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A morphometric analysis of the developing organ of Corti and its component hair cells was carried out in an age-graded series of Syrian golden hamsters with the aid of scanning electron microscopy. The purpose was to establish a quantitative framework that would provide insight into the rules and principles by which the mammalian cochlea attains its adult proportions. This study examined postnatal development at two day intervals from birth to 22 days after birth. Our analysis included measures of cochlear length and hair cell numbers as well as measures of hair cell sizes in each of five sectors along the cochlear spiral. Our results demonstrate several principles of cochlear development: (1) The full two and one-fourths turns seen in the adult cochlea are already present at birth, but the cochlea continues to elongate for the next 10–12 days. (2) Development of hair cells in the apex generally lags behind that in the base. Whereas the stereocilia and apical margins of hair cells are clearly defined in the basal turn, they become well defined in the apex only postnatally. (3) Growth in cochlear length occurs mainly by increases in cell size rather than in cell numbers; although hair cells do increase in numbers during the first 4 days of cochlear growth, this increase involves addition of hair cells only to preexisting regions of the cochlear apex. Moreover, the full complement of hair cells is established 6 days before the full size of the cochlea is attained; in contrast, hair cell growth occurs at all positions along the cochlear spiral and spans the entire period of cochlear elongation. (4) The period of hair cell growth exceeds the period of organ of Corti growth and appears to be possible by decreases in intercellular spacing, primarily in the apical region of the cochlea; inner and outer hair cell growth was complete between 16 and 18 days after birth. (5) Inner and outer hair cell neighbors remain virtually constant at different ages indicating that the spatial relationships between the two hair cell populations is preserved as the cochlea grows. (6) Comparison with previous developmental studies of auditory function in the hamster reveals that the age of 16 days after birth, when hair cells attain their mature sizes, coincides with the onset of brainstem auditory evoked responses. Growth of hair cell somas alone, however, cannot explain either the subsequent maturation of evoked potential thresholds or changes in frequency representation in the developing cochlea. © Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neuron-specific enolase (NSE) has been localized only in neurons and cells with characteristics of neurons. The immunocytochemical localization of NSE was examined in guinea pig cochleae to determine if hair cells, which have some neuronal characteristics, would show NSE-like immunoreactive labeling. NSE-like immunoreactivity was seen in inner hair cells but not in outer hair cells. This is the first report of NSE-like immunoreactivity in a receptor cell. NSE-like immunoreactivity was also seen in efferent fibers and terminals and in both type I and type II spiral ganglion cells. The finding of NSE-like immunoreactivity in inner but not outer cells adds to the number of differences found between them and may be related to differences in function and action.  相似文献   

Some, but not all synapses of chinchilla outer hair cells with terminals of the spiral afferent nerve fibers have presynaptic bodies which are often surrounded by a halo of synaptic vesicles. The variety of appearance of presynaptic bodies and vesicles may result from the conditions of fixation or may represent differences in functional state.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones are critical for maturation of the central nervous system. In a previous study, we showed a change in the pattern of mature myelinated nerve fibers by 2'3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) in developing hypothyroid animals, which suggests a possible role for thyroid hormones in myelin compaction. The classical myelin markers myelin basic protein (MBP) and proteolipidic protein (PLP) are expressed later in oligodendroglial development, when myelin sheath formation is in progress. A myelin constituent designated myelin-associated/oligodendrocytic basic protein (MOBP) has been identified and related to myelin compaction. We assessed the developmental sequence of appearance of CNPase, MBP, MOPB, and PLP proteins in cerebellum (Cb) and corpus callosum (cc) in an experimental hypothyroidism model. The appearance of both MOBP isoforms occurred at postnatal day (P)25 and P30 in cc and Cb, respectively, followed by an increase with age in the control group. However, all the MOBP isoforms were weakly detectable in both regions at P30 from the hypothyroid (H) group, and the higher molecular weight isoform remains decreased in cc, even at P90. The developmental pattern of expression of CNPase, MBP, and PLP proteins was also delayed in the H group. CNPase and MBP expression was recovered in cc and Cb, whereas PLP remained below control levels at P90 in cc. Our data show that the experimental hypothyroidism affects the developmental pattern of the oligodendrocytic/myelin markers. Furthermore, thyroid hormone may modulate specific genes, as demonstrated by permanent down-regulation of MOBP and PLP expression in adulthood.  相似文献   

The electrically induced movements of outer hair cells (OHC) were studied using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique and video analysis. Cell shortening occurs during depolarization and elongation occurs during hyperpolarization from holding potentials near -70 mV. However, a marked asymmetry in response magnitude exists such that depolarization produces larger cell length changes than do comparable levels of hyperpolarization. The response is such that at normal resting potentials in vivo, displacements are about 2 nm/mV, but increase to about 15 nm/mV as the cell is depolarized. This mechanical rectification in the depolarizing direction manifests itself during symmetrical sinusoidal voltage stimulation as a "DC" reduction in cell length superimposed upon "AC" length changes. The observed OHC mechanical rectification may be involved in the reported production of "DC" basilar membrane displacements during suprathreshold acoustic stimulation (LePage, 1987). Estimates of the magnitude of OHC movements at acoustic threshold levels induced by receptor potentials in the high-frequency region of the cochlea indicate a disparity between basilar membrane and OHC movements on the order of 21 dB. Thus, it appears questionable whether OHC mechanical movements solely underlie the "active process" thought to be responsible for the high degree of neural tuning at sound pressures near 0 dB.  相似文献   

In the present study we have observed with the electron microscope the glycogen body of the chick, Gallus domesticus, which constitutes a spinal cord circumventricular organ specific of birds. We have detected in young chickens and embryos the presence of considerable amounts of glycogen particles in the cerebrospinal and vascular compartiments, coming from the glycogen body cells, which are able to discharge part of their glycogen into either the central canal or the capillary lumen, via ependymal and endothelial cells respectively. If this secretion is a physiological condition, we propose that the glycogen body would play a role in the manteinance of the hydric and glucose haemostasia in the central nervous system, as well as in the osmoregulation.  相似文献   

A widely held hypothesis of mammalian cochlear function is that the mechanical responses to sound of the basilar membrane depend on transduction by the outer hair cells. We have tested this hypothesis by studying the effect upon basilar membrane vibrations (measured by means of either the M?ssbauer technique or Doppler-shift laser velocimetry) of systemic injection of furosemide, a loop diuretic that decreases transduction currents in hair cells. Furosemide reversibly altered the responses to tones and clicks of the chinchilla basilar membrane, causing response-magnitude reductions that were largest (up to 61 dB, averaging 25-30 dB) at low stimulus intensities at the characteristic frequency (CF) and small or nonexistent at high intensities and at frequencies far removed from CF. Furosemide also induced response-phase lags that were largest at low stimulus intensities (averaging 77 degrees) and were confined to frequencies close to CF. These results constitute the most definitive demonstration to date that mechanical responses of the basilar membrane are dependent on the normal function of the organ of Corti and strongly implicate the outer hair cells as being responsible for the high sensitivity and frequency selectivity of basilar membrane responses. A corollary of these findings is that sensorineural hearing deficits in humans due to outer hair cell loss reflect pathologically diminished vibrations of the basilar membrane.  相似文献   

The authors compared the results of six-week treatment in a therapeutic community comprising 484 patients who had therapy in groups which were classified as "good" by their therapists, and 91 patients having therapy in groups, classified by the therapists as "poor". No significant difference was found in the two groups as regards mitigation of symptoms, insight, change of attitudes and behavior at the time of completion of treatment and after an interval of one year. Effective factors of group psychotherapy obviously are equally effective also in groups with which the therapists are not satisfied.  相似文献   

In a Yucatecan crisis cult of short duration, the millenary expectations are remembered long after the dissolution of the cult. So is Satan who, it is felt, tempted the congregation. The cultural innovations instituted during the cult, however, are almost immediately forgotten. The differential recall is shown to be related to the quality of the trance behavior during the cult and to the threatening versus neutral content of the memory material.  相似文献   

Cysteine-string protein is a vesicle-associated protein that plays a vital function in neurotransmitter release. We have studied its expression and regulation during cochlear maturation. Both the mRNA and the protein were found in primary auditory neurons and the sensory inner hair cells. More importantly, cysteine-string protein was localized on synaptic vesicles associated with the synaptic ribbon in inner hair cells and with presynaptic differentiations in lateral and medial olivocochlear terminals -- the cell bodies of which lie in the auditory brainstem. No cysteine-string protein was expressed by the sensory outer hair cells suggesting that the distinct functions of the two cochlear hair cell types imply different mechanisms of neurotransmitter release. In developmental studies in the rat, we observed that cysteine-string protein was present beneath the inner hair cells at birth and beneath outer hair cells by postnatal day 2 only. We found no expression in the inner hair cells before about postnatal day 12, which corresponds to the period during which the first cochlear action potentials could be recorded. In conclusion, the close association of cysteine-string protein with synaptic vesicles tethered to synaptic ribbons in inner hair cells and its synchronized expression with the appearance and maturation of the cochlear potentials strongly suggest that this protein plays a fundamental role in sound-evoked glutamate release by inner hair cells. This also suggests that this role may be common to ribbon synapses and conventional central nervous system synapses.  相似文献   

The Bronx waltzer (bv) deaf mouse is characterized by massive degeneration of the primary auditory receptors, the inner hair cells, which occurs during the time of expected afferent synaptogenesis. The process is associated with degeneration and protracted division of the normally postmitotic afferent spiral ganglion neurons. To investigate the potential role of neurotrophins in the afferent synaptogenesis of inner hair cells, we exposed bv newborn cochleas in organotypic culture to brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) and nerve growth factor (NGF), and also to gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), for up to 8 days. The study was done using light and electron microscopy. Only about 20% of the inner hair cells survived in culture, regardless of the treatment, similar to the number in the intact mutant in our colony. Depending on the exogenous treatment, this population consisted of either innervated ultrastructurally normal cells or denervated dedifferentiated cells wrapped-in lieu of nerve endings-by the supporting inner phalangeal and border cells. In the control and GABA cultures, inner hair cells were mostly denervated. BDNF and NT-3 alone or combined increased synaptogenesis and hair cell survival only during the first 3 days (by about 10%); however, the cells became denervated by 8 postnatal (PN). Only NGF induced stable innervation and differentiation of neurosensory relationships, including supernumerary innervation characteristic of the intact bv. Denervation among the remaining 20% of inner hair cells induced a reactive wrapping by inner phalangeal and border cells which evidently extended inner hair cell survival. Immunocytochemical studies of these reactive supporting cells were done in the intact (8 PN) mutant cochlea. The supporting cells that provide sustenance to the denervated inner hair cells displayed strong BDNF (and possibly NT-3) immunoreactivity. Subsequently, we revealed the presence of all three neurotrophins in the inner hair cell region of the developing (1-8 PN) cochlea of the normal ICR mouse. The inner hair cells expressed all three neurotrophins; BDNF prevailed in the inner phalangeal cells, NT-3 in the pillar cells and inner phalangeal cells, and NGF in the pillar cells. In conclusion: initially, the 80% loss of inner hair cells is apparently caused by their failed afferent synaptogenesis. Exogenous neurotrophins influence synaptogenesis in the bv in culture, but NGF alone is successful in promoting stable neurosensory relationships. The presence of neurotrophins in supporting cells in the normal and degenerating cochlea indicates their role in the sustenance of inner hair cells.  相似文献   

Calcium is tightly regulated in cochlear outer hair cells (OHCs). It enters mainly via mechanotransducer (MT) channels and is extruded by the plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA)2 isoform of the PMCA, mutations in which cause hearing loss. To assess how pump expression matches the demands of Ca(2+) homeostasis, the distribution of PMCA2 at different cochlear locations during development was quantified using immunofluorescence and post-embedding immunogold labeling. The PMCA2 isoform was confined to stereociliary bundles, first appearing at the base of the cochlea around post-natal day (P)0 followed by the middle and then the apex by P3, and was unchanged after P8. The developmental appearance matched the maturation of the MT channels in rat OHCs. High-resolution immunogold labeling in adult rats showed that PMCA2 was distributed along the membranes of all three rows of OHC stereocilia at similar densities and at about a quarter of the density in inner hair cell stereocilia. The difference between OHCs and inner hair cells was similar to the ratio of their MT channel resting open probabilities. Gold particle counts revealed no difference in PMCA2 density between low- and high-frequency OHC bundles despite larger MT currents in high-frequency OHCs. The PMCA2 density in OHC stereocilia was determined in low- and high-frequency regions from calibration of immunogold particle counts as 2200/μm(2) from which an extrusion rate of ~200 ions/s per pump was inferred. The limited ability of PMCA2 to extrude the Ca(2+) load through MT channels may constitute a major cause of OHC vulnerability and high-frequency hearing loss.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that structures within the lamina terminalis; the organum vasculosm of the lamina terminalis (OVLT), the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) and/or the subfornical organ (SFO); are required for the development of DOCA-salt hypertension. Lesion of the anteroventral tissue lining the third ventricle (AV3V), which destroys cell bodies in the OVLT and MnPO, as well as efferent projections from the SFO to the OVLT and MnPO, abolishes DOCA-salt hypertension in the rat. However, the individual contribution of these structures to DOCA-salt hypertension is unknown. The present study was designed to determine whether an intact SFO is required for hypertension development in the DOCA-salt model. In uninephrectomized SFO lesioned (SFOx; n=6) and SHAM (n=8) Sprague-Dawley rats, 24-h mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were continuously recorded telemetrically 4 days before and 36 days after DOCA implantation (100 mg/rat; s.c.); 24-h sodium and water balances were measured throughout the protocol. No differences in control MAP, HR, sodium and water balances were observed between groups. Following DOCA implantation, the magnitude of the elevation of MAP was similar between groups (approximately 40 mm Hg) so that by Day 40, MAP was 148+/-5 mm Hg in SFOx and 145+/-4 mm Hg in SHAM rats. The magnitude of decrease in HR from control values was similar in both groups. Differences in sodium and water balances were not observed between groups. We conclude that the SFO alone does not play a significant role in the development of mineralocorticoid-salt hypertension.  相似文献   

The effect of hypothyroidism on cerebral and cerebellar synaptosome development has been studied. Neonatal hypothyroidism was induced following addition of 0.3% propylthiouracil to the diet of nursing mothers. Maturation profiles of total synaptosome fraction and specific activities of lactate dehydrogenase, Na+K ATPase, cytochrome c oxidase, and protein were obtained from days 6 to 32 on synaptosomes isolated from Ficoll-sucrose gradients. The greatest changes were found in the total activities of enzymes isolated from the cerebellum. Hypothyroidism induced a retardation of LDH and cytochrome c oxidase in cerebellar synaptosomes, but no change in corresponding specific activities. Maximum rates of 14C-leucine incorporation into cerebellar synaptosome protein was found at 16-20 days, after which a rapid decline occurred to adult levels at 32 days. In neonatal hypothyroidism, synthesis was significantly reduced at 8 and 14 days, but reached control levels or above at 21--32 days. In the cerebrum, maximum rates of 14C-leucine incorporation into synaptosome protein were identified at 8--12 days in normal with a rapid drop to adult levels at approximately 20 days. In neonatal hypothyroidism, peak activities were identified at 14 days and increased activities over control were noted at 14, 20 and 30 days. These observations demonstrate the sensitivity of the developing cerebellar synaptic apparatus to neonatal hypothyroidism, with a protraction in the peak levels of synaptosome protein synthesis in cerebrum and cerebellum.  相似文献   

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