prior alcohol ingestion (49% versus 12%,). Alcohol dependence was also more frequent in the "Alcohol + " group (43% versus 9%). Patients from the "Alcohol + " group drank more alcohol each day (6.1 versus 1.3 drinks) and more often during the week (3.6 days per week versus 1.4). They had a higher number of alcohol intoxications each week (0.9 versus 0.3). They drank more often alone (41% versus 12%, p < 0.005) and in the morning (21% versus 3%). They had higher scores on the Michigan Alcohol Screening test (14.8 versus 2.9). Prevalence of drug dependence was higher in the "Alcohol + " group (21% versus 3%, respectively). Suicide attempts must be asked about their recent alcohol intake. This alcohol intake is often the symptom of an alcohol abuse or dependence disorder.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine higher order personality factors of negative affectivity (NA) and disinhibition (DIS), as well as lower order facets of impulsivity, as prospective predictors of suicide attempts in a predominantly personality disordered sample. Method: Data were analyzed from 701 participants of the Collaborative Longitudinal Personality Disorders Study with available follow‐up data for up to 7 years. Cox proportional hazards regression analyses was used to examine NA and DIS, and facets of impulsivity (e.g. urgency, lack of perseverance, lack of premeditation and sensation seeking), as prospective predictors of suicide attempts. Results: NA, DIS and all facets of impulsivity except for sensation seeking were significant in univariate analyses. In multivariate models which included sex, childhood sexual abuse, course of major depressive disorder and substance use disorders, only NA and lack of premeditation remained significant in predicting suicide attempts. DIS and the remaining impulsivity facets were not significant. Conclusion: NA emerged as a stronger and more robust predictor of suicide attempts than DIS and impulsivity, and warrants greater attention in suicide risk assessment. Distinguishing between facets of impulsivity is important for clinical risk assessment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of self-mutilative behavior with dissociative experiences among men who are alcohol dependent. Participants were 176 inpatients consecutively admitted to an alcohol dependency treatment center. Dissociative Experiences Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Symptom Checklist-Revised, and Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test were conducted to all participants. A sizable proportion of patients (29.0%) reported self-mutilation (SM). Childhood abuse, younger age, early onset of alcoholism, and dissociative taxon membership predicted SM. The overall severity of clinical condition and the frequency of suicide attempts among those who reported SM were higher than those of the remaining patients. The Dissociative Experiences Scale-Taxon item “auditory verbal hallucinations” and the Symptom Checklist-Revised dimension “hostility” were predictors of SM. There is a complex relationship between dissociation, alcohol use, and SM. Increased awareness among clinicians on this relationship may increase the effectiveness of treatment interventions.  相似文献   

Objective: Severity of personality disorders (PDs) may be more useful in estimating suicide risk than the diagnosis of specific PDs. We hypothesized that suicide attempters with severe PD would present more attempts and attempts of greater severity/lethality. Method: Four hundred and forty‐six suicide attempters were assessed. PD diagnosis was made using the International Personality Disorder Questionnaire – Screening Questionnaire. PDs were classified using Tyrer and Johnson’s classification of severity (no PD, simple PD, diffuse PD). Severity/lethality of attempts was measured with the Suicide Intent Scale, Risk‐Rescue Rating Scale and Lethality Rating Scale. Results: Attempters with severe (diffuse) PD had more attempts than the other groups. After controlling for age and gender, this difference remained significant only for the younger age group and women. There was no relationship between severity of PDs and severity/lethality of attempts. Conclusion: Younger female attempters with severe PD are prone to repeated attempts. However, the severity of PD was not related to the severity/lethality of suicide attempts.  相似文献   

Attempted suicide appears to be a familial behavior. This study aims to determine the variables associated with family history of attempted suicide in a large sample of suicide attempters. The sample included 539 suicide attempters 18 years or older recruited in an emergency room. The two dichotomous dependent variables were family history of suicide attempt (10%, 51/539) and of completed suicide (4%, 23/539). Independent variables were 101 clinical variables studied with two data mining techniques: Random Forest and Forward Selection. A model for family history of completed suicide could not be developed. A classificatory model for family history of attempted suicide included the use of alcohol in the intent and family history of completed suicide (sensitivity, specificity, 98.7%; and accuracy, 96.6%). This is the first study that uses a powerful new statistical methodology, data mining, in the field of familial suicidal behaviors and suggests that it may be important to study familial variables associated with alcohol use to better understand the familiality of suicide attempts.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate transcultural differences between schizophrenia spectrum disorder patients who did or did not attempt suicide. DSM-IV schizophrenia (N=609) or schizoaffective disorder (N=371) patients who participated in the multicentre International Suicide Prevention Trial (InterSePT) were studied. Patients were sub-divided into 5 groups according to the different geographical regions of recruitment: North America (NA), Europe (EUR), East Europe (EEUR), South Africa (SAf), and South America (SA). The main lifetime clinical variables were compared, within each group, between attempters and non-attempters. The presence of comorbid substance abuse disorder and smoking was associated with suicide attempts in all the geographical groups considered (NA: chi(1)(2)=7.575, p<0.01 and chi(1)(2)=69.549, p<0.0001; EUR: chi(1)(2)=55.068, p<0.0001, and chi(1)(2)=48.431, p<0.0001; EEUR: chi(1)(2)=164.628, p<0.000, and chi(1)(2)=5.127, p<0.01; SA: chi(1)(2)=30.204, p<0.0001 and chi(1)(2)=11.710, p=0.001) except for SAf. For the other clinical variables various differences were found across the different groups. Variables related to suicide behavior were similar across the five groups investigated, with differences only in the age at the first suicide attempt (earlier in the NA sample) and the number of lifetime suicide attempts (higher in the NA sample). Results from this study show that, while some suicide-related clinical characteristics in schizophrenia patients are consistent worldwide suggesting the influence of stable biological traits, other variables may vary across different geographical areas suggesting environmental influences.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the characteristics of physicians’ and nurses’ suicide attempts (SA). A retrospective review of 493 medical records of physicians and nurses admitted to an inpatient unit for health professionals; 36 patients had a recent SA. Depression, cluster B and C personality disorders, and a history of previous SA were more prevalent in patients with a recent SA compared to those without it. Both professional groups preferred drug overdose as a suicide method. Physicians made more lethal attempts and had a history of more previous stressors than nurses. Depression, cluster B and C personality disorders, and previous SA should be appropriately screened and treated in order to prevent SA amongst physicians and nurses.  相似文献   

Objectives:  Bipolar disorder is a severe illness that is associated with suicidal behavior. A biological predictor of highly lethal suicide attempts in patients with bipolar disorder would be valuable. We hypothesized that cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) monoamine metabolite levels are related to lethality of suicide attempts in bipolar patients and examined the relation between CSF 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA), homovanillic acid (HVA), and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) levels and maximum lethality of suicide attempts at baseline and during a 2-year follow up.
Methods:  Twenty-seven bipolar depressed patients participated in the study. Demographic and clinical parameters were examined and recorded. Lumbar punctures were performed and CSF 5-HIAA, HVA, and MHPG were assayed by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Following discharge, patients were evaluated after 3 months, 1 year, and 2 years. Each follow-up interview included an in-depth assessment of suicidal behavior during the intervening time period.
Results:  Six subjects made suicide attempts during the 2-year follow-up. Bipolar patients who attempted suicide during the follow-up period had higher aggression and hostility scale scores compared to bipolar subjects who did not make a suicide attempt during the follow-up period. CSF 5-HIAA, HVA, and MHPG levels were negatively correlated with the maximum lethality of suicide attempts during the 2-year follow-up period.
Conclusions:  Our finding is the first observation that CSF monoamine metabolite levels may be predictors of lethality of suicide attempts in patients with bipolar disorder. Further studies are necessary to answer the question whether CSF monoamine metabolite levels are clinically useful biochemical predictors of highly lethal suicide attempts or completed suicides.  相似文献   

Some authors have reported an association of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism with suicidal behavior and/or clinical aspects of suicidal attempts. We evaluated, here, the impact of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on the clinical characteristics of suicide attempts. The study was conducted on a cohort of 120 consecutive patients who were admitted to the Emergency Hospital of Porto Alegre, Brazil, due to a suicide attempt. Variables of univariate analyses were included in a logistic regression model to test whether the risk factors had independent effect. In univariate analyses, sex, BDNF genotype, intent and method of suicide attempt were all risk factors for high lethality in suicide attempts. After logistic regression analysis, male sex (O.R. = 3.03; 95% C.I = 1.34–6.84; 0.008) and the presence of BDNF 66Met allele (O.R. = 2.62; 95% C.I = 1.04–6.57; 0.04) were significantly and independently associated with the high lethality in suicide attempts. The present study showed that BDNF 66Met allele is an independent predictor of high lethality in suicide attempts of depressed patients. This finding is important because it might allow earlier identification of patients at high risk for suicide, perhaps providing better tools for clinical care of these patients in the future.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Individuals who mutilate themselves are at greater risk for suicidal behavior. Clinically, however, there is a perception that the suicide attempts of self-mutilators are motivated by the desire for attention rather than by a genuine wish to die. The purpose of this study was to determine differences between suicide attempters with and without a history of self-mutilation. METHOD: The authors examined demographic characteristics, psychopathology, objective and perceived lethality of suicide attempts, and perceptions of their suicidal behavior in 30 suicide attempters with cluster B personality disorders who had a history of self-mutilation and a matched group of 23 suicide attempters with cluster B personality disorders who had no history of self-mutilation. RESULTS: The two groups did not differ in the objective lethality of their attempts, but their perceptions of the attempts differed. Self-mutilators perceived their suicide attempts as less lethal, with a greater likelihood of rescue and with less certainty of death. In addition, suicide attempters with a history of self-mutilation had significantly higher levels of depression, hopelessness, aggression, anxiety, impulsivity, and suicide ideation. They exhibited more behaviors consistent with borderline personality disorder and were more likely to have a history of childhood abuse. Self-mutilators had more persistent suicide ideation, and their pattern for suicide was similar to their pattern for self-mutilation, which was characterized by chronic urges to injure themselves. CONCLUSIONS: Suicide attempters with cluster B personality disorders who have a history of self-mutilation tend to be more depressed, anxious, and impulsive, and they also tend to underestimate the lethality of their suicide attempts. Therefore, clinicians may be unintentionally misled in assessing the suicide risk of self-mutilators as less serious than it is.  相似文献   

Summary From a sample of 499 patients admitted to hospitals for suicide attempts, a subsample of 182 suicide attempters who described histories of illicit activities or who were diagnosed with DSM-II antisocial, drug or alcohol personality disorders were compared with another sample of 109 suicide attempters diagnosed as having depressive disorders. The former group of unsocialized attempters obtained similar depression inventory scores as the diagnosed depressive attempters. However, the index attempts of the unsocialized group were made with less suicidal intent than those of the diagnosed depressive patients, and they made more prior suicide attempts than the diagnosed depressive patients.  相似文献   

BackgroundIt is not known how characteristics of suicide attempts vary with different forms of alcohol involvement. The aim of this study is to clarify the role of alcohol use disorder and acute alcohol consumption in suicide attempts.MethodsData on 1921 suicide attempts was gathered in a major German city over a 5-year period. Suicide attempts were categorised according to a diagnosis of alcohol use disorder and acute alcohol consumption at the time of the attempt. Group comparisons and multinomial logistic regression were used for statistical analysis.ResultsIn 331 suicide attempts (17%) an alcohol use disorder was diagnosed. Six hundred and twenty-two suicide attempts (32%) were committed with acute alcohol consumption. Suicide attempts by individuals with alcohol use disorder were more often committed by men, older individuals and as a recurrent attempt, independently of alcohol consumption at the time of the attempt. When alcohol was consumed in suicide attempts by individuals with alcohol use disorder, low-risk methods were used most often.ConclusionsIndividuals with a diagnosis of alcohol use disorder are a high-risk group for multiple suicide attempts and should be a target group for suicide prevention. Screening for suicidality should be a regular part of the clinical assessment in individuals with alcohol use disorder.  相似文献   

Bipolar disorder (BD) is associated with high rates of suicide attempt and completion. Substance use disorders (SUD) have been identified as potent risk factors for suicidal behavior in BD. However, little is known concerning differences between BD subtypes with regard to SUD as a risk factor for suicidal behavior. We studied previous suicidal behavior in adults with a major depressive episode in context of BD type I (BD-I; N = 96) or BD type II (BD-II; N = 42), with and without history of SUD. Logistic regressions assessed the association between SUD and suicide attempt history by BD type, and exploratory analyses examined the effects of other clinical characteristics on these relationships. SUD were associated with suicide attempt in BD-I but not BD-II, an effect not attributable to sample size differences. The higher suicide attempt rate associated with alcoholism in BD-I was mostly explained by higher aggression scores, and earlier age of BD onset increased the likelihood that alcohol use disorder would be associated with suicide attempt(s). The higher suicide attempt rate associated with other drug use disorders in BD-I was collectively explained by higher impulsivity, hostility, and aggression scores. The presence of both alcohol and drug use disorders increased odds of a history of suicide attempt in a multiplicative fashion: 97% of BD-I who had both co-morbid drug and alcohol use disorders had made a suicide attempt. A critical next question is how to target SUD and aggressive traits for prevention of suicidal behavior in BD-I.  相似文献   

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