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目的了解男男性行为者(MSM)人群自杀行为及社会心理因素关系。方法 采用自编调查表,用应答者趋动招募抽样法(RDS)对MSM人群进行招募和自填式匿名调查。结果共调查201人,最近6个月自杀意念、自杀计划、自杀未遂报告率分别为9.0%(18/201)、4.5%(9/201)、3.5%(7/201)。和MSM朋友是否去过MSM活动公园、浏览过MSM网站自杀意念报告率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),是否到过迪斯科/夜总会、参加家庭MSM聚会自杀计划报告率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),是否参加过MSM家庭聚会自杀未遂报告率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);认为性取向伤害了家庭、被家人训斥自杀意念报告率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01),同性性取向被家人训斥、被怀疑精神有问题、因别人指点穿着打扮烦恼、失去住处的自杀计划、自杀未遂报告率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);抑郁症状检出与自杀意念、自杀计划、自杀未遂报告率相关(P〈0.05),到过相应社会活动场所、经历相应社会歧视和有抑郁症状者自杀行为报告率较高。结论 MSM人群自杀行为报告率较高,与社会心理因素相关,应针对性开展自杀行为干预和心理疏导。  相似文献   

广西青少年健康相关危险行为的现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阮青  刘玄华  董邕晖  陈晖 《职业与健康》2009,25(24):2666-2669
目的了解广西青少年健康危险行为的流行现状。方法采用分层整群抽样原则,抽取南宁市、钦州市、贺州市、武明县、宾阳县、上林县共58所学校(包括普通初中、重点初中、普通高中、重点高中、职业高中、大学)14423人进行问卷调查。结果过去7d内从未喝牛奶(酸奶或豆奶)的占30.0%,每周吃新鲜水果少于2次的占34.0%。在过去7天里,每天活动锻炼时间不足1h为17.6%。步行违规、骑车逆行、骑车闯红灯的为6.5%、12.6%和8.1%,在过去一年中有14.7%的学生打过架,5.7%的学生有过自杀计划,6.6%的学生曾尝试离家出走。14.2%的学生目前吸烟,33.8%的学生近期饮酒,曾经使用镇静剂和曾经使用毒品的为6.3%和1.2%。结论广西青少年健康危险行为现状不容忽视,应引起社会各界的关注。  相似文献   

PurposeTo identify modifiable lifestyle factors associated with blood pressure among U.S. adolescents.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted of 4508 12–19-year-old respondents of the 1999–2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP) were measured and adjusted for gender, age, and height using z-scores (SBPZ and DBPZ). Body mass index (BMI) was adjusted for gender and age (BMIZ). Questionnaires were used to measure nutrient intake (carbohydrate, protein, saturated and unsaturated fat, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and caffeine) and activities (physical activities and sedentary activities, including television watching).ResultsIn the adjusted model (R2 = .115), SBPZ was higher by .022 standard deviation (SD) (95% confidence interval [CI]: .007–.038, equivalent to ∼ .2 mmHg) per 1-hour increments in sedentary activities; higher by .244 SD (.198–.289, ∼ 2.6 mmHg) per 1 SD of BMIZ; and lower by .099 SD (−.192 to −.006, ∼ 1.1 mmHg) per 100 g of carbohydrate intake. Unexpectedly, BMIZ was negatively associated with DBPZ (−.078 per 1 SD, −.114 to −.043, ∼ .9 mmHg).ConclusionsAmong U.S. adolescents, sedentary activities and BMI are positively associated with SBP after adjustment for confounding factors and mediators, while BMI is negatively associated with DBP. If confirmed by further studies, population-based interventions aimed at sedentary activities may be practical approaches to decrease SBP and the risk of obesity among adolescents.  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市青少年伤害流行的现况,为进一步制定相关预防和控制措施提供依据。方法采用分层整群抽样方法,对深圳市18所监测点学校共4 350人进行《广东省青少年健康危险行为监测(2007)》调查问卷。结果深圳市青少年伤害发生率为23.6%,男生高于女生。随着年级的增长伤害发生有下降的趋势。青少年伤害原因以碰撞/锐器伤(15.2%)和运动损伤(12.4%)最为常见。伤害结果,男生主要为骨关节伤,女生主要为割刺伤。学校类型、抽烟、饮酒、学习成绩和母亲文化为伤害发生的影响因素。结论青少年伤害较为常见、多发,且不良后果影响长远,应加强青少年特别是初中生伤害的健康教育、安全促进,从伤害源头上抓好伤害干预工作。  相似文献   

目的探讨湖南省桃江县初中生健康危险行为的发生率及危险因素。方法采用多阶段随机整群抽样抽取6所中学,每个学校每个年级随机抽取1个班级,共18个班级878名中学生为调查对象(应答率97.8%),采用匿名自填问卷由学生集中填写。结果初中生各类健康危险行为发生率较高的依次为饮酒(41.0%)、吸烟(29.6%)、受欺负(25.8%)、骑摩托车不戴头盔(23.0%)、打架(16.2%)、无陪护户外游泳(15.5%)、赌博(9.0%)、自杀意念(5.6%)、不良减肥行为(3.4%)、自杀计划(2.8%)和自杀未遂(1.0%)。结论初中生与伤害有关的健康危险行为的发生率较高。  相似文献   

ObjectivesAdolescent suicide is a global problem. This study aimed to identify associations between parental marital status and suicidal behavior.MethodsThis study analyzed 118 715 middle and high school students from the 13th and 14th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey. The odds ratios (ORs) of suicidal ideation, planning, and attempts were calculated based on parental marital status, living situation, and socioeconomic factors. The data were analyzed using multiple logistic regression.ResultsWhen compared to those living with 2 married biological parents, the ORs of suicidal ideation among adolescents living with either remarried or no parents were 1.34 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.17 to 1.53) and 1.36 (95% CI, 1.11 to 1.66), respectively. For suicidal planning, the OR of those living with 1 remarried biological parent was 1.24 (95% CI, 1.01 to 1.52), and that of those living without parents was 1.28 (95% CI, 0.95 to 1.73), when compared to adolescents living with 2 married biological parents. For suicide attempts, when compared to adolescents with 2 married biological parents, the OR of those living with 1 remarried biological parent was 1.48 (95% CI, 1.17 to 1.87) and that of those living without parents was 2.02 (95% CI, 1.44 to 2.83). For adolescents living with 1 remarried biological parent, suicidal behavior was strongly associated with having no siblings and were weakly associated with not living with grandparents.ConclusionsSuicidal behavior among adolescents was associated with the remarriage and loss of parents. Therefore, special attention and interventions are needed for adolescents in those situations.  相似文献   



The pandemic of obesity in adolescents is one of the challenges of public health.


The aim of this study was to examine the association of overweight with demographic, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors among Serbian adolescents.


A cross-sectional study of 2139 adolescents aged 10 to 19 years was carried out. Data used in this study were from the 2006 Health Survey. In accordance with the international sex- and age-specific Body Mass Index cut-off points, all participants were classified as being normal weight or overweight, including obese. The association between the risk factors and overweight were examined using a multivariate logistic regression model.


The study showed that 28.9% of boys and 17.0% of girls were overweight, while 14.5% of boys and 8.1% of girls were obese. Boys were more likely to be overweight/obese, compared with girls. Being younger (p< 0.01 for 14 to 15 years) and (p< 0.01, for 16 to 19 years), engaging in physical activities that last less than 7 hours a week, in such a manner that they breathe quickly and become sweaty, (p< 0.01) and skipping breakfast (p< 0.05) were risk factors significantly associated with overweight among adolescents. No significant association was found with wealth index.


These findings should be an integral part of further preventive interventions, especially oriented towards younger adolescents, who are physically inactive, have a habit of skipping breakfast and are boys.  相似文献   

北京市大兴区青少年健康危险行为现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴慧琴  姬春燕  李慧  张月华 《职业与健康》2011,27(13):1455-1458
目的了解北京市大兴区青少年健康危险行为现状和流行趋势,为卫生、教育部门及学校制定相关政策和干预措施提供科学依据。方法采用分层整群抽样方法抽取北京市大兴区9所中学共1 980名学生进行无记名问卷调查。结果过去7天里,28.64%的学生在西式快餐店吃过饭;过去30天里,出现骑自行车违规和步行违规行为的学生分别占36.31%和61.97%;过去12个月里,16.46%的学生有意伤害过自己,15.81%的学生有自杀倾向:35.61%的学生有吸烟史,饮酒的学生中36.15%在14岁以前开始饮酒;过去12个月里,13.99%的学生看过色情书籍或音像制品;高中6.78%的学生曾经有过性行为。健康危险行为在北京市大兴区青少年中广泛存在,大部分危险行为发生率在不同性别和不同学级学生中差异有统计学意义。结论相关部门应该重视青少年危险行为,及时、有效、因地制宜地开展以生活技能为基础的学校健康教育,培养青少年健康行为习惯,提高其整体健康水平。  相似文献   

Many adolescents fail to use condoms, even when they are motivated to do so. An important reason for their failure to use condoms is that they do not prepare themselves for potential sexual encounters. The present study examined the circumstances under which Dutch adolescents were likely to prepare themselves for condom use (buying and carrying). In a sample of 399 secondary school students, including students with and without sexual experience, it was found that intended condom use was not sufficient to ensure that adolescents plan and prepare for condom use. It was found that having the goal of condom use did not necessarily result in preparatory behavior, such as condom buying and condom carrying. The data showed that action-specific social-cognitive factors of preparatory behavior explained preparatory behavior, beyond the decision to use condoms. This suggests that interventions aimed at promoting condom use should focus not only on condom use itself, but should also motivate and encourage adolescents to buy and carry condoms.  相似文献   

Truancy is a serious concern in the United States. Its negative effects are so pervasive that in 2003 the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention named truancy prevention a national priority. Effective prevention of truancy requires a thorough understanding of the characteristics that describe truant youth as well as factors that may put them at risk for truancy. Unfortunately, surprisingly little is known about the correlates and/or causes of truancy. In this paper we explore associations between truancy and several salient school-related risk and protective factors among a sample of youth who grew up in socially disorganized neighborhoods of Denver, CO. We demonstrate that several school-related risk and protective factors are associated with truancy. Perhaps most importantly, we identify that the two most robust predictors are school performance and involvement with delinquent peers, and that these two variables form a synergistic relationship in which the relationship between delinquent peer association and truancy is mitigated among students who perform well in school. Editors’ Strategic Implications: The authors use data from a large probability sample drawn from neighborhoods with high crime rates to identify key correlates of truancy. They also draw attention to the dearth of efficacious truancy prevention efforts in spite of the magnitude of the problem.  相似文献   

Purpose: To examine adolescents’ use of preventive medical and dental services and its relationship to demographic characteristics and other variables reflecting access to and need for care.

Methods: Self- and parent-reported data from a sample of 5644 adolescents aged 11 to 21 years from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health). Variables studied include the influence of both the adolescents’ demographic and socioeconomic characteristics (age, race/ethnicity, place of birth, acculturation, insurance status, and perception of health), as well as those of their parents (race/ethnicity, income, level of education, place of birth) on their lifetime use and use within the past year of medical and dental services. Bivariate and logistic regression analyses were conducted using SAS and SUDAAN.

Results: Approximately 32% of respondents had not had a physical examination in the year before the survey, and the same percentage had not had a dental examination. Approximately 2% reported never having had either a physical or a dental examination. Logistic regression reveals that lack of insurance, low family income, and low parental education level are significantly associated with the lack of preventive medical care. Lack of an annual dental visit was associated with male gender; black, Hispanic, or mixed race/ethnicity; and lack of insurance. Never having had a dental visit was the only dependent variable found to be associated with place of birth.

Conclusions: Health insurance and family income are most consistently related to adolescents’ use of preventive medical and dental care. However, the relationship between lack of dental care and place of birth emphasizes the need to improve access to dental services for immigrant teens. These findings are particularly relevant as states design systems of care for adolescents under the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.  相似文献   


Over 2,000 North Carolina high school students completed surveys measuring community risk and protective factors and individual health risk behaviors including dating violence perpetration and victimization. Females reported more date fighting perpetration than males (8.8% to 4.0%), as well as greater levels of date fighting victimization (7.2% and 5.0%). In multivariate models, factors associated with date fighting perpetration among females and males included riding with a drinking driver. Neighborhood organization was protective for both groups. Cigarette use, drinking and driving, and being a minority were also associated with perpetration among females, while tobacco use was associated with date fighting perpetration by males. Factors associated with victimization among both genders included riding with a drinking driver. Females were more likely to be victimized if they used marijuana, whereas males were less likely to be a victim of date fighting if they perceived their community to be “organized.” Findings reflect comparable individual risk factors for date fighting across genders, with few exceptions, and warrant further investigation of the role of community assets in protecting young people from dating violence.  相似文献   

Background. This study examined the potential for tobacco use and other health risk behavior interventions in the context of an urban sexually transmitted diseases (STD) clinic.Methods. A cross-sectional survey of two populations. Adolescents seen at an STD clinic or at the teen clinic of a community health center completed a self-administered computer survey in 1996. Risk behaviors, attitudes, and readiness to stop smoking were analyzed for 225 patients at the STD clinic and 248 patients at the teen clinic.Results. Compared with adolescents in the teen clinic, adolescents in the STD clinic were more likely to have smoked frequently (OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.1, 3.0), used any illegal drug (OR 2.7, 95% CI 1.3, 5.5), recently binged on alcohol (OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.0, 2.8), and had more than 10 lifetime sexual partners (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.0, 3.4). Weapon carrying, readiness to stop smoking, and attitudes toward smoking did not differ between sites.Conclusions. Cigarette smoking and other health risk behaviors are more prevalent among adolescents in an STD clinic than among adolescents in a community health center. STD clinics are potential sites for cigarette, alcohol, and drug use interventions among “hard to reach” adolescents.  相似文献   

Juvenile detention settings provide an important venue for addressing the health-related needs of adolescent populations, who often have high rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and concomitant drug use. This study examines factors associated with methamphetamine use and risky sexual behaviors among 539 incarcerated female adolescents between ages 12–18 years with an STD diagnosis. Data were obtained from interviews with detainees receiving STD case management services within a California juvenile detention facility in January 2006–June 2007. High-risk behaviors characterized the sample, such as low use of condoms consistently (43.3%), prior STD infection (25%), pregnancy history (26%), arrest charge for prostitution or drug use (23%), and a history of prostitution (18%). Half of the sample reported weekly alcohol or drug use; most commonly used drugs were marijuana (37%), alcohol (21%), and methamphetamine (16%). In multivariate analysis, African Americans had a lower odds of methamphetamine use (odds ratio [OR] = .163) compared with whites. Detainees who reported inconsistent condom use had over twice the odds of methamphetamine use (OR = 2.7) compared with consistent condom users. In addition, those who reported alcohol use had twice the odds of methamphetamine use (2.0). There was a significant interaction between Latina ethnicity and having an arrest charge for drugs or prostitution; Latinas who had this charge had over 11 times the odds of using methamphetamine compared with those with other arrest charges (OR = 11.28). A better understanding of the relationship between drug use and sexual risk behaviors of STD-positive incarcerated female adolescents can inform the development of appropriate corrections and community-based interventions serving this segment of high-risk adolescents.  相似文献   

目的:了解长沙市在校大学生的吸烟行为发生状况、烟草危害知识知晓程度和对吸烟行为的态度,探讨大学生吸烟行为的主要影响因素。方法在长沙市某综合性高校中,以分层随机整群抽样方法获取2092名大学生样本,采用自填式结构问卷了解大学生吸烟行为状况、烟草危害知识知晓程度以及对吸烟行为的态度。结果在2061名有效调查样本中,尝试吸烟率为16.5%(男39.4%,女6.1%),偶尔吸烟率为14.8%(男33.8%,女6.0%),每日吸烟率为1.8%(男5.6%,女0.1%),其中男生的各项吸烟率均高于女生(P<0.01);医学生与非医学生各类吸烟行为发生率的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),但医学生烟草危害知识知晓程度和拒绝吸烟的意愿均高于非医学生(P<0.01);男性、对吸烟的态度和室友吸烟是影响大学生发生尝试吸烟行为的重要因素。结论大学生吸烟行为与是否为医学专业无显著性关联,但与性别、拒绝烟草的态度、室友的吸烟行为有显著性关联;应制定有效措施对大学生群体的吸烟行为进行预防与干预。  相似文献   

ObjectivesEconomic hardship has a serious impact on adolescents’ mental health. The financial impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic was more severe for low-income families, and this also impacted adolescents. This study aimed to examine the associations of economic deterioration (ED) caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and low socioeconomic status (SES) with adolescents’ suicidal behaviors.MethodsThis study analyzed data from the 2020 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, which included 54 948 middle and high school students. Odds ratios (ORs) of suicidal ideation, suicidal planning, and suicide attempts related to ED and SES were calculated using multivariable logistic regression. We calculated relative excess risks due to interaction to assess additive interactions.ResultsThe ORs for suicidal ideation, suicidal planning, and suicide attempts related to combined severe ED and low SES were 3.64 (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.13 to 4.23), 3.88 (95% CI, 3.09 to 4.88), and 4.27 (95% CI, 3.21 to 5.69), respectively.ConclusionsED and low SES were significantly associated with suicidal behaviors in adolescents. Although no significant additive interaction was found, the ORs related to suicidal ideation, suicidal planning, and suicide attempts were highest among adolescents from low-income families with severe ED. Special attention is needed for this group, considering the increased impact of economic inequality due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

Objective: This study identifies the risk factors for extreme weight-control behaviors among adolescents in public school in Salvador, northeastern Brazil.

Methods: A case-control study nested to a cross-sectional study, including 252 adolescents of both sexes, age between 11 to 17 years, with 84 cases and 168 age-matched controls was conducted. The variable outcome is represented by extreme weight-control behaviors, integrated by following the variables: self-induced vomiting and the use of laxatives, diuretics, or diet pills. Covariables included body image dissatisfaction, dieting, prolonged fasting, and self-perception of body weight. The study also investigated the demographic and anthropometric variables and economic conditions of the students’ families. Conditional logistic regression was used to identify risk factors for the adoption of extreme weight-control behaviors among adolescents.

Results: Among the adolescents investigated, the conditional logistic regression explained 22% the occurrence of extreme weight-control behaviors and showed that these behaviors were positively associated to overweight (odds ratio [OR] = 3.61; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.42–9.17), body image dissatisfaction (OR = 3.87; 95% CI, 1.75–8.54), and the adoption of a restrictive diet (OR = 2.83; 95% CI, 1.16–6.91).

Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that among adolescents, overweight, body image dissatisfaction, and restrictive diet are important risk factors to adoption of extreme weight-control behaviors.  相似文献   

[目的]了解医学院新生自杀意念及其心理危险因素,提出相应的预防对策。[方法]2003-2007年,采用SCL-90症状自评量表和Beck自杀意念量表对潍坊医学院2003~2007级新生进行调查,并采用非条件Logistic回归分析自杀意念与心理因素的关系。[结果]调查1154名新生,有自杀意念的27例,自杀意念检出率为2.33%。自杀意念检出率.男生为3.37%。女生为1.45%(P〈0.05);2003~2007年级分别为1.28%、2.34%、3.32%、3.37%、1.63%(P〈0.01)。SCL-90症状自评量表中,躯体化、强迫、人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、偏执、精神病性8个分量表均分均为有自杀意念者高于无自杀意念者(P〈0.01)。多因素非条件Logistic回归分析结果,人际关系敏感和抑郁是自杀意念产生的危险因素,OR分别为2.24、11.42。[结论]医学院新生自杀意念检出率不高。有自杀意念的医学院新生心理健康水平较低。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the association of acculturation, as measured by language spoken at home, with the health, psychosocial, school, and parental risk factors of adolescents of various racial/ethnic groups. METHODS: Using the U.S. component of the 1997-98 World Health Organization Study of Health Behavior in School Children, bivariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were conducted of records for adolescents in four racial/ethnic groups to explore the relationship between the language spoken at home and outcome variables regarding health status and risks, psychosocial and school risk factors, and parental factors. Data were analyzed using Software for the Statistical Analysis of Correlated Data (SUDAAN). RESULTS: Adolescents of all racial and ethnic groups who primarily speak a language other than English at home are at elevated risk for psychosocial risk factors such as alienation from classmates and being bullied, and parental risk factors such as feeling that their parents are not able or willing to help them. Those who speak a combination of languages are also at risk for being bullied and for high parental expectations. Language spoken at home is generally not associated with health and safety measures for adolescents across racial/ethnic groups. CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents whose primary language at home is not English experience higher psychosocial, school, and parental risks than non-Hispanic white English-speakers. New immigrant youths of all races and ethnic groups would potentially benefit from preventive and risk-reduction services.  相似文献   

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