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We compared treatment outcome in 410 patients with drug-susceptible tuberculosis (DS-TB) and 150 patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) among 560 adult patients (> or = 15 years old) notified with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis between July 1997 and June 1998 in the West Province of Cameroon and treated with World Health Organization (WHO) standard regimens under field conditions. Information on treatment outcome was collected for all smear-positive TB patients having a positive culture with drug susceptibility tests performed for isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol and streptomycin. Treatment outcome was recorded as cured, completed treatment, failed, defaulted, died or transferred out, 332 of the 410 patients (81%) with DS-TB were cured, compared to 109/150 (72.7%) patients with DR-TB (odds ratio [OR] = 0.62, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.40-0.99). Seven patients (1.7%) failed treatment in the DS-TB group vs. 9 (6.0%) in the DR-TB group (OR = 3.67, 95% CI 1.23-11.18). No significant difference was found in rates of death, default or transfer. Sputum smear conversion at the end of the intensive treatment phase was observed in 78.8% of the cases, drug resistance having no effect on the conversion rate. After adjusting for age, sex and resistance, the death rate was higher in patients also infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In TB cases with multidrug resistance, standard regimens result in unacceptably high failure rates (26.1%). For all other drug-resistant forms of TB, rifampicin-based short-course chemotherapy gave satisfactory results. The death toll in the West Province seems due to HIV co-infection rather than to TB alone. To prevent development of drug-resistance, the proportion of defaulters must be decreased and prevention and control strategies endorsed by the WHO and the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease must be implemented nation-wide.  相似文献   



People often search for information on influenza A(H1N1)v prevention on the web. The extent to which information found on the Internet is consistent with recommendations issued by the World Health Organization is unknown.  相似文献   



To appraise the quality of guidelines developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) that were approved by its Guidelines Review Committee (GRC) and identify strengths and weaknesses in the guideline development process.

Study design



Three individuals independently assessed GRC-approved WHO guidelines using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II instrument (AGREE II). Scores were standardized across domains and overall quality was determined through consensus.


124 guidelines met inclusion criteria and were assessed. 58 guidelines were recommended for use, 58 were recommended with modifications and eight were not recommended. The highest scoring domains across guidelines were scope and purpose, and clarity of presentation. The recommended guidelines had higher rigor of development and applicability domain scores in comparison to other guidelines. 77% of the guidelines referenced an underlying evidence review and 49% used GRADE to assess the body of evidence or the strength of the recommendation. The domains in need of improvement included stakeholder engagement, editorial independence, and applicability. Guidelines not recommended for use were generally insufficient in their rigor of development.


WHO guidelines need further improvement, most importantly in the rigor of their development (i.e., use of evidence reviews). Other areas for improvement include increased stakeholder engagement, a more explicit process for recommendation formulation and disclosure of interests, discussion of the facilitators, barriers, resource implications, and criteria for monitoring the outcomes of guideline implementation. WHO guidelines can improve through increased transparency, adherence to the WHO Handbook for Guideline Development, and better oversight by the GRC.  相似文献   

The risks and expected benefits from iodized oil, given orally or by injection, to pregnant women in areas of severe iodine deficiency where iodized salt is not available were evaluated. The conclusions, which were approved by the International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD), showed that for preventing and controlling moderate and severe iodine deficiency, the giving of iodized oil is safe at any time during pregnancy. Maximum protection against endemic cretinism and neonatal hypothyroidism will be achieved when iodized oil is given before conception. The potential benefits greatly outweigh the potential risks in areas of moderate and severe iodine deficiency disorders, where iodized salt is not available and is unlikely to be made available in the short term (1-2 years).  相似文献   

International financial institutions have played an increasing role in the formation of social policy in Latin American countries over the last two decades, particularly in health and pension programs. World Bank loans and their attached policy conditions have promoted several social security reforms within a neoliberal framework that privileges the role of the market in the provision of health and pensions. Moreover, by endorsing the privatization of health services in Latin America, the World Health Organization has converged with these policies. The privatization of social security has benefited international corporations that become partners with local business elites. Thus the World Health Organization, international financial institutions, and transnational corporations have converged in the neoliberal reforms of social security in Latin America. Overall, the process represents a mechanism of resource transfer from labor to capital and sheds light on one of the ways in which neoliberalism may affect the health of Latin American populations.  相似文献   

The World Health Organization (WHO) is the specialized agency of the UN on public health. It gives worldwide guidance in the field of health, sets global standards for health, cooperates with governments to strengthen national health care programs, and develops and transfers appropriate health technology, information, and standards. Within the WHO European region, health status and health expenditures vary greatly. In this paper, disparities between health status, health services, and health care expenditures between countries of the WHO European region are presented. The objectives, performance, and dilemmas facing health care systems are discussed, including the recent performance ranking published by the WHO. The paper focuses particularly on access to medicines, their appropriate use, and rising drug expenditures. Strategies used by European countries to improve drug use and contain health care expenditures are outlined. Finally, the future of pharmaceuticals and public health is explored.  相似文献   

The article analyzes the World Health Organization Report for 2000, with emphasis placed on the methodology used to analyze the indicators utilized to compare and classify the performance of the health systems of the 191 member countries. The Report's contribution was the compromise of monitoring the performance of the health systems of member countries, but because of the inconsistent way it was elaborated, and the utilization of questionable scientific evaluation methodologies, the Report fails to give a clear picture. A criterion-based methodology revision is imposed. The main problems in evidence are the choice of individual indicators of disparity in health that discount the population profile, the inadequate control of the impact of social disparities over the performance of the systems, the evaluation of the responsibility of systems that are only partially articulated to the right of the citizens, the lack of data for a great number of countries, consequently having inconsistent estimations, and the lack of transparency in the methodological procedures in the calculation of some indicators. The article suggests a wide methodological revision of the Report.  相似文献   

The World Health Organization (WHO) revised its global recommendations on treating pregnant women infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) with antiretrovirals and preventing mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV. Initial draft recommendations issued in November 2009 were followed by a full revised guideline in July 2010. The 2010 recommendations on PMTCT have important implications in terms of planning, human capacity and resources. Ministries of health therefore had to adapt their national guidelines to reflect the 2010 PMTCT recommendations, and the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation tracked the adaptation process in the 14 countries where it provides technical support. In doing so it sought to understand common issues, challenges, and the decisions reached and to properly target its technical assistance.In 2010, countries revised their national guidelines in accordance with WHO’s most recent PMTCT recommendations faster than in 2006; all 14 countries included in this analysis formally conducted the revision within 15 months of the 2010 PMTCT recommendations’ release. Governments used various processes and fora to make decisions throughout the adaptation process; they considered factors such as feasibility, health delivery infrastructure, compatibility with 2006 WHO guidelines, equity and cost. Challenges arose; in some cases the new recommendations were implemented before being formally adapted into national guidelines and no direct guidance was available in various technical areas. As future PMTCT guidelines are developed, WHO, implementing partners and other stakeholders can use the information in this paper to plan their support to ministries of health.  相似文献   

Despite great improvements in oral health in the past decades, oral disease remains a major public health problem worldwide. The burden of oral disease is particularly high among the disadvantaged population groups in both developing and developed countries. The pattern of oral disease reflects distinct risk profiles across countries that are related to living conditions, lifestyles, environmental factors, and the availability and accessibility of oral health services. In several developing countries, people at large do not benefit from preventive oral health programmes. It is expected that the incidence of dental caries will increase in the near future in many of these countries as a result of growing consumption of sugars and inadequate exposure to fluorides. With the rising use of tobacco in developing countries, the risk of periodontal disease, tooth loss and oral cancer may therefore increase. Several oral diseases are linked to non-communicable chronic diseases or conditions that share common risk factors, such as diabetes, obesity and cancer. Similarly, general diseases often have oral manifestations (e.g. diabetes or HIV/AIDS). Worldwide strengthening of public health programmes through implementation of effective oral disease prevention measures and health promotion is urgently needed, and use of common risk factors approaches should integrate oral health within national health programmes. The challenges to oral health improvement are particularly high in developing countries. The World Health Organization Global Oral Health Programme formulates policies and actions for the improvement of oral health, strategies that are fully integrated with chronic disease prevention and general health promotion. At the 60th World Health Assembly in 2007, the WHO Member States agreed on an action plan for oral health and integrated disease prevention, thereby confirming the approach of the Oral Health Programme. The policy forms the basis for future development of oral health programmes.  相似文献   

This paper is based on an analysis of questionnaires sent to the health ministries of Member States of WHO asking for information about the extent, nature, and scope of morbidity statistical information. It is clear that most countries collect some statistics of morbidity and many countries collect extensive data. However, few countries relate their collection to the needs of health administrators for information, and many countries collect statistics principally for publication in annual volumes which may appear anything up to 3 years after the year to which they refer. The desiderata of morbidity statistics may be summarized as reliability, representativeness, and relevance to current health problems.  相似文献   

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