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In November of this year, the centenary celebration of the Canton Hospital founded by Peter Parker, a Yale graduate who came out to China as a missionary doctor, marks the coming of modern medicine in China for exactly a hundred years. For at least the first three quarters of the century, medical education and service were undertaken as private enterprises, largeIy by foreign medical rm商onaries. Due recognition and appreciation must, therefore, be given to them. They had helped to lay the foundation of modern medicine in China and to carry on this work so faithfully for all these years. In fact, even at this day, medical schools and hospitals under missionary and other foreign auspices are stiIl occupying a very important place in China. Happily, the time has at last come when the Chinese Government has assumed the responsibility in controIling and in formulating a national program for medical education. Its interest in medical educa- tion was first expressed in an official buUetin, issued in May, 1933, exhorting universities and colleges to establish medical schools when- ever possible. There are now four national medical colleges, all of them are making rapid progress due to the encouragement and support given to them by the Government. Before this number is published, the fifth national medical college, the CoIlege of Medicine of the Na- tional Central University, will be opened. In fact, the Ministry of Education is desirous of establishing national medical colleges in areas like Central, West and North West China, in addition to at least one school for each province. Lack of quaIified personnel rather than of funds has prevented,the more rapid establishment of new schools, and no one iq more impartient of this slow progress than the Minister of  相似文献   

The progress of medicine is recorded m the history of mankind of the past twenty-five centuries. It is a record of struggle to win by toil thu secretB of nature conceming man''s body and its disturbances by disease and accident. Gradually facts have gained general acceptance by verification. These facts have been classified and organized and concept! in harmony with these facts have been Established regarding the structure. the function and the disturbances of the human body. Thus scientific medicine bas bem slowly and carefully built up, and'' today is the foundation upon which stands the structure of medical practice:  相似文献   

We surveyed the menstrual patterns of 131,410 Chinese women over 9 years old in 29 provinces, municipalities and autonomous re'- gions. 129,226 (98.34'/o) had menstruaited. Their age at menarche ranged from 9 t0 21 yea.rs and averaged 15. Menarche occurred one year la.ter on the average in rural than in urban women. The interval between menarche and second menstruation averaged 3;5 days, and a normal menstrual cycle usua.lly was established within six months.. The length of menstrual cycle averaged 31 days and wa.s related to such facitors as health status, weather, nutrition, psychiatric factors and physical labor. Men- strual periods ranged from l t0 10 days and averaged 5 days. On the average, menopause began at age 49.5 in urban women and two years earlier in rural womem The age of meno- pause differed slightly between regions. The duration of climaoteric symptoms aft.er olr before menopause averaged 2 years and varied among regions; but about 50i70 0f women had no cli- m.acteric symptoms or dysmenorrhea. In gene- ral, the menstrual patterns of minority women were similar to those of Han women., However, in Korean women, the age at mena.rche a.veraged 16h56 years, and that at menopause averaged 47.46 years. In Tibet.an women, t.he age at mena.rche averaged 16.84yea.rs and dura.tion ofmenstrual flow was 3 to4 days.  相似文献   

50 years of research on killed or live vaccine for schistosomiasis without successful produc- tion of a human schistosomiasis vaccine are reviewed.  相似文献   

本文就1982年我国第二次全国营养调查资料和日本1983年的全国营养调查资料进行了初步的整理和分析。由于我国人民传统的饮食生活习惯和其它一些原因,使我国人民目前的膳食结构不尽合理。主要表现在优质蛋白质、钙、维生素 B_的摄入量低下,碳水化合物与钠的摄入量偏高。维生素 A、B_1、C、尼克酸和铁等营养素摄入量与机体实际吸收利用量不相符,因此营养缺乏病患病率偏高。在每日的膳食结构中,以植物性食物为主要食物。而日本人的膳食结构较我国合理。除钙的摄入量稍显不足外,其余营养素均较充裕。但由于其饮食生活的西欧化,同时也代来了营养过剩等问题。  相似文献   

The topic:assigned to me for this discussiori is so broad that it necessitates wandering widely over the field of leprosy. There is so much that is not known definitely about this disease that practically any phase of it is a matter for research. One would not go as far as did one person who; in discussing a suggestion that there should be, somewhere, a center for graduate traimng in leprosy, was inclined to discourage the idea because there is so much that is not definitely; krWwn. But it may be agreed that any serious work on the subject may''affwd new knowledge,  相似文献   

In recent years many endeavors have been made in some western countries to arrange a curriculum of medical education which would improve the practicalinstruction of the young doctor without sacri- fcing the theoreticalside of his education. This need was specially urgent after the World War, because unfavorable economic conditions often do not allow the young physician an npportunity to spend an extended period of time in hospital work after graduation. ThiF practical hospital work was originally planned to compensate for apparent disadvantages in the regular curriculum of study. In addi- tion, a dem.and for a change in the existing course of study was caused by the tremendous development of the different branches of medicine. Yet a combination of circumstances in the education of medical students prevcnts the introduction of a more intensive curricuhun without essentially prolonging the period of instruction. And such a ''prolonS:ation cannot be regarded as possible owmg to financial limita- tions. The amoujt of knowledge, moreover, which a doctor should nowadays possess for the benefit of his patients must go much beyond the regular plan of study generally given in five or six years.  相似文献   

Ophthalmology in China has developed in three successive phases. From the arrival of Dr. Peter Parker in Canton one hundred years ago v.ntil the last two dccades, cmphasis was laid on the curative phase of ophthalmology. Within the last two decades, earlier efforts in oph- thalmic research have been coorclinated and some notable research work on ophthalmic probIems has been done. Although various pro- bIems in ophthalmology have been considered from the public health viewpoint, it is only recently that the preventive phase of oph- thahnology has attracted the attention that it merits. '' The pro- gressive development of ophthalmology in China depends on a pro- gram in which the curative, the research and the public health phases of ophthalmology are maintained in proper oalance. It is therefore an opportune time to draw attention to their interdependence and to point out the need for their coordinated development.  相似文献   

31 insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDD) and 50 insulin-independent: diabetes mellitus (lID) patients were tested for HLA-A, B and DR antigens. 128 and 105 healthy unrelated Chinese served as, A, B and DR antigens controls. The frequency of DR3 antigen was 54.81T。 among IDD patients as compared with 13.33% in the controls (RR.=7.89, corrected p=4.14Xl0-5). The A9 antigen frequency in IDD patients was also significantly increased (RR - 4.15, corrected p = 0.0124). The frequencies of Bw54 antigen in both IDD and lID patients were also increased, but the differences were not statistically signi- ficant. The distribution of HLA-A, B and DR an- tigens. in the lID group was not significantly different from that in the controls.  相似文献   

NutritionalsupportwasfirstadoptedbytheChineseclinicianstoimprovethepatients'nutritionalstatusinthe1970's,andarapidprogresswasmadeinthe80's.Acomprehensiveunderstandinghasbeenobtainedontheconcepts,methodology,significance,theoryandpracticeofclinicalnutritionalsupportinthepast30years.Thefirstprogresswastheunderstandingofthepur-posesofclinicalnutrition.Attheearlystageofthe70's,theaimofnutritionalsupportwastomaintainnitrogenbalanceandleanbodymass.Withtheknowledgethatdiffere…  相似文献   

This article presents an outline of the development of modern psychiatry in China during this century.  相似文献   

人脐带眼科用透明质酸的制备和分析检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种用人脐带制备眼科用透明质酸制剂的工艺,对所得样品进行了理化分析,表明与国外产品Healon一致,动物实验表明本制剂无毒性、无刺激性,无致炎反应,对正常细胞无不良作用。  相似文献   

This paper reports 163 cases of intra- and ex- trahepatic choledocholithiasis treatetZ by uono- pcrative general attack therapy (OAT) using comhined traditinnal Chinese and WeSteru me- dicine from 1971 t0 1976. The result.s Were encouraging in 70% of the cases. Stones expcllcd were found in the stool or loss of stone shadows was recorded on cholangjograms in 64.4%, and in 2ff1671 the X-ray stone shadow disappeared after treatment. Indications for CAT include ductal stones around l cm in transverse diameter, cxtensive intrahepatic stones and postOPerative residual stones. The mechanism of stone expulsiou by GAT is discussied on the basis of both clinical and laboratory studies. Factors that may in- fluence clinical GAT resuIts are also discussecl.  相似文献   

中国观光农业现状分析及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李翔宇  张龙 《九江医学》2006,21(1):116-119
观光农业是一种正在迅速发展的生态农业和生态旅游业相结合的新型产业。随着二十世纪六十年代全世界的兴起,我国也于二十世纪八十年开始发展,并且发展迅速。本文拟从分析中国观光农业现状的情况,总结其发展不足,提出其对策与建议,希望能为未来的中国观光农业发展提供帮助。  相似文献   

A nation-wide survey on smoking was carried out from April to November 1984, covering all 29 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government (except Tai- wan). Stratified random sampling was done in the general population in those aged 15 years and above. A total of 519600 persons were surveyed, including 258 422 males and 261 178 females. It was shown that the average smoking rate of Chinese is 33.88%, with 61.01% males and 7.04 females. The heaviest male smokers are workers and peasants, and the females ones are professionals and workers. The highest educated peoplc have the lowest smoking rate in both sexes. Of 343 563 non-smokers interviewed, 39.75To are passive smokers. The quit smoking rate is only 4.17% in males and 9.73% in females.  相似文献   

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