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Whereas myopotential inhibition of QRS-inhibited (VVI) pacemakers is well known, its occurrence in patients with AV sequential (DVI) pacemakers has not been reported. The present communication deals with spontaneous and induced myopotential inhibition of a multiprogrammable Intermedics unipolar AV sequential (DVI) pacemaker. The bedside maneuvers that were performed in the patient exposed the problem, therefore serving to establish the diagnosis. Although external adjustment of the sensitivity was the simple, non-invasive solution in this case, more studies are required to determine the success rate of this approach as well as the incidence and clinical significance of myopotential inhibition of unipolar DVI pacemakers.  相似文献   

The noise sampling period has been recognized as a cause of apparent sensing malfunction in demand pacemakers. Physiologic signals as well as external electromagnetic interference can cause certain demand pacemakers to remain refractory and escape asynchronously at a specified rate. In this case, noise mode reversion pacing at the programmed lower rate limit of a Cordis 415A DDD pacemaker was observed during exercise when P-waves fell within the noise sampling period.  相似文献   

. A unique mechanism of "cross-talk" has recently been described in the Gemini 4J5A DDD pacemaker in which cross-inhibition of the ventricular output stimulus may occur in the early Gemini 415A models which were manufactured with dual anodal rings interconnected by a wire. The Gemini 415A units with dual anodal rings were implanted under investigational protocol in 53 patients from September 1982 to August 1984. To date, cross-talk has been discovered in six patients during clinical follow-up, manifesting as inappropriate ventricular inhibition. Syncope was documented in one patient. Non-Cordis atrial and ventricular leads were present in all six patients and five patients had at least one chronic lead. Cross-talk was neither evident nor provokable in Gemini 415A units which had compatible Cordis lead systems. Reduction of the atrial output and/or the ventricular sensitivity prevented cross-inhibition in three patients. Cross-talk persisted in three patients despite programming to the lowest atrial output and/or ventricular sensitivity parameters. Cross-talk, spontaneous or provoked, has not occurred in 36 patients having currently designed 415A pulse generators manufactured with a single anodal ring in the ventricular connector channel. We conclude that: (1) this unique form of cross-talk is "design-dependent" and occurs only in Gemini 415As with dual interconnected anodal rings and cannot occur in 415As manufactured with a single anodal ring; (2) this form of cross-talk has occurred only in 415As with non-Cordis leads and appears to be a time dependent development; (3) reduction of the atrial output or use of pacing modes without atrial pacing or ventricular sensing can prevent cross-talk; (4) patients with Gemini 415As having dual anodal rings, which can be identified radiographically. are at risk for this design-dependent cross-talk and merit close observation.  相似文献   

Seventy-four patients with unipolar QRS-inhibited pacemakers (VVI) were Holter monitored to assess the occurrence of pacemaker inhibition caused by skeletal muscle potentials during daily activities. Fifty patients had high-grade atrioventricular block and 24 had sinoatrial disease. Chest wall stimulation prior to monitoring revealed asystole of > 4 seconds duration in 22 patients, and ventricular rates between 25 and 56 beats per minute in 52 patients. Fifty-one patients (69%) had one or more episodes of pacemaker inhibition from myopotentials. Inhibition occurred in all types of pacemakers studies, but was most frequent and of longest duration in patients with Siemens-Elema 207/70 (13/14 patients), Cordis Omni-Stanicor (6/7 patients), CPI Microlith (5/6 patients), and Medtronic 5945 (8/10 patients). This was not unexpected considering the filter characteristics of the pacemakers. Nine patients (12%) presented symptoms which might be ascribed to pacemaker inhibition. The longest asystole observed was 3.2 s. Seven patients had pacemakers spikes falling on or near T-waves of spontaneous heart beats because their pacemakers had been rendered refractory by myopotentials. No serious arrhythmias were seen during episodes of pacemaker inhibition or interference. More emphasis should be put on the improvement of filter characteristics of unipolar VVI-pacemakers. Pacemaker patients with symptoms of myopotential inhibition should be equipped with either a bipolar or ventricular triggered (VVT) pacemaker or with a sensitivity and/or pacing mode programmable pacemaker.  相似文献   

This case report describes myopotential interference with an automatic AV sequential pacemaker (DDD) producing repetitive firing of the ventricular channel up to a rate of 160 and occasional suppression of the ventricular output. A silastic boot which covered the pacemaker did not prevent sensing of electromyopotentials. The problem was partially corrected by decreasing the sensitivity of the ventricular channel. The ventricular response to myopotentials sensed by the atrial channel was limited by decreasing the maximum programmed rate to 120/minute.  相似文献   

Myopotential inhibition of unipolar demand pacing systems has been shown to be a frequent occurrence in adults with transvenous pacing systems in which the pulse generators are implanted adjacent to the pectoralis muscle. To evaluate this problem in children, most of whom have epimyocardial systems and abdominal wall generator implants, 50 patients underwent electrocardiographically monitored exercise and 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiograph monitoring. Patients' ages at the time of study ranged from less than one year to 18 years, and weights ranged from less than 5 kg to 63 kg. Sixteen different models of pulse generators from five manufacturers were involved. Pacing modes were VVI, DVI, AAI, VDD, and DDD. Forty-seven patients had epimyocardial systems. None of the patients was symptomatic as a result of myopotential inhibition. Only three patients (6%) had any evidence of myopotential inhibition and all three demonstrated this inhibition on both monitored exercise and ambulatory electrocardiograph. The inhibition was eliminated by reprogramming the sensitivity levels of the three generators without compromising R-wave sensing. Thirteen of the remaining 35 patients with multiprogrammable generators had induction of myopotential inhibition when exercised after temporary programming to maximal sensitivity settings. Myopotential inhibition of unipolar demand pacing appears to be less frequent and less problematic in the pediatric population, even though they are physically quite active. It is not clear whether this is a function of patient size or the abdominal wall position of the pulse generator.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Myopotential interference (MPI) can inhibit or trigger single and dual chamber unipolar pacemakers while bipolar pacemakers are resistant. Twenty units of two different models of dual chamber pacemaker, each capable of being programmed to single chamber or dual chamber and unipolar or bipolar function were tested to provoke myopotential interference. No patient had evidence of myopotential interference at any sensitivity setting in the bipolar configuration either in atrium or in ventricle. All patients (20/20) interfered with pacemaker function at the highest atrial or ventricular sensitivity settings in the unipolar configuration. T wave sensing occurred at the 0.25 mV sensitivity setting in four patients in pacemaker model 925, in both bipolar and unipolar configurations. Twenty-five percent of patients had myopotential interference at the unipolar atrial sensing threshold and did not allow a setting which would reject myopotential interference while providing satisfactory atrial sensing. Twenty percent (2/10) had myopotential caused ventricular inhibition at the least sensitive ventricular channel setting in model 240G so that myopotential interference could not be avoided in that unit no matter how large the electrogram.  相似文献   

Pacemaker mediated reentrant tachycardias have been seen frequently during use of dual chamber sensing pacemakers and are dependent on the presence of intact retrograde (ventriculo-atrial) conduction. The status of a patient's retrograde (VA) conduction cannot be determined from the surface electrocardiogram. At the time of pacemaker implant the state of ante-grade conduction should be determined at incremental atrial pacing rates, the exact timing measured from the intracardiac electrograms, i.e., from the intrinsic deflection of the atrium to the intrinsic deflection of the ventricle. With this information obtained in 53 patients, if was possible to determine which patients could safely receive dual chamber sensing pacemaker devices, the appropriate pacemaker atrial refractory period setting to avoid pacemaker mediated tachycardias in those patients with intact retrograde conduction, and the optimal timing for programming the pacemaker's A V delay. Patients who have been studied in this manner and who were felt to be suitable for a dual chamber sensing device have not displayed pacemaker mediated reentrant tachycardias. Forty-seven percent of all patients who require pacemaker implant have VA 1:1 conduction; 67% of those with sinus node dysfunction and 14% of those with complete antegrade block have VA conduction at a mean interval of 235 ± 50 ms (range 110–380 ms).  相似文献   

DDD pacemakers differ considerably in device specific extents of AV delay (AVD) programmability. To demonstrate the requirements of a mean DDD pacemaker patient population optimal AVDs in 200 DDD pacemaker patients (age 8 to 91 years) were estimated by left atrial electrography. The results should help to define an AVD programmability standard. Left atrial electrograms were recorded via a bipolar filtered esophageal lead. The method aims on adjusting the left atrial electrogram to 70 ms prior to the ventricular spike, both during VDD and DDD operation of the pacemaker. In atrial sensed stimulation the optimal AVD varied from 40 to 205 ms (100.5 ± 24.5 ms) and in atrial paced stimulation from 85 to 245 ms (169.1 ±24.5 ms). The difference of the mean values is statistically significant (p < 0.001). The difference between both values in the individual patient, the individual AVD correction time, varied from 0 to 170 ms (68.7 ± 26.6 ms). Thus, from our findings requirements on AV delay programmability standard can be derived: AVDs (1) should have a range from 40 to 250 ms, (2) should be independently programmable during atrial sensed and atrial paced operation, ami (3) should provide as nominal settings 100 ms for atrial sensed and 170 ms for atrial paced stimulation.  相似文献   

Two patients who had DDD pacemakers inserted for symptomatic sick, sinus syndrome developed sustained upper-rate limit pacing. It was demonstrated in these two patients that pacemaker-mediated tachycardia was due to tracking of atrial flutter. DDD pacemakers should be used with caution in patients with the sick sinus syndrome and associated atrial tachyarrhythmias. Medical treatment of recurrent atrial tachyarrhythmias may allow patients to remain in the DDD mode.  相似文献   

Pacemakers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, offering a host of new diagnostic functions. This case illustrates how some of these functions can be used to help with the diagnosis and management of patients with pacemakers who suffer from cardiac arrhythmias.  相似文献   

A 45-year-old male had a WI pacemaker implanted 20 years ago because of complete heart block. Because of perforation of the lead the pulse generator was removed after 4 weeks and a second lead was implanted from the contralateral side. Recently, the patient presented with symptoms of lightheadedness and syncope associated with prolonged pauses in the electrocardiogram. From the ECG, the ECG interpretation channel, and intracardiac electrogram telemetry, it was concluded that the VVI pacemaker was inhibited by P waves. The most likely explanation for this phenomenon was an insulation defect in the functioning lead caused by friction with the abandoned lead at the level of the high right atrium.  相似文献   

Wencke-bach behavior of DDD pacemakers occurring when the P-P interval varies between the programmed upper rate interval and the total atrial refractory period is symmetrical in a sense that the pacemaker response during atrial rate acceleration is similar to the pacemaker response during atrial rate deceleration. This phenomenon can be observed in all patients with persistent AV block in whom a DDD pacemaker is implanted, during exercise testing when the spontaneous atrial rate exceeds the selected upper rate, i.e., the programmed upper rate interval. However, this phenomenon will not be observed in all patients with intermittent intact AV conduction during exercise. In this case report we describe a patient who showed an asymmetrical response during a bicycle exercise test. There was 1:1 atrial sensing ventricular pacing until the atrial rate exceeded the upper rate of 140 ppm, while atrial sensing was restored during recovery when the conducted sinus rhythm had decreased to 105 beats/min.  相似文献   

Les mérites relatifs de la stimulation unipolaire et bipulaire sont discutés dans le contexte des stimulateurs DDD. Pour assurer le recueil du potentiel auricuiaire en présence de potentiel musculaire, l'utilisation d'un systéme bipolaire est préferable. Le recueil bipolaire ventriculaire réduira l'incidence d'inhibition par des myopotentiels et pourrait aussi réduire la possibilité de l'écoute croisée. Cependant, la stimulation est mieux obtenue par un systéme unipolaire. C'est pourquoi nous développons un nouveau stimulates qui fournira la slimulation en unipolaire et le recueil du potentiel en bipolaire. Ce stimulateur est conçu et basé sur un schéma unipolaire, avec la simplicité et la fiabilité inhéreutes à ce mode.  相似文献   

A patient with a DDD universal pacemaker presented with dyspnea. The electrocardiogram showed pacing artifacts both at the start of the QRS complex and 110 ms later. Also, 400 ms following sensed ventricular extrasystoles, there were normal single paced QHS complexes of slightly different morphology. An x-ray showed that the atrial electrode had displaced into the ventricle, and at exploration this was found to be due to late retraction of the electrode's active fixation helix. Following implantation of a new atrial lead, normal DDD pacing function was restored and the patient became asymptomatic.  相似文献   

Dual chamber pacing may be problematic in patients with paroxysmal atrial arrhrfhmias. The fallback feature has been incorporated into some devices to avoid tracking of rapid atrial rhythms. A case is reported in which the initiation of fallback was inconsistent during paroxysms of atrial flutter. Evaluation of the ventricular output of an isolated device in response to various applied atrial rates revealed that fallback occurred consistently only when 2×TARP (ms) ≤ URL (ms).  相似文献   

The Effects of Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Implantable Pulse Generators   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of magnetic resonance imaging were assessed on four dual chamber and two single chamber pulse generators. The tests were performed with a resistive, water-cooled magnet operating at 0.15 T. The 6.4-MHz radiofrequency (RF) field was operated at a maximum power of 1,000 watts with a period adjusted from 130 to 500 ms. Reed switch closure occurred in all six pulse generators tested when placed near the entrance of the magnetic resonance imaging scanner, and the generators reverted to asynchronous operation unless programmed to the "magnet off" mode. None of the pulse generators exhibited any alterations in programmed parameters or in the ability to be reprogrammed after RF pulsing. When the RF field was turned on, there was no change in the asynchronous paced cycle length in four pulse generators; however, during RF scanning there was rapid cardiac stimulation at the RF pulse period in one single chamber and one dual chamber pulse generator.  相似文献   

Myopotential inhibition during permanent pacing with unipolar leads is a well-recognized clinical problem. A study was undertaken to determine if implantation of the generator in abdominal subcutaneous tissue instead of the conventional pectoral implantation site would reduce the incidence of this inhibition. Forty patients with either an abdominal (group A, n = 20) or a pectoral (group P, n = 20) generator implantation site were subjected to a standardized protocol of muscle provocation and 24-hour ECG. Pulse generators were programmed to the lowest sensitivity level (average, 2.0 mV). Pauses exceeding the stimulation interval were analyzed. During muscle provocation 85% of the patients in group P displayed inhibition, as against 5% in group A (p less than 0.001). During 24-hour ECG, the corresponding values were 95% and 15%, respectively (p less than 0.001). We concluded that abdominal generator implantation significantly reduces the incidence of myopotential inhibition in patients with unipolar pacemaker leads.  相似文献   

ANDERSON, M.H., ET AL.: Ventricular Pacing from the Atrial Channel of a DDD Pacemaker: A Consequence of Pacemaker Twiddling? The breakdown of pacemaker lead insulation under conditions of mechanical stress leading to failure of pacing is well recognized. We present a case where adjacent breakdown of insulation in two unipolar pacing leads resulted in inappropriate ventricular pacing. Replacement of the leads rectified the problem. [PACE, Vol. 13, December, Part I 1990)  相似文献   

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