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目的 探讨循证护理对老年2型糖尿病合并高血压病患者的效果.方法 选择该院内分泌科2018年3月—2019年9月收治的106例2型糖尿病合并高血压患者为研究对象,奇偶数法随机分为两组,每组53例.对照组实施常规护理干预,观察组实施循证护理干预.观察与比较两组患者护理前后血糖指标、血压达标率、生活质量评分.结果 护理前,两...  相似文献   

张维萍  卢晓莲 《内科》2007,2(6):1014-1014
随着人口老龄化加快,老年患者不断增多。高血压和糖尿病的发病率又随着年龄的增长倍增,已成为继肿瘤、心血管病变后第三位危害人类健康的疾病。糖尿病和高血压均被认为是发生大血管和微血管病变的危险因素。因此对2型糖尿病合并高血压患者进行护理和健康指导,就能有效地预防和延缓大血管及微血管并发症的发生和发展。现将护理体会报告如下。  相似文献   

目的 探讨对老年2型糖尿病合并高血压患者以多样化护理方案进行干预的效果。方法 选取我院2020年1月至2022年1月期间收治的118例老年2型糖尿病合并高血压患者,将其以简单随机法分为研究组和对照组,对照组59例实施常规护理干预,研究组59例实施多样化护理干预,对两组血压及血糖控制水平进行比较。结果 研究组干预后的空腹血糖、餐后2h血糖均明显低于对照组,比较差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);研究组干预后的收缩压、舒张压均明显低于对照组,比较差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论 多样化护理干预用于老年2型糖尿病合并高血压患者中,效果肯定,可进一步控制血压水平,降低血糖,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的探讨老年2型糖尿病(T2DM)合并原发性高血压(EH)患者的24 h动态血压(ambulatory blood pressure,ABP)昼夜节律变化及血压变异性(blood pressure variability,BPV)。方法纳入60例诊断为T2DM合并EH的老年患者作为观察组,同时选取60例仅诊断为EH的人群作为对照组,再随机抽取30例健康体检人群为正常组。所有受试者均进行血压昼夜节律及血压变异性检测。结果观察组与对照组比较,dSBP、nSBP、24 h收缩压标准差、24 h收缩压变异系数、夜收缩压标准差、夜收缩压变异系数差异有统计学意义;观察组与正常组比较,24 h SBP、dSBP、nSBP、24 h DBP、24 h收缩压标准差、24 h收缩压变异系数、24 h舒张压标准差、24 h舒张压变异系数、夜收缩压标准差、夜收缩压变异系数差异有统计学意义;对照组与正常组比较,24 h SBP、dSBP、nSBP、24 h收缩压标准差、24 h DBP变异系数、夜SBP标准差、夜SBP变异系数差异有统计学意义;观察组分别与对照组、正常组及对照组与正常组比较:SBP昼夜差值、DBP昼夜差值均有统计学差异。结论 T2DM合并EH的老年患者夜间血压下降较单纯EH患者及健康对照组明显减少,血压变异性增大,单纯EH患者较健康对照组亦明显减少。老年T2DM合并EH患者的昼夜血压调节功能损害较大,为减少心脑血管系统疾病的发生,改善体内糖代谢具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨老年 2型糖尿病 (DM)合并高血压患者与胰岛素抵抗及血脂的关系。方法 选择老年 2型 DM合并高血压患者 39例 ,无高血压的 DM患者 30例 ,无 DM的原发性高血压患者 2 1例 ,测定三组受试者血脂、空腹胰岛素、血糖 ,计算胰岛素抵抗指数 (HOMA- IR)和胰岛β细胞功能指数 (HOMA- IS)。结果  DM合并高血压组 HOMA- IR明显高于无高血压的 DM组 (P <0 .0 1) ,DM组明显高于无 DM的高血压组 (P <0 .0 1) ;DM合并高血压组血清甘油三酯 (TG)、血糖及糖化血红蛋白水平均高于其余两组。结论 老年 2型 DM患者存在胰岛素抵抗 ,胰岛素抵抗在 DM合并高血压患者中更为显著 ,血清 TG水平升高与老年 2型 DM合并高血压相关  相似文献   

目的:研究老老年高血压患者2型糖尿病与血清游离脂肪酸之间的关系。方法:纳入老老年原发性高血压患者152例,其中伴有2型糖尿病者74例,为1组;非2型糖尿病者78例,为2组;两组患者均检测血脂,比较两组血脂水平的差异。结果:2组患者比较,BMI:1组(28.73±5.49)>2组(23.21±5.83),空腹血糖:1组(7.01±2.71)>2组(5.30±0.85),游离脂肪酸水平:1组(0.62±0.32)>2组(0.51±0.28),总胆固醇:1组(4.16±1.04)>2组(3.87±0.93),甘油三酯:1组(1.56±0.84)>2组(1.31±0.66),高密度脂蛋白:1组(1.06±0.25)>2组(1.22±0.32),极低密度脂蛋白:1组(0.35±0.29)>2组(0.27±0.15),APOA1:1组(1.10±0.17)<(1.17±0.19),脂蛋白A:(14.64±15.64)<(21.89± 21.46),均P<0.05,差异有统计学意义;Spearman相关性分析显示:BMI(r=0.468,p=0.002)、游离脂肪酸(r=0.147,p=0.027)、总胆固醇(r=0.147,p=0.028)、高密度脂蛋白(r=-0.261,p=0.000)、VLDL(r=0.148,p=0.026)、APOA1(r=-0.162,p=0.014)、脂蛋白A(r=-0.219,p=0.001)均与2型糖尿病存在相关性。二元Logistic回归分析显示,血清游离脂肪酸水平与老老年高血压合并2型糖尿病关系最为密切。结论:老老年高血压合并2型糖尿病患者脂质代谢紊乱更加严重,应予以足够的重视,而血清游离脂肪酸水平或许可以作为一干预靶点和预测指标。  相似文献   

目的观察老年2型糖尿病(T2DM)合并原发性高血压(EH)24h动态血压(ABPM)变化规律。方法对41例确诊T2DM合并EH的老年患者(甲组)行ABPM检查,分析其变化特点,另设41例老年EH患者作为对照(乙组)。结果甲组夜间血压下降率明显低于乙组,白天和夜间收缩压(SBP)负荷明显高于乙组(P〈0.01),ABPM呈异常形态者(反杓型,夜间突出和高位平台型等)明显高于乙组(P〈0.01):并发的心脑血管事件与乙组比较有显著差异(P〈0.01)。结论老年T2DM合并EH者发生ABPM昼夜节律消失、血压负荷值增高、异常血压形态以及并发心脑血管事件人数明显增多。  相似文献   

目的 探讨原发性高血压(EH)合并2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者血压昼夜节律改变与靶器官损害的关系.方法 选择2005-06-2008-12门诊和病房住院受试者495例,其中男性121例,女性374例,年龄40~79(65.7±10.0)岁,分为对照组(n=113)、EH组(n=199)、T2DM(n=73)及EH+T2D...  相似文献   

目的运用胰岛素增敏剂盐酸罗格列酮治疗2型糖尿病伴高血压患者,研究其降压作用和降压机理。方法30例2型糖尿病伴高血压患者口服盐酸罗格列酮(维戈洛)4mg/d-8mg/d,共16周,观察治疗前后的血压、血脂、血糖和胰岛素水平,计算胰岛素敏感指数和胰岛素抵抗指数,并进行分析比较。结果盐酸罗格列酮治疗后收缩压和舒张压明显下降(P〈0.01);空腹血糖(FBG)、餐后血糖(PBG)、空腹胰岛素(FINS)和餐后胰岛素(PINS)均明显降低(P〈0.01);胰岛素敏感指数(ISI)显著升高(P〈0.01),胰岛素抵抗指数(IR)显著下降(P〈0.05)。结论盐酸罗格列酮在降低血糖、改善胰岛素抵抗、提高胰岛素敏感指数的同时,具有降低血压、血脂的作用,且安全性和耐受性均较好。  相似文献   

目的探讨老年2型糖尿病(T2DM)合并冠心病(CHD)患者心率变异性(HRV)分析的临床意义。方法对44例老年T2DM患者按照有无合并CHD分为2组,20例健康人为对照组,进行HRV时域分析。结果单纯T2DM组和合并CHD组的HRV时域各项指标均低于对照组(P〈0.05,P〈0.01);合并CHD组的大部分参数值亦低于单纯T2DM组(P〈0.05)。结论老年T2DM合并CHD会显著加重心脏自主神经功能损害,使心率变异性降低。HRV能较直观地评价老年T2DM患者的心血管功能状态,有助于早期筛选高危患者,预防心血管事件的发生。  相似文献   

检测71例老年2型糖尿病患者胰高血糖素对血糖变化的反应及其与血压之间的关系.结果 显示,餐后血糖增加值<2.5 mmol/L组与≥2.5 mmoL/L组相比,胰高血糖素的增加值明显高于后者(P<0.05);血压正常组与高血压组相比,餐后胰高血糖素增加值也明显升高(P<0.05).提示老年2型糖尿病患者胰高血糖素对血糖变化反应性下降与血糖和血压升高有关.  相似文献   

目的 评价老年高血压和(或)糖尿病患者动脉僵硬度及其影响因素. 方法 320例老年患者分为4组:对照组、糖尿病组、高血压组、高血压并存糖尿病组(联合患病组).收集年龄、体质指数、性别、吸烟、血压、脉压及平均动脉压,测定血清空腹血糖、血脂、糖化血红蛋白、超敏C反应蛋白等;并应用COLIN-VP1000动脉硬化测定仪测量入选者踝臂脉搏波传导速度(baPWV)以评价对动脉硬化的影响. 结果 联合患病组、糖尿病组、高血压组、对照组baPWV值分别为(2165.9±479.9)cm/s、(2158.6±386.9)cm/s、(1881.2±383.8)cm/s和(1667.2±279.3)cm/s,联合患病组、高血压组及糖尿病组的baPWV水平与对照组比较,差异均有统计学意义(F=8.473,P<0.05),联合患病组与糖尿病组的baPWV值比较,差异无统计学意义,高血压组与糖尿病组及联合患病组的baPWV值比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05).联合患病组脉压、超敏C反应蛋白最高,与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05).多元线性回归分析结果显示,血清空腹血糖、平均动脉压、脉压、超敏C反应蛋白、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇与baPWV水平呈正相关(均P<0.05). 结论 糖尿病、高血压是老年人动脉僵硬度增高的影响因素,而高血糖对老年人动脉僵硬度的影响可能起了更重要的作用.血糖、平均动脉压、脉压、超每C反应蛋白、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇均是影响动脉僵硬度的独立危险因素.  相似文献   

The response of glueagon to the change of glucose and its relation to blood pressure in 71 eidely patients with type 2 diabetes was investigated. The results showed that the postprandial increment of glucagon in the group of patients with postprandial 2h plasma glucose increment<2.5 mmol/L was significantly higher than that in the group with plasma glucose inerement≥ 2.5 mmoi/L (P<0. 05). The postprandial increment of glucagon in patients with normal blood pressure was significantly higher than that in patients with hypertension (P<0.05). The results suggest that the decreased response of glucagon to the change in plasma glucose in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes is related to increased blood glucose and high blood pressure.  相似文献   

The response of glueagon to the change of glucose and its relation to blood pressure in 71 eidely patients with type 2 diabetes was investigated. The results showed that the postprandial increment of glucagon in the group of patients with postprandial 2h plasma glucose increment<2.5 mmol/L was significantly higher than that in the group with plasma glucose inerement≥ 2.5 mmoi/L (P<0. 05). The postprandial increment of glucagon in patients with normal blood pressure was significantly higher than that in patients with hypertension (P<0.05). The results suggest that the decreased response of glucagon to the change in plasma glucose in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes is related to increased blood glucose and high blood pressure.  相似文献   

The response of glueagon to the change of glucose and its relation to blood pressure in 71 eidely patients with type 2 diabetes was investigated. The results showed that the postprandial increment of glucagon in the group of patients with postprandial 2h plasma glucose increment<2.5 mmol/L was significantly higher than that in the group with plasma glucose inerement≥ 2.5 mmoi/L (P<0. 05). The postprandial increment of glucagon in patients with normal blood pressure was significantly higher than that in patients with hypertension (P<0.05). The results suggest that the decreased response of glucagon to the change in plasma glucose in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes is related to increased blood glucose and high blood pressure.  相似文献   

The response of glueagon to the change of glucose and its relation to blood pressure in 71 eidely patients with type 2 diabetes was investigated. The results showed that the postprandial increment of glucagon in the group of patients with postprandial 2h plasma glucose increment<2.5 mmol/L was significantly higher than that in the group with plasma glucose inerement≥ 2.5 mmoi/L (P<0. 05). The postprandial increment of glucagon in patients with normal blood pressure was significantly higher than that in patients with hypertension (P<0.05). The results suggest that the decreased response of glucagon to the change in plasma glucose in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes is related to increased blood glucose and high blood pressure.  相似文献   

The response of glueagon to the change of glucose and its relation to blood pressure in 71 eidely patients with type 2 diabetes was investigated. The results showed that the postprandial increment of glucagon in the group of patients with postprandial 2h plasma glucose increment<2.5 mmol/L was significantly higher than that in the group with plasma glucose inerement≥ 2.5 mmoi/L (P<0. 05). The postprandial increment of glucagon in patients with normal blood pressure was significantly higher than that in patients with hypertension (P<0.05). The results suggest that the decreased response of glucagon to the change in plasma glucose in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes is related to increased blood glucose and high blood pressure.  相似文献   

The response of glueagon to the change of glucose and its relation to blood pressure in 71 eidely patients with type 2 diabetes was investigated. The results showed that the postprandial increment of glucagon in the group of patients with postprandial 2h plasma glucose increment<2.5 mmol/L was significantly higher than that in the group with plasma glucose inerement≥ 2.5 mmoi/L (P<0. 05). The postprandial increment of glucagon in patients with normal blood pressure was significantly higher than that in patients with hypertension (P<0.05). The results suggest that the decreased response of glucagon to the change in plasma glucose in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes is related to increased blood glucose and high blood pressure.  相似文献   

The response of glueagon to the change of glucose and its relation to blood pressure in 71 eidely patients with type 2 diabetes was investigated. The results showed that the postprandial increment of glucagon in the group of patients with postprandial 2h plasma glucose increment<2.5 mmol/L was significantly higher than that in the group with plasma glucose inerement≥ 2.5 mmoi/L (P<0. 05). The postprandial increment of glucagon in patients with normal blood pressure was significantly higher than that in patients with hypertension (P<0.05). The results suggest that the decreased response of glucagon to the change in plasma glucose in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes is related to increased blood glucose and high blood pressure.  相似文献   

The response of glueagon to the change of glucose and its relation to blood pressure in 71 eidely patients with type 2 diabetes was investigated. The results showed that the postprandial increment of glucagon in the group of patients with postprandial 2h plasma glucose increment<2.5 mmol/L was significantly higher than that in the group with plasma glucose inerement≥ 2.5 mmoi/L (P<0. 05). The postprandial increment of glucagon in patients with normal blood pressure was significantly higher than that in patients with hypertension (P<0.05). The results suggest that the decreased response of glucagon to the change in plasma glucose in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes is related to increased blood glucose and high blood pressure.  相似文献   

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