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目的探讨二尖瓣脱垂(MVP)与急性风湿性心脏炎(ARC)的相关性。方法对108例风湿热并ARC的患者行超声心动图检查以观察MVP的发生率。结果超声心动图检查发现MVP76例,发生率为70%,其中前叶脱垂57例(53%),后叶脱垂13例(12%),前后叶均脱垂6例(6%)。与对照组比较有明显的差异(P<0.01)。ARC所致MVP中74例(97%)并发二尖辫关闭不全(MI),且MVP与MI的严重程度密切相关(P<0.01)。结论ARC是MVP,尤其是二尖瓣前叶脱垂的重要原因之一,而MVP是ARC所致MI的重要因素。 相似文献
202例胸痛患者,心电图有ST段下移及T波低平,但无心肌梗塞图形,行左室造影及冠状动脉造影。结果显示,有72例冠状动脉正常或仅有≤30%的狭窄,左室收缩期均见二尖瓣后叶呈“高跟鞋的后跟”样突入左房,符合二尖瓣后叶脱垂;含服硝酸甘油无效,而β阻滞剂对胸痛有不同程度的缓解。冠状动脉造影及左室造影是鉴别冠心病及二尖瓣脱垂的较好方法。 相似文献
<正> 二尖瓣脱垂是一种独立的疾病,是指二尖瓣前叶或后叶或前、后两叶在心脏收缩期脱垂入左心房而引起的一组综合征,表现为心悸、胸痛、呼吸困难及疲乏。多数病人具有收缩中—晚期喀喇音及/或收缩期杂音,部分病人伴有心电图ST—T变化。自1963年Barlow氏从心血管造影证实了二尖瓣脱垂以来,已引起广泛重视,国外已有大量报告,国内的资料还不多。近一年来,我们通过临床和超声心动图检查先后遇到5例,现将住院检查资料较全的4例分析报告于后,另一例为门诊病人,因资料不全,未列入文内。 相似文献
目的:为二尖瓣和三尖瓣的疾病诊断及手术治疗提供部分解剖学数据并积累国人体质学方面的资料.方法:采用42例经福尔马林固定的成人心脏标本,观测房室口纤维环的周长和面积,二尖瓣和三尖瓣的面积及瓣膜各部附着的腱索条数.结果:[1]二尖瓣环和三尖瓣环的周长分别为91.42±11.63mm和104.97±12.84mm,面积分别为672.58±142.94mm2和924.83±205.93mm2;[2]二尖瓣和三尖瓣的面积分别为1087.90±226.28mm2和1310.23±196.26mm2;二尖瓣和三尖瓣与对应房室口纤维环的面积比均值分别为1.64±0.24和1.45±0.23,经检验差异显著(P<0.05);③二尖瓣和三尖瓣上附着的腱索条数分别为27.18±5.32条和27.15±.98条;它们的腱索密度则分别为2.488±0.802条/mm2和2.125±0.57条/mm2,经t检验差异显著(P<0.05).结论:二尖瓣与二尖瓣环的面积比大于三尖瓣与三尖瓣环的面积比,二尖瓣的腱索密度也比三尖瓣大,房室瓣手术时应注意此差别. 相似文献
调查了北京、四川乐山和香港3、6,12和15岁男女儿童的龋病流行情况,每组约60人。将所得结果与日本国相同年龄组比较。结果表明,中国儿童乳牙患龋率高,城市高于农村,恒牙患龋率相对较低,乳牙和恒牙龋齿的治疗率均较低;香港儿童乳牙患龋率低于北京和乐山;日本儿童患龋率及治疗率均最高。 相似文献
Woo Kam-sang胡锦生 Vallance-Owen JohnDepartment of Medicine The Chin.ese Unive'rsity of Hong Kong Prince of Wal.es Hospital. Hong Kong 《中华医学杂志(英文版)》1988,101(8):579-586
The prevalence and pattern of cardiovascularproblems in Hong Kong are basicaliy those of an
ageing subtropical Chinese community, influenced by
the impact of westernization and urbanization. Their
trends over the past decades have been hall-marked
by a decreasing prevalence of theumatic and corr
genital heart disease, and a plunging incidence of
theumatic fever, associated with a rapidly increasing
prevalence of ischemic and degenerative type of
cardiovascular diseases. In the 1990s, theumatic
heart disease will be less prevalent but may still
account for tOTo of the problem. Ischemic heart
disease and degenerative type of Icsions will certain-
ly be more commonly seen and accottnt for 40% and
25U/o respectively, while the prevaleuce of hyperten-
sive diseases and congenital heart disease may hope
fully stays at 10% and 5% levels, respectively. 相似文献
王学佳 《山东医学高等专科学校学报》1989,11(1):49-52
6例病人都有主动脉瓣关闭不全的体征,并均经超声心动图检查诊断为主动脉瓣脱垂.本文根据6例病人的临床资料,进一步分析了主动脉瓣脱垂的发病原因、机理.并对超声心动图诊断主动脉瓣脱垂的一些特殊表现作了探讨. 相似文献
CHILDREN IN HONG KONG 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Liang Shu-fang梁淑芳and Dai Wei-zhi戴伟志Department of Paediatrics The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 《中华医学杂志(英文版)》1989,102(3):233-235
Racial differences in the size of children make it questionable that a widely used Caucasian velocity reference standard can be used for Chinese children. In the present study, the growth velocity in 935 healthy Chinese children aged 4-6 was examined, showing that height velocity was significantly lower than Tanner's references. With the Caucasian velocity standard, Chinese children might be misinterpreted as growing abnormally slowly. In order to detect growth and endocrine disorders of childhood and adolescence, a Chinese growth velocity standard for children of 0 to 18 years must be established. 相似文献
WH Chow LK Cheung CH ChengUniversity Medical Unit Grantham Hospital Hong Kong 《中华医学杂志(英文版)》1989,102(3):227-229
Total occlusion of the left main coronary artery (LMCA) is a rare finding in patients with stable angina pectoris. To the best of our knowledge, it has not been described in Hong Kong Chinese before. In this paper, we report the clinical and angiographic findings of a Hong Kong Chinese with this condition treated in our unit. 相似文献
11例肝硬化患者尸解,病理显示有肾损害者7例,占64%,光镜下均见不同程度系膜细胞及系膜基质的增多,系膜区有免疫复合物IgA、C_3、IgG沉积;7例肾损害者其中肾功受累6例,占85.7%;也有呈蛋白尿、血尿、管型尿。本文探讨了肝硬化性肾小球肾炎的诊断,本病的预后取决于肝病的程度。 相似文献
Lam Wah-kit林华杰 SoShun-yang苏淳养and Yu Yu-chiu余宇超 Division of RespiTatory Medicine Department of Medicine Queen Mary Hospital University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 《中华医学杂志(英文版)》1983,96(10):737-742
Fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) was per-
formed in l,450 Chinese patients from 1978 to
1982. Diagnostic tiss.ue was obtained in 76.017'7。
(372/489) bronchial biopsies and 66,18TO (319/482)
transbronchial lung biopsies (TBB). The three
commonest tissue diagno.ses were broinchial
carcinoma (56.44), acute bronchitis/pneumonia
(20.95To) and tuberculosis Ql.4P/o). Bronchial
cancer is the commonest lethal malignant disease
in both men and women in Hong Kong. Sarcoi.-
dosis, cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis and ex-
trinsic allergic alveolitis are rare in Chinese.
FOB gave a diagnos.is of 93.53Vo foir bronchoscio-
pically visible tumour and 87.6570 for nonvisible
tumour. FOB also providecl the diagnosis in
117 patients with sputum sme'ar negative pulmon-
ary tuberculosis, 21 0f 24 (87.5To) irrrrriuriosup-
pressed patients with diffuse pulmonary in-
filtrates, and 39 0f 168 (23.2To) patients with
hemoptysis and normal chest radiographs.
Bronchoscopic aspira.te and brush examinations
were useful techniques providing the exclusive
diagnosis iri 12% of bronchos.co.pically vis.ibile
tumour and 2370 0f nonvisible tumour. 36To of
sputurri smear-negative tuberculosis and 3
thrombocytopenic, immunocompromised subjects. 相似文献
对2例风湿性联合辩膜病合并细小主动脉根部病例施行扩大主动脉根部及保留全部二尖瓣装置的双瓣替换术,疗效满意.本文提出对细小主动脉根部术前诊断的重要性和术中探查的必要性。扩大主动脉根部采用Nicks术式。同期施行改良二尖瓣替换术可有效地维护左室功能。 相似文献
目的研究二尖瓣粘液退行性变的诊断、病理改变和治疗方法。方法二尖瓣粘液退行性变患者36例,均在中度低温体外循环下进行手术。28例行二尖瓣置换术,其中1例保留全部二尖瓣叶及其瓣下结构,4例保留部分前叶和全部后叶及其瓣下结构,20例保留部分后叶及其瓣下结构。8例行二尖瓣成形术,其中4例行Carpentier's环成形术,2例行De Vega成形术,2例行腱索乳头肌缩短+瓣叶折叠。结果围术期因严重低心排死亡1例。随访5~84个月,1例因抗凝过量致脑出血死亡。其余34例中,心功能Ⅰ级21例,心功能Ⅱ级12例,心功能Ⅲ级1例。二尖瓣成形8例中,3~6个月复查心脏超声多普勒,2例无返流,5例轻度返流,1例重度返流,二尖瓣瓣口面积均在2.5cm2以上。结论本病确诊依靠术中所见及病理结果,结合病史、心脏超声检查。二尖瓣置换术是目前本病最为有效的治疗方法,保留瓣下结构对术后左室功能的恢复极为重要。二尖瓣成形是目前最理想的治疗方法,根据瓣叶及瓣下结构特点选用相应的处理方法可获得满意的手术效果。 相似文献
Zhang Jin-zhe张金哲 Wang Yan-xia王燕霞 Chen】in-jie陈晋杰 Wci Lin-qi魏临琪and Hc Rong-you贺荣友Beijing Children''s Hospital Beijing Institute of Pediatric Research 《中华医学杂志(英文版)》1987,100(7):535-540
A ncw operation of "spur-valve artificial bile
duct" for congenital choledochus cyst is introduced.
The main procedures include: a bleeding-saving
cystectomy, that is the free part of the cyst wall
is excised in full-thickness while only the mucosa is
peeled off from the rest small part of the wall
adherent to the portal vessels; a short jejunal loop
of 10 cm is interposed between the hepatic duct and
duodenum; an.d a spur-valve is made at the duodenal
anastomosis. Thirty one operations of the type were
performed in 1983-1985 with satisfactory anti-reflux
effect and follow-up results. From the experiments
wiLh 35 dogs, it was concluded that a 5-cm spur is
the optimum one in maintaining a normalintrabiliary
pressure (15 mm Hg) and also in protecting from the
reflux due to intestinal obstruction (back-pressure
20-41 mm Hg); the anti-reflux effect is decreasing in
the first month after operation but recovering by the
second month; postoperative gastric analysis revealed
normal findings; and autopsies disclosed no foad
particles or inflammation in the artificial bile-duct,
rior uicers in the stomach or duodenum.
However, a long-term evaluation should be
made after follow-up of a larger number of cases. 相似文献
1392例儿童尸检的病理诊断与临床诊断符合率分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对我室1960-1995年间做的1392例儿童尸检的病理与临床诊断进行了分析,结果表明:总的儿童尸检率为69.53%。尸检率以1981-1990年间为高,1971-1980年间最低。总的临床误诊率为30.9。各年代,各种疾病及各年龄组诊断符合率各不相同。 相似文献
Zheng Xiao-lian郑笑莲 Qian Xue-xian钱学贤 Li Lan-sun李兰荪and Jia Guo-liang贾国良First Affiliated Hospital the Fourth Militar'y Medical Col l ege Xian 《中华医学杂志(英文版)》1984,97(7):495-499
74 patients undergoing mitral valve replacement
with porcine heterograft were followed up. Before
operation, 49 patients were in cardiac function
Class III, and 25 in Oass IV. Five patients (6.8%)
died during the perioperative period. Of the sur.
vivors, 64 were folfowed up for more than 3 months
and 3 for 4 years, averaging 24 months. Cardiac
function was improved to Class I in 40 patients,
Oass II in 23, and Class III in l. The mean value
of cardiothoracic ratio before and after operation
was 0.64+0.0,662 and 0.55+0.0,543 respectively
(p<0.001). In 14 patients examined with two.dimen-
sional echocardiography preoperatively and l t0 3
months postoperatively, reduction in size of the left
atrium was more significant than that of the left
ventricle. Nevertheless, the size of the right atrium
and ventricle and the ejection fraction remained
unchanged. Five patients underwent cardiac cathe-
terization before and 3 t0 5 months after operation.
Their pulmonary capillary wedge pressure declined
to normal, and the pressure and resistance of the
pulmonary artery and the cardiac index were also
improved. Thus, all-round judgement on the thera-
peutic effect of valve replacement should be made.
As to the cardioversion of atrial fibrillation, our
paiients were compared with those who underwent
mitral valvulotomy and those who did not undergo
any operations in our hospital. The successful rate
of cardioversion was similar to that of the latter
two groups, but the recurrence rate was much lower
than that of the two groups. The mechanisms of
above findings are discussed. 相似文献
目的探讨主动脉瓣及二尖瓣双瓣置换术的手术方法和效果.方法全组病例在全麻、低温、体外循环下实施手术.中度血液稀释,主动脉根部灌注冷停跳液,心包腔内放置冰屑,经右心房、房间隔置换二尖瓣,主动脉根部横切口置换主动脉瓣.18例合并三尖瓣关闭不全者同期行De-Vega环缩术,9例合并左心房血栓者同期行血栓取出术,1例合并动脉导管未闭者同期行动脉导管缝闭术.结果术后低心排6例,二次开胸止血5例,放置起搏器2例,死亡2例,死亡率为4.16%.结论对风湿性心脏病主动脉瓣及二尖瓣双瓣置换患者,加强围术期处理,提高手术技巧,术中良好的心肌保护以及平稳的灌注,重视三尖瓣病变的处理和保留二尖瓣瓣下结构是手术成功的关键. 相似文献
Weng Xin-zhi翁心植 Hong Zhao-guang洪昭光 Chen Dan-yang陈丹阳National Survey Group for Prevalence of Tobacco SmolcingBeijing Heart Lung Bl.ood Vessei!Medical Center Beijing 《中华医学杂志(英文版)》1987,100(11):886-892
A nation-wide survey on smoking was carried
out from April to November 1984, covering all 29
provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities
directly under the Central Government (except Tai-
wan). Stratified random sampling was done in the
general population in those aged 15 years and above.
A total of 519600 persons were surveyed, including
258 422 males and 261 178 females.
It was shown that the average smoking rate of
Chinese is 33.88%, with 61.01% males and 7.04
females. The heaviest male smokers are workers
and peasants, and the females ones are professionals
and workers. The highest educated peoplc have the
lowest smoking rate in both sexes. Of 343 563
non-smokers interviewed, 39.75To are passive
smokers. The quit smoking rate is only 4.17% in
males and 9.73% in females. 相似文献