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This commentary highlights the study by Frau‐Mendez and coworkers in this issue of Brain Pathology (xxx) in which the authors show evidence for involvement of mitochondria in the pathophysiology of fatal familial insomnia (FFI). Using genetic, biochemical and morphological means, they provide a comprehensive picture of the degree of mitochondrial damage in FFI and show that this leads to increased oxidative stress. This adds FFI to the growing list of dementias with mitochondrial involvement. Future studies will have to address the causality dilemma of which came first, mitochondrial damage and subsequent neurodegeneration or vice versa. Either way, these data provide the basis to devise novel therapeutic strategies for FFI.  相似文献   

Although Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by motor, cognitive and behavioural disturbances, there has been little empirical data examining what patients are most concerned about throughout the different stages of disease, which can span many years. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews were individually conducted with 31 people living with different stages of Huntington's, from pre-clinical gene carriers to advanced stage. We examined how often participants raised issues and concerns regarding the impact of Huntington's on everyday life. The Physical/functional theme hardly featured pre-clinically, but was strongly present from Stage 1, rose steadily and peaked at Stage 5. There were no significant changes between stages for the Emotional, Social, and Self themes that all featured across all stages, indicating that these issues were not raised more frequently over the course of the disease. Likewise, the more rarely mentioned Financial and Legal themes also remained similar across stages. However, the Cognitive theme only featured between Stages 1 and 4, and hardly at all pre-clinically and at Stage 5. These findings provide insight into patients' important and unique perspective and have implications for the management and development of interventions across the spectrum of HD stages.  相似文献   

To explore clinical, histopathological and genetic features of a case with fatal familial insomnia (FFI) and review the related literatures. A middle-aged woman who complained of “insomnia for 9 months and psychosis for 3 months” was suspicious of FFI. The clinical features of the patient were analyzed, and the dead patient was examined by autopsy and the brain tissues were obtained for histopathological studies, and the blood samples from the patient and some of her familial members were collected for the sequencing of prion protein gene (PRNP). The main clinical features included intractable insomnia, psychiatric symptoms and abnormal night sleep behavior, unsteady gait, difficulty swallowing, sudden death, and positive family history. The pathological studies showed neuronal loss and gliosis of multiple brain tissues in the proband, predominated with thalamus; and analysis of PRNP revealed gene D178N mutation, and linkage with 129 methionine (Met) allele in the proband and a relative. FFI patients may manifest as sudden death, and may have prominent psychiatric symptoms; the corresponding gene mutation could occur in the asymptomatic carriers; the data of autopsy and brain tissue pathology is helpful for further understanding of this disease.  相似文献   

Summary Three giant cell tumors of bone (2 benign and 1 malignant) were examined enzyme-histochemically, and a tissue culture study of the malignant case was performed. Multinucleated giant cells and mononuclear round cells had similar activities of ACPase and non-specific esterase with a diffuse strong reaction. ATPase and 5-nucleotidase reactions were strongly positive in the cytoplasm of multinucleated giant cells, and were seen not only in the cytoplasm but also on the cell membrane of round cells. The proliferating spindle cells in the malignant case were faintly positive for ACPase and non-specific esterase and were less positive for ATPase and 5-nucleotidase on the cell membrane. The multinucleated giant cells and mononuclear round cells resembled histiocytes in the activities of 4 hydrolytic enzymes, and the multinucleated giant cells had enzyme activities similar to those of osteoclasts from new-born rat skull.The malignant giant cell tumor and cells in its tissue culture showed ALPase activity preferentially on the cell membrane of the spindle cells, and rarely on round cells or multinucleated giant cells. ALPase was resistant to heat treatment and was found to be the type IV isoenzyme by diffusion electrophoresis. The origin of the giant cell tumor of bone and the significance of the ALPase activity are discussed.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that subjective memory complaints represent the earliest sign of dementia in carriers of the presenilin-1 (PS1) mutation. A total of 122 subjects (44 males, 78 females) were included in this study. Forty of them were positive for the mutation in the PS1 gene (mutation positive, MP) whereas 82 showed negative results (mutation negative, MN). Subjects were active, functionally normal, even though some of them complained of memory difficulties. Two groups of neuropsychological instruments were administered: (a) The Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD) neuropsychological test battery (Morris et al., 1989), and (b) some additional neuropsychological tests (Raven Test, Wechsler Memory Scale, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure, Boston Naming Test, Naming of Categories, Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination, Memory of Three Phrases, Knopman Test, Digit Symbol, and Visual "A" Cancellation Test). Performance in both groups was quite similar. In a secondary analysis, the MP group was subdivided into two subgroups: without and with memory complaints. When comparing both subgroups, a better performance in the first subgroup was found throughout the different subtests. Statistically significant differences were observed in the following test scores: Mini-Mental State Examination, Naming Test (Low Frequency), Memory of Words Test, Recall of Drawings, Wechsler Memory Scale (Logical Memory, Associative Learning, and Total Score), Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (Immediate Recall Condition), Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (Complex Ideational Material Subtest), Memory of Three Phrases Test, Serial Verbal Learning (maximum score and Delayed Recall), Knopman Test (First Trial, Second Trial, and Recall after 5 Minutes), Digit Symbol, and Visual "A" Cancellation Test (Additions). Results supported the hypothesis that memory complaints represent the earliest symptom of familial Alzheimer's disease. In addition to the memory difficulties, other minor cognitive impairments were also found, particularly, mild anomia, concentration difficulties and defects in the understanding of complex verbal material.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. We previously described two members of a family affected by an apparently genetically determined fatal disease characterized clinically by progressive insomnia, dysautonomia, and motor signs and characterized pathologically by severe atrophy of the anterior ventral and mediodorsal thalamic nuclei. Five other family members who died of this disease, which we termed "fatal familial insomnia," had broader neuropathologic changes suggesting that fatal familial insomnia could be a prion disease. METHODS. We used antibodies to prion protein (PrP) to perform dot and Western blot analyses, with and without proteinase K, on brain tissue obtained at autopsy from two patients with fatal familial insomnia, three patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and six control subjects. The coding region of the PrP gene was amplified and sequenced in the samples from the two patients with fatal familial insomnia. Restriction-enzyme analysis was carried out with amplified PrP DNA from 33 members of the kindred. RESULTS. Protease-resistant PrP was found in both patients with fatal familial insomnia, but the size and number of protease-resistant fragments differed from those in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. In the family with fatal familial insomnia, all 4 affected members and 11 of the 29 unaffected members had a point mutation in PrP codon 178 that results in the substitution of asparagine for aspartic acid and elimination of the Tth111 I restriction site. Linkage analysis showed a close relation between the point mutation and the disease (maximal lod score, 3.4 when theta was zero). CONCLUSIONS. Fatal familial insomnia is a prion disease with a mutation in codon 178 of the PrP gene, but the disease phenotype seems to differ from that of previously described kindreds with the same point mutation.  相似文献   

Even though autoimmune diseases are heterogeneous, believed to result from the interaction between genetic and environmental components, patients with these disorders exhibit reproducible patterns of gene expression in their peripheral blood mononuclear cells. A portion of this gene expression profile is a property of familial resemblance rather than autoimmune disease. Here, we wanted to identify the portion of this gene expression profile that is independent of familial resemblance and determine whether it is a product of disease duration, disease onset or other factors. By employing supervised clustering algorithms, we identified 100 genes whose expression profiles are shared in individuals with various autoimmune diseases but are not shared by unaffected family members of individuals with autoimmune disease or by controls. Individuals with early disease (1 year after onset) and established disease (10 years after onset) exhibit a near-identical expression pattern, suggesting that this unique profile is a product of disease onset rather than disease duration.  相似文献   

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), an autosomal dominantly inherited colorectal cancer predisposition syndrome, displays considerable inter- and intrafamilial phenotypic heterogeneity, which represents a major problem in genetic counselling of APC mutation carriers. The Min mouse model indicated a putative disease modifier locus on chromosome 4, which is syntenic to human chromosome 1p35-36. This finding was subsequently supported by parametric and nonparametric linkage analyses in FAP families, however, without identifying functional variants in candidate genes. Recently, germline mutations in the base-excision repair gene MYH (1p33-34) have been described in patients with multiple adenomas, pointing to a possible role as disease modifier in FAP. Here, we present critical reassessment of one of the largest FAP kindreds published, which was previously used in linkage mapping of 1p35-36. In this family, all affected members harbour the same APC germline mutation (5945delA), but display marked phenotypic variability, in particular regarding the occurrence of extracolonic disease that segregates in several branches of the family tree. Using updated clinical information, additional mutation carriers and polymorphic markers, fine mapping of the critical region as well as mutation analysis of the MYH gene were performed. These investigations allowed us to significantly exclude (i) the 1p33-36 region as a modifier locus and (ii) MYH as a modifier gene for extracolonic disease in this FAP kindred. Our results do not eliminate 1p33-36 from suspicion in other families, but clearly indicate that in our family linkage analysis of further putative candidate regions is necessary to identify a disease modifier locus in FAP.  相似文献   

目的 探讨家族性腺瘤性息肉病(familial adenomatous polyposis,FAP)家系调查及高危亲属基因筛查的意义,报道云南省一FAP家系发病相关基因APC基因的胚系突变结果.方法 查阅对2001年昆明医学院第一附属医院1例FAP患者病例,电话联系及登门随访进行其家系调查,绘制家系图谱.抽取该家系成员外周静脉血提取DNA,利用PCR方法扩增APC基因,应用DNA自动测序仪进行测序.结果 该家系三代共计9人,成员Ⅰ1、Ⅱ1、Ⅱ2、Ⅱ3、Ⅱ4、Ⅲ2、Ⅲ3、Ⅲ48人检出APC基因胚系突变c.3587C>A(S1196X),其中Ⅱ2、Ⅱ2、Ⅱ4、Ⅲ2、Ⅲ3经肠镜检查证实有结直肠多发息肉,Ⅲ4未检出息肉,为基因突变携带者.结论 通过家系调查对高危亲属进行基因筛查可以发现早期患者,尤其是无临床表现的FAP基因突变携带者,以早期进行医学干预及预防性手术治疗,降低FAP的癌变率、病死率;APC基因c.3587C>A(S1196X)胚系突变是引起该家系FAP患者发病的原因.  相似文献   

Fourteen fatal cases from the 1977 Vermont outbreak of Legionnaires' disease have been analyzed. Serious underlying diseases were present in all patients. The only consistent lesions were in the lungs. Bronchopneumonia was present in all cases and was confluent in most. No lobe of the lung was preferentially involved and consolidation was usually bilateral. Abscesses were evident macroscopically in only two cases. Microscopically, there was an extensive alveolar infiltrate of polymorphonuclear neutrophils and macrophages. Lysis of the inflammatory cells was frequently present and was associated with an increased number of bacteria. Coagulative necrosis of lung was present in a few cases, and the possibility of a bacterial toxin must be considered. Bacteria were well stained by the Dieterle stain and appeared Gram-negative in tissue imprints from the unfixed lung.  相似文献   

Fast and cheaper next-generation sequencing technologies will generate unprecedentedly massive and highly dimensional genetic variation data that allow nearly complete evaluation of genetic variation including both common and rare variants. There are two types of association tests: variant-by-variant test and group test. The variant-by-variant test is designed to test the association of common variants, while the group test is suitable to collectively test the association of multiple rare variants. We propose here a smoothed functional principal component analysis (SFPCA) statistic as a general approach for testing association of the entire allelic spectrum of genetic variation (both common and rare variants), which utilizes the merits of both variant-by-variant analysis and group tests. By intensive simulations, we demonstrate that the SFPCA statistic has the correct type 1 error rates and much higher power than the existing methods to detect association of (1) common variants, (2) rare variants, (3) both common and rare variants and (4) variants with opposite directions of effects. To further evaluate its performance, the SFPCA statistic is applied to ANGPTL4 sequence and six continuous phenotypes data from the Dallas Heart Study as an example for testing association of rare variants and a GWAS of schizophrenia data as an example for testing association of common variants. The results show that the SFPCA statistic has much smaller P-values than many existing statistics in both real data analysis examples.  相似文献   

We encountered five consecutive patients with fulminant hepatitis induced by acute hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in 2000--2001 in Japan. They had not had previous contact each other, and were referred to us from different hospitals. Although a 69-year-old woman could be rescued by intensive internal treatment, the four patients died. We analyzed the partial (nt 278-646) and entire nucleotide sequences of the HBV obtained from them, and their divergences were 0-0.3% and 0-0.2%, respectively. The results suggested that they had been infected with the same HBV isolates. The isolates belonged to genotype B and subgenotype B2 on the phylogenetic tree analysis (AB302942-AB302946). As for the nucleotides sequences of them, previously reported mutations of G1896A, A1762T, and G1764A were present. Amino acid analysis revealed that previously reported Ile97Leu and Pro130Non-Pro in the core region and Trp28Stop in the precore region were present. As for the entire nucleotide sequences among B2, AB302942 showed low divergences with AF121245 and AB073834 (1.7%), and X97850 from patients with fulminant hepatitis (3.2%). We compared the two consensus nucleotides derived from AB302942 and X97850 (fulminant hepatitis) versus AY121245 and AB073834 (non-fulminant hepatitis), which revealed a difference in nt 1,504 located in the P and X region. Nucleotide 1,504 was C for isolates from fulminant hepatitis and G for non-fulminant hepatitis, and it was recognized among most of the isolates belonging to B2 registered on GenBank. Further studies could disclose the mechanism of severe inflammation of liver that finally leads to fulminant hepatitis.  相似文献   

Myhre syndrome is a rare multisystem connective tissue disorder, characterized by short stature, facial dysmorphology, variable intellectual disability, skeletal abnormalities, arthropathy, cardiopathy, laryngotracheal anomalies, and stiff skin. So far, all molecularly confirmed cases harbored a de novo heterozygous gain‐of‐function mutation in SMAD4, encoding the SMAD4 transducer protein required for both transforming growth factor‐beta and bone morphogenic proteins signaling. We report on four novel patients (one female proband and her two affected children, and one male proband) with Myhre syndrome harboring the recurrent c.1486C>T (p.Arg496Cys) mutation in SMAD4. The female proband presented with a congenital heart defect, vertebral anomalies, and facial dysmorphic features. She developed severe tracheal stenosis requiring a total laryngectomy. With assisted reproductive treatment, she gave birth to two affected children. The second proband presented with visual impairment following lensectomy in childhood, short stature, brachydactyly, stiff skin, and decreased peripheral sensitivity. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of the dermis shows irregular elastin cores with globular deposits and almost absent surrounding microfibrils and suggests age‐related increased collagen deposition. We report on the first familial case of Myhre syndrome and illustrate the variable clinical spectrum of the disorder. Despite the primarily fibrotic nature of the disease, TEM analysis mainly indicates elastic fiber anomalies.  相似文献   

MEN1 gene mutation in a Japanese kindred with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 was examined. A heterozygous deletion involving 29 base pairs in exon 10 (1606del29) was identified in the proband, and the same deletion was found in the affected family members. Most previously reported germline MEN1 gene mutations are nucleotide substitutions and small insertions/deletions, and a large deletion is rare. The hairpin structure mediated by an incomplete palindromic sequence at deletion termini is the most likely mechanism to be associated with the deletion in the present family.  相似文献   

We describe herein four cases of an unusual sporadic thyroid tumor that shares the morphologic features of a distinctive follicular cell neoplasm previously proposed as a feasible indicator of familial adenomatous polyposis. We also review five other similar cases reported in the literature. All of the nine patients were young women, aged 16 to 30 years. Grossly, the neoplasms measured 1.5 to 5.6 cm; they were solid and solitary, except one case, which showed two tumor nodules, one in each lobe. Histologically, the lesions were encapsulated, and they exhibited an intricate blending of cribriform, follicular, papillary, trabecular, and solid patterns of growth, with morular (squamoid) areas. Cribriform structures were prominent, being formed by anastomosing bars and arches of cells in the absence of intervening fibrovascular stroma. Follicular areas were usually devoid of colloid, and the papillae were lined by columnar cells. There were focal areas of trabecular arrangement reminiscent of hyalinizing trabecular adenoma. The tumor cells were cuboidal or tall, with frequent nuclear pseudostratification and abundant eosinophilic-to-oxyphilic cytoplasm. The nuclei were usually hyperchromatic, but nuclear grooves, pale or clear nuclei, and intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions were variably present. Morules with peculiar nuclear clearing caused by biotin accumulation were scattered in the tumors. Vascular and/or capsular invasion were noted in all of the cases except one, and lymph node metastasis was found in two cases. Immunohistochemical stains showed reactivity for thyroglobulin, epithelial membrane antigen, cytokeratins (including 34betaE12), vimentin, estrogen and progesterone receptors, bcl-2, and Rb proteins. Follow-up in seven cases showed that all of the patients were alive with no evidence of disease at 1 to 13 years after diagnosis. Thus, the behavior of this variant seems to be similar to that of conventional papillary carcinoma Because of the distinctive histologic features, we propose naming this tumor the cribriform-morular variant of papillary carcinoma.  相似文献   

Infantile cortical hyperostosis (ICH) is an inherited disorder characterized by hyperirritability, acute inflammation of soft tissues, and massive subperiosteal new bone formation. It typically appears in early infancy and is considered a benign self-limiting disease. We report a three-generation Thai family with ICH, the oldest being a 75-year-old man. A heterozygous mutation for a 3040C-->T in exon 41 of COL1A1 was found in affected individuals, further confirming the autosomal dominance of Caffey disease that is caused by this particular mutation. The novel findings in our studies include short stature and persistent bony deformities in the elderly. The height mean Z-score of the five affected individuals was -1.75, compared to 0.53 of the other seven unaffected individuals giving a p-value of 0.008. Short stature may be partly due to progressive height loss from scoliosis, compression fractures of the spine and genu varus. These features, which have not previously been described, expand the phenotypic spectrum of the Caffey disease.  相似文献   

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