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In 1986 a survey was published by CEFIC on the occurrence of chlorinated solvents in ambient air, in surface water, and in ground water. The present article concentrates on 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1-T), and puts into perspective the environmental occurrence and the toxicity. Critical toxicological data are briefly discussed. As no evidence of a carcinogenic effect of 1,1,1-T is apparent, the no-adverse-effect levels in chronic inhalation exposure in rats (875 ppm) and mice (1500 ppm) form the basis for the estimation of potential risk to human health. Environmental exposure to 1,1,1-T is mainly via the atmosphere (120 micrograms/day); the contributions of drinking water (2 micrograms/day) and food (3 micrograms/kg) are negligible. Safety margins are calculated by comparing the no-adverse-effect levels in rat and mouse studies with the total body burden. Safety margins are also calculated after converting no-adverse-effect levels into estimated internal dose levels by physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling. Safety margins vary with the starting point, but are of the order of 10(5) for the general population and more than 10(4) for the population close to industrial activities. It may be concluded that the risk of a potential health effect resulting from environmental exposure to 1,1,1-trichloroethane is negligible.  相似文献   



The aim of the study was to evaluate the health status and to assess the risk of adverse health effects among dental professionals occupationally exposed to formaldehyde in dental materials.


A questionnaire survey was carried out with 78 participants: 30 occupationally exposed to formaldehyde as dental professionals and 48 non-exposed healthy referents. All participants were clinically examined, including a review of the participant’s medical history. Skin patch testing with formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde was performed.


A significantly increased incidence and relative risk of manifestation of subjective symptoms from the upper respiratory tract, respiratory system and the skin were established in the group of occupationally exposed dental professionals. No significantly increased incidence of suppressed resistance to upper respiratory tract infectious diseases as a possible immunotoxic effect of formaldehyde was established by studying occupational exposure. Occupationally induced contact allergy to formaldehyde was found to have a significantly higher incidence and relative risk among dental professionals. A significantly higher prevalence of sensitization among women was observed.


The study documented well the irritant and skin-sensitizing effect of formaldehyde in materials used in dental practice; the results suggest a stronger skin-sensitizing potential of formaldehyde compared with glutaraldehyde.  相似文献   

Health effect levels for risk assessment of childhood exposure to arsenic   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Health risks to children from chemicals in soil and consumer products have become a regulatory focus in the U.S. This study reviews short-term health effect levels for arsenic exposure in young children (i.e., 0-6 years old). Acute health effects are described mostly in adults in case reports of arsenic poisoning from water or food and in studies of medicinal arsenic treatment. Several epidemiological studies report health effects from subchronic arsenic exposure in children primarily from drinking water in developing countries. Acute health effects typically include gastrointestinal, neurological, and skin effects, and in a few cases facial edema and cardiac arrhythmia. Dermatoses are most consistently reported in both adults and children with subchronic exposure. With low exposure, the prevalence and severity of disease generally increases with age (i.e., length of exposure) and arsenic dose. The available data collectively indicate a lowest-observed-adverse-effect level around 0.05mg/kg-day for both acute and subchronic exposure. At low doses, children do not appear to be more sensitive than adults on a dose-per-body-weight basis, although data for acute exposures are limited and uncertainties exist for quantifying potential neurological or vascular effects at low-level subchronic exposures. Based on these data, possible reference levels for acute and subchronic exposure in young children are 0.015 and 0.005mg/kg-day, respectively.  相似文献   

Health implications of exposure to environmental nitrogenous compounds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
All living systems need nitrogen for the production of complex organic molecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins, hormones and enzymes. Due to the intense use of synthetic nitrogen fertilisers and livestock manure in modern day agriculture, food (particularly vegetables) and drinking water may contain higher concentrations of nitrate than in the past. The mean intake of nitrate per person in Europe is about 50-140 mg/day and in the US about 40-100 mg/day. In the proximal small intestine, nitrate is rapidly and almost completely absorbed (bioavailability at least 92%). In humans, approximately, 25% of the nitrate ingested is secreted in saliva, where some 20% (about 5-8% of the nitrate intake) is converted to nitrite by commensal bacteria. The nitrite so formed is then absorbed primarily in the small intestine. Nitrate may also be synthesised endogenously from nitric oxide (especially in case of inflammation), which reacts to form nitrite. Normal healthy adults excrete in the urine approximately 62 mg nitrate ion/day from endogenous synthesis. Thus, when nitrate intake is low and there are no additional exogenous sources (e.g. gastrointestinal infections), the endogenous production of nitrate is more important than exogenous sources. Nitrate itself is generally regarded nontoxic. Toxicity is usually the result of the conversion of nitrate into the more toxic nitrite. There are two major toxicological concerns regarding nitrite. First, nitrite may induce methaemoglobinaemia, which can result in tissue hypoxia, and possibly death. Secondly, nitrite may interact with secondary or N-alkyl-amides to form N-nitroso carcinogens. However, epidemiological investigations and human toxicological studies have not shown an unequivocal relationship between nitrate intake and the risk of cancer. The Joint Expert Committee of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization (JECFA) and the European Commission's Scientific Committee on Food have set an acceptable daily intake (ADI) for nitrate of 0-3.7 mg nitrate ion/kg bodyweight; this appears to be safe for healthy neonates, children and adults. The same is also true of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Reference Dose (RfD) for nitrate of 1.6 mg nitrate nitrogen/kg bodyweight per day (equivalent to about 7.0 mg nitrate ion/kg bodyweight per day). This opinion is supported by a recent human volunteer study in which a single dose of nitrite, equivalent to 15-20 times the ADI for nitrate, led to only mild methaemoglobinaemia (up to 12.2%), without other serious adverse effects. The JECFA has proposed an ADI for nitrite of 0-0.07 mg nitrite ion/kg bodyweight and the EPA has set an RfD of 0.1 mg nitrite nitrogen/kg bodyweight per day (equivalent to 0.33 mg nitrite ion/kg bodyweight per day). These values are again supported by human volunteer studies.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the risk assessment associated with human exposure to cyanotoxins, secondary metabolites of an ubiquitous group of photosynthetic procariota. Cyanobacteria occur especially in eutrophic inland and coastal surface waters, where under favorable conditions they attain high densities and may form blooms and scums. Cyanotoxins can be grouped according to their biological effects into hepatotoxins, neurotoxins, cytotoxins, and toxins with irritating potential, also acting on the gastrointestinal system. The chemical and toxicological properties of the main cyanotoxins, relevant for the evaluation of possible risks for human health, are presented. Humans may be exposed to cyanotoxins via several routes, with the oral one being by far the most important, occurring by ingesting contaminated drinking water, food, some dietary supplements, or water during recreational activities. Acute and short-term toxic effects have been associated in humans with exposure to high levels of cyanotoxins in drinking and bathing waters. However, the chronic exposure to low cyanotoxin levels remains a critical issue. This article identifies the actual risky exposure scenarios, provides toxicologically derived reference values, and discusses open issues and research needs.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetically based risk assessment of workplace exposure to benzene   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cancer risk from exposure to benzene for a working lifetime was estimated from data obtained in studies with rodents. Cancers of the Zymbal gland and the blood-forming system were selected as endpoints for the assessment because of their consistent occurrence. The combined metabolites were judged from toxicological data to be the best representative of the reactive agent. Because of similarity in the percentages of lifetime exposed in the rodent studies and in the occupational setting, the amount metabolized/day as a result of exposures 5 days a week for a lifetime was judged to be an appropriate dose paradigm for this assessment. Derived Michaelis-Menton constants were used to convert the doses of combined metabolites from the pharmacokinetic studies to the doses used in the bioassays. Scaling across species was based on allometric relationships. Experimental data were used to scale doses across species with body weight ratios raised to the exponents of 0.74 for the inhalation route and 1.0 for the oral route. The occupational lifetime cancer risk estimated from rodent data was 6 to 14 cases/1000 workers, which is consistent with the 9.5 to 174 leukemia cases/1000 estimated by others from epidemiological data. Implications of these estimates and uncertainties associated with making them are discussed.  相似文献   

Hardwood smoke is a contributor to both ambient and indoor air pollution. As part of a general health assessment of multiple anthropogenic source emissions conducted by the National Environmental Respiratory Center, a series of health assays was conducted on rodents exposed to environmentally relevant levels of hardwood smoke. This article summarizes the study design and exposures, and reports findings on general indicators of toxicity, bacterial clearance, cardiac function, and carcinogenic potential. Hardwood smoke was generated from an uncertified wood stove, burning wood of mixed oak species. Animals were exposed to clean air (control) or dilutions of whole emissions based on particulate (30, 100, 300, and 1000 micromg/m3). F344 rats, SHR rats, strain A/J mice, and C57BL/6 mice were exposed by whole-body inhalation 6 h/day, 7 days/wk, for either 1 wk or 6 mo. Effects of exposure on general indicators of toxicity, bacterial clearance, cardiac function, and carcinogenic potential were mild. Exposure-related effects included increases in platelets and decreases in blood urea nitrogen and serum alanine aminotransferase. Several other responses met screening criteria for significant exposure effects but were not consistent between genders or exposure times and were not corroborated by related parameters. Pulmonary histopathology revealed very little accumulation of hardwood smoke particulate matter. Parallel studies demonstrated mild exposure effects on bronchoalveolar lavage parameters and in a mouse model of asthma. In summary, the results reported here show few and only modest health hazards from short-term to subchronic exposures to realistic concentrations of hardwood smoke.  相似文献   

Diesel exhaust is a public health concern and contributor to both ambient and occupational air pollution. As part of a general health assessment of multiple anthropogenic source emissions conducted by the National Environmental Respiratory Center (NERC), a series of health assays was conducted on rats and mice exposed to environmentally relevant levels of diesel exhaust. This article summarizes the study design and exposures, and reports findings on several general indicators of toxicity and carcinogenic potential. Diesel exhaust was generated from a commonly used 2000 model 5.9-L, 6-cylinder turbo diesel engine operated on a variable-load heavy-duty test cycle burning national average certification fuel. Animals were exposed to clean air (control) or four dilutions of whole emissions based on particulate matter concentration (30, 100, 300, and 1000 microg/m(3)). Male and female F344 rats and A/J mice were exposed by whole-body inhalation 6 h/day, 7 days/wk, for either 1 wk or 6 mo. Exposures were characterized in detail. Effects of exposure on clinical observations, body and organ weights, serum chemistry, hematology, histopathology, bronchoalveolar lavage, and serum clotting factors were mild. Significant exposure-related effects occurring in both male and female rats included decreases in serum cholesterol and clotting Factor VII and slight increases in serum gamma-glutamyl transferase. Several other responses met screening criteria for significant exposure effects but were not consistent between genders or exposure times and were not corroborated by related parameters. Carcinogenic potential as determined by micronucleated reticulocyte counts and proliferation of adenomas in A/J mice were unaffected by 6 mo of exposure. Parallel studies demonstrated effects on cardiac function and resistance to viral infection; however, the results reported here show few and only modest health hazards from subchronic or shorter exposures to realistic concentrations of contemporary diesel emissions.  相似文献   

Some phthalates such as di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and their metabolites are suspected of producing teratogenic or endocrine-disrupting effects. To predict possible human exposure to phthalates in cosmetics, the levels of DEHP, diethyl phthalate (DEP), DBP, and butylbenzyl phthalate (BBP) were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in 102 branded hair sprays, perfumes, deodorants, and nail polishes. DBP was detected in 19 of the 21 nail polishes and in 11 of the 42 perfumes, and DEP was detected in 24 of the 42 perfumes and 2 of the 8 deodorants. Median exposure levels to phthalates in cosmetics by dermal absorption were estimated to be 0.0006 g/kg body weight (bw)/d for DEHP, 0.6 g/kg bw/d for DEP, and 0.103 g/kg bw/d for DBP. Furthermore, if phthalates in cosmetics were assumed to be absorbed exclusively via 100% inhalation, the median daily exposure levels to phthalates in cosmetics were estimated to be 0.026 g/kg bw/d for DEHP, 81.471 g/kg bw/d for DEP, and 22.917 g/kg bw/d for DBP, which are far lower than the regulation levels set buy the Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity, and the Environment (CSTEE) (37 g/kg bw/d, DEHP), Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) (7000 g/kg bw/d, DEP), and International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) (66 g/kg bw/d, DBP), respectively. Based on these data, hazard indices (HI, daily exposure level/regulation level) were calculated to be 0.0007 for DEHP, 0.012 for DEP, and 0.347 for DBP. These data suggest that estimated exposure to-phthalates in the cosmetics mentioned are relatively small. However, total exposure levels from several sources may be greater and require further investigation.  相似文献   

Context: Bilastine is a new oral selective, non-sedating histamine H1 antagonist for the symptomatic treatment of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and urticaria. The European Medicines Agency requires an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) for all novel medicines for human use. Objective: To calculate the bilastine predicted environmental concentration in surface water (PECsw; phase I ERA), and to determine the effects of bilastine on aquatic systems (phase II [tier A]). Materials and methods: Bilastine PECsw was calculated using the maximum daily dosage (20?mg), assuming that all administered bilastine was released into the aquatic environment. A persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity assessment was conducted using the log Kow from the molecular structure. In phase II (tier A), a ready biodegradability test was performed, and bilastine’s potential toxicity to various aquatic and sediment-dwelling micro-organisms was evaluated. Results: Bilastine PECSW was calculated as 0.1?μg?L?1, and the compound was not readily biodegradable. Bilastine had no significant effects on Chironomus riparius midges, or on the respiration rate of activated sludge. For green algae, the bilastine no observed effect concentration (NOEC) was 22?mg?L?1; bilastine had no effect on zebra fish development, or on the reproduction rate of daphnids. Discussion: Bilastine NOEC values against zebra fish, algae, daphnids, and aerobic organisms in activated sludge were at least 130?000-fold greater than the calculated PECSW value. Conclusion: No environmental concerns exist from bilastine use in patients with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis or urticaria.  相似文献   

Ovarian gene expression is stable after exposure to trichloroethylene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Cancer risk assessment for oral exposure to PAH mixtures.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cancer risk estimates for oral uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) currently are based on risk estimates for benzo[a]pyrene (BAP). The potency of PAH mixtures often is calculated using relative potency values (BAP equivalency factors). We used recent oral carcinogenicity studies with BAP and coal tar mixtures, as well as older studies for a critical reappraisal of the current practice. A literature survey identified several carcinogenicity studies with oral and dermal exposure and lung implantation that allow a direct comparison of the carcinogenic potency of pure BAP and PAH mixtures. Moreover, when the PAH composition of the mixture has been analysed, prediction of the potency of PAH mixtures by BAP equivalency factors could be compared with the observed PAH potency. The analysis indicates that BAP equivalency factors do not describe adequately the potency of PAH mixtures and lead to underestimations of carcinogenic potency in most cases. Evaluation of several studies with various PAH mixtures revealed that the potency ratio between pure BAP and the PAH mixture in the same assay is highly dependent on the exposure pathway and the target organ, therefore potency estimates for PAH mixtures should be derived separately for oral, dermal and inhalative exposure using data from studies with the relevant pathway. A cancer slope factor for oral PAH exposure was derived based on data from a recent feeding study with coal tar mixtures. By using incidence data for all exposure-related tumours, a slope factor for humans of 11.5 (human excess risk per oral lifetime exposure with 1 mg BAP kg(-1)day(-1) in a PAH mixture) was obtained. Our analysis led to the conclusion that the contribution of BAP to the carcinogenic potency of the mixture depends on the exposure pathway and type of cancer observed but is relatively constant for various PAH mixtures from industrial sources. Thus, the derived oral slope factor is recommended to be used for the risk assessment of PAH-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

The effect of trichloroethylene (TCY) was investigated to determine whether repeated exposure alters the pharmacokinetics of some drugs. Sprague-Dawley rats were given intraperitoneal injections of TCY (5 mmol/kg) in corn oil once daily for 3 days, while the control group received only corn oil. Four hours after the last dose, theophylline, quinidine, or pentobarbital were administered. Blood samples were collected at appropriate intervals for drug analyses. There was a small decrease in plasma clearance of theophylline, with no change in volume of distribution (V(d)) as compared with controls. For quinidine, the elimination half-life was unchanged, and the V(d) was decreased by 40%. The clearance of pentobarbital was decreased by 40% in male rats, but not in the females. Nonetheless, the duration of the sleeping time for both sexes was remarkably prolonged as compared with the control group. There was a decrease in the cytochrome P-450 content only in male rats. In conclusion, exposure to TCY causes changes in some drug kinetics, probably resulting from differential effects on the drug-metabolizing enzymes.  相似文献   

Male Long-Evans rats were exposed to 0 (controls) or 500 ppm trichloroethylene (TRI) for 6 months, 6 h daily, and 5 days a week. The TRI metabolites trichloroethanol (TCE) in blood and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) in urine were measured. Specific parameters related to the renal damage were determined in urine [biomarker for glomerular damage: high molecular weight proteins (HMW), albumin (ALB); for proximal tubular damage: N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG), low-molecular-weight-proteins (LMW)]. Significantly increased concentrations of NAG and LMW in urine of exposed rats were detected. No DNA-strand breaks in kidney cells could be detected using the comet assay, and histological examinations were performed. Histological alterations were observed in glomeruli and tubuli of exposed rats. The release of biomarkers for nephrotoxicity suggested alterations preferably in the proximal tubules of the exposed rats.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine if subchronic oral exposure to trichloroethylene (TCE) influenced female reproductive performance, and if TCE or major metabolites trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and trichloroethanol (TCOH) preferentially accumulated in female reproductive organs or neonatal tissues. Female Long-Evans hooded rats were exposed to vehicle (corn-oil), 10, 100 or 1000 mg/kg/day by gavage for 2 weeks before mating and throughout mating to day 21 of pregnancy. Gas chromatography analysis of tissues from females at the end of premating exposure indicated that TCE levels were uniformly high in fat, adrenals and ovaries across treatment groups, while uterine tissue had relatively high levels of TCA. Female fertility, however, was not influenced in any treatment group. In the 1000 mg/kg/day group, 5 out of 23 females died and weight gain was significantly depressed throughout the treatment period. Neonatal survival was significantly depressed in this group alone, with the majority of deaths occurring among female offspring at the time of birth. TCA levels in blood, liver, and milk contents of the stomach in female but not male neonates increased across treatment groups. These results indicate that oral exposure to TCE at levels below those causing limiting maternal toxicity had no influence on pregnancy outcome, and that the accumulation of TCE and TCA in ovaries, adrenals and uteri had no influence on mating success.  相似文献   

Scott BR 《Dose-response》2007,5(2):94-122
The incident in London during November 2006 involving a lethal intake by Mr. Alexander Litvinenko of the highly-radioactive, alpha-particles-emitting polonium-210 (Po-210) isotope, presumably via ingestion, sparked renewed interest in the area of Po-210 toxicity to humans. This paper is the result of assembling and interpreting existing Po-210 data within the context of what is considered a reliable risk model (hazard-function [HF] model) for characterizing the risk of death from deterministic effects of high alpha radiation doses and dose rates to body organs. The HF model was developed to address radiation exposure scenarios involving combined exposures to alpha, beta, and gamma radiations and can be used in circumstances where only one type of radiation is involved. Under a plausible but not yet validated set of assumptions and using available megabecquerel (Po-210) to gray dose-conversion factors, acute lethality risk vs. dose curves were developed for circumstances of ingestion exposure to Po-210 by humans. Initial risk calculations were carried out for a reference adult male human (a hypothetical 70-kg person). Results were then modified for application to all ages (except the in utero child) via the use of systemic Po-210 burden. Because of the unavailability of acute lethality data derived from human ingestions of high levels of Po-210, plausibility of risk calculations were evaluated based on data from studies of Po-210 injections in animals. The animal data, although limited, were found to be consistent with the theoretical risk calculations. Key findings are as follows: (1) ingestion (or inhalation) of a few tents of a milligram of Po-210 will likely be fatal to all exposed persons. (2) Lethal intakes are expected to involve fatal damage to the bone marrow which is likely to be compounded by damage caused by higher doses to other organs including the kidneys and liver. (3) Lethal intakes are expected to cause severe damage to the kidney, spleen, stomach, small and large intestines, lymph nodes, skin, and testes (males) in addition to the fatal damage to bone marrow. (4) The time distribution of deaths is expected to depend on the level of radioactivity ingested or inhaled, with deaths occurring within about a month after very high levels of radioactivity intake (e.g., systemic burdens > 1 MBq/kg-body-mass) and occurring over longer periods, possibly up to or exceeding a year for lower but lethal intakes (systemic burdens from 0.1 to 1.0 MBq/kg-body-mass). Below a systemic burden estimate of 0.02 MBq/kg-body-mass, deaths from deterministic effects are not expected to occur but the risk of cancer and for life shortening could be significant. New, funded experimental and modeling/theoretical research is needed to improve on these estimates.  相似文献   

Risk characterization comprises hazard characterization and exposure assessment. Hazard characterization may not be based on human data alone, as these data (1) are seldom available, (2) are quite insensitive in identifying the hazards, and (3) mostly lack reliable exposure-response information. Thus epidemiological information needs to be complemented with information from experimental animals and in vitro systems. These observations suffer from the necessity for species-to-species extrapolation, which is often based on weakly based generic default values. Default values may be replaced by chemical-specific uncertainty factors, but need to be applied cautiously and preferably in a predetermined framework with transparent guidance on what constitutes reliable evidence. Structure-activity relationships (SARs) are useful in setting priorities for hazard characterization and data generation, but seldom alone constitute a sufficient basis for quantitative hazard characterization. Little progress has been made in the assessment of the hazards from multiple simultaneous or successive exposures. Information on the exposure of the population whose risks are to be assessed relies predominantly on models of varying complexity. In the assessment of exposure to elements, speciation and bioavailability are important parameters for which the information often is limited.  相似文献   

U.S. EPA's 2001 draft assessment of trichloroethylene (TCE) toxicity reviews the existing human and animal data on TCE carcinogenicity and proposes a 20-fold range of cancer potency values for use in risk assessment. Each value in the range is derived from a different source of data, either animal bioassays or epidemiology studies, and thus the range does not represent a distribution which can be characterized by statistical parameters such as a mean or 95% confidence interval. The U.S. EPA suggests users choose a single slope factor from among those it describes as appropriate for the population of interest and mode of exposure, but little guidance is given for making this choice. We propose an approach for determining the most scientifically defensible carcinogenic inhalation unit risk estimate from the range of slope factors developed by U.S. EPA, one that relies on accepted principles for evaluating scientific studies. Based on these considerations, we identify the most appropriate interim unit risk for low-level inhalation exposure as 9 x 10(-7) per microg/m(3). This approach may have fairly broad utility if U.S. EPA elects to use a similar approach in future assessments of other chemicals.  相似文献   

Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a persistent environmental contaminant that causes male reproductive toxicity. We investigated whether transient increases in TCE exposure modulated male reproductive toxicity by exposing rats via daily oral to repeated gavage exposures (1000 mg/kg/day) and through drinking water (0.6% TCE) for 14 weeks. The gavage route resulted in reversible reduction of epididymis weight, and reduced body weight that persisted for up to 12-weeks after cessation of exposure. Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling predicted that the gavage route results in higher Cmax and AUC exposure of TCE compared to drinking water exposure, explaining the observed differences in toxicity between dosing regimens.  相似文献   

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