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Of 121 patients surviving a by-pass operation 114 have been followed up hitherto. At first follow-up - usually one year after operation - the angina pectoris was relieved in 87% of the patients and in 85% at least one vein by-pass was patent. A high correlation was found between subjective result and graft patency. Advanced arterial changes at preoperative coronary angiography did not prevent good result after surgery. In about half of the patients whose pain was relieved, the left ventricular ejection fraction was increased postoperatively. However, in many patients, who were subjectively improved, the ejection fraction was unchanged or even decreased.  相似文献   

Current synthetic vascular prostheses do not acquire lining of vascular endothelium in humans or dogs. Endothelial seeding of vascular grafts has been proposed as a means of reducing the thrombogenicity of these grafts. We examined feasibility of cultivating endothelial cells (EC) by tissue culture technique and their subsequent seeding onto small diameter polytetra fluoroethylene (PTFE) grafts. Twenty adult dogs underwent common carotid artery interposition with 4 mm PTFE grafts. Ten dogs received seeded and the remaining ten received unseeded grafts. Grafts were removed at 4 and 12 weeks and their gross/morphological features compared. Cumulative patency rates for seeded grafts were 70% as compared to unseeded ones 30%. Seeded grafts were completely surfaced with a mono-layer of endothelium by 4 weeks. Small graft patency appears to be related to the establishment of an endothelial surface, the development of which is clearly facilitated by seeding with autogenous endothelium.KEY WORDS: Endothelial cell seeding, Vascular grafts  相似文献   

人造血管移植修复创伤性周围动脉缺损的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结应用ePTFE人造血管移植修复创伤性周围动脉缺损的方法和疗效,探讨血管吻合口感染的预防途径。方法 采用Life Green公司的膨胀泡沫聚四氟乙烯(ePTEE)人造血管通过旁路迂回等方式移植修复因创伤引起的周围动脉缺损38例。结果 人造血管移植术后行彩色多普勒检查、螺旋CT或MRI检查显示全部通畅,无吻合口感染。随访6、12和24个月,血管通畅率分别为100%、96.9%和89.3%。无截肢病例。结论 ePTFE人造血管移植修复创伤性周围主干动脉缺损是一种简便可行的手术方式。既能解决自体血管来源困难有限、口径小等难题,又能达到自体静脉移植同样的疗效。  相似文献   

目的 建立并评价电子束CT (EBT)两种方法在冠状动脉搭桥术后 (CABG)随访应用中的价值。方法 本组共 2 14例CABG患者进行了EBT两种方法的扫描 :(1)电子束CT血管造影 (EBA) ,以完成冠状动脉及搭桥血管的三维重建 ;(2 )电子束CT血流扫描 ,以得到冠状动脉及其搭桥血管的血流曲线。结果 本组共分析了 589条冠状动脉搭桥血管 (10条血管因图像伪影而除外 )。 133条动脉材料的血管桥通畅率超过静脉桥 (P <0 0 0 1)。三维重建方法诊断的敏感性、特异性和准确性分别是 97 7%、94 1%和 96 7% ,均高于血流扫描方法 (分别是 88 4 %、82 4 %和 85 2 % )。动脉与静脉血管桥内的平均血流量分别为 4 9± 2 2ml·min 1·g 1和 6 9± 2 8ml·min 1·g 1(P <0 0 0 1)。结论 电子束CT血管造影配合三维重建方法有利于观察冠状动脉及其搭桥血管的解剖 ,而血流扫描方法有利于观察并定量评估搭桥血管内的血流 ,两种方法的结合是理想的冠状动脉搭桥术后随访的无创影像方法  相似文献   

Objective To compare the long-term patency and longevity of the single and sequential ve-nous graft. Methods The coronary arterial angiographic data for 300 redo coronary bypass grafting (CABG) were collected. Among them 106 cases had both single (159) and sequential (118) grafts. Results The oc-clusive and narrowness rate for the single grafts versus sequential grafts were: 1 year, 2% vs 2% ; 5 years, 3% vs 4% ; 10 years, 18% vs 19% ; 15 years, 60% vs 68% ; and 23 years, 76% vs 81% , respectively. The differences were not significant in general. Conclusion Sequential anastomosis itself does not has any adverse affects on short-term and long-term patency of the venous graft and its longevity in CABG operations in general.  相似文献   

在冠脉旁路移植手术移植血管的选择中,内乳动脉因为其移植10年后仍有高达95%的通畅率而成为首选,而且病人的生存率较高,心血管系统并发症的发生率较低。桡动脉因其1年高于95%的通畅率近年渐被广泛使用,胃网膜右动脉在移植3-4年后的通畅率大于90%,腹壁下动脉1年后的通畅率能达到80%。其他可被选择的旁路血管包括人造血管可在特殊情况下有条件地使用。在选择旁路血管时,需要综合考虑病人的年龄、临床状况和手术类型等多方面的情况。  相似文献   

A 15-year experience (from 1963-1978) in cardiac valve replacements with mechanical prosthetic valves (caged ball or tilting disc types) and with bioprostheses (porcine xenografts) is reported. The actuarial survival rates for patients who received the caged ball type prostheses (Starr-Edwards) were 42% and 36% respectively for mitral valve-replacements at 12 and 14 years. The actuarial survival rate for patients who received the tilting disc type prostheses (Bj?rk-Shiley type and later the Lillehei-Kaster type) was 74% at six to seven years. The actuarial survival rate for patients who had aortic valve replacement with a caged ball valve was 43% at 14 years, and for those who had a tilting disc valve it was 80% at six to seven years. Multiple valve replacements were carried out with combinations of prostheses. The actuarial survival rate for patients was 65% for triple valves, and 57% for double valves at 13 years. Bioprostheses are now our first choice as cardiac valve replacements. In 121 implants performed since 1977, there have been two operative deaths, but no late deaths. Bioprostheses, although less thrombogenic than mechanical valve prostheses, are less durable and some risk of thromboembolism remains.  相似文献   

Y型人工血管转流治疗混合型布加综合征患者的疗效分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨肠-腔-房Y型人工血管转流治疗混合性布加氏综合征患者的疗效.方法 对1990-2006年于河南省人民医院收治的51例混合性布加氏综合征患者实施了肠-腔-房Y型人工血管转流.先于肝前行人工血管(直径16~18 mm,主血管)与肾静脉以下下腔静脉和右心房的吻合,然后再行人工血管(直径10~12 mill,支血管)与肠系膜上静脉和主血管的吻合.监测手术前、后下腔静脉、门静脉压力及血流流速.结果 手术后即日胸腹壁浅静脉曲张消失,无住院期死亡病例.随访6个月至16年,随访期内主血管未发现血栓,通畅率100%,支血管血栓形成2例,通畅率为96.1%.术后下腔静脉压力较术前下降了17.4 cm H2O±5.7 cm H2O(1 cm H2O=0.098 kPa),门静脉压力下降了17.0 cm H20±7.0 cm H20.结论 Y型人工血管转流能同时有效地降低下腔静脉及门静脉压力并不增加术后并发症,是治疗混合性布加氏综合征较为理想的手术方式.  相似文献   

目的:探讨下肢动脉闭塞性疾病外科手术方案的选择及其对移植血管远期通畅率的影响。方法:自1998年12月至2002年12月手术患者中,有80例得到完整随访,按照不同手术方案分组,结合随访结果,统计远期通畅率。结果:移植血管近期通畅率98.5%;1年、3年、5年远期通畅率分别为82%、71%、57%。腹股沟以上动脉旁路术中,移植血管5年通畅率85%;腹股沟以下动脉旁路术血管5年通畅率54%。腹股沟以下动脉旁路术中,移植血管采用自体大隐静脉5年通畅率66%,而采用PTFE人工血管5年通畅率41%(P=0.022)。结论:术前详细评估,结合患者状况制订个体化手术方案,选择适宜的移植物,完善围手术期处理,才能降低手术并发症及死亡率,提高远期治疗效果。  相似文献   

报告了960次大白鼠尾动脉吻合实验,采用端端吻合法800次,即刻通畅率96.5%,套叠吻合法160次,即刻通畅率100%。作者认为利用大白鼠尾动脉作吻合训练,具有节省动物、可多次操作、无需无菌条件、操作简单易行等优点,并介绍了操作方法和注意点。  相似文献   

In an attempt to analyse the results of saphenous bypass grafting 213 patients were re-investigated by repeat coronary, graft and left ventricular angiography. In this series, the presence of diffuse arterial disease was not considered as a contra-indication to operation. Instead, additional endarterectomy was performed. The overall patency rate was 88% and was not significantly altered by the passage of time, although the patency rate during the first 6 months was 94%. The patency rate did not appear to be influenced by the age of the patient, the severity of the lesion pre-operatively, the artery grafted nor additional endarterectomy. The run-off was judged to be good in 82% of grafts investigated before 6 months, compared to 70% of those investigated later. Progress of the disease in the native vessels appeared to be slightly accelerated in the segment proximal to the graft.  相似文献   

目的为了寻求一种新的小口径血管代用品,建立异种移植的动物实验模型,以观察异种移植物的安全性、可靠性、通畅性及组织学改变。方法共采用17只杂种雌性犬,实验组10只,植入经环氧化物处理的猪血管移植物;对照组7只,植入人造血管。手术方法为右侧股动静脉瘘。术后通过超声和血管造影方法来观察移植血管的通畅性,并在术后3月将移植物取出,进行病理学检查,观察移植前后移植物的组织学改变。结果术后第一周、二周行Doppler超声检查结果,两组动静脉瘘均通畅,2周内血管通畅率为100%。术后3个月动脉造影检查后,生物血管组(PG)通畅5只,通畅率62.5%,e-PTFE组通畅4只,通畅率66.7%。两组数据统计学处理,差异无显著性(P>0.05)。术后3月对移植物取材,进行光镜及扫描电镜病理学检查,通畅的生物血管吻合口无狭窄,吻合部位有新的内膜覆盖,周围组织无钙化,有新生的内皮细胞覆盖。结论经环氧化物处理的猪的血管移植物(PG)生物血管作为异种移植物,生物相容性好,具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

Objective To identify the risk factors that are associated with the midterm coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) functionality by assessing patency of left internal mammary artery (LIMA) graft and saphenous vein (SV) graft with 64-slice multi-detector computed tomography (64-MDCT). Methods Patients who underwent CABG operation and postoperative 64-MDCT follow-up examinations from August 2012 to December 2015 were included. The graft patent status was classified into patent and poor patent according to MDCT findings predominantly on 3D reconstructed images by two radiologists. The clinical data and imaging findings of the patients were collected and compared between the patent group and poor patent group. Univariate analysis and the multivariate logistic regression analysis were performed to identify the risk factors that affect graft patency. Results Among 341 patients in the study, there were 330 LIMA grafts [326 anastomosed to the left anterior descending artery (LAD), 4 to right coronary artery (RCA)] and 564 SV grafts (SVG) [100 anastomosed to the diagonal branch (D), 226 to the obtuse marginal branch (OM), and 238 to the RCA territory]. The approximal vessel stenosis exceeding 90% occurred in 268 of 292 patent LIMA grafts, and in 1 of 34 poor patent grafts (χ2=167, P<0.001). The patency rate was higher when SVG was anastomosed to OM (85.4%) or RCA territory (81.9%) than to D (69.0%) ( χ2=15.471, P=0.004). The proximal target vessel stenosis<90% ( OR=0.015, 95% CI: 0.01-0.14, P=0.000) was independently associated with the closure risk of LIMA grafts, the dyslipidemia (OR=1.52, 95% CI: 1.0-2.5, P=0.048), history of diabetes (OR=1.28, 95% CI : 0.90-2.26, P=0.045) and typical angina symptoms (OR=1.81, 95% CI :1.33-4.15, P=0.003) were independently associated with the closure risk of SVG. Conclusions The proximal LAD stenosis less than 90% was adversely associated with graft patency in LIMA recipients; dyslipidemia, diabetes and angina symptoms were associated with the midterm failure in SVG recipients. The choice of the target anastomosis sites may affect the patency of SVG.  相似文献   

目的用经胸多普勒超声心动图(transthoracic Doppler echocardiography,TDE)检查左乳内动脉(left internal mammary artery,LIMA)桥-左前降支吻合口处血流,探讨TDE评价LIMA桥血管通畅性的应用价值。方法选择LIMA桥原位转流术后行冠状动脉造影随访患者39例,探查LIMA桥吻合口处,于桥血管、吻合口及吻合口远端1~2cm范围内自体左前降支取样,测量收缩期峰值流速、舒张期峰值流速、收缩期速度时间积分、舒张期速度时间积分,并计算舒张期与收缩期峰值流速比值、舒张期速度时间积分分数。将结果与造影对照。结果32例(82.1%)吻合口超声图像能够显示,1例显示桥近吻合口处有血流回声中断,余31例患者3处测量值无显著性差异。与造影对照TDE检查LIMA桥通畅的准确率为87.2%(34/39)。结论吻合口的TDE显像为LIMA桥是否存在狭窄提供了直接证据。  相似文献   

目的 探讨不停跳下冠状动脉旁路移植术(OPCABG)围术期输入红细胞对于术后近期桥血管通畅率的影响.方法 选择2013 年6月至2015 年6月在安徽医科大学第一附属医院行OPCABG的106例(共127例,失访21例)患者为研究对象,依据患者围术期红细胞的使用与否分为两组:组Ⅰ(输注红细胞组,71例);组Ⅱ(未输注红细胞组,35例).术后1年左右行冠脉CT检查,对比观察两组患者各桥血管通畅情况.结果 组Ⅱ桥血管通畅率(96.97%)高于组Ⅰ(90.40%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),组Ⅱ大隐静脉桥血管通畅率(96.92%)高于组Ⅰ(88.15%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而两组间乳内动脉桥血管通畅率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 OPCABG围手术期输血会加大近期大隐静脉桥血管再狭窄的发生率.  相似文献   


Background. The survival of hemodialysis patients requiring dialysis depends on the long-term functioning and patency of the vascular access. Prosthetic vascular grafts are inevitably used for patients whose vessels are unsuitable for an autogenous arteriovenous (AV) fistula. The purpose of this study was to compare the patency rate and associated complications using different types of grafts.

Methods. This prospective study was conducted on patients who did not have an appropriate vein for arteriovenous fistula from January 2004 through July 2006. They were divided into two groups, sex, age, and basic data matched. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and polyurethane (PVAG) were the two types of grafts used in this study. The functionality of the graft was assessed immediately 1 day and 2 weeks after operation. The clinical follow-up was performed each 3 months until 24 months.

Results. One-year patency rate was reported to be 64% and 52% in the PTFE and PVAG groups, respectively. There was no significant difference in 1-year (64% versus 52%) and 2-year (49% versus 41%) patency rate of the PTFE and PVAG grafts used as vascular access. There was also no difference between the numbers of complications reported in the two groups.

Conclusion. It could be concluded that either PTFE or PVAG grafts can be used with the same expected outcomes.  相似文献   

Li QL  Zhang XM  Zhang XM  Shen CY 《中华医学杂志》2010,90(33):2334-2337
目的 探讨下肢动脉搭桥术后人工血管闭塞的治疗方法及疗效.方法 回顾性分析自2004年10月至2009年10月治疗的下肢动脉搭桥术后人工血管闭塞53例临床资料,共计104例次闭塞,10例末次闭塞保守治疗,其余94例次手术治疗:单纯人工血管取栓术26例次,再次搭桥或延长搭桥术23例次,人工血管取栓并球囊扩张术18例次,截肢术14例次,人工血管取栓术并股动脉或腘动脉内膜剥脱术10例次,2例人工血管闭塞并感染取出后保守治疗,自体干细胞移植1例次.结果 77例次血运重建手术,49例次术后人工血管再次闭塞(63.6%).6例失访;47例患者平均随访(29.8±17.1)个月,其中10例死亡(21.3%),12例人工血管闭塞后截肢(25.5%),25例患者保肢(53.2%),其中18例患者人工血管通畅(38.3%),7例闭塞保守治疗(14.9%).生存分析显示本组3年生存率77.4%,保肢率64.7%,累积通畅率45.7%,重建术式对通畅时间的影响无统计学意义.结论 下肢动脉人工血管搭桥术后闭塞血运重建术后再闭塞率及截肢率较高,应根据具体情况选择恰当治疗方式.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To probe into electron beam computed tomography (EBCT) angiography and 3-D reconstruction of coronary artery bypass grafts (CABG) and to evaluate the clinical application of EBCT angiography and 3-D reconstruction of CABG. METHODS: EBCT angiography with 3-D reconstruction was achieved in 150 patients (142 men and 8 women, mean age, 57 +/- 8 years) with 399 grafts including 100 internal mammary artery grafts (IMG), 296 saphenous vein grafts(SVG) and 3 radial artery grafts (RAG) respectively. The time from bypass surgery to EBCT scanning ranged from 7 days to 120 months, averaging 15 +/- 28 months. Enhanced single slice mode (SSM) and flow studies were performed in all patients. The results of 3-D reconstruction of CABG were compared with bypass operation records and with coronary arteriograms (7 patients). RESULTS: 150 patients underwent successfully EBCT angiography and CABG 3-D reconstruction. According to 3-D reconstruction of the coronary bypass grafts with flow studies, 318 of 399 coronary bypass grafts were patent including IMG patency in 87/100 (87%), SVG in 228/296 (77%) and RAG in 3/3 (100/100). The overall patent rate was 79.7%. In 7 patients with 12 coronary bypass grafts, EBCT studies showed graft patency (7 grafts) and occlusion (5), which were confirmed by conventional graft angiography. CONCLUSIONS: EBCT angiography with 3-D reconstruction is effective in providing the entire anatomic structure of coronary bypass grafts and evaluating coronary bypass graft patency. EBCT flow study can provide quantitative data for evaluating coronary bypass graft patency and for supplemental diagnosis of CABG 3-D reconstruction. EBCT angiography is a noninvasive technique that could replace conventional coronary arteriography for follow-up survey of coronary bypass surgery in future.  相似文献   

股动脉瘤切除术39例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶建荣  符伟国 《上海医学》1992,15(4):187-189

我院于1995年5月-12月进行猪辅助异位肝移植10次,供体取减体右肝,切除胆囊和左侧二叶肝。移植肝植于受体猪的右肝下,供肝的肝上下腔静脉与受体肝下下腔静脉端侧吻合,供肝的门静脉与受体门静脉端侧吻合。供肝肝动脉与受体主动脉端吻合。供肝胆总管与受体十二指肠吻合。10例手术均成功。术后生存2.5h-4天5例,另4例生存健康,2例在3个月处死,2例在6个月处死,证明移植肝存活。成功的体会是:1、血管吻合是辅助肝移植成功的关键;2、移植肝重量与受体体重比例最好是在1%左右;3、谷丙转氨酶、总胆汁酸、血氨和总胆固醇可作为实验动物的参考指标。  相似文献   

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