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目的:探讨兔前交叉韧带(anterior eruciate ligament,ACL)重建术后早期关节腔内冲洗对腱-骨愈合过程中组织学和生物力学的影响。方法:取24只新西兰大白兔,建立双侧ACL重建模型,一侧膝作为实验组,并取对侧作为对照组。实验组术后5d内定期行关节腔内冲洗,对照组不做处理。在术后4、8、12周行生物力学测定和腱-骨愈合部位组织学观察,比较韧带断裂时所需拉力大小以及腱-骨界面处组织学变化。结果:发现实验组韧带强度及组织学转归明显优于对照组,差别有显著的统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论:早期关节腔冲洗对ACL重建后韧带强度和腱-骨愈合有着积极的作用,提示可以通过关节腔冲洗的方法来改善ACL重建后早期关节内环境以改善重建后手术效果。  相似文献   

前交叉韧带(anterior cruciate ligament,ACL)是稳定膝关节的重要结构.运动及日常生活中多种因素可导致其损伤.ACL损伤后,会造成关节不稳、关节其他韧带松弛、关节软骨退变、半月板损伤等并发症,严重影响膝关节功能.关节镜下ACL重建术是恢复关节稳定、延缓膝关节退变的重要方法.骨-髌腱-骨(B-PT-B)一直是ACL重建移植物选择的金标准,虽然末端属于骨-骨愈合,愈合时间短,但由于切取移植物创伤大、术后并发症多,现已很少应用.  相似文献   

随着镜下交叉韧带及肩袖损伤修复的增加,腱-骨界面移植物的转归与愈合成为重建交叉韧带及肩袖损伤修复成功与否的关键,牢固的腱-骨界面愈合是韧带重建、肩袖修复术后发挥其生理功能的先决条件,但腱-骨界面愈合困难,如何促进腱-骨界面愈合逐渐成为了近年来国内外学者关注的热点。本文重点就移植腱-骨界面愈合的研究现状作一综述。  相似文献   

腘绳肌肌腱重建前交叉韧带是目前受欢迎的术式,影响其疗效的最主要环节为术后早期腱-骨界面愈合.不良愈合如瘢痕组织形成、骨隧道扩大可能是术后腱-骨界面连接不牢固的原因之一.如何促使术后腱-骨界面连接并形成近似生理性止点成为众多研究者的共同目标.多数研究发现,移植物周围早期炎症反应所形成的瘢痕组织、缓慢有限的骨长入、缺乏足够数量祖细胞、缺乏协调组织再生的信号分子等可能是腱-骨界面不能有效愈合的原因.调控炎症、促进骨长入、干细胞应用、细胞生长因子应用以及相关物理疗法、组织工程等综合方法等,或可成为促进腱-骨界面愈合的有利措施.  相似文献   

目的研究骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)复合同种异体骨(DPB)对自体半腱肌肌腱重建前交叉韧带后腱-骨愈合的影响。方法取64只成年新西兰大白兔,分成4组,建立左侧膝前交叉韧带(ACL)完全断裂模型。重建ACL时,于股骨隧道内分别植入BMP结合DPB、BMP、DPB。结果术后3、6、12及24周BMP结合DPB腱-骨愈合及移植物抗拉强度大于其他各治疗组,P<0.05。结论缓释载体DPB能延长BMP作用时间,提高移植物生物力学特性,拮抗骨吸收因子的负面效应,促进腱-骨愈合。  相似文献   

近年来,应用肌腱移植物(如腘绳肌腱)行前交叉韧带重建术越来越普遍。手术的远期疗效关键取决于肌腱移植物能否在骨隧道内获得可靠的腱-骨愈合,腱-骨界面开始仅通过一些Sharpey样纤维连接,其在力学上逊于正常的纤维软骨连接,之后肌腱移植物在骨隧道内需要相当长时间才能获得可靠的腱-骨愈合。因此,在没有获得可靠的腱-骨愈合前,腱-骨界面被认为是"弱点",肌腱移植物容易产生滑移甚至从骨隧道内拔出,最终导致手术失败。因此,如何促进腱-骨愈合是目前研究的热点。本文对相关文献做一综述,重点关注应用于骨隧道局部的一些方法学进展。其中干细胞技术、生长因子的局部应用、基因转染技术以及炎症反应的生物调控技术等均已获得令人振奋的研究成果。生物活性骨水泥的应用以及物理治疗方法也取得可喜的成果。组织工程技术可能成为降低供区并发症的方法 ,尽管目前的研究成果令人鼓舞,但仅基于动物实验,应用于临床实践尚需进一步随机对照临床研究。  相似文献   

目的 探讨并比较两种移植物重建前交叉韧带(anterior cruciate ligament,ACL)后早期移植物隧道界面愈合的生物学机制. 方法 55只成年新西兰大白兔,体重2.0~2.8 kg.左膝关节切取带胫骨.骨块的髌韧带作为供区,右膝关节作为自体移植重建ACL受区.移植物骨块端为骨.骨界面愈合模型,韧带端为腱.骨界面愈合模型.术后观察实验动物一般情况,术后第2、4和8周取材(n=5)行大体及组织学观察,并于第4、8周取材(n=20)进行生物力学检测. 结果 术后动物肢体活动情况良好,实验过程中ACL连续性完整,张力适中.组织学观察:术后2周骨.骨界面大部分区域为纤维组织连接,腱一骨界面主要为肉芽组织填充;术后4周骨.骨界面大部分区域骨性愈合,腱.骨界面可见成骨反应及大量成纤维细胞;术后8周骨.骨界面已完全骨性愈合,腱.骨界面部分区域可见Sharpey纤维,形成间接止点.生物力学观察:术后4周腱-骨界面拔出率为85%,骨.骨界面为15%;术后8周腱.骨界面拔出率为95%,骨.骨界面为5%;各时间点骨.骨界面拔出率与腱一骨界面拔出率比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001). 结论 ACL重建术后早期骨一骨界面较腱.骨界面在愈合强度和速度上具有优势.  相似文献   

半腱肌重建前交叉韧带进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
前交叉韧带是稳定膝关节的重要结构。前交叉韧带损伤后股骨与胫骨在负重时半脱位 ,可以导致半月板后角撕裂、膝关节不稳定、退行性变、功能丧失。为了恢复膝关节结构及功能 ,前交叉韧带损伤必须及时处理。近年来 ,前交叉韧带重建手术中 ,半腱肌得到广泛应用 ,现综述如下。1 半腱肌的生物力学研究BYFrank[1] 、Kenedy[2 ] 等研究证明 ,以正常ACL强度173 0N(1牛顿 =0 .0 3kg)为 10 0 % ,则单股半腱肌强度 (12 16± 5 0 )N为 70 %~ 75 %。Brown[3 ] 证实双股半腱肌的强度约是正常前交叉韧带的 1.5倍 ,四股半腱肌的…  相似文献   

采用自体腘绳肌肌腱重建交叉韧带正得到越来越广泛的临床应用,如何促进肌腱与骨隧道及早、可靠的愈合,是近年研究的重点.该文就腘绳肌肌腱重建交叉韧带后腱-骨愈合的组织学及促进腱-骨愈合的生物学因素的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

前交叉韧带重建术后腱骨愈合是影响手术效果和患者转归的重要因素。本文从生物学干预角度对腱骨愈合的相关研究进行综述,主要分为生长因子、干细胞、基因治疗、自体组织、生物材料和药物6个方面。目前已进行临床研究的有富血小板血浆、骨髓间充质干细胞、脂肪源性干细胞、自体骨膜包裹、纳米羟基磷灰石、磷酸钙,其中自体骨膜包裹、纳米羟基磷灰石和磷酸钙的临床疗效比较明确。应用生物学干预方法可促进腱骨愈合,若想更好地服务于临床尚需进一步临床研究。  相似文献   

S P Chow  G Hooper  C W Chan 《The Hand》1983,15(2):136-142
Deep flexor tendons from the forepaws of rabbits were removed and cut into two segments, sutured and freeze-dried. About one week later each tendon was placed in a knee joint of the same rabbit from which the tendon had been removed. At one, two, three and six weeks the tendons were retrieved and examined grossly, histologically and by electron microscopy. For comparison a control group using non freeze-dried tendons was also studied. Although there was evidence of central necrosis, superficial healing of the freeze-dried tendons occurred and was presumably due to cells from the synovial fluid.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to develop a novel technology to enhance tendon‐to‐bone interface healing by trypsinizing and mineralizing (TM) an intrasynovial tendon allograft in a rabbit bone tunnel model. Eight rabbit flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) tendons were used to optimize the trypsinization process. An additional 24 FDP tendons were stratified into control and TM groups; in each group, 4 tendons were used for in vitro evaluation of TM and 8 were transplanted into proximal tibial bone tunnels in rabbits. The samples were evaluated histologically and with mechanical testing at postoperative week 8. Maximum failure strength and linear stiffness were not significantly different between the control and TM tendons. A thin fibrous band of scar tissue formed at the graft‐to‐bone interface in the control group. However, only the TM group showed obvious new bone formation inside the tendon graft and a visible fibrocartilage layer at the bone tunnel entrance. This study is the first to explore effects of TM on the intrasynovial allograft healing to a bone tunnel. TM showed beneficial effects on chondrogenesis, osteogenesis, and integration of the intrasynovial tendon graft, but mechanical strength was the same as the control tendons in this short‐term in vivo study. © 2015 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 33:468–474, 2015.  相似文献   

The effect of the topical application of human amniotic fluid (HAF) on peritendinous adhesion formation and tendon healing was investigated in 32 New Zealand adult rabbits. The long flexor tendons of the digits of each hind paw were completely divided and repaired with a modified Kessler technique. The rabbits were randomly divided into 4 experimental groups according to the type of repair used: sheath excision, sheath excision and local HAF application, sheath repair, and sheath repair and local HAF application. The extent of adhesions and the healing status of the tendons were macroscopically and histologically evaluated at 12 weeks. Tensile strength of the repaired tendons was measured biomechanically at 20 weeks. The least adhesion and the best healing were observed in tendons treated with sheath repair and HAF application. Tendons treated with HAF had significantly higher tensile load values. Topical application of HAF immediately after tenorrhaphy is significantly effective in preventing peritendinous adhesion formation without impairment of tendon healing in this rabbit model.  相似文献   

Secure fixation of tendon or ligament to bone has been a challenging problem. The periosteum is an osteogenic organ that regulates bone growth and remodeling at the outer surface of cortical bone and also is known to play an important role in forming a tendon insertion site to bone. Therefore, we hypothesized that a freshly harvested periosteum can be used as a stimulative scaffold to biologically reinforce the attachment of tendon graft to bone. Using a rabbit hallucis longus tendon and calcaneus process model, we found that a periosteal augmentation of a tendon graft could enhance the structural integrity of the tendon-bone interface, when the periosteum is placed between the tendon and bone interface with the cambium layer facing toward the bone. Clinically, the use of an autogenous periosteum patch would be an optimal choice for biologic augmentation of the tendon graft in the bone tunnel, because the tissue is readily available for harvest from the patient's body.  相似文献   

Role of synovial fluid cells in the healing of flexor tendons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 1-cm segment of repaired rabbit flexor tendon was first subjected to 10,000 rads of x-radiation and then placed in the synovial cavity of a rabbit's knee joint. Macroscopic examination revealed healing at the repair site and rounding of the tendon ends without adhesions. Light- and electron-microscopic studies revealed cells resembling fibroblasts at the repair site and the periphery laying down collagen. Healing of this irradiated nonviable tendon was brought about by the cells present in the synovial fluid.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bone healing continues to pose challenges for researchers and clinicians working in the field of plastic surgery. Complete bone regeneration cannot be obtained in critical size osseous defects without the application of osteogenic or osteoinductive bone material. In this study, we hypothesized that because extracellular matrix components are known to play a major role in the first steps of healing during bone or injury healing and because hyaluronic acid as chondroitin sulfate is recognized as an osteogenic compound without osteoinductive activity, human amniotic fluid, which contains high concentrations of hyaluronic acid, gyaluronic acid -stimulating activator, and other factors, might accelerate bone healing when applied subperiosteally to rabbit calvarial defects. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We created 20 calvarial defects in 10 12-week-old New Zealand white rabbits who were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 defects were instilled with human amniotic fluid, whereas the group with contralateral defects, i.e., group 2, were given with same amount of normal saline solution. We then measured the density of the bone that formed over the defects using computed tomography at the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth weeks postoperatively. After this period, the defects were harvested for histopathologic evaluation. RESULTS: The defects from group 1, which were treated with human amniotic fluid, showed significantly higher ossification than the group 2 defects, which were instilled with saline solution. Histological examination at 6 weeks postoperatively revealed that the defects treated with human amniotic fluid (group 1) had superior ossification compared with the control group defects (group 2). CONCLUSION: Because of its positive effects on bone healing and also because of its ability to be stored in deep freeze if made cell-free, human amniotic fluid would appear to be a useful adjunct in the treatment of bone healing.  相似文献   

Cefazolin concentrations in bone and synovial fluid   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A single intravenous dose of one gram of cefazolin was administered prophylactically to forty-eight patients undergoing total joint replacement. The serum half-life of the antibiotic was 1.8 hours, the same value found in normal volunteers. The mean concentration in bone during surgery was 5.7 micrograms per gram of bone. The mean concentration in synovial fluid during surgery was 24.4 micrograms per milliliter of fluid.  相似文献   

The healing process of totally cut and subsequently resutured rabbit flexor tendons kept isolated in the knee joint cavity and free in the synovial fluid was studied by histological and ultrastructural techniques. This experimental model represents a "tissue culture in situ," where the tendon is nourished by diffusion from the synovial fluid only and where no adhesions are formed. Under these conditions there is a proliferation of tendon cells and deposition of collagen resulting in bridging of the suture line. On the basis of these findings, it is assumed that the tendon cells possess an intrinsic potential of repair, provided they obtain a sufficient nutritional supply. In the present experimental model, this nutrition was provided by way of diffusional pathways from the synovial fluid.  相似文献   

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