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ObjectiveThe current study examined 11 male veterans with military sexual trauma (MST)-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who participated in a larger randomized control trial comparing cognitive processing therapy (CPT) to a well-established control treatment (Present Centered Therapy; PCT) among men and women with MST-related PTSD.MethodAll participants (n = 11) completed a 12 session protocol of CPT. The Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS), PTSD Checklist (PCL), and Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (QIDS) were administered at baseline and post-treatment sessions 2, 4, and 6 months after CPT completion. Additionally, the PCL and QIDS were administered every two sessions during CPT treatment.ResultsPiecewise growth curve analyses revealed that significant change over time in both PTSD and depressive symptoms was associated with the active treatment phase and that participants maintained treatment gains over the 6-month follow-up period.ConclusionsCPT effectively reduced self-reported symptoms of PTSD as well as depressive symptoms for men with MST-related PTSD. Additionally, participants maintained the gains they made during treatment over a 6-month follow-up period. It is recommended that future studies examine patient characteristics that might impact outcome in order to improve understanding of who benefits the most from treatment.  相似文献   

The ability to maintain information over short periods of time (i.e., working memory) is critically important in a variety of cognitive functions including language, planning, and decision-making. Recent functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) research with healthy adults has shown that brain activations evoked during the delay interval of working memory tasks can be reduced by the presentation of distracting emotional events, suggesting that emotional events may take working-memory processes momentarily offline. Both executive function and emotional processing are disrupted in schizophrenia, and here we sought to elucidate the effect of emotional distraction upon brain activity in schizophrenic and healthy adults performing a verbal working memory task. During the delay period between the memoranda and memory probe items, emotional and neutral distractors differentially influenced brain activity in these groups. In healthy adults, the hemodynamic response from posterior cingulate, orbital frontal cortex, and the parietal lobe strongly differentiated emotional from neutral distractors. In striking contrast, schizophrenic adults showed no significant differences in brain activation when processing emotional and neutral distractors. Moreover, the influence of emotional distractors extended into the memory probe period in healthy, but not schizophrenic, adults. The results suggest that although emotional items are highly salient for healthy adults, emotional items are no more distracting than neutral ones to individuals with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

This study examined whether people with elevated disorganized schizotypy would differ from control participants on characteristics associated with disorganization symptoms in schizophrenia and also whether disorganized schizotypy was associated with problems processing emotion. People with disorganized schizotypy (= 32) exhibited greater communication disturbances (CD) than control participants (= 34) for emotionally negative topics but not for positive topics. In addition, the disorganized group exhibited poorer performance on a working memory task but not on a psychometrically matched verbal intelligence task. In addition, poor working memory was associated with increased CD for negative topics and, after controlling for group differences in working memory, group differences in CD were not significant. Moreover, the disorganized group exhibited greater emotional ambivalence and ambivalence was associated with increased CD in the disorganized group. These results suggest that people with disorganized schizotypy exhibit some similar characteristics to people with schizophrenia who have disorganization symptoms and that disorganized schizotypy is also associated with poor emotion processing.  相似文献   

PTSD is a disorder of emotion dysregulation. Although much work has intended to elucidate the neural underpinnings of the disorder, much remains unknown about the neurobiological substrates of emotion dysregulation in PTSD. In order to assess the relationship between a neural measure of attention to emotion (i.e. the late positive potential; LPP) and PTSD symptoms, EEG was recorded and examined as a potential predictor of military-related PTSD symptoms in a sample of 73 OEF/OIF/OND veterans. Results revealed that higher PTSD symptoms were related to an attenuated LPP response to angry facial expressions. This finding was not observed for happy or fearful faces. The current study provides initial evidence that, in a relatively young, mostly male sample of OEF/OIF/OND veterans, hyporeactivity to angry faces at the neural level may provide phenotypic data to characterize individual differences in PTSD symptom severity. This work may assist in future studies that seek to examine useful psychophysiologic targets for treatment and early interventions.  相似文献   

首发抑郁症患者字母工作记忆fMRI研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨首发抑郁症患者字母工作记忆的脑激活特征。方法12例首发抑郁症患者与12名健康对照配对进行字母工作记忆任务的功能磁共振成像(fMRI)。以AFNI软件对fMRI数据进行定位与定量分析。结果①两组任务执行正确率均大于75%,患者组字母工作记忆2-back任务正确率低于对照组[(0.79±0.04)%vs(0.83±0.03)%,t=4.69,P<0.05];②两组字母工作记忆激活的感兴趣脑区(ROI)均为左侧Broca区BA44/45、双侧前额叶腹侧BA9/46、顶叶后部BA7/40、前运动区BA6及辅助运动区(SMA)BA6/8(P<0.05);③患者组在右侧与左侧BA9/46、右侧与左侧BA6及左侧Broca区的激活强度分别为:1.38%、1.69%、1.21%、1.32%及0.52%,低于对照组的2.42%、3.53%、2.95%、3.51%及1.62%(P<0.05)。结论首发抑郁症患者存在字母工作记忆损害,而语音环路的双侧BA9/46、BA6与左侧Broca区激活减弱可能为其病理机制之一。  相似文献   

目的探讨多发性硬化信息处理障碍及工作记忆受损特点。方法 34例多发性硬化(MS)患者及34例匹配健康受试者进入本研究,受试者均接受一般情况调查、临床症状评估及神经心理测试等[如听觉连续加法测试(PASAT)、符号数字转换测试(SDMT)、Stroop测试、2-Back任务等]。以单侧95%可信区间为参考,按是否低于健康组SDMT成绩5%可信区间为界,将MS组进一步划分为SDMT-障碍组/保留组,进行组间比较。结果仅MS-SDMT障碍组在PASAT、2-Back、Stroop耗时上(平均秩次分别为:PASAT-3’=6.58,PASAT-2’=7.42;2-Back=21.05;Stroop-词语耗时=21.15,Stroop-色彩耗时=18.39,Stroop-干扰耗时=17.98)与健康组(平均秩次分别为:PASAT-3’=17.98,PASAT-2’=15.66;2-Back=8.94;Stroop-词语耗时=10.58,Stroop-色彩耗时=9.16,Stroop-干扰耗时=11.24)差异存在统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论对于中央执行功能要求较低的测试,如数字广度测试、Stroop任务,MS主要累及信息处理速度,信息处理准确性相对保留;对于中央执行功能要求较高的测试,MS可能通过牺牲信息处理的准确性来弥补处理速度上更大程度的落差,因此准确性下降。  相似文献   

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is known to be associated with altered medial prefrontal activation in response to threatening stimuli and with behavioural deficits in prefrontal functions such as working memory and attention. Given the importance of these areas and processes for decision-making, this functional magnetic resonance imaging study investigated whether decision-making is altered in patients with PTSD. In particular, the neural response to gain and loss feedback was evaluated in a decision-making task in which subjects could maximise their number of points total by learning a particular response pattern. Behaviourally, controls learned the correct response pattern faster than patients. Functionally, patients and controls differed in their neural response to gains, but not in their response to losses. During the processing of gains in the late phase of learning, PTSD patients as compared to controls showed lower activation in the nucleus accumbens and the mesial PFC, critical structures in the reward pathway. This reduced activation was not due to different rates of learning, since it was similarly present in patients with unimpaired learning performance. These findings suggest that positive outcome information lost its salience for patients with PTSD. This may reflect decreasing motivation as the task progressed.  相似文献   

Significant structural and functional brain development occurs during early adolescence. These changes underlie developments in central neurocognitive processes such as working memory (WM) and emotion regulation (ER). The preponderance of studies modeling trajectories of adolescent brain development use variable-centered approaches, omitting attention to individual differences that may undergird neurobiological embedding of early life stress and attendant psychopathology. This preregistered, data-driven study used latent transition analysis (LTA) to identify (1) latent profiles of neural function during a WM and implicit ER task, (2) transitions in profiles across 24 months, and 3) associations between transitions, parental support, and subsequent psychopathology. Using two waves of data from the ABCD Study (Mage T1 = 10; Mage T2 = 12), we found three unique profiles of neural function at both T1 and T2. The Typical, Emotion Hypo-response, and Emotion-Hyper response profiles were characterized by, respectively: moderate amygdala activation and fusiform deactivation; high ACC, fusiform, and insula deactivation; and high amygdala, ACC, and insula response to ER. While 69.5 % remained in the Typical profile from T1 to T2, 27.8 % of the sample moved from one profile at T1 to another at T2. However, neither latent profiles nor transitions exhibited associations between parental support or psychopathology symptoms.  相似文献   

Impaired attention and memory are symptoms frequently associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Although patients with PTSD frequently report memory difficulties and empirical research provides support for a memory deficit in PTSD, as of yet, no fMRI study has adequately investigated the neural correlates of learning and memory of neutral (i.e. not trauma related) material in patients with PTSD compared to controls. Twelve male veterans with PTSD, and twelve male veterans without PTSD, were recruited, and matched for age, region and year of deployment. Encoding and retrieval of 12 word-pair associates was assessed during fMRI in both experimental groups. Compared to controls veterans with PTSD revealed underactivation of the frontal cortex, and overactivation of the temporal cortex during the encoding phase. Retrieval of the paired associates resulted in underactivation of right frontal cortex, bilateral middle temporal gyri, and the left posterior hippocampus/parahippocampal gyrus in patients with PTSD. Deficits in memory performance in PTSD appear to be related to altered activity in fronto-temporal areas during both the encoding and retrieval phase of memory processing.  相似文献   

Many features of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be linked to exaggerated and dysregulated emotional responses. Central to the neurocircuitry regulating emotion are functional interactions between the amygdala and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC). Findings from human and animal studies suggest that disruption of this circuit predicts individual differences in emotion regulation. However, only a few studies have examined amygdala-vmPFC connectivity in the context of emotional processing in PTSD. The aim of the present research was to investigate the hypothesis that PTSD is associated with disrupted functional connectivity of the amygdala and vmPFC in response to emotional stimuli, extending previous findings by demonstrating such links in an understudied, highly traumatized, civilian population. 40 African-American women with civilian trauma (20 with PTSD and 20 non-PTSD controls) were recruited from a large urban hospital. Participants viewed fearful and neutral face stimuli during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Relative to controls, participants with PTSD showed an increased right amygdala response to fearful stimuli (pcorr < .05). Right amygdala activation correlated positively with the severity of hyperarousal symptoms in the PTSD group. Participants with PTSD showed decreased functional connectivity between the right amygdala and left vmPFC (pcorr < .05). The findings are consistent with previous findings showing PTSD is associated with an exaggerated response of amygdala-mediated emotional arousal systems. This is the first study to show that the amygdala response may be accompanied by disruption of an amygdala-vmPFC functional circuit that is hypothesized to be involved in prefrontal cortical regulation of amygdala responsivity.  相似文献   

Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were used to examine the reciprocal costs of working and prospective memory loads on the neural correlates of the realization of delayed intentions and the detection of target stimuli. The electrophysiological data revealed several interesting results: (1) distinct modulations of the ERPs were elicited by working memory targets and prospective memory cues, (2) working memory load modulated the amplitude of the N300 elicited by prospective memory cues, (3) prospective memory load was associated with a broadly distributed sustained modulation that began shortly after stimulus onset, and (4) brain-behavior correlations between the neural correlates of prospective memory and working memory varied with the working memory demands of the ongoing activity. These findings appear to indicate that attentional processes associated with the detection of prospective memory cues are sensitive to the working memory demands of the ongoing activity and that different processes may support prospective memory depending on the working memory demands of the ongoing activity.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2019,130(12):2222-2230
ObjectiveTo examine the effects of working memory (WM) load and gender agreement on sentence processing as a function of the electroencephalographic risk (i.e., abnormally high values of theta absolute power) of cognitive decline in older adults.MethodsEvent-related potentials (ERPs) were collected from Spanish speakers (22 older adults belonged to the Risk group, mean age = 67.7 years; 22 older adults belonged to the Control group, mean age = 65.2 years) while reading sentences to detect grammatical errors. Sentences varied with regard to (1) the gender agreement of the noun and adjective, where gender of the adjective either agreed or disagreed with the noun, and (2) WM load (i.e., the number of words between the noun and adjective in the sentence).ResultsThe Risk group showed a lower percentage of correct answers and longer reaction times than the Control group. The Risk group also showed a different pattern of ERP components, which was characterized by smaller amplitude and longer latency of the P600a component under high WM load conditions.ConclusionThe findings suggest that the Risk group shows difficulties integrating information associated with the previous sentence context.SignificanceThe electroencephalographic risk factor of cognitive decline might be not only a predictor of but also an indicator of current decline.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Impairments in explicit memory have been observed in Holocaust survivors with posttraumatic stress disorder. METHODS: To evaluate which memory components are preferentially affected, the California Verbal Learning Test was administered to Holocaust survivors with (n = 36) and without (n = 26) posttraumatic stress disorder, and subjects not exposed to the Holocaust (n = 40). RESULTS: Posttraumatic stress disorder subjects showed impairments in learning and short-term and delayed retention compared to nonexposed subjects; survivors without posttraumatic stress disorder did not. Impairments in learning, but not retention, were retained after controlling for intelligence quotient. Older age was associated with poorer learning and memory performance in the posttraumatic stress disorder group only. CONCLUSIONS: The most robust impairment observed in posttraumatic stress disorder was in verbal learning, which may be a risk factor for or consequence of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder. The negative association between performance and age may reflect accelerated cognitive decline in posttraumatic stress disorder.  相似文献   

Background: Working memory (WM) is essential to auditory comprehension; thus understanding of the nature of WM is vital to research and clinical practice to support people with aphasia. A key challenge in assessing WM in people with aphasia is related to the myriad deficits prevalent in aphasia, including deficits in attention, hearing, vision, speech, and motor control of the limbs. Eye-tracking methods augur well for developing alternative WM tasks and measures in that they enable researchers to address many of the potential confounds inherent in tasks traditionally used to study WM. Additionally, eye-tracking tasks allow investigation of trade-off patterns between storage and processing in complex span tasks, and provide on-line response measures.

Aims: The goal of the study was to establish concurrent and discriminative validity of a novel eye movement WM task in individuals with and without aphasia. Additionally we aimed to explore the relationship between WM and general language measures, and determine whether trade-off between storage and processing is captured via eye-tracking measures.

Methods & Procedures: Participants with (n?=?28) and without (n?=?32) aphasia completed a novel eye movement WM task. This task, incorporating natural response requirements, was designed to circumvent potential confounds due to concomitant speech, motor, and attention deficits. The task consisted of a verbal processing component intermixed with presentation of colours and symbols for later recall. Performance on this task was indexed solely via eye movements. Additionally, participants completed a modified listening span task that served to establish concurrent validity of the eye-tracking WM task.

Outcomes & Results: Performance measures of the novel eye movement WM task demonstrated concurrent validity with another established measure of WM capacity: the modified listening span task. Performance on the eye-tracking task discriminated effectively between participants with and without aphasia. No consistent relationship was observed between WM scores and Western Aphasia Battery aphasia quotient and subtest scores for people with aphasia. Additionally, eye-tracking measures yielded no trade-off between processing and storage for either group of participants.

Conclusions: Results support the feasibility and validity of employing a novel eye-tracking method to index WM capacity in participants with and without aphasia. Further research is required to determine the nature of the relationship between WM, as indexed through this method, and specific aspects of language impairments in aphasia.  相似文献   

Declines in neural processing speed have been proposed to underlie a broad range of cognitive deficits in older adults. However, the impact of delays in neural processing during stimulus encoding on working memory (WM) performance is not well understood. In the current study, we assessed the influence of aging on the relationship between neural measures of processing speed and WM performance during a selective delayed-recognition task for color and motion stimuli, while electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded in young and older adults. A latency delay was observed for the selection negativity (SN) and alpha band activity (measures of attentional allocation) in older adults during WM encoding of both motion and color stimuli, with the latency and magnitude of the SN predicting subsequent recognition performance. Furthermore, an age-related delay in the N1 latency occurred specifically during the encoding of color stimuli. These results suggest that the presence of both generalized feature-based and feature-specific deficits in the speed of selective encoding of information contributes to WM performance deficits in older adults.  相似文献   

The encoding of information into visual working memory (VWM) is not only a prerequisite step for efficient working memory, it is also considered to limit our ability to attend to, and be consciously aware of, task-relevant events. Despite its important role in visual cognition, the neural mechanisms underlying visual working memory encoding have not yet been specifically dissociated from those involved in perception and/or VWM maintenance. To isolate the brain substrates supporting VWM encoding, here we sought to identify, with time-resolved fMRI, brain regions whose temporal profile of activation tracked the time course of VWM encoding. We applied this approach to two different stimulus categories - colors and faces - that dramatically differ in their encoding time. While several cortical and subcortical regions were activated during the VWM encoding period, one of these regions in the lateral prefrontal cortex - the inferior frontal junction - showed a temporal activation profile associated with the duration of encoding and that could not be accounted for by either perceptual or general attentional effects. Moreover, this region corresponds to the prefrontal area previously implicated in ‘attentional blink’ paradigms demonstrating attentional limits to conscious perception. These results not only suggest that the inferior frontal junction is involved in VWM encoding, they also provide neural support for theories positing that VWM encoding is a rate-limiting process underlying our attentional limits to visual awareness.  相似文献   

We investigated the degree to which the distributed and overlapping patterns of activity for working memory (WM) maintenance of objects and spatial locations are functionally dissociable. Previous studies of the neural system responsible for maintenance of different types of information in WM have reported seemingly contradictory results concerning the degree to which spatial and nonspatial information maintenance leads to distinct patterns of activation in prefrontal cortex. These inconsistent results may be partly attributable to the fact that different types of objects were used for the "object WM task" across studies. In the current study, we directly compared the patterns of response during WM tasks for face identity, house identity, and spatial location using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Furthermore, independence of the neural resources available for spatial and object WM was tested behaviorally using a dual-task paradigm. Together, these results suggest that the mechanisms for the maintenance of house identity information are distributed and overlapping with those that maintain spatial location information, while the mechanisms for maintenance of face identity information are relatively more independent. There is, however, a consistent functional topography that results in superior prefrontal cortex producing the greatest response during spatial WM tasks, and middle and inferior prefrontal cortices producing their greatest responses during object WM tasks, independent of the object type. These results argue for a dorsal-ventral functional organization for spatial and nonspatial information. However, objects may contain both spatial and nonspatial information and, thus, have a distributed but not equipotent representation across both dorsal and ventral prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that visuospatial working memory performance predicts the rate of motor skill learning, particularly during the early phase of visuomotor adaptation. Here, we follow up these correlational findings with direct manipulations of working memory resources to determine the impact on visuomotor adaptation, a form of motor learning. We conducted two separate experiments. In the first one, we used a resource depletion strategy to investigate whether the rate of early visuomotor adaptation would be negatively affected by fatigue of spatial working memory resources. In the second study, we employed a dual n-back task training paradigm that has been shown to result in transfer effects [1] over five weeks to determine whether training-related improvements would boost the rate of early visuomotor adaptation. The depletion of spatial working memory resources negatively affected the rate of early visuomotor adaptation. However, enhancing working memory capacity via training did not lead to improved rates of visuomotor adaptation, suggesting that working memory capacity may not be the factor limiting maximal rate of visuomotor adaptation in young adults. These findings are discussed from a resource limitation/capacity framework with respect to current views of motor learning.  相似文献   



Research on the neural bases of cognitive deficits in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has shown that working memory (WM) difficulties are associated with abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex. However, cognitive load impacts these findings, and no studies have examined the relation between WM load and neural underpinnings in children with ASD. Thus, the current study determined the effects of cognitive load on WM, using a visuo-spatial WM capacity task in children with and without ASD with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).


We used fMRI and a 1-back colour matching task (CMT) task with four levels of difficulty to compare the cortical activation patterns associated with WM in children (7–13 years old) with high functioning autism (N = 19) and matched controls (N = 17) across cognitive load.


Performance on CMT was comparable between groups, with the exception of one difficulty level. Using linear trend analyses, the control group showed increasing activation as a function of difficulty level in frontal and parietal lobes, particularly between the highest difficulty levels, and decreasing activation as a function of difficulty level in the posterior cingulate and medial frontal gyri. In contrast, children with ASD showed increasing activation only in posterior brain regions and decreasing activation in the posterior cingulate and medial frontal gyri, as a function of difficulty level. Significant differences were found in the precuneus, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and medial premotor cortex, where control children showed greater positive linear relations between cortical activity and task difficulty level, particularly at the highest difficulty levels, but children with ASD did not show these trends.


Children with ASD showed differences in activation in the frontal and parietal lobes—both critical substrates for visuo-spatial WM. Our data suggest that children with ASD rely mainly on posterior brain regions associated with visual and lower level processing, whereas controls showed activity in frontal lobes related to the classic WM network. Findings will help guide future work by localizing areas of vulnerability to developmental disturbances.  相似文献   

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